Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt Template

A Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt Template is filled out then given to a Buyer after selecting which canine they would like when purchasing at a later time. Several facts will need to be reported in this paperwork ranging from the identities of the Parties (i.e. Seller and Buyer) to the remaining balance after the deposit has been applied to the Buyer’s account. It will be important for both Parties that all the information requested in this receipt be recorded accurately.

How To Write In PDF Or Word

Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Obtain The Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt

Download the Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt to provide the Pet Client with a record of the money being paid toward the expected selling price of the concerned animal. Three distinct buttons on this page (“PDF,” “Word,” and “Excel”) furnish the different choices for the downloadable receipt template. Choose the one(s) you wish to obtain to save this file.

Step 2 – Identify The Dog Or Puppy Seller

Select the first text box in the upper left of this receipt to begin filling it out. This field must be presented with the Dog Or Puppy Deposited or Seller’s Business Name or Professional Name. This field is meant to immediately identify the Dog or Puppy Seller on the receiving end of the deposit amount.  The “Name” line also seeks an identity. This line should be populated with the first and last name of the Dog or Puppy Deposit Recipient. This is the person physically accepting the deposit amount and documenting its receipt.  The “Street Address” of the Dog Or Puppy Seller along with the “City, State,” and “Country” of the Dog or Puppy Seller’s mailing address must be on display on the next two lines down.  This address will require the appropriate “Zip Code” for its completion. Furnish this postal code on the next line down. The Dog or Puppy Seller’s business telephone number should be paired with the address information provided. The line attached to the word “Phone” will require this entry for this purpose.  A final item of contact belonging to the Dog or Puppy should be included for the Customer’s convenience. Enter it on the “E-Mail” line.


Step 3 – Furnish Invoicing Material For The Pet Deposit

The Dog or Puppy Seller that requested the deposited amount should be able to generate then apply a filing number to this receipt. This number shall tie in the received payment to the Parties involved (in their proper roles).  In addition to a valid filing number, the “Date” when this receipt is completed and applicable to the Dog or Puppy Client’s account should be documented. The blank line directly across the page from this paperwork’s receipt number will expect this “Date” as the next entry.


Step 4 – Attach The Dog or Puppy Depositor’s Identity

The Dog or Puppy’s “Customer/Client Information” section is the next area of focus. This section provides a link between the concerned Customer and the payment. Produce the full “Name” of the Party purchasing the dog or puppy on the first line of this receipt’s “Customer/Client Information” section.  Continue through this portion of the receipt to the “Street Address” line, the “City, State, Country” line, and the “ZIP Code” line so that the address lines in the Dog or Puppy Customer’s mailing address can be presented with his or her “Name” above.  The Dog or Puppy Customer’s telephone number and email address are the next requested contact details for the Dog or Puppy Customer. Report these two items on the line labeled “Phone” and the line labeled “E-Mail.” 


Step 5 – Present The Dog Or Puppy’s Physical Description

The table bearing the “Description” and “Amount” headings serves as a staging area for the information concerning the deposit. Begin with the dog or puppy’s physical “Description.” This field expects your entry to consist of the dog or puppy’s breed, age, color, and, if possible, origin. Since this paperwork will be some of the first paperwork concerning this animal, may consider it a courtesy to be as descriptive as possible. 


Step 6 – Discuss The Dog Or Puppy Deposit Required

The deposit “Amount” should be recorded as a dollar value in the second column. This column should display the asking deposit for the dog or puppy.  


Step 7 – Document The Received Dog Or Puppy Deposit

The statement beneath the table requests three pieces of information regarding the dog or puppy deposit. First, confirm the received deposit amount on the blank line after the dollar sign.  The declaration being made must now name the Submitter of the deposit. Name this Party on the line the phrase “The Amount Was Paid By…” leads to.  Conclude this declaration area with the dog or puppy deposit’s formal date of receipt on the final blank line. 


Step 8 – Record The Way The Dog Or Puppy Depositor’s Payment Method

The delivery method of the deposit for the dog or puppy should be discussed. The title “Deposit Method” contains four checkboxes in its section. You may check as many as needed to define how the deposit amount was given by the Dog or Puppy Customer but at least one of these must be selected. A popular method many Dog or Puppy Customers will use is a credit card. If this is the case, then mark the box attached to the words “Credit Card No.” Note the blank line that follows it. Use this to present the account number on the Dog or Puppy Customer’s credit card of payment.  Another popular payment method is that of a check (personal or corporate). If the Dog or Puppy Customer deposited the above amount by check, then select the next checkbox down. The “Check No.” box also needs some material to complete this selection. Furnish the I.D. number on the check to the blank line after the label “Check No.”  If “Cash” was the submitted deposit for the concerned dog or puppy then mark the third checkbox presented.

Some deposits may not fit into any of these categories. This receipt will accommodate this possibility with a checkbox marked “Other.” The blank line attached to this label expects a report on how the dog or puppy deposit was tendered to the Receipt Issuer. 


Step 9 – Deliver A Report On The Dog Or Puppy’s Remaining Balance

The closing statement on this invoice will serve the Dog or Puppy Customer by informing him or her how much money remains on the balance before ownership of the dog or puppy is transferred to the Customer. Locate the term “The Remaining Balance Owing Is” then enter (numerically) the dollar amount still to be paid on the blank line that follows.  The second empty line of the final statement will serve to impose a due date on the money owed for the dog or puppy. Report the final calendar date that the Dog or Puppy Seller will accept payment from the Customer under the current sales agreement on the blank line after the words “…And Due By.” 


Step 10 – The Dog Or Puppy Customer Must Approve This Recipe

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line at the end of this receipt must be signed in acknowledgment of the deposit payment method and the remaining financial obligations.


How To Write In Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt As An Excel Spreadsheet

The “Excel” button as well as the “Microsoft Excel .xlsx” link on display grant access to the Dog (Puppy) Deposit Receipt. This paperwork will serve as confirmation that a deposit has been successfully received and applied to the payment of a dog or puppy the Depositor intends to purchase. Download it using either the button shown under the image or the link above.

Step 2 – Introduce The Issuer Of The Dog (Puppy) Receipt

Review the downloaded spreadsheet. Several sections divide this receipt by topic beginning with the identity of the Depositee (often a Pet Store or Dog Breeder). Cells A1 through A8 have been set up with the task of identifying the Business and Employee accepting the deposited amount along with the appropriate contact information for any future correspondence that may be necessary. Start by selecting cell A1 with your mouse then inserting the logo illustration used by the Dog (Puppy) Seller. If this a private Dog Owner is behind this receipt then you may use a generic image or simply delete the current text in this cell. Only import and display an image the Entity issuing this invoice may legally use for identification in this field.  Cell A2 and cell A3 continue the process of identification with a request for the formal Business or “Company Name” of the Dog (Puppy) Seller input to first of these fields (cell A1) and the “Name” of the individual receiving the deposit in the latter field (cell A3). Note, you must replace the text in cell A2 with the Dog (Puppy) Selling Company’s name. The next few cells require the focus to turn to contacting the above-named Dog (Puppy) Seller. Input the formal mailing address by recording the appropriate building number, street/road/route, and (if needed) unit number of the Dog (Puppy) Seller’s mailing address in cell A4 then the follow up “City, State,” and “Country” for this address in cell A5.  Cell A6 is set to receive the Dog (Puppy) Seller’s “Zip Code.  Lastly, dispense the “E-Mail” address and the telephone number where the Depositor can contact the Dog (Puppy) Seller directly by entering these details to cell A7 and A8 respectively. 


Step 3 – Attach a Proper Method Of Categorization For This Receipt

In addition to the material that shall display in the upper left of the receipt, many Dog (Puppy) Buyers making a deposit will expect and want a reference or call number that can be used to identify this paperwork in a filing system. To this end, substitute the pound sign displayed in cell A3 with the desired “Receipt #.”  Cell H3 is intent on showing the official receipt “Date” of the dog (puppy) deposit payment. This is the first day, the money paid will be credited to the Dog (Puppy) Buyer’s debt for the concerned animal. 

Step 4 – Deliver The Dog Or Puppy Client’s Identity

Continue down this spreadsheet to the next portion of column A requesting information. Here, cell A11 requests the identity of the Depositing Party to populate its field. That is, enter the full Dog (Puppy) Deposit Payer’s full “Name.” The next requirement pertaining to the Dog (Puppy) Depositor is his or her complete address. This material is requested by dividing its production into three fields (Cell A12, A13, and A14). Input the “Street Address” then the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” used in the Dog (Puppy) Client’s mailing address accordingly.  The next portion of the “Customer/Client” section seeks the Dog (Puppy) Depositor’s “E-Mail” address entered in cell A15 as well as the “Phone” number required to contact this Party produced in cell A16.   


Step 5 – Produce A Report Concerning The Dog Or Puppy

The center of this document is populated by a concise summary table. Only two entries are required here. The first should be placed in cell A19 and must consist of the dog or puppy’s “Description.” This should be a report that leaves no question as to which dog or puppy this deposit is made to obtain so record the name, weight, breed, eye color, and age of the dog or puppy in this cell. 


Step 6 – Record The Deposit Amount Required For The Dog Or Puppy

The “Amount” of the deposit that was submitted should also be on record. Use cell H19 to record the received dollar “Amount” of the deposit. 


Step 7 – Document The Deposit Transaction

Cell A20 of this sheet presents a confirmation statement that should accompany the table above. Some areas of this sentence, however, will need to be removed and replaced with pertinent information. Therefore, remove the first set of brackets (“[$]”) and input the full dollar amount that was received from the Dog (Puppy) Client for this deposit in its stead. The second set of brackets (populated with the word “Name”) should also be deleted. This object must be replaced with the full “Name” of the individual leaving the dog (puppy) deposit this receipt documents.  The third and final set of brackets make a request of the “Date” the dog (puppy) deposit was submitted. Replace the “Date” brackets with this content. 


Step 8 – Furnish The Deposit Method Used For This Submission

An important part of any receipt is its report on how the money that was received was submitted. This can serve quite a few purposes not the least of which is to provide some supporting information for the received payment as well as being a matter of good record-keeping for both Parties. Typically, a Dog (Puppy) Client will submit the deposit with a credit card, check, or cash. Some may use other forms of payment. If the Dog (Puppy) Client submitted the deposit by credit card, indicate this by marking the checkbox presented in cell A23 then typing in the credit card number used for the deposit after the words “Credit Card No.”  Cell A24 presents the ability to mark the deposit as a check payment but will also require additional material. Furnish the “Check No.” on the Dog (Puppy) Client’s check to this field.  Column F in this area will complete the checklist of possible payments. If a dog (puppy) “Cash” deposit was made then mark cell F23’s checkbox.

A final option, in cell F24, seeks an explanation regarding how the deposit was left if not by the three methods previously displayed. If none of these adequately define the “Payment Method” then select the box in cell F24 and directly report the “Payment Method” fort the deposit after the word “Other.” Step 9 – Include A Report On The Balance To Be Paid For The Dog Or Puppy


Step 9 – Discuss The Remaining Money Owed For The Dog (Puppy) Purchase

The final reports required to complete the receipt is a submission of precisely how much money must yet be paid for the hopeful Dog (Puppy) Purchaser to assume ownership over the concerned canine. Cell A26 shall provide the language for this task but requires the bracketed dollar sign to be replaced with the remaining balance. Next, the bracketed word “Date” must be replaced with the final month, day, and year of the current sales agreement. This will be the due date for the remaining balance on the dog (puppy). 


Step 10 – Gain The Dog (Puppy) Client’s Signature

Cell A27 may not be filled out by the Issuer of this receipt. The line presented here must be signed by the Dog (Puppy) Depositor to confirm the information above is true.
