UPS Commercial Invoice Template

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The UPS commercial invoice template is used for customers sending packages outside the country to inform the importing country of the details of what is inside the package. The weight, product description, and the estimated value ($) are required and, depending on the county’s tax laws, it may be subject to a value-added tax (VAT).

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How to Write

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1 – Obtain This Form Template Using The PDF Button

You may either click the button labeled “PDF” or the “Adobe PDF” link to obtain a workable copy of this template. If you have a PDF editor, you can use it to enter information directly onscreen. Otherwise, this form will open in an up-to-date browser as a PDF where you may print it to enter information manually. If doing so, make sure to report the information required legibly in blue or black ink.

2 – Detail The Shipper Information

The first box, titled “From,” will need some information regarding the entity shipping freight. Begin with the line “Tax ID/VAT No.” Here, you must enter the Business Entity’s Tax ID Number. If a Vat Number applies, you may also supply this information. The Name of the individual who will act as the liaison for the entity shipping this freight will have to be supplied to the space labeled “Contact Name.” The Legal “Company Name” of the Shipper must be entered on the third blank space along with this entity’s Shipping Address on the fourth, fifth, and sixth blank spaces (labeled “Address,” “City, State/Province,” and “Postal Code Country/Territory”). Now that the Shipper’s Name and Address have been supplied, continue with a Contact Telephone Number on the blank space labeled “Phone.” Several numbers defining this shipment should be at the disposal of the Shipper by the time this invoice is worked on. The first is the UPS assigned “Waybill Number” which appears on the UPS generated shipping labels while the second is the 11-digit version of this number also supplied by UPS (“Shipment ID”). It is imperative that you transcribe these numbers exactly as they were given to you on these lines. The “Date” will refer to the Calendar Date of the transaction between the Buyer and the Seller. If a Letter of Credit is involved, it will be important this “Date” is accurate. The next three lines are internal to the Shipper. Enter the “Invoice Number,” “Purchase Order Number,” “Terms Of Sale,” and “Reason For Export.” The Invoice Number and Purchase Order Number will both be generated (typically) at the time the Buyer/Seller transaction occurs. The “Terms Of Sale” line requires the conditions placed on the Buyer’s Payment. This can include a Due Date of payment, who is responsible for insurance, shipping, etc. Make sure to report all such terms accurately. Finally, the “Reason for the Export” requires some definition. This freight may be a Sale, a Gift, a Repair, an Exchange, etc. Enter the reason why this Freight is being shipped to the Consignee.

3 – Give An Account Of The Consignee And Buyer

The second section of this form will seek some definitions to the Entity and Address where this freight must be shipped. Enter the Consignee’s Tax Information on the first blank line here “Tax ID/Vat No.” The “Contact Name” of the person who will act as a point of contact when corresponding with the Receiving Party should be entered on the second blank space in this section. Next, we will supply the Name and Full Address of the Company receiving this shipment. Four blank spaces have been supplied for this purpose: “Company Name,” “Address,” “City, State/Province,” and “Postal Code/Territory.” Finally, we will report the Telephone Number where the Contact may be reached on the line labeled “Phone.” The Buyer of the freight being shipped should also be documented. This will be handled in the “Sold To” section. The party who has purchased this freight will need to have its “Tax ID/Vat Number” furnished to the first blank space in the “Sold To” section. The Name of the individual who will act as the first point of contact when corresponding with the Buyer must have his or her First, Middle, and Last Name supplied to the space labeled “Contact Name.” Next produce the requested Buyer information to the rest of this section by entering this entity’s “Company Name,” “Address,” “City, State/Province,” and “Postal Code Country/Territory” where requested.

Finally, produce a well-maintained “Phone” Number where the Contact for the Buyer can be reached on the last blank space in this section.

4 – Produce A Manifest Of The Goods Being Shipped

The body of this form will contain several columns where the freight information must be recorded. We will begin with the first two columns “Units” and “U/M” Enter the number of pieces your freight is packed in to the first column (“Units”) then define whether this number refers to boxes, crates, barrels in the Units of Measurement column or “U/M.” Thus, shipping five barrels should be reported with the number “5” in the first column and the word “Barrels” in the second column. Use the column titled “Description Of Goods/Part Number” to give an accurate description of what is being shipped. You may either report these items by their Part Numbers, Names, or Product Numbers so long as they are all listed. Thus, if each barrel in our example contains screws and bolts, then write “Screws and Bolts” in the third column. The next column calls for the “Harmonized Tariff Code” or Schedule B Number used to clear goods at customs. If you do not have this information, you should contact UPS as they may be able to assist. Reporting these codes accurately with your freight will aid in any future confusion, delays, and additional fees while facilitating the shipment process. Report the Country of Origin in the “CO” column. Now, we must report how much just one of each of the items cost in the third column (“Unit Value”). Thus, if you are shipping Screws that cost a thirty cents per screw and bolts that are thirty-five cents per bolt then write “Screws at $0.30 USD Each, Bolts at $0.35 USD Each” The “Total Value” column will require you enter the Full Dollar Amount this Freight is worth and the “Currency” column requests a definition to the type of Currency being reported. Make sure to be consistent with the type of Currency being used across these rows.

5 – Summarize The Dollar Amount And Execute This Invoice By Signature

Now locate the bottom right-hand part of this page. Here we will add all the numbers entered to the “Total Value” column and report the result on the blank line labeled “Invoice Line Total” If there are any “Discounts/Rebates” that are applicable to this shipment report either the flat dollar amount or the percentage to be applied. The blank space labeled “Invoice Sub-Total” will be the “Invoice Line Total” value after the Discount or Rebate has been applied. If no Discount or Rebate is involved, then this number should be the same on both lines. The “Freight” costs of transporting from the Point of Origin to the Foreign Port should be recorded in the space provided if it is known. The next area, labeled “Insurance,” is reserved for the Dollar Amount the Shipper will pay if this Freight is lost, damaged, or both. If the Shipper has placed any additional charges, they should be recorded in “Other.”

Report what Country these Currency Values are in using the area just before the word “Currency” The “Total Invoice Amount” will be the “Invoice Line Total” Amount once all the discounts have been applied and all other charges been added. Perform the necessary calculation then report this number in the available area. Now, record the “Total Number Of Packages” in this shipment as well as the “Total Weight.” Make sure to indicate if you are working with Kilograms (Kg) or Pounds (lb.). The column at the bottom left-hand part of this document will contain two boxes “Additional Comments” and “Declaration Statement.” Utilize the “Additional Comments” box to document any necessary information for the shipment of your goods, to request UPS to file an Electronic Export Information for this shipment, or to indicate that an EEI is already in place for this shipment (make sure to attach any necessary information). If the goods in this shipment require a license or have a special exemption, then a Declaration Statement may be required. If so, report your Export License Number and Type. Also, if an Export Control Classification Number is required for this shipment, report it in this box. Finally, the Shipper must sign his or her Name and enter the current Calendar Date on the blank line under the label “Shipper’s Signature/Title”


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