Nutritionist Invoice Template

Downloads: 1,981

The Nutritionist Invoice Template can be completed and issued to Patients and Clients when a payment request must be made. A template will contribute to a standard and predictable invoicing process, allowing the Nutritionist Office to focus on more pressing tasks such as maintaining Patients and seeking new Clients. In addition to a standard invoicing process, a well-organized document will convey its contents in a clear manner and represent the Office sending it as a capable and above-board Nutritionist Practice or Office.

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

  • Salary: $60,370/yr (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $29.02/hr (source: BLS)

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Obtain The PDF Or Word Invoice Needed To Bill Nutrition Clients

The “Adobe PD” version of the Nutritionist Invoice template or the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file version are available by selecting the above links with your mouse.  The document featured on this page (in the preview) is obtainable as an “Adobe PDF” template or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” template. One or both of links in this portion of the site with these file types as names should be selected so you may save a copy to your machine in these formats.


Step 2 – Identify The Nutritionist Sending This Paperwork

The upper-left area of the template you downloaded contains the first fields seeking information. The first of these is in a textbox and displays the wording “Company Name.” Delete these words then type in the Nutritionist’s Professional Name or Clinic Name in its place.  Proceed to the next field, the first empty line bearing the label “Name,” then type in the full “Name” of the Nutritionist behind this invoice. If an Employee of the Nutritionist Office is handling this document, tasked with collecting the owed money, and is the first point of contact for the Nutritionist Office, then input this person’s name on this line.  The next three fields (labeled by the terms “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code”) require the Nutritionist Office or mailing address recorded for display. Enter these items so that the return address for the Nutritionist correspondence being completed will display with its Company and Employee names.  We will complete the Nutritionist’s Office information with its “Phone” line and “E-Mail” address. The final two lines of this area will seek these entries as a courtesy to the Patient or Nutrition Client. 


Step 3 – The Nutritionist’s Assigned Reference Material For This Paperwork

The divider on this page that follows the header is meant as a staging area for the invoice number determined by the Nutritionist Office issuing this document. The “Invoice #” line in this part of the document will accept this content for display.   

This paperwork must be attached to a deliberate “Date” of effect. Thus, follow the divider to the right then produce this effective “Date.” 


Step 4 – Bill The Patient For The Nutrition Consultation

The Nutritionist must target a Paying Client with the obligation of satisfying this request for payment. For this effect, continue down this document to the area bearing the “Bill To” heading. Record the Nutrition Patient’s full “Name” on the first blank line below these words.  This area continues with a request for the Nutrition Patient’s mailing address as well. The next three lines are labeled for a display on the Nutrition patient’s “Street Address,” the matching “City, State, Country,” then the appropriate “Zip Code.” 


Step 5 – Define The Nutrition Appointment Requiring Payment

The Nutritionist Client’s appointment must be defined so that a payment can be requested with this paperwork. The “Description” of this appointment in the first column of the invoice table directly under the Nutrition Client’s billing information. For instance, the calendar day when the appointment was held along with its topic can be listed in this column.  Move to the next column of the same row of the appointment being discussed. Here, the length of time making up this appointment should be divided and reported as a number of “Hours” in the second column. 


Step 6 – Invoice The Nutrition Appointment

The Nutritionist’s pay rate should be applied to the appointment we defined. In the “$/Hour” column, produce the Nutritionist’s hourly rate as a dollar amount.  Complete the row with the concerned appointment with its cost. Multiply the “Hours” the Nutritionist spent in this appointment with his or her hourly rate then populate the “Amount” column with this dollar amount.  The field attached to the “Subtotal” label is reserved for a sum of the appointment costs reported above. Add these amounts to one another then present them as the nutrition appointment’s “Subtotal” for this bill.  Report any taxes required for the concerned Nutrition Client’s “Subtotal” in the next field down (labeled with the word “Tax”).  Complete this table with the nutrition appointment’s “Total” in the last box down. Reach this value by adding the taxes reported to the “Subtotal.” 


Step 8 – The Nutritionist’s Deadline Must Be Recorded

The Nutritionist is encouraged to place a limit on the amount of time after the invoice when it will be assumed that payment is in transit. Do this by entering the number of “Days” after the invoice date that it will be assigned the lateness status. 


Step 9 – Document Further Material From The Nutritionist As Needed

There may be additional tasks to deliver a full report to the Nutrition Patient or Client. If so, then place this remaining material after the phrase “Comments Or Special Instruction   


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Spreadsheet Template Top Issue A Nutritionist Invoice

The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link following the word “Download” above will give you access to the spreadsheet template designed to bill for a Nutritionist’s services or time. If desired, you may view an example in the image presented with the “Excel” button.


Step 2 – Introduce The Nutritionist Behind This Paperwork

Our first task after accessing this template will be to submit a presentation of the Nutritionist Practice, Office, or Clinic sending this bill. Perform this by uploading the Nutritionist’s logo in cell A1 and typing in the Nutritionist’s “Company Name” in cell A2.  Identify the Nutritionist seeking payment by “Name” in cell A3. You may also furnish the full “Name” of an Office Employee if this is more appropriate.  Now, it is time to dispense the Nutrition Office, Practice, or Clinic’s contact details. The mailing address where payments or inquiries regarding the nutrition appointment or this invoice must be displayed first. Therefore, look for the next cell down (containing the “Street Address”) and report the building number/street/unit number where such mail must be should be sent as its contents.  Naturally, the Nutritionist’s address should be completed with the Practice, Office, or Clinic’s mailing “City, State, Country,” then “Zip Code” in cells A5 and cell A6.


The Nutritionist’s “E-mail” and Practice, Office, or Clinic “Phone” number in cell A7 and A8. 


Step 3 – Dispense The Nutrition Practice’s Invoice Reference Material

The invoice information that allows this paperwork to be easily tracked in one’s filing system is usually based on the invoice number and calendar day of issue. Both of these details should be furnished to the concerned paperwork. Find cell F4 then produce the Practice, Office, or Clinic designated “Invoice #” as its content.  The “Date” that should be used as a starting point of this payment request is defaulted as your current desktop calendar day. If you wish to use a different calendar day as the nutrition appointment’s Invoice “Date,” then record it in cell H4. 


Step 4 – Directly Address The Nutrition Patient Or Client

Input the Nutrition Patient or Client in cell A11. This cell immediately follows the “Bill To” heading so this the Entity “Name” you produce in this cell will be understood to be the Party the Nutritionist intends to collect money from for the concerned invoice.    The full address where the Nutritionist Client expects this paperwork to be sent and any follow-up documents (such as notices and receipts) must be included in this area as well. Therefore, the building, street, and unit number must be recorded in cell A12, the appropriate “City, state, Country” in cell A13, and finally the “Zip Code” in cell A14. 


Step 5 – Produce A Report On The Nutritionist’s Services

The appointment requiring the Nutrition Client’s payment should be defined in cell A17 by date, times, and subject matter. You may bill for more than one of the Nutritionist’s consultation/examination but keep in mind that each appointment needing payment should be listed on a separate row.  The first appointment we are listing will need additional material defining it recorded in the next couple of columns. The number of “Hours” the Nutritionist is billing for should be produced in the second column in cell F17. 


Step 6 – Document The Nutritionist’s Billable Time

The hourly pay the Nutritionist expects for the “Hours” you discussed in the previous cell. Continue to cell G17 then record this hourly rate. This table automatically feeds this dollar amount to a formula whose results display in column H. While much of the column is populated where information must be reported, there will be additional information required.    Cell H28 is the final field in this table where the Nutritionist or Invoice Preparer must furnish a dollar “Amount.” Here, the “Tax” that must be paid for the Nutritionist’s care (if any) must be filled into this column. Double-check all the entries contributing to the dollar values presented in column H as these will define precisely how much money is owed. The final “Total” for the Nutritionist’s services above will be presented in cell H29. 


Step 7 – The Nutritionist Office Should Attach A Payment Deadline

Cell A30 will make a point of informing the Nutrition Client when the invoice above will be late if unpaid. The first day this occurs should be defined as a number of “Days” past the invoice “Date” above or the assumed calendar day of receipt. Record this number as a replacement for the number sign in cell A30 (leaving the remainder of the current language intact).   


Step 8 – More Information Should Be Furnished For The Nutrition Client If Needed

Cell A31 of this spreadsheet enables you to continue with more content. The term it contains, “Comments Or Special Instructions,” will call your Client’s attention to this area of display. 

Downloads: 1,981