Medical Expert Invoice Template

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Medical Expert Invoice Template is for a 2nd opinion, expert witness, or any health-related consultation provided by an individual with knowledge in the specific field of study. The expert is commonly paid on a per hour ($/hr), per appointment or session, or as a large sum for a project or report. Depending on the amount of work being provided, the expert will commonly request a retainer be paid at the start of work with the remaining balance be paid upon its completion.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Save The Medical Expert Invoice

When it is time to invoice your Patients (or Clients) for medical advice, select the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)”

2 – Identify The Medical Expert As The Sender

The “Company Name” or the Medical Expert’s professional business name should be entered at the top of the page in place of the large-font text in the first field.     Furnish the Medical Expert’s “Name” to the first line.   The address where the Medical Expert’s office is located or where he or she intends mail to arrive should be produced. Enter it as a “Street Address” on the next line then proceed to the “City, State, Country” line and “ZIP Code” line to furnish the remainder of this address.   The next lines needing attention are labeled “Phone” and “E-Mail.” They have been set here so that you can present alternate contact methods to the Patient or Client in an easily noticeable area.   


3 – Invoice The Patient Or Client

The shaded area with the two labeled lines within has a very specific goal for requesting the information it does. In many cases, the Patient or Client will want a concise way of identifying this invoice or having it identified. By giving it a filing number that remains unused in any other area of your filing system and disclosing the official “Date” when the amount due is applied to the Patient or Client, you will satisfy this need nicely. Thus, enter the “Invoice #” and “Date” where each is requested in this part of the invoice.    Next, report the Patient’s “Name” on the first line in “Bill To.” If the Payer of this invoice is an entity then, place the legal “Name” of the paying entity on this line and remember to cite any Patient requiring service in the invoice table.   The billing address where this invoice is being sent is a requirement of the “Bill To” section and will take the same format as the address we previously recorded. Thus, furnish the building number/street and any required unit number or the P.O. Box of the billing address to the “Street Address” line then proceed to input the required address material where requested down the next two lines. There will be a table occupying center-stage. Utilize the “Description” portion of this table to account for the time or material you are billing for. This area is versatile enough to accept a date range, consultation hours, subject matters, or even cite a pre-existing agreement by contract name or number.   Report how much money is being charged for the Medical Expert concerned consultation or review in the first row in the “Amount” column.

The second row of this column is composed of the “Subtotal” box. In most of your invoices, this is just a tradition however it serves an important function. This solidifies for the Patient or Client precisely how much is being charged (in total) except for any local, state, or federal taxes. Typically, this will be the same as the “Amount” you have reported. Furnish the dollar amount making up the “Subtotal” to the box this label is attached to.   Refer to your books for any taxes that must be included. The next box down (“Tax”) in this column will need the total amount being added in taxes supplied.     The last requirement of this table is arguably invaluable to this document’s ability to function well. Take the sum of your “Subtotal” and the reported “Tax” amount and furnish it to the box attached to the “Total” label. This figure represents the Patient’s (or Client’s) expected payment for the Medical Expert services provided.       


4 – Optional Terms And Content May Be Set

The first sentence after the “Total” you recorded should also be satisfied. This will dictate how many “…Days” the Patient is given to respond to this invoice with payment. Any payment received after the number of days you enter on the blank line would be considered late and vulnerable to penalties.    If you wish to include specific information or instructions pertaining to this bill or the consultation/review, use the blank lines after “Comments Or Special Instructions” as an area to present them.   


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Download The Medical Expert Invoice As A Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet available through the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link can be previewed on this page by reviewing the image. When ready select the aforementioned link or the button underneath the image to save this invoice and proceed.

2 – Present The Medical Expert’s Billing Information

The Medical Expert’s office or professional logo is the first request the spreadsheet makes. Supply this image to cell A1. If the Medical Expert has a banner this is also an acceptable image.    Naturally, the image you supplied will need to be coupled with the Medical Expert’s office or “Company Name.” Thus, enter it in cell A2.

The address that the Medical Expert operates from and receives correspondence should be presented with this material. Before providing this, you must list the “Name” of a Contact Person in cell A3. Note that the contact address is split down three cells in the same column so that you will be recording it on a line by line basis. Thus, enter the building number/street name and any required unit number or P.O. Box from the first line of the Medical Expert’s address in cell A4 (appropriately labeled as “Street Address”). The two cells that follow (A5 and A6) will accept the second line as the city, state, and country then the “ZIP Code.”   The next cells (A7 and A8) will complete the standard contact information one expects on an invoice by requesting you submit the Medical Expert’s “E-Mail” and office “Phone” number.   In addition to the Medical Expert’s professional identity, we will also have to deliver the identity of this paperwork in the bookkeeping system employed by the Medical Expert. Thus, turn your attention to the right then delete the hashtag symbol in cell F4 and replace it with the Medical Expert’s invoice number. The invoice “Date” can be left unaltered (in cell H4) if the current “Date” is appropriate.   


3 – Address The Patient Or Billed Entity Directly

It is imperative that we call out the individual or entity being billed in the “Bill To” part of column A before we proceed. This entity may range from an Insurance Company to a Patient, but the legal “Name” of the entity expected to respond to this invoice must be displayed in cell A11.  It is also necessary to utilize cells A12, A13, and A14. Type in the legal billing address of the Payer in a similar line by line basis that was employed earlier.      Continue down the sheet to row 17. Use the first cell of this row (cell A17) as the staging area to summarize the nature or subject matter of the consultation or review that is being billed. If the subject matter was a Patient and the Recipient is an Organization paying for his or her consult/review, then identify the Patient by I.D. number. In many states, you may not be able to name the Patient directly on such paperwork so make certain you are abreast of these laws.

Note that column H of the invoice table we are working on will have a few rows needing attention. You will only need to fill in two of these cells with information. Begin by producing the charges being billed to the Patient or Client in cell H17, the “Subtotal” in cell H18, then enter a sum of all the taxes that must be paid in cell H19. If no taxes will be applied, you may leave cell H19 unattended.          The “Total” of this bill is the sum of the cell H18 value and cell H19 value. Add these two cells, then display the result in cell H20               


4 – An Area For Optional Terms And Information Can Be Employed

A couple of additional areas where information can be relayed to the Patient or Client have been placed on this spreadsheet after the invoice table we have completed. The first of these is cell A21 where a specifically worded statement has been placed. The bracketed symbol in this statement must be removed then replaced with the predetermined amount of “…Days” constituting the grace period or time-limit for submitting payment.    If more room is required to personalize this invoice, you can include additional material in cell A22.     


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