Membership Dues Invoice Template

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membership invoice is primarily used as a payable receivable or a receipt for a weekly, monthly, or annual subscription to a company or organization. The holder of the membership will usually have the individual’s credit card, PayPal, or other payment profile that is set up to be paid on a recurring basis. The invoice may be sent via e-mail, fax, or standard mail to the member. In most cases, if the membership begins at the beginning of each week or month, the member will not have access to the services of the membership until the balance is paid for the said period.

Your invoice has been sent successfully! We also sent a confirmation to your email address.


Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word

DownloadAdobe PDF or Microsoft Word

1 – Download The Membership Invoice To Use When It Is Time To Collect Membership Dues

The Adobe PDF file on this page will enable an organization to seek its owed Membership Dues from current Members or those who have just signed up. Download this paperwork by selecting the button labeled “Adobe PDF” or the link with the same label.

2 – Supply The Name And Membership Contact For The Generator Of This Invoice

The full and Legal Name of the Organization seeking payment will need to be displayed so it is easy to recognize. Usually, this is accomplished by making sure the Organization Name is presented at the top of the document. Thus, locate the text “Company Name” then replace it with the Name of the Organization seeking its Membership Dues. Below this, the Name of a Contact person should be supplied. Next, use the next three blank spaces to inform the Member where the Payment should be sent. Use the “Street Address” line to deliver the Building Number, Street Name, and Suite Number where the Membership Payment should be sent. The next two lines “City, State, Country” and “ZIP Code” will conclude the information required to present the Full Billing Address the Organization uses to receive its Mail and/or Payments. The next two blank spaces will seek a Contact Phone Number and E-Mail Address the Member can use to contact this Organization in a speedy and reliable manner.

3 – The Invoice Information And Member Billing Information Must Be Prominently Shown On This Page

We will need to give some Filing Information regarding this paperwork. Two blank spaces have been placed in the dark horizontal bar near the top of this document. Use this area to display the “Invoice #” and “Invoice Date” defining this paperwork by supplying these items where requested.Below the Filing Information, you just supplied will be a section with the bold words “Bill To.” The spaces in this section “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” and “ZIP Code” refer to the Member’s Billing Address. Produce this information as it was reported by the Member receiving this paperwork.

4 – Summarize The Membership Dues Owed

Now that we have fulfilled the requests for the basic information above, we will need to give a brief but accurate account of the Dues owed. To this end, we must attend to the table placed at the center of this page. Four columns will need to be supplied with some basic information regarding the Membership being discussed. Begin by using the first column to manifest items such as a concise “Description” of the services provided or the level of Membership the Recipient is being billed for. Now we will need to record the number of Products/Items/Services/Membership the Recipient must pay for in the “Quantity” column. This should be followed by the basic “Unit Price” of the item(s)  you reported in the first column. Multiply the “Quantity” of the ordered Membership(s) with the “Unit Cost” of this membership. The result should be placed in the “Amount” column on the same row.

5 – Present The Full Amount Due To Maintain Membership

Now we will add each number entered in “Amount” to one total. Supply this number to the box labeled “Subtotal.” Record the “Tax” amount the Member must pay in the next box. Finally, add the “Tax” and “Subtotal” and record the resulting figure in “Total.” Enter the Number of Days the Member has to pay this amount on the blank line in the “Payment Is Due Within…” statement. Keep in mind this will act as a countdown from the day the Member receives this paperwork. Any payment made within this time period may be considered on-time while any payment made after this time period can be considered delinquent. You may supply additional information in the “Comments Or Special Instructions” section as you see fit.


How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

DownloadMicrosoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – The Excel Membership Invoice Template Is A Download Available On This Page

The Excel document here can be downloaded through the MS Excel button above. As a convenience, it is also available for download using the link above.

2 – Display The Organization’s Logo And Some Relevant Contact Information

The Logo of the Organization or Company sending this paperwork should be easily located at the top of this page. Use cell A1 to place this logo in an appropriate place. Below this, in cell A2, you should document the Legal Name of the Organization, Company, or Club requiring the dues reported here to be paid. Cell A3, A4, A5, and A6 are reserved for the Contact Name and Organization Address. Ideally, this will be the Organization’s Account’s Receivable Address. Now, we will need to provide a Telephone Number and E-Mail Address the Member may use if he or she wishes to contact the Organization regarding this Invoice.

3 – The Full Billing Address Of The Member Recipient Must Be Stated On This Document

The Member who must pay these dues will need to be documented adequately. Use cells A11 through A14 to present the Member’s Name and Billing Address.

4 – A Manifest Disclosing This Paperwork’s Filing Information And Membership Charges Is Required

Now, locate cell F4 then input the Invoice Number for this document. Similarly, locate cell H4 then provide the Invoice Date. The next group of cells we must tend to will be in the form of a table containing four columns. We will use each row to list a separate service or product that is provided with Membership or we may list everything as one lump sum for one category. Regardless of how you wish to define what the Member is paying for, make sure to document it in the column labeled “Description.” Then, fill in the “Quantity” involved with the Member’s order along with “Unit Price” in columns F and G. The numbers you supply here will automatically be placed in a formula in the “Amount” column. While most of the cells in “Amount” will auto populate with the appropriate values, you will need to fill in the “Tax” amount the Member must pay to cell H28.

5 – Additional Information Can Be Delivered Here As Well

The first statement below the table (“Payment Is Due…”) will need the number of days after receiving this document the Member is given to pay these Membership Dues. Fill in this number of days where the pound side appears in cell H30. If the Member must be given more information, such as instructions or a password, then you may supply this in cell H34. You may either replace the statement “Comments Or Special Instructions” with the necessary information or you may use the space after this statement to deliver the required text.

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