The Parking Invoice Template is geared for the use of Garages, Lots, or Property Management Companies offering parking spaces. The administrative tasks of upkeeping any area frequented by automobiles and used by the public can carry quite a few burdens. One of which is making sure that everyone follows the established rules. Whenever these rules are violated an uncomfortable situation may occur. Luckily, when a set penalty is outlined at the beginning of a parking agreement then, the penalty it names for a rule violation can enable the Garage/Lot Owner or concerned Property Management Company to impose a penalty on violators with the hopes of preventing such violations in the future. If no agreement is set, then it is strongly recommended that a set of rules and penalties are publically posted on the lot or in the garage where it can easily be seen by Customers.
Monthly Parking Invoice – Used for payment made by a vehicle’s owner for a monthly parking space.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Obtain The Parking Ticket Template From This Site
Acquire the Parking Ticket Invoice as a “PDF” or “Word” template. Gain access to these templates by selecting the appropriate caption button underneath the image or the links in this section.
Step 2 – Identify The Issuing Entity
Once you’ve gained access to this file (“Word” or “PDF”), locate the term “Company Name” then produce the Parking Garage name or that of the Private Property Owner who is issuing this ticket. This should be the legal name of this entity as it appears on the books where the Garage or Property Owner operates.
The “Name” of the person who is issuing this ticket on behalf of the Garage or Property Owner must be displayed on the first line in the header (in the upper right).
The address used by the Parking Garage, Lot, or Private Property Owner should be produced item by item down the next three lines. A “Street Address” line is presented here along with the “City, State, Country” line for your report. The postal code assigned to the Parking Garage or Private Property Owner’s mailing address above should also be supplied to this section. Produce it on the “Zip Code” line as required.
The Parking Ticket Recipient should be given the means to contact the Issuer of this ticket with more immediate results. The “Phone” number where the Garage or Private Property Owner receives calls will have a separate area for display along with a space for the Parking Garage’s “E-Mail” address.
Step 3 – Display The Parking Or Invoice Filing Information
Naturally, there will need to be some frame of reference for this paperwork that can be used by the Driver/Vehicle Operator to discuss it with the Issuer of this invoice. The “Invoice #” line will accept the Parking Garage’s ticket or invoice number as its contents. The next line item we must focus on is the official invoice “Date” of the ticket. This may not necessarily be the same calendar day when the violation occurred, but it must represent the first day when payment is requested. Enter this on the “Date” line.
Step 4 – Invoice The Vehicle Owner Or Driver Directly
The Vehicle Owner or Driver who violated the parking rules of the establishment issuing this ticket should be identified. In most cases, some level of identification is present. Especially if this is a Tenant parking in a building’s garage against the Landlord’s wishes. Thus, input the “Name” on the first line underneath the “Bill To” section. After this has been accomplished, record the Violator’s address on the lines starting with “Street Address” and ending with “ZIP Code.”
Step 5 – Present The Specifics Detailing The Parking Violation
The “Bill To” table presented in this document presents two columns that you may make use of. The first will require a simple “Description” of the parking violation. you will want to present a detail of the calendar date and time of the violation and, if possible, the length of time spent parked in violation of the Garage or Private Property Owner’s policy.
Step 6 – Produce A Report On The Financial Penalties For This Violation
The penalty or cost of parking must be dispensed in the “Amount” box of this column. You may also list the original amounts (if unpaid) along with penalties. The “Subtotal” is meant to display a total of all that is owed for the parking ticket while excluding taxes. Thus, enter all the parking ticket charges to one number and present it in the next box down.
Any taxes required by this ticket should be imposed in the “Tax” box. make sure that you are aware of the current codes affecting the Garage and Private Property issuing this ticket.
Finally, “Total” the previous two figures (the parking ticket’s “Subtotal” and “Tax”) by adding these numbers together. This result must be placed in the last box.
Step 7 – Impose A Deadline To This Parking Ticket
The number of “Days” the Garage requires this ticket to be be paid in must be reported on the blank line after the wording “…Due In.”
Step 8 – Instructions Applying To The Parking Ticket May Be Included.
If more information is needed, then you may report it on the blank lines after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions”
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Acquire The Parking Ticket Invoice Template From This Site
The “Excel” button on this page accesses the spreadsheet version of the Parking Ticket Invoice. Select it or the link (designated with the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” label)” to save this template.
Step 2 – Identify The Garage Or Property Owner Sending This
Open your spreadsheet then upload the Garage, Property Management, or Issuer’s logo to this sheet as the contents of cell A1. Identify the Garage or Property Management’s “Company Name” by furnishing it in cell A2 along with the “Name” of the Garage (or Property Management Company) Employee sending this in cell A3.
Make a submission of the Property Management Company or Private Garage’s Office “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” down the next three cells (A4 through A6).
Now we must record the “E-Mail” address and the “Phone” number where the Issuer of this parking ticket. Cells A7 and A8 are intent on receiving this submission.
Step 3 – Identify The Ticket With Its Filing Information
The parking ticket being issued should be attached to one unique number that can be used to refer to the contents of this document. This ticket or invoice number should be reported in cell F4 below the appropriate heading. In the adjacent “Date” cell, the current calendar day will set this invoice in motion, however, you may use a different calendar date by editing cell H4.
Step 4 – Address The Parking Violator Directly
We must identify the Recipient who can be held accountable for its payment. The “Bill To” segment of this spreadsheet reserves cell A11 for your entry of the Parking Violator’s “Name.” Report the Parking Violator’s complete mailing address in cell A12, A13, and A14.
Step 5 – Discuss The Reason For Issuing This Ticket
Cell A17 in the “Bill To” section will give you an area to display details on the parking that requires payment. It is generally considered standard practice to record the parking space, date, and times of the concerned parking.
Step 6 – Define The Parking Ticket Charges
Cell H17 of this spreadsheet is the first in the “Amount” column that requires your numerical report. Place the exact cost of parking in this field (H17). The “Subtotal” cell of this column will request that a sum of the parking charges be named. Input this dollar sum in cell H18.
If any service, sales, or parking taxes must be applied to the parking charges, then record the whole “Tax” amount tot be added in cell H19.
The full parking ticket charges must consist of the ticket’s “Total” and “Tax” entries added to one another. Cell H20 is meant to display this for the Violator or Invoice Recipient.
Step 7 – The Parking Ticket’s Deadline Should Be Reported
Cell A21 presents a statement applying to the parking ticket being developed. You must supplement the language of this sentence for it to function correctly. Locate the bracketed symbol then enter the number representing the maximum number of days the Parking Violator has to pay the ticket on time.
Step 8 – The Garage Or Property Owner May Include Additional Topics
The option to proceed with more information is available in cell A22 after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions.”