Salary Invoice Template

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Salary Invoice Template is for any employee that is being paid a fixed annual amount and paid weekly, bi-weekly, or on a monthly basis. This invoice is designed so that a quick and general payment is generated or one that is accompanied with as much detail as necessary. It should be noted this paperwork presents the standard invoicing sections both parties expect so, it should be filled out completely.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Access Then Download The Salary Invoice Template

Gather the records that will substantiate the reason for the payment being requested then locate the links above. Determine whether you prefer to work with an “Adobe PDF” file or a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file, then select the appropriate link above. A dialogue will prompt you to open or save your selection. It is recommended that you do both.

2 – The Employee Or Freelancer Must Be Listed As The Payee

Upon opening this file, find the first field in the upper-left part of this document. Substitute the phrase “Company Name” with the legal name of the Salaried Payee who will receive the payment this invoice requests.  The set of blank spaces that are on display below the entity name you supplied have been set here so Payee’s identity and contact details will be easily recognized. The Payee’s business address will need the first, middle, and last “Name” of the Payee or its Representative on the first labeled space while the address should be reported by entering its components separately. There will be one blank line to record the building number and street (“Street Address”), a separate one that will request the “City, State, Country” of the Payee’s address, and one specifically requiring the Payee’s “Zip Code.”Two additional means of contact are necessary for this area. Find the line “Phone” then record the telephone number where the Payee receives his or her business calls on it. The last line, designated as “E-Mail,” will accept the current email address the Payee uses for his or her electronic mail. Now that the Payee has been named, the document being generated for his or her payment should be identified as well. This is traditionally accomplished by assigning a unique alphanumeric value to the document at hand. Enter this predetermined invoice number on the line “Invoice #.”The next space (“Date”) requires that you furnish the invoice date on it. Generally, most invoices will use the calendar day of its generation, however, you may name any other day as the invoice date.


3 – The Payer’s Identity Is Required Information

The “Bill To” portion of this invoice is the next section requiring attention. This area will solidify the entity that must pay the dollar value being requested. The full “Name” of this Payer should be produced on the space immediately underneath the “Bill To” heading. His or her name should be paired with the Payer’s complete mailing address. Satisfy the requests for information on the next three spaces to present this address properly. 


4 – Tend To The Invoice Table To Present The Required Salary

This document will need to inform the Recipient or Payee of the owed payment but must also give a reason for the request being made. Thus, consult the records detailing the job and provide this report in the box labeled “Description.” The next box in this area is titled “Amount.” Produce the full dollar “Amount” this invoice requests its Recipient (Payer) to submit to the Payee. Many Payees will wish to have the amount due submitted within a reasonable time frame. It would be wise to record this time frame in “Days” on the blank space after the hashtag symbol in the statement beginning with the terminology “Payment Is Due…”The “Comments Or Special Instructions” statement has been attached to a couple of blank lines. This segment can be used if you have any additional information the Payer should be aware of. 


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – The Salary Invoice Is A Downloadable Spreadsheet

Utilize the appropriately designated excel link or button on this page to gain your copy of the salary invoice document displayed above.

2 – Information Describing The Payee And The Payer Requested

The first column in this sheet will seek to define both the parties directly involved. We will use the first few cells to define the Sender as the Payee by presenting his or her business’ logo in cell A1 along with either his or her professional or business name in cell A2, and the name of the individual responsible for obtaining the salary in cell A3.  The address of the Payee is the next requirement of this column and its components should be furnished on a line by line basis in cells A4 through A6. Here, you will need to enter the exact “Street Address,” the street’s corresponding “City, State, Country,” and the appropriate “Zip Code.” The telephone number maintained by the Payee is a traditional piece of information in cell A7 along with the Payee’s “E-Mail” in cell A8. As we turn our attention further down this column, notice the bold words “Bill To.” This part of the invoice’s column A needs the full “Name” of the Recipient or the intended Payer. Cell A11 is reserved strictly for this identity and should be followed with this Payer’s legal address produced down the three cells (A12, 13, and 14) that follow.


3 – The Invoice Tables Are Used To Present Required Details

This paperwork requires its own reference information included in this presentation as well. To provide this information, locate the F4 cell then replace its current contents with the invoice number assigned to this document. H4 will display a default invoice date in its contents Notice this is the current date. You may alter this at your discretion. In cell A17, the details surrounding why this request for payment is being made should be documented. Normally, in a salaried situation, this “Description” will be made up of a set of hours, a range of calendar dates, or both. The adjacent field, A18, will be our stage for displaying the dollar “Amount” that is owed.


4 – Final Statements Are Provided At-Will

Cell A18 will define an acceptable time frame for a payment to be sent. Produce this number of days after the phrasing “…Due In” in place of the brackets. In addition to the above content, you can include more statements for the Payer’s benefit in cell A19.

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