Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order Template

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The Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order Template works to establish one of the first points of the paper trail that begins when a Trucking Company or Owner Operator commissions a Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance or Repair Shop for its services. Both Parties will wish the requested work to be clearly documented with the proposed pricing so that everyone’s obligations will be cleared out for the heavy-duty maintenance job being commissioned. The basics involved to define the Trucking Company or Owner Operator’s needs for the vehicle along with the payment requirements set forth by the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance or Repair Shop can thus be gathered to one standard document which can be authorized by the Trucking Company or Owner Operator. There will be a specific area where the Trucking Heavy Duty Maintenance Customer will be expected to authorize the pricing of the requested service so that the next step can be taken with the vehicle.

How to Write in PDF & Word

Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Secure The Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order Template

The Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order is a downloadable “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file (see links above). You may preview it using the sample image then utilize the buttons or the above items to acquire your copy. As a matter of convenience, make sure to save it in a folder that is easily accessible.

Step 2 – Attach The Truck Mechanic’s Company Identity

The Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service being commissioned must be identified at the start of this template by inputting this Entity’s entire “Company Name” in the first text field.  The set of lines that follow, beginning with the line labeled as “Name,” will refer to the basic information needed to initiate contact with the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck mechanic Service that has just been identified as this request’s Recipient. Use the first line to directly address a Representative of this Business by “Name.”    Utilize the following three labeled lines (“Street Address” and “City, State, Country,” then “Zip Code”) to fully report the mailing address the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service maintains for correspondence with its Customers.  Once the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service’s business mailing address is complete, conclude the requirements of this introductory section with the “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address this Company monitors for direct communication.  


Step 3 – Assign The Truck Mechanic’s Reference Material For This Request

Every Business involved in the transportation industry or automotive industry will generate a wealth of paperwork for a variety of reasons. This can become quickly overwhelming in file maintenance; thus, it is customary to assign a specific number to properly record then store a document such as a work request. The empty line bearing the “Work Order #” label is set to receive this content. The “Date” line placed to the right of the filing number should also be filled with information. Here, the month, day, and year when this request is formally made upon the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service must be documented. 


Step 4 – Identify The Truck Maintenance And Repair Customer

The “Client Information” section will seek content needed to identify the Truck Maintenance or Repair Customer. This section must begin with the “Name” of this Entity whether it is a Business, Owner Operator, or Private Party.  Continue with the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Customer’s “E-Mail” address and daytime “Phone” number on the next two labeled lines.  The final three lines are designated to receive the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Customer’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Customer’s “Zip Code” from this Party’s mailing address. 


Step 5 – Establish A General Time Frame For The Truck Maintenance And Repairs

The days when the Truck requiring maintenance and the Mechanic Shop or Service can satisfy the Customer’s request is the next topic that should be solidified. It is recommended to try to slightly overestimate the time needed for the maintenance in case any complicated repairs may be needed to allow the vehicle on the road again. Find the line labeled “Expected Start Date” in the “Order” section so that an entry of the first official date of this project’s beginning may be documented.  The “Expected End Date” line that follows seeks the final date of maintenance on the truck. This implies that the truck maintenance job will end this day. Enter this month, day, and year accordingly.  


Step 6 – Distribute The Truck Parts And Supplies Needed With Appropriate Pricing

The “Material” table is set as the next section for a structured presentation of the billable truck parts or supplies the heavy-duty maintenance job will require. The first part of this table, titled “Description,” displays several rows that should be utilized to list every billable. Since the tables in this template will seek to itemize the summarize the truck maintenance charges, devote a row to every product. The “Material” table’s next request is for the number of the trucking parts or supplies that will be ordered or provided then billed to the Truck Maintenance Customer. This “Quantity” should be supplied to the second part of the table. Remember to correspond the each “Quantity” with the correct truck part or supply. The third section of this table, titled with the phrase “Unit Cost,” requires the minimum charge for the truck part, supply, or other billable. That is the price that the smallest amount that can be sold of this item requires. This dollar value should be recorded next to the “Quantity” it refers to in the third column. A couple of final reports are needed for this table. The information to be provided in the “Amount” section of the “Material” table should be easily derived using the previous two sections. First, multiply the “Quantity” entered on a row with the “Unit Cost” reported in the adjacent field. Once done, document the resulting dollar “Amount” in the last section of the row being worked. The final section contains a second part at the bottom of the “Amount” column. This box is reserved for a “Total Material” value that can be found by adding all the amounts above it. Make sure to double-check the entry you make in the “Total Material” field. Since this will be an assumed estimate it should be as accurate as possible.


Step 7 – Dispense The Truck Maintenance And Repairs Work Schedule

The “Service” table discusses the next topic. The matter of how much time the heavy-duty maintenance job for the truck will require to be covered in this item. Populate the “Description” part of the heavy-duty maintenance’s “Service” table with a log of the expected work dates and times. If this is inappropriate, then you may list the tasks that must be completed (i.e. “Oil Change”). Present the number of maintenance “Hours” that will be needed for the truck in the third column. The “Hourly Rate” the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service intends to apply to the time spent on the job is the concern of the next column or section in the “Service” table. Produce the applicable pay rate as requested for every row where time is recorded. Remember this column should reflect when jobs require multiple Technicians or Mechanics working at the same time. The heavy-duty maintenance costs will be itemized in the first part of the “Amount” area of the table by multiplying the “Hours” needed for the truck by the “Hourly Rate” applied. This result is a truck maintenance shift or job’s expected payment “Amount”  Complete the “Amount” report for the “Service” table by adding all the costs calculated above the “Total Service” field the documenting the result as its contents.   


Step 8 – Inform The Truck Maintenance And Repair Customer Of The Estimated Total

The third table of this template will discuss the previous two tables. The “Subtotal” field that begins this item requires the sum of the heavy-duty maintenance “Total Material” value added to the “Total Service” to be charged.  Any sales tax the Truck Maintenance Shop or Truck Mechanic Service is obligated to collect on the parts and supplies as well as any taxes on the work (“Service”) should be calculated according to the codes set by the Tax Entity governing this Business then documented in the field labeled “Tax.”  The “Total” field seeks a presentation of the heavy-duty maintenance charges estimated for the concerned truck. This value is found by adding the “Subtotal” and “Tax” presented.  


Step 9 – Document The Processor Prepping This Order

The full name of every Prepper or Processor of this paperwork is required after the words “Work Order Completed By.”  


Step 10 – Conclude With Any Remaining Truck Maintenance/Repair Topics

Additional details can be attached to this work request on the lines holding the “Comments Or Suggestions” label. Either the Truck Maintenance Customer or Heavy Duty Mechanic Service can utilize this area when appropriate. Be advised that once the next part is completed by the Customer no other information may be added to this document.  


Step 11 – Obtain The Truck Maintenance Customer Signature

The Truck Heavy Duty Customer should be informed that he or she must sign this paperwork upon its completion if the next stage is to commence. The signature he or she provides on the “Client Signature” line will obligate this Party to the payment terms associated with the heavy-duty maintenance work. Thus, even if the Client named above is a Business Entity (i.e. Transportation Company or Vendor), a Representative of this Entity will be required to sign this line on its behalf. 



How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Obtain The Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order For Your Use

The Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Work Order Template displayed in the sample image is a downloadable “Excel” formatted template through the appropriately designated button or through the link labeled with the term “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” above.

Step 2 – Produce The Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance And Repair Business

The Maintenance or Repair Service being commissioned to perform heavy-duty maintenance or repairs on the concerned truck is the first topic discussed in column A. The first three fields require the content needed to identify this Service beginning with the insertion of the Truck (Heavy Duty) Maintenance Service’s current logo image in cell A1, the Mechanic Shop or Contractor’s “Company Name” in cell A2, and the full “Name” of the Mechanic or Representative handling this paperwork in cell A3.  The next set of fields in this section are reserved for the mailing address monitored by the Heavy Duty Truck Maintenance Service. Note that the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance And Repair Business’ “Street Address” is requested in cell A4 while its “City, State,” and “Country” is required in the cell A5. Naturally, this address will only be complete when the “Zip Code” is dispensed to the next field down (cell A6).   The “E-Mail” address as well as the “Phone” number used to contact the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance And Repair Business are both required productions as well. Deliver this content as the content of cell A7 and cell A8, respectively.  


Step 3 – Inform The Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Job’s Referencing Content

Many Businesses making use of trucks that require heavy-duty maintenance will seek a reference number to this request. This is usually for tracking purposes and is expected in cell F5 beneath the handing “Work Order.”  Additionally, a definitive “Date” should be attached to this request. This is currently displayed as the calendar “Date” (in cell H5) on your desktop but can be edited at will.  


Step 4 – Identify The Heavy Duty Maintenance Client

The Truck Entity seeking heavy-duty maintenance performed will be centered on in the “Client Information” section and must be named in cell A11.  Naturally, it will be important to document the billing information the Truck Maintenance Client monitors by reporting the necessary mailing address (in cells A12, A13, and cell A14) as the “Street Address,” “City, State,” and “Country” then the assigned “Zip Code.”Lastly, distribute the “E-Mail” address and telephone number of the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Client to the two fields making up cells A15 and A16.  


Step 5 – Register The Heavy Duty Maintenance Dates

A truck is often a piece of equipment used daily by its owner. Similarly, the space needed to work on such machinery can be in demand for a busy Truck Maintenance and Repair Business. Therefore, many would consider that a reservation of both be documented. Supply documentation of the first calendar day the heavy-duty maintenance will be performed after the label “Expected Start Date” (found in cell G11).  The date when the heavy-duty maintenance required will be completed is expected in cell G12 after the words “Expected End Date.”  


Step 6 – Inventory The Truck Parts That Requires Purchase Or Billable Supplies

The “Material” table holding the columns “Description,” “Quantity,” “Unit Price,” and “Amount” requires several entries in their respective areas to inform the Client how much will be owed for the billable truck parts for the concerned maintenance job. Column A of this table holds the first of these title headings thus requesting production of every truck part the Customer must purchase to affect the maintenance and/or repair required for the vehicle. The second of the columns mentioned, “Quantity,” is reserved for the best estimation of how many parts or trucking supplies will be needed for the maintenance job. Enter this estimation as accurately as possible making sure this number is coordinated with the products that have been named in the previous column.    The third column which holds the “Unit Price” title seeks the cost of the trucking supply or part that must be paid for by the Client. This is a dollar value that may be considered the least that can be charged. This spreadsheet will immediately generate the “Amount” area with all the figures making up the estimated pricing for the trucking supplies of products that will require Customer purchase for the concerned maintenance job. 



Step 7 – Deliver The Anticipated Service Schedule Or Truck Maintenance Tasks

The “Service” table will follow a similar format and can be found below the “Material” report. The first column of this area, also bearing the title “Description,” refers to the billable maintenance service or times for this job. Define them in an appropriate manner by listing all shift times or tasks.  The time needed to perform the defined tasks or making up the work shifts just defined should be documented as a matter of maintenance heavy-duty work “Hours” in column F.  The “Hourly Rate” that shall be used as the pay rate for the maintenance is expected in column G. This pay rate can be thought of as the dollar amount the Customer will be expected to pay for every hour of work for the job or day listed in the first column. This figure shall combine with the “Hours” report when this sheet multiplies them to produce the final figures of this table in column H.


Step 8 – Report The Taxes Owed With The Heavy Duty Maintenance Subtotal

The previous two tables serve to discuss what will be required in terms of payables for the heavy-duty maintenance requested and will populate the “Subtotal” (cell H35) and “Total” *cell H37) fields however cell H36 remains untouched. You must use the applicable “Tax” codes the Truck Heavy Duty Maintenance Business is obligated to comply with during a transaction to determine what the value for “Tax” is. If no service, sales, or value-added “Tax” need to be collected then a zero must be entered. Otherwise, record how much “Tax” the Customer must pay for the “Subtotal” by documenting it directly to cell H36’s contents.


Step 9 – Continue With A Report On The Template’s Preparer’s Identity

Directly to the left of the displayed “Total,” cell A37 shall request that the person (or people) that have supplied information to this template be named. Typically, this is only one person however, since this form may have gone back and forth to obtain a quote, there will be enough room to document as many names as needed after the words “Work Order Completed By” as a replacement for the label “Individual’s Name.”  


Step 10 – Additional Documentation On The Heavy Duty Maintenance Job Can Be Included

Cell A38 presents the phrase “Comments Or Suggestions” which leads to an empty area where you may continue documenting any subjects either or both Parties wish to be a formal part of this maintenance request. This is field is optional and may be left unedited.  


Step 11 – Gain The Truck Maintenance Client’s Authorization

After the Customer has reviewed the completed spreadsheet above, he or she will need to sign the “Client Signature” line provided so that the next step of this process may begin. Many would consider it ill-advised to proceed without the Client’s signature present on the line in cell A42, since this will verify his or her intent to submit payment for the heavy-duty maintenance when required.  

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