The web design invoice is created to calculate, either before or after, the amount of time to properly design and implement a website in accordance with a customer’s requests. The invoice should include the number (#) of hours for labor including any themes, plugins, or any other extras that were needed to properly complete the website design. It’s best to have the design completed on the hosting or computer of the designer. Therefore, at the time of invoice submission, the designer can wait to implement on the customer’s server once payment has been processed.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (Source) – On average, a web developer is paid $32.69 per hour.
How to Write in Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word
1 – Download This Template To Issue A Web Design Invoice
The Web Design Invoice available here can be accessed by clicking on the buttons corresponding to the image above. Each will deliver a different format. The format you work with can be chosen at your discretion. For the moment, click on the “Adobe PDF” link or button above.
2 – The Web Design Company’s Business Information Must Be Displayed
The first part of this paperwork will act to introduce the Web Designer or Web Design Company. This will be accomplished across several pre-labeled areas. First, locate the placeholder label “Company Name,” then replace this term with the Full Name of the Web Design Business.
The First, Middle, and Last Name of the Web Designer should be entered on the blank line labeled “Name” at the top of the page just below the Web Design Business Name you previously entered.
The Legal Street Address of the Web Design Business must be provided on the “Address” line. Below this, a couple of blank spaces (“City, State, Country” and “ZIP Code”) have been supplied so that you can place the remainder of the Web Design Business Address accordingly.
The “Phone” and “E-Mail” lines present an area where the Web Designer can present his or her current Phone Number and E-Mail Address for the Client’s use.
3 – Provide Some Basic Details Regarding This Invoice And The Client
The information required to identify this document, its Invoice Number and Date, will also have two spaces reserved for its presentation. Notice the darkened bar at the center of the page. Record the Invoice Number and Invoice Date attached to this paperwork on the blank spaces (labeled “Invoice #” and “Date”) this bar contains within this area.
The Full Name of the Client obligated to pay this Invoice is required on the first blank space under the heading “Bill To”
The Complete Billing Address used by the Client must be supplied to this document using the next three blank spaces in this column (“Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code”).
If the Web Design Client uses a different Shipping Address, then you must record it as well. Use the appropriately labeled spaces in the “Ship To” column as an area to document the Web Design Client’s Shipping Address.
4 – A Clear Report On The Client’s Order Is Required
The Web Design Client’s order should be prominently displayed in this document. To this end, a few tables have been included so that we may present a full summary of the charges incurred. The first two tables will seek to provide the Web Design Client with a ledger of the “Products” and the “Labor” the Web Design Job required.
Any “Products” the Client must pay for should be recorded with three items of information: a “Description,” the “Quantity” ordered, and the “Unit Price” of that item. List every Product ordered in the first column then supply the remainder of the required information regarding that item on the same row across the next two rows. On each row, multiply the number of items you reported in the second column by the Unit Price for that item in the third column. The resulting number should be documented in the “Amount” column.
The Total Dollar Amount required by the Web Design Client to pay for the Products ordered should be calculated by adding every number in “Amount” then the resulting figure should be documented in the box labeled “Total Products.” In the “Labor” table we will supply an accounting of the billable Hours for the Web Design Client’s review. Produce an adequate “Description” of the work the Web Designer performed in the first column.
Then enter the number of “Hours” he or she worked in the second column. Make sure to enter the Web Designer’s Hourly Wage in the “$/Hour” column.
When you have supplied the above information multiply every row’s “Hours” value with its “$/Hour” value and furnish the result to the “Amount” column on that row.
The Dollar Amount listed on every row in the last column should be added to one total figure. This figure must then be presented in “Total Labor.”
5 – Deliver A Summary of Required Payments, Terms, And Any Other Relevant Information
The third table of this paperwork will be a brief four field table with the labels “Subtotal,” “Tax,” “Shipping,” and “Total.” Here four numbers are required. Add “Total Product” and “Total Labor” then record the result in “Subtotal.” Record the “Tax” and “Shipping” costs the Web Design Client must pay in the labeled boxes.
The “Total” box requires the sum of the “Subtotal,” “Tax,” and “Shipping” fields produced in it. Perform this calculation then furnish this information.
A grace period can be allowed to the Web Design Client as a number of days given to pay this Invoice once it has been successfully delivered. Enter the number of days you will give the Web Design Client to pay this bill on time on the blank space in the “Payment Is Due…”
Information that should be given to the Client concerning this paperwork or the job done can be placed on the blank space after the term “Comments And Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Download The Web Design Invoice As An Excel Template
The Excel file on this page can be used as a template when a Web Design Invoice must be issued. Use the “MS Excel” button on this page to obtain a copy then gather the information that must be reported to the client.
2 – Our First Requirement Will Be To Identify The Web Designer Issuing This Invoice
Column A will begin with a few cells reserved for the presentation of the Web Designer or Web Design Business billing for its services. First, replace the current logo/placeholder in cell A1 with the Web Design Business’ Logo. Follow this with the complete Name of the Web Design Business. Produce the Full Name of the Web Designer along with the Legal Address of the Web Design Business to cells A3 through A6.
The next two cells in column A require the current “E-Mail” and “Phone” Number used by the Web Designer when conducting business.
3 – Record The Invoice Information Defining This Paperwork
The next two cells we will focus on identifying this document in the Web Designer’s Filing System. Use cell F4 and H4 to disclose the Invoice Number and Invoice Date assigned to the transactions you will define below.
4 – We Must Furnish A Report On The Client And Client Billables
The section containing the headings “Bill To” and “Ship To” in columns A and E, respectively, refer to the Client. Furnish the Name and Address of the Client to cells A11 and A12 through A14. If the Client’s Shipping Address differs from his or her Billing Address, then document the Shipping Recipient Name and Address in the “Ship To” column
We must also supply a report on the ordered goods and services the Client must pay for. The tables in this spreadsheet will address this requirement nicely. Give a complete list of all the items ordered by the Web Design Client in the first column of the “Products” table.
In the second column, document how many of each item was ordered, then use the third column to display its “Unit Price.” These two columns will be used to calculate how much the Web Design Client must pay for each Product he or she ordered.
The “Labor” section presents an area to fully account for the Hours being billed to the Web Design Client. List each service or job the Web Design Client ordered in the first column.
Once you describe a service in the “Labor” column, you must list how many “Hours” the Web Designer worked in the second column and how much the Client must pay per Hour in the third column. The “Amount” column will display how much the Web Design Client must pay for the Web Designer’s Labor.
5 – Some Additional Terms And Information May Be Included At Your Discretion
Locate cell H34. This is where you must enter the “Tax” information for this Invoice. If the web Design Client must pay for any “Shipping” costs, then it must be documented in cell H35.
Input the number of days after the successful delivery of this document is allotted to the Client to make an on-time payment in the statement beginning with the word “Payment…” in cell A36.
Cell A37 is reserved for any additional documentation that should be delivered to the Client with this Invoice.