The Physical Therapy Invoice Template gives an Office the ability to present a professional-looking bill with relative ease. Generally, this paperwork acts as a formal bill defining the Physical Therapist, the Paying Client, and the physical therapy consultation or session that took place. By providing a concise but complete invoice, Patients and Clients will be able to supply proof of the visit to any interested entities (i.e. insurance companies, employers, etc.) and keep track of their expenses with the Physical Therapy Practice or Office issuing this document. After acquiring your copy of this invoice, set aside a reasonable amount of time to complete it. Once it is completed, verify its accuracy, then issue it to the intended Recipient.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Save The Physical Therapy Invoice From This site
The invoice needed to request payment from Physical Therapy Clients is downloadable using the “PDF” or “Word” buttons. You can also download the Physical Therapy Template using the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link.
Step 2 – Name The Physical Therapist Behind This Document
The full name of the Physical Therapy Clinic or Practice seeking payment must be input to the “Company Name” text box at the top of this page. Locate the set of lines under the Physical Therapy Clinic or Practice’s legal name. The first line (“Name”) requires the identity of the Invoice Preparer or Handler. Populate this line with this identity as requested.
The Physical Therapy Practice or Clinic’s mailing address is needed on the blank lines labeled “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”
Continue with a report on the Physical Therapist’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address. If it is more appropriate, you may dispense a general telephone number and email address for the Practice or Clinic sending this, these items.
Step 3 – Deliver The Concerned Therapy Session’s Invoice Information
The references used to call up this document in a filing system or database are the next submission that must be presented to this document. Locate the shaded area with the wording “Invoice #.” Input the Physical Therapist Practice or Clinic’s filing number for this written payment request. On the right, the blank line attached to the term “Date” shall expect a formal effective “Date” declared to its contents as a calendar month, day, and year. It should be noted that attaching a specific date of effect will serve multiple uses.
Step 4 – Attach The Physical Therapy Client’s Identity
Now, it is time to focus on the Physical therapy Client responsible for the payment of this invoice. In fact, the first area of the billing section (or “Bill To” section) seeks a definition to the Physical Therapy Client’s identity. Place the legal “Name” of the Payer on the first line here. Furnish the Physical Therapy Client’s billing address to display through three different lines by inputting the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” on the next two lines after this Entity’s “Name,” then the matching “Zip Code” on the last line before the table.
Step 5 – Discuss The Physical Therapy Session Being Billed
The table occupying the next section of this invoice seeks several column’s worth of material so that it may be completed. The first column should be used as a “Description” while the other three will request content you wish coupled with the first column’s descriptions of work. The Physical Therapy work being billed using the row-by-row list in the first column should be defined by the appointment or therapy session’s date and times. The number of “Hours” the Physical Therapist worked for or with his or her Client will be the next concern. Review the list you supplied in the first column then, in the second column, report the “Hours” each appointment being billed required of the Physical Therapist.
Step 6 – Declare Amount Owed For The Physical Therapy Appointment
The “$/Hour” column to the right of the time you have documented for review seeks the cost for one hour of the Nutritionist’s time during the concerned appointment. The final column in this invoice table requires a basic calculation to complete each row discussing the nutrition appointment. This process requires the number of “Hours” in the nutrition appointment multiplied by the hourly rate of the Nutritionist. The product of this calculation is the “Amount” required by the Nutritionist and should be recorded in the last field of the row you are working on.
Whether one therapist appointment was listed or several, the “Subtotal” field must be populated with the sum of all the dollar values in the “Amount” column above.
Any physical therapy taxes expected with this bill should be documented in the “Tax” field.
The “Total” field at the end of the “Amount” column expects the sum of the taxes owed plus the physical therapy “Subtotal”
Step 7 – Appoint The Deadline For The Physical Therapy Payment
A definitive number of “Days” to pay this bill should be named by the Physical Therapy Office, Practice, or Clinic. Enter this number on the space between the phrase “…Due In” and “Days.”
Step 8 – More Content Can Be Included Concerning The Physical Therapy
The “Comments Or Special Instructions” text contains an area where additional documentation concerning the physical therapy appointment or the bill we just completed. You may also leave these lines unattended.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Physical Therapy Invoice Template
The paperwork needed to issue an invoice to Physical Therapy Clients is available as a “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” document. Obtain this file by selecting the “Download” link above or the button furnished under the feature image.
Step 2 – Identify The Physical Therapist Requesting Payment
Introducing the Physical Therapist as the Sender of this paperwork will be the first concern of this sheet and must be addressed in cell A1. This field is set for the Physical Therapy Clinic or Practice’s official logo. You may “Insert” it with the Excel menu at the top of your program window. The full name of the Clinic or Practice providing the Physical Therapy or that of an independent Physical Therapist should be listed in the “Company Name” field in cell A2.
Present the Physical Therapist’s “Name” in cell A4 or that of the Office Employee billing for the appointment or therapy sessions we will discuss.
The next three fields of column A intend to deliver documentation focusing on the Physical Therapist’s formal business address. This material will be presented cell-by-cell (cells A4 through A6) so that it will display line-by-line near the Physical Therapist’s Office, Practice, or Clinic address.
Generally, many Bookkeeping Departments across nearly any industry will encourage an Invoice Preparer to make sure the Recipient can easily contact the Sender. In this case, we will take advantage of cells A7 and A8’s placement by furnishing the Physical Therapist’s “E-Mail” and “Phone” details to the respective fields.
Step 3 – Reference This Paperwork Properly For The Physical Therapy Client
Another tool that should be included for the Physical Therapy Patient’s benefit is the invoice number assigned to the physical therapy bill being worked on. This filing number will be used by the Client to call attention to his or her payment if necessary. Similarly, the Physical Therapy Office Employee performing any follow-ups to this paperwork will wish to easily reference this invoice. Thus, locate cell F4 and present this filing number accordingly. The formal invoice “Date” the Physical Therapy Office, Practice, or Clinic wishes associated with the current request for payment is also considered a handy tool in referencing the subject matter of this document. Cell H4 assigns the default “Date” to the settings of your desktop calendar, however if the Physical Therapy Office, Practice, or Clinic has decided to post-date this invoice then you may edit this content.
Step 4 – Define The Physical Therapy Client
The Patient and Client of the Physical Therapist may not necessarily be the same party. For instance, an Employer or Insurance Company may be the Paying Client for the Patient receiving services. In all cases, the expected Payer of the physical therapy session’s bill is the Party that must receive this paperwork. Thus, in cell A11, furnish a record of the “Name” of the Person Or Company who shall pay this invoice upon receiving it.
Continue to cell A12 where you must report the Physical Therapy Client’s full “Street Address” separately from the “City, State, Country” in cell A13 and “Zip Code” in cell A14.
Step 5 – Produce A Report On The Physical Therapy Provided
Some discussion regarding the physical therapy being billed must be recorded for a review by the Payer. The first column in a basic invoicing table will accept such a record. Here, the appointment, consultation, or therapy session made available to the Physical Therapy Patient should be listed. You may bill for more than one appointment using this table but, keep every such record on a separate row. Generally, the calendar date of the appointment should be called out in this column and, if desired, some additional material such as the times involved or the reason for the visit may be added. The number of “Hours” defining the physical therapy visit should be documented next to its “Description.” Column F of this table will display the appropriate heading for this task and is the next column to the right. Supply the requested number of “Hours” to this column for every reported.
Step 6 – Display The Cost Of The Physical Therapy
Now that we have discussed the identities of the Parties involved and addressed some basic subjects, a submission of the physical therapy visit’s costs and the figures contributing to the “Total” owed must supplied. This template will use the three values you enter as data to calculate the requested payment. The second figure you must provide this table must be reported in column G. This will complement the previous record by presenting the dollar value you report as the hourly rate of pay the Physical Therapist expects for the visit you documented in this table’s first column. Produce this hourly rate in column G (“$/Hour”) As mentioned earlier, three figures must be produced for this table to function correctly. The third dollar value presented is expected in cell A28 (“Tax”). While it is rare that taxes be charged to a physical therapy session, if any products were sold, then their applicable sales tax must be calculated and reported in cell A28.
Step 7 – Attach The Invoice Payment’s Grace Period
Cell A30 of this sheet wishes to solidify when nonpayment results in further action by changing this invoice’s status to late or delinquent. This field’s phrase “Payment Is Due…” calls the Physical Therapy Client’s attention to the fact that upon a certain number of “Days” after the invoice “Date” this change of status occurs. Furnish the number required to communicate the amount of “Days” the Physical Therapy Office, Practice, or Clinic will wait for on-time payment.
Step 8 – More Information Can Be Produced If needed
If the Physical Therapy Office, Practice, or Clinic intends to address additional subject matter, this can be handled by directly inputting the remaining material to the contents of Cell A31.