Nurse Invoice Template can be used to bill virtually any Nursing Patient or Client for the care provided to them. This paperwork is usually generated both as a point of reference for the Patient/Client as well as a formal request for payment. Such goals will require that some information be transcribed from your records to the appropriate sections in this invoice. When doing so make sure that every item you report on displays accurate information. This simple precaution of verifying the data you entered can aid in avoiding certain delays in payment.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save The Nurse Invoice As A PDF Or Word Document
The paperwork required to bill a Nursing Client is available as both a PDF and a Microsoft Word document. To access this invoice as either simply locate the text link or button with the correct designation. For instance, if you intend to work on a PDF document, then select either the text link “Adobe PDF” or the button “PDF”
2 – Identify The Nurse Issuing This Invoice
The header of this invoice will have request information in two areas. First, locate the field containing the text label “Company Name” then place the Nurse’s business name in this field. The second area of this header is made up of several blank lines. Each of these lines will be attached to a label. Begin satisfying this area’s request for content with the Nurse’s “Name” on the first blank line.
The second, third, and fourth blank lines are set to present the address where the Nurse receives mail. The “Street Address” line will request the mailing address’ building number and street while the two placed underneath will need the “City, State, Country” and “ZIP Code” of the Nurse.
Report the Nurse’s “Phone” and “E-Mail” information on the blank spaces requesting such information in this area.
3 – The Determined Invoice Number Should Be Reported
The Nurse’s accounting system should have “Invoice #” ready to be assigned to this paperwork and its contents. The Recipient will need this “Invoice #” for his or her record and it can be a handy reference tool. The “Date” attached to this document should now be provided. The blank line on the right will need this calendar “Date” produced on it.
4 – Invoice The Nursing Patient
Identify the Nursing Patient that must be billed in the next section. This “Bill To” section will provide a blank line for the “Name” and three lines (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” “Zip Code”) for the address where this invoice will be mailed. Filling in this information will attach the reported Patient to the invoice number above it. The invoice table set in the middle of the page acts as a place where you can report the nursing services that were delivered to the Patient. This act can be accomplished by listing either the shifts, the name/number of the contract calling for these services, and/or what actions the Nurse took in care of the Patient. This should be submitted, in a concise fashion to the area under the “Description” heading.
Input the nursing charges for the services discussed or dated in the “Amount” box.
This table will continue to a box called “Subtotal.” Place all nursing fees and costs as a total (without tax) in this box.
In the “Tax” box, inform the Nursing Patient how much he or she will need to pay in taxes.
Add The nursing “Subtotal” and the taxes that are owed to one sum. This is the “Total” owed for the nursing services.
The sentence after the table will contain a blank line attached to the hashtag symbol. This line requires a predetermined number of “Days” recorded in it. This will be the amount of time that defining the grace period given to the nursing patient to pay the “Total” above.
The two blank lines following the grace period statement can be utilized to deliver more content to the Nursing Patient.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Obtain The Nurse Invoice Spreadsheet
The Nurse Invoice pictured in the snapshot preview on this page can be downloaded directly from the text link bearing the label “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” or the “Excel” button near the picture.
2 – Document The Contact Details Of The Nurse And The Patient
The first part of column A requires that you produce the banner or logo the Nurse uses for his or her business. Place the Nurse banner or logo image in cell A1. Then input the name of the Nursing Company he or she operates under (or with) in cell A2. Cell A3 requires you input the Nurse’s full “Name” in cell A3
Produce the Nurse’s mailing address to cells A4, A5, and A6 so that each cell displays a different part of the mailing address. There will be text labels to guide (i.e. “Street Address” will require the building number/street or PO Box entered).
A couple of more cells will require your attention to document the Nurse’s contact details. First, record his or her nursing “E-Mail” address in cell A7, then, in cell F4, record the Nurse’s “Phone” number.
As we progress down column A, there will be an additional address section. The “Bill To” section concerns itself with the identity of the Nursing Patient and his or her address. Produce the Nursing Patient’s “Name” in cell A11.
Next record the Nursing Patient’s address in cells A12 through A14. You will need to utilize all three cells (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and the “ZIP Code”) to accomplish this task correctly.
3 – Invoice The Provided Nursing Care
After providing the Nurse and the Patient’s details, it will be time to invoice the Patient (or Payer). Before doing so, it is important that he or she would benefit from being given the method by which you keep track of this paperwork and thus its status in the nursing business. Cell F4 currently contains text but you should replace this with the “Invoice #” assigned to this transaction. You also have the option of using the current calendar “Date” as the invoice “Date” (cell H4) or changing it. Now the provided nursing services should be defined for this bill. Use cell A17 to describe either the nursing shift or contract being billed. If appropriate you may also supply a brief description of any treatments that require documentation.
The exact cost of nursing care should be dispensed to cell H17.
The next field down, cell H18, calls for the full dollar value that must be paid for all the services without any taxes added.
Cell H19 is set to accept the “Tax” the nursing care requires added. Enter this figure accordingly.
Cell H20 requires the sum of “Tax” and “Subtotal” reported as the nursing “Total” for this invoice.
4 – More Content Can Be Included To The Nurse Invoice At Will
Cell A21 is useable as a grace period declaration. The grace period is usually considered a number of days that the Nursing Patient may take to remit payment. Record this predetermined number as a substitution to the bracketed symbol in this cell. This declaration statement cannot function unless you input this number. If it is appropriate, you may include attachments or content using the space presented in cell A22.