The Actor-Actress Invoice handles the billing process every Performer must engage in to gain payment for acting or extra work. Most Production Companies will wish to keep their payments on record and will appreciate the well-thought-out documentation a template with predetermined areas can supply to your billing efforts. You can tailor this document to fit your needs and the engagement being billed but keep in mind all the sections contained in this invoice should remain present. These sections represent the minimum information that a Production Company expects on record.
Hourly Wage ($/hr)
- Average Pay: $17.54 per hour (source: BLS)
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.dox)
Step 1 – Acquire Your Copy Of The Actor-Actress Invoice
Look for then select either the “Adobe PDF” button or “Word” button presented on this page. Both will link to the same version as their respective counterpart links above this section (“Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx).”
Step 2 – Identify The Actor-Actress Requiring Payment
As the billing Actor or Actress behind this paperwork, your Professional Acting Name should be entered in the “Company Name” textbox. In addition to your Professional Acting Name, your “Name” and mailing address should be a part of this header. The series of blank lines beginning with “Name” then leading into “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” and concluding with “Zip Code” are available for your use in showing this information.
The telephone number you wish Casting Directors or Production Companies to use when contacting you must be presented. Place your acting “Phone” number on the next line down.
Record your formal contact “E-Mail” address on the last line of this section.
Step 3 – Distinguish This Document As An Invoice
The invoice number used to keep track of your written payment request for the concerned acting job should be presented to the targeted Casting Director or Production Company on the “Invoice #” line at the beginning of the shaded divider. The “Date” that your targeted Recipient should consider the first calendar “Date” of your request is the next requested item of this template and should be recorded on the appropriately labeled line on the right-hand side of this page.
Step 4 – Identify The Casting Agency Or Production Company Responsible For Payment
You must name the targeted Casting Agency or Production Company in the “Bill To” section. This is the entity acting as the Payer of this acting job. The first line will need the full “Name” of this entity while the following three are set for the Casting Agency (or Production Company) billing address. Satisfy the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines with those of the Casting Agency or Production Company.
Step 5 – Discuss The Acting Job Being Billed
The two columns making up the table at the center of this template begins with a request for a “Description” of the acting job that must be paid for. Supply this box with the production name, the dates of work, and naming the role or part you played (i.e. lead, supporting lead, extra, etc.)
Step 6 – Define The Cost Of The Acting Job To The Casting Agency Or Production Company
Now, record the “Amount” you expect for the performance provided in the second box of this table. The “Subtotal” box in the second column is a summary of the base cost(s) of the performance the Casting Agency/Agent/Production Company will pay for.
If your services are subject to a service tax or if you have produced any items (i.e. costumes) that must be paid for requiring a sales tax, then you must report this in the “Tax/VAT” box.
The acting “Subtotal” amount should be added to the taxes you entered in the “Tax/VAT” box as the “Total” owed for the acting job.
Step 7 – A Deadline For The Acting Job Can Be Imposed
The acting job requiring payment should be assigned a time frame defining when this payment will be on time and when this payment will be late. This can be achieved by locating the “Payment…” sentence following the invoice table. The empty line between the wording “…Within #” and “Days” requires your report on how long this invoice can remain unpaid before being deemed late.
Step 8 – Include Or Attach All Relevant Materials Or Instructions
The “Comments Or Special Instructions” area at the bottom of this page presents a couple of lines you may use to name additional attachments (i.e. headshot/resume) or deliver more dialogue as required.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlx)
Step 1 – Gain Access To The Excel Sheet Needed To Bill Your Acting Clients
Access the Actor-Actress Invoice with the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link or the “Excel” button that has been presented on this page. Select either option to save this file to your machine.
Step 2 – Name The Actor Or Actress Requiring Payment
The first object the Recipient Agent or Production Company should see when receiving this invoice is the Actor/Actress’ professional “Logo” and Stage Name. Upload the logo to cell A1 and your working name in cell A2. Your full “Name” should be recorded in cell A3. This must be your formal “Name” as it appears on your official paperwork (i.e. driver’s license, banking documents, etc.).
The mailing address where you receive your business correspondence and payments is the next focus of this paperwork. Your “Street Address” is should be entered in cell A4 and your mailing “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” must be supplied to cell A5 and A6 respectively.
It is important the Agent or Production Company you are billing can easily reach you. Use cell A7 and A8 as a presentation of your “E-Mail” and “Phone” information.
Step 3 – Invoice The Agent Or Production Company
The next portion of the header will display two adjacent cells in a one-row table. Cell F4 (“Invoice #”) is reserved strictly for the file number you wish used to discuss, reference, and store this document number. Record this as requested. The calendar “Date” when you are formally requesting the Agent or Production Company’s payment is set to the current day in cell H4. If this is accurate you may leave this cell unattended otherwise, you may furnish the invoice “Date” of record you prefer in cell H4.
Step 4 – Identify The Agent Or Production Company
Now, turn your focus to cell A11 where the “Name” of the Agent or Production Company held responsible to pay for the acting job. Cells A12 through A14 are intent on identifying the Agent or Production Company’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” once you report it.
Step 5 – Discuss The Performance Or Acting Job That Must Be Paid For
Cell A17 of this sheet is meant to display your “Description” of the performance requiring payment. You will need items such as the “Date” of the performance, the times, the name of the production, and the role you performed. This field will accept a variety of information so make sure you submit a complete report.
Step 6 – Deliver Your Acting Rate To The Invoice
The pay discussed and agreed upon for this acting job must be documented. Furnish the “Amount” expected for the acting job in cell H17 Underneath your expected “Amount,” confirm the pay requested in cell H18 (“Subtotal”).
If the performance is subject to any sales or service taxes, then you must calculate the total taxes owed and report this number in cell H19 (“Tax/VAT”).
Complete your formal Actor-Actress Invoice with the sum of your “Subtotal” and “Tax/VAT.” Input this “Total” in cell H20.
Step 7 – Inform The Agent Or Production Company Of The Due Date
Cell A21 of this sheet containing the language “Payment Is Due…” displays a bracketed pound sign that you should replace with the number of “Days” you will give the Agent or Production Company to pay this invoice
Step 8 – Employ The Final Area To Include Additional Content
The final cell that will accept information is cell A22 (“Comments Or Special Instructions”). Any additional reports required for this invoice should be produced in this cell.