Caregiver Invoice Template

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Caregiver Invoice Template enables a quick production of the paperwork you will need to request payments for your Patients or Clientele. You will need to have several facts from your records available so you may accurately display them in the areas where this template requests material. Once you have completed the sections of this document, it is recommended that you verify each of your entries for accuracy along with the Recipient’s contact information. This will help ensure that you are presenting an accurate report on the due charges this invoice will obligate the Recipient to pay.

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

  • Salary: $28,682/yr (source: indeed)
  • Hourly Wage: $12.26/hr (source: indeed)

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Download The Caregiver Invoice

The caregiver invoice on this page can be dispensed to Patients or Clients that have been supplied with home or hospice care by the billing entity. Obtain Caregiver’s invoice in “Word” or “PDF” using the buttons or text links on this page.


2 – Produce The Caregiver’s Identity

Begin this paperwork by inputting the Caregiver’s “Company Name” to the top left field of the page.    The next item below begins a report on who the Caregiver Patient may contact regarding this invoice. Thus, enter the Caregiver’s “Name” on the first line (attached to the text “Name”).                 Next, furnish the building number and street (if applicable include suite number) or the P.O. Box for the Caregiver’s mailing address on the second blank space. This mailing address should continue on the next two blank lines. Notice that each of these will call for a different piece(s) of information from the address.           The Caregiver’s business telephone number must be entered on the blank space attached to the right of the word “Phone.”      The last line in the header will need the Caregiver’s current “E-Mail” address. If available, record this information for the Patient’s benefit.     


3 – Properly Invoice The Caregiver’s Client

This document will need to identify both the Sender and itself. Therefore, you must give it a unique I.D. number in your bookkeeping system. This “Invoice #” should be produced on the first blank line in the shaded bar while its counterpart, the invoice “Date,” must be produced on the blank line directly across from it.               Now it is time to name the Caregiver Patient (or Client) as the entity held responsible for payment. In the “Bill To” section, furnish the Caregiver Patient’s “Name” on the first available labeled line.       The mailing address where this paperwork is being sent must also be documented. Utilize the next three blank lines in the “Bill To” section to report the Caregiver Patient’s complete mailing address.             Since the purpose of this invoice is to inform the Caregiver Patient of the charges he or she owes, it will be important to give some detail as to the care that was provided. A table in the middle of the page can be used to both input and present the necessary information. The caregiver invoice table on this page requires you detail the caregiver services provided in the box under “Description.”       The next box on this row is concerned with the cost of the caregiver services provided. Consult your records then produce this number under “Amount”                                                       The “Subtotal” field is present to clarify how much is being charged by the Caregiver without any tax amounts added. This “Subtotal” needs the sum of every number you entered in “Amount.”
The taxes that must be added require production in the box labeled “Tax.” The total costs for these services should be recorded as a total sum. Deliver this number to the contents of “Total.”       


4 – The Final Portion Of This Invoice Allows Additional Content

Return your attention to column A once more. You will notice a sentence with a blank line. This paperwork named a dollar amount that must be paid by the Recipient to the Sender, however, it is also a good idea to let the Caregiver Patient know that payment will only be on time if remitted within a given number of days. Substitute the hashtag with this number to enable this statement in this document.                      The “Comments Or Special Instructions” area will accept any additional content required with this invoice.   


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Use This Page To Acquire The Caregiver Invoice

The invoice needed to request payment for caregiver services is attainable by clicking on the “Microsoft Excel (.xslx)” link above.


2 – Produce The Caregiver Information To Column A

The beginning of column A requests three items in the first three cells. The first of these is the banner or logo used by the Caregiver for his or her business. Supply this in cell A1, then produce the official “Company Name” he or she operates under in cell A2.    In cell A3, the individual who can speak for the Caregiver Practice regarding this bill must be named. Furnish this in place of the text “[Name]”          The three cells below this information will continue focusing on the Caregiver Practice. Use them to present the mailing address in cell A4, A5, and A6.     The two cells concluding this section need the Caregiver’s email address (A7) and telephone number (A8)                 


3 – Address The Patient With The Necessary Invoice Information

This paperwork will need to hold a specific entity responsible for payment. The “Bill To” section needs the text labels below it replaced with the Caregiver Patient’s information. Thus, the “Name” and “Street Address” of the Caregiver Patient is needed in cells A11 and A12 while cells A13 and A14 will need the Caregiver Patient’s “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code.”              Now that we must name this invoice. This will be accomplished by reporting the determined “Invoice #” in cell F4 and the formal invoice “Date” in cell H4.        Cell A17 is the next part of this invoice where we will fulfill a requirement imperative to obtaining payment. Use this cell to give a full account of the patient care that must be paid for. This may include supplies that must be billed to the Patient directly (i.e. groceries) or list the shifts when the Caregiver worked.        The adjacent cell in this table, cell H17, requires the exact price of each service being listed.                          Cell H18 is reserved for the sum of all the charges you presented above. This may have any taxes included.     The taxes being added to the Patient’s bill above must be supplied in cell H19.           Cell H20 must contain the sum of H18 (“Subtotal”) and cell H19 (“Tax”).


4 – Additional Content And Attachments Can Be

Many would consider the next task to be a wise precaution. Use the brackets in cell A20’s sentence to tell the Patient or Recipient how long he or she may take to pay the amount due. Record this in “…Days” by substituting the bracketed area with this number.    If more room is required, as well as more topics, then you may utilize cell A21 to provide the balance of information owed to the Patient or Client with this invoice.           

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