The Sole Proprietor Invoice Template can strengthen the billing process of a business with a straightforward and easy to utilize structure. Sole Proprietors benefit from running a business with a relatively quick start-up. As the name implies, a Sole Proprietorship places most if not all of the responsibilities involved in the day-to-day operations of a business on one set of shoulders or a limited number of people. Such an administrative burden can be lessened by employing a template for the invoicing process. The document available here will set several areas to cover the topics that should be displayed for review when formally requesting payment for unpaid goods or services commissioned by the Customer. Naturally, in addition to the blank template you can download, it is recommended you keep a completed copy of every invoice to establish a payment history for each Customer.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Access The Sole Proprietor Invoice
Bill your Business Clients by downloading then completing either the Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx) versions of the template displayed in its preview.
Step 2 – Define The Sole Proprietor
Your first task will be to identify the Proprietorship or your Business. The textbox at the top of the page will aid you in this undertaking. Type in the full name of your Business in the text box containing the phrase label “Company Name.” The set of lines underneath the textbox will focus on further identifying the Proprietorship through its contact information. The line labeled with the word “Name” should be used to display the “Name” of the Employee you have assigned to handle invoicing this account or your own “Name.”
The next three lines have all been assigned labels defining parts of an address. Here, the “Street Address” line and “City, State, Country” line are meant as an exhibit area for your business or mailing address.
Your Proprietorship’s “Zip Code” is required on the next blank line so the Client will be able to contact your business by mail.
The “Phone” number where the Customer can reach your Proprietorship must be placed on the next blank line.
Lastly, complete the Sole Proprietor’s contact information with the “E-Mail” address where this business may be reached.
Step 3 – Invoice The Proprietor’s Customer
The horizontal bar in the top half of the page seeks the filing number you’ve determined will be this transaction’s formal invoice number. Across the Proprietorship transaction’s “Invoice #,” the official “Date” when this invoice was generated is anticipated. This will later aid you in obtaining a timely payment and is often used as a means to find or identify this document in one’s bookkeeping files.
Step 4 – Identify The Concerned Customer This Invoice Targets
The Customer purchasing the goods or services your Proprietorship provides should be presented on the first blank line in “Bill To.” After displaying the Purchaser’s identity, document the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” of this entity’s billing address.
Next, record the postal code of the Purchaser’s address in “Zip Code.” (your Customer).
Step 5 – Submit A Discussion Of The Commissioned Services Or Products
The invoice table exhibited at the center of this page only contains two columns. Use the first of these (“Description”) to detail all the services your company expects payment for providing and every product this invoice will expect to be paid for. The second column (titled “Amount”) requires several dollar amounts. Present the exact price of each of the services and products your Business delivered to the Customer in the first box underneath this column heading.
Your “Subtotal” box requires a summary of the Proprietary services/products the Purchaser is paying for. Thus, add all the numbers you entered in the above box then report the sum as the “Subtotal”
If your Proprietorship is obligated to tax its services or products, then you must address this subject separately. You should calculate precisely how much should be added to the “Subtotal” then furnish it to the “Tax” box.
The concluding box in the “Amount” column is attached to the “Total” label. The figure you furnish to this box is expected as the sum of your invoice’s “Subtotal” and “Tax.”
Step 6 – Report The Purchase Requirements Of This Invoice display
The statement on the left (beginning with “Payment Is Due…”) shows a blank line preceding the word “Days.” Use this blank line to dispense the number of “Days” your Sole Proprietorship will give the Customer to pay the invoice “Total”
Step 7 – Utilize The Final Section If Proprietorship Comments, Instructions, Or Additional Subjects Are Necessary
The last two blank lines of this invoice are for your use. There may be instructions, topics, or paperwork that are required for this Customer or a general statement that should be added for the benefit of the Sole Proprietorship sending this. If this need exists, then locate the label “Comments Or Special Instructions” and make use of the space provided.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Procure Your Copy Of The Sole Proprietorship Invoice
The Excel template available through this site will display as the document in the preview image. You will be able to access this file by selecting the Excel option either from the links above or the buttons provided.
Step 2 – Identify The Sole Proprietorship Sending This Paperwork
Open the invoice needed to bill the Sole Proprietor’s Customer, then import the Sole Proprietorship’s official logo or banner to cell A1. Cells A2 and A3 intend to exhibit the Sole Proprietorship’s legal “Company Name” and that of its Owner or an Employee of the Proprietorship. Replace the labels “Company Name” and “Name” with this content as requested.
The Sole Proprietorship’s mailing address is the first contact item that we will present in this area. Three different fields are reserved for the Sole Proprietorship’s “Street Address” (cell A4), “City, State, Country” (cell A5) as well as its postal code or “Zip Code” (cell A6). This address must be one that is maintained by the Proprietorship’s Owner on a regular basis.
Next, in cell A7, enter the Sole Proprietorship’s “E-Mail” address as the next requested item. The final piece of contact information is the “Phone” number of the Proprietorship. Report it to the Customer by dispensing it in cell A8.
Step 3 – Deliver The Accounting Information Needed To Follow This Document
Whether you are a Business Owner or simply run your own Company, a good bookkeeping or accounting system should be applied to your invoicing procedure. A great time-saver in this endeavor is to make sure each invoice sent is attached to a number that is unique in your files. The “Invoice #” field in cell F4 will accept the letters, symbols, and numerals making up this number. Cell H4 displays the calendar “Date” as read from your computer. This is the default effective “Date” for this document, but you may alter it to a different one altogether (if preferred).
Step 4 – Name The Purchaser Of The Proprietorship Products Or Services
Name the Proprietor’s Client in cell A11. This can be the “Name” of an individual, that of another Sole Proprietorship, or a registered Business Entity (i.e. corp., inc., etc.). Make sure the “Name” your produce in this cell is the full “Name” of the Proprietor Client. Cells A12 through A14 requests the address of the Proprietor’s Client. Substitute the labels “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” with the requested content.
Step 5 – Define Your Reason(s) For Sending This Invoice
The Sole Proprietor services and products this invoice insists must be paid for by the Purchaser should be documented in the table on display. A record of billable time, manufactured products, or merchandise should be submitted as the reason for payment.
Step 6 – You Must Deliver A Clear Pricing Breakdown
Cell H17, the first field in the adjacent column, requests the “Amount” required by the Proprietorship for the items on this invoice. Enter this as a dollar “Amount.” Proceed to the Proprietorship’s “Subtotal” field (cell H18) where, as a courtesy to your Customer, a sum of all the money owed for the Proprietorship’s billables excluding taxes.
Any taxes the Sole Proprietorship Business must apply to the above “Subtotal” are requested should be summarized as a dollar amount in the “Tax” field (Cell H20).
The final cell of this table, cell H20, has been reserved for the sum of the “Subtotal” amount plus the Proprietorship’s obligatory “Tax” amount. Once you’ve obtained the results of this calculation, you must report it as a dollar value.
Step 7 – Report The Time Given To Pay This Invoice
the next area of the sheet that will require attention is on the left in column A. Here in cell A21, your decision on how long this invoice may remain unpaid without penalty must be declared. Substitute the pound sign presented in this cell with the number of “Days” defining this period.
Step 8 – You May Utilize The Final Cell As A Discussion For Additional Topics
The invoice template will cover require some general topics filled out with the information you have available. However, if the Sole Proprietorship needs to include more details or paperwork, then cell A21 can be used to include this material. You may leave this cell unattended if no additional topics need to be discussed.