The self-employed invoice template is for an independent contractor or entrepreneur to bill their clients for products and/or services provided. The invoice allows for the self-employed individual to upload their own logo and “brand” the invoice for a professional format.
IRS Form 1099 (misc.) – Use if a self-employed person is doing more than $600 in work on an annual basis. Must be sent by January 31st of the following tax year.
Discounts – After the subtotal is calculated there is the option of adding a discount.
Taxes – If the product being sold qualifies under a State tax then it should be applied (See Sales Tax Calculator).
How to Write in Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word
1 – Open The Self-Employed Invoice Then Produce The Information It Requests
The button and link labeled “Adobe PDF” will give you access to the Self-Employed Invoice. You may view it and download it at your convenience.
2 – The Entrepreneur’s Information Must Be Displayed Prominently
The purpose of this document will be to inform the Recipient of his or her obligation to pay the Sender (Entrepreneur) the Dollar Amount it lists. Naturally, both parties will need to be defined in this paperwork. First, we must clearly identify the Entrepreneur (Sender) at the top of this page by deleting the words “Company Name” then placing the Entrepreneur’s Business Name in its place. Next, we will supply the Client with the information required to make a Mailing Label addressed to the Entrepreneur. Produce the Sender’s Name and Address to the blank line marked with the labels “Name, “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code.” Follow this report up with the Business Telephone Number and E-Mail Address maintained and used by the Sender.
3 – This Document’s Filing Information Must Be Made Available To The Client
Notice the light horizontal bar separating the header from the rest of this document. Use the two blank spaces in this area to record first the Invoice Number used to track this document then the Invoice Date when it was executed.
4 – Solidify The Recipient As The Party Obligated To This Bill
The Recipient shall be defined as the party being billed by this paperwork. Address this entity directly, by locating the heading “Bill To” then placing its Legal Name and official Billing Address to the labeled blank spaces (“Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code”). If the Entrepreneur’s Client receives its shipments at an address that differs from its Billing Address, then it must be documented. Utilize the empty spaces in the “Ship To” column on the right to adequately document the Recipient Name and Shipping Address used by the Client. If the Client uses the same Address to receive its Bills and its Shipments, you need only fill in the first column.
4 – Disclose A Detailed Account Of The Ordered Goods And Labor
This paperwork will have to supply a valid listing of what the Client has ordered from the Entrepreneur. This Entrepreneur’s services may be providing merchandise, labor, or both. In any case, a report must be made explaining the charges defined in this bill.
In most (if not all) transactions, a standard report on what the Customer ordered is expected. Thus, two distinct areas have been included in this paperwork strictly for the purpose of receiving and displaying such information in as concise a manner as possible. We will divide the subject matter by reporting on the “Products” the Client ordered, and the “Labor” required separately. Each of these tables will further divide the subject matter into some basic categories of information. At least one of these areas should be supplied with information.
If the Client has ordered one or more “Products” from the Entrepreneur, then we will need to list each one in the “Description” column. Furthermore, we must also document precisely how many of these goods the Client ordered in the second column and the “Unit Cost” of each reported Product in the third column.
A couple of minor calculations are required to finalize this area for the Client. First, multiply the “Quantity” you entered by the number you reported in “Unit Cost” across each row. The result of this calculation should then be placed in the “Amount” column of that row. In addition, every number calculated in “Amount” should be added to one total sum and that sum must be furnished to the box labeled “Total Products.”
Next, we will cover any “Labor” expenses the Client must pay in the second table. If no service or billable work was provided you may leave this area blank. Otherwise, list each instance where the Client must pay the Entrepreneur an Hourly Rate in “Description.”
Then, in the second column, disclose the number of “Hours” worked by the Entrepreneur.
The third column will then need an account on how much the Client must pay for each Hour of work (“Hourly Rate”).
The last column of this table, “Amount,” has been included so that a total for each job item listed in the first column may be presented. This should be the number of “Hours” multiplied by the “Hourly Rate.” Only numbers on the same row may be multiplied by each other. When you are sure of your work, enter the result in the “Amount” column. Finally, add each figure you calculated in “Amount” to one sum, then record this sum in the “Total Labor” box at the bottom of the “Amount” column.
5 – Summarize The Client’s Obligations
It is generally considered wise to summarize what the Client will owe in Total to the Entrepreneur sending this Self-Employment Invoice. We will use the table beginning with the box labeled “Subtotal” to fulfill this goal. First, add the “Total Products” number to the “Total Labor” number. This sum should be reported in “Subtotal.” Show how much the Client must pay to cover the Taxes that must be charged with this order as well as the Shipping Costs by filling in the Tax Amount in the “Tax” box.
Any freight charges the Customer must pay for should be recorded in “Shipping.”
Lastly, we will present the Dollar Amounts reported in “Subtotal,” “Tax,” and “Shipping” as one lump sum (after we have added them to one another) in “Total.”
The blank space in the “Payment Is Due Within…” statement refers to the time limit the Client will be given to make a payment on time. This should be reported as several Days with the Start Date being the Calendar Date of Receipt.
Information or Instructions not previously reported to the Client may be recorded and delivered by this Invoice. Simply include such additional information to the blank lines after the term “Comments Or Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – The Self-Employment Invoice Is Available As An Excel Template
Access the Entrepreneur Invoice displayed in the image by clicking on the “MS Excel” button above. It is recommended that you save a copy to your machine for future use.
2 – Satisfy The Information Required At The Top Of This Page
The first few rows in column A will focus on the Entrepreneur sending this Invoice. Begin by placing the Entrepreneur’s Company Logo in cell A1. Then, use the cell directly below (A2) to present the Entrepreneur’s Official Company Name.
The Entrepreneur’s Full Legal Name (First, Middle, and Last Name) should be entered in cell A3.
Use the fourth, fifth, and sixth row in column A to document the Entrepreneur’s Business Address.
We will continue this report by supplying the Entrepreneur’s E-Mail Address and Business Number to the seventh and eighth row in column A (respectively).
Now, we must inform the Client of the filing information used to refer to this paperwork in the Entrepreneur’s files. Document the Invoice Number assigned to this document in cell F4.
Also, report this document’s Execution Date in cell H4.
3 – A Clear Presentation Of The Client’s Information Is Mandatory To Complete This Document
The Client who is obligated to pay the Entrepreneur must be identified and attached to the role of a Payee. Set the Client’s Identity by entering his or her Legal Name and Address in the “Bill To” section (cells A11 through A14). If the Client receives its freight at an Address different from its Billing Address, then use cells E11 through E14 to list the Client’s Shipping Recipient’s Name and Address in the “Ship To” column.
4 – Fill In At Least One Table With A Detail Of The Client’s Transaction
The next area of this spreadsheet is composed of two distinct tables that should be used to give the Entrepreneur’s Client a detailed report on the items and Labor attached to the charges on this Invoice. All physical merchandise should be listed in the “Description” column in the “Products” table. Then, on the same row, report how many of the defined merchandise the Client ordered (column E) and the “Unit Cost” of each item in the third column. These figures will contribute to the numbers this spreadsheet reports in the “Amount” column, so make sure to double check your entries. The second table is where we will discuss the physical “Labor” required by the Client. List each Job Number/Name where the Client must pay the Entrepreneur an Hourly Rate in column A. Then submit the number of “Hours” worked and the Entrepreneur’s Hourly rate in the “$/Hour” column. The “Amount” column will automatically use the reported “Hours” and “$/Hour” to present how much the Client will owe for each item entered in “Description.”
5 – A Final Summary Of The Client’s Responsibility Is Required
The last table of this document will report the final Dollar Amount the Client must pay the Entrepreneur. This table will also contain some formulas that allow it to generate some of the required information. You must furnish the charges the Client must pay for “Tax” and “Shipping” to cells H34 and H35 (respectively). Now that we have supplied all the information required to solidify the Invoice Amount, we will need to inform the Client of his or her obligation to make a timely payment. To this end, present the maximum number of days after the Client receipt of this Invoice when a Client Payment will be considered on-time just before the word “…Days” in cell A36.
In cell A37, any “Comments Or Special Instructions” that should be presented to the Client ma be done so after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions”