Psychiatrist Invoice Template is a convenient and easily employed tool any office or practice owed payment can use to request that payment. This template can be adapted to a variety of services and Clients. For instance, it can be generated for individual sessions, group therapy, on-site visits, and will allow for patient confidentiality if filled out correctly. When it is time to supply this paperwork with the information necessary to complete it, make certain that all such material is up-to-date and accurate since misreporting may cause some confusion.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save The Psychiatrist Invoice In Your Machine
The Psychiatrist Invoice can be secured as a PDF file or it can be downloaded as a Word File. You can access either version immediately with the text links above or seek out the “Word” and “PDF” button near the invoice preview.
2 – Identify The Psychiatrist Or Practice Sending This Invoice
The Psychiatrist sending this document should be identified by his or her practice or professional name in the “Company Name” box at the top of the page. Next, use the blank lines in the first section to compose the mailing address information the Client would need to contact the Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Practice by mail. Needless to say, to give the Client this ability, you must use this as a staging area to present the “Name,” “Street Address,” city, state, country, and the appropriate (and full) “ZIP Code” where such correspondence can be initiated by the Client.
Once you’ve given the mailing address information for the Psychiatrist’s Practice, you will want to make sure the Patient/Client has the information necessary to utilize his or her preferred method of contact. Thus, you should supply some alternatives. To this end, the office “Phone” line used by the Psychiatry Practice must be presented. Submit this to the “Phone” line then proceed to enter the Practice’s up to date “E-Mail” address on the final line in this section.
3 – Establish Reference Information Defining This Paperwork
Naturally, both the Patient and the Psychiatry Practice will wish to keep track of this document’s status. It is much easier to accomplish this task when the concerned paperwork has a filing identity. Therefore, determine the invoice number then place it on the line attached to the text “Invoice #.” The exact calendar “Date” is also a commonly used tool to identify a specific invoice or bill. Submit this to the blank space labeled “Date.”
4 – Confirm The Client Or Patient’s Name And Address
The Recipient will want some assurance that this invoice was sent with intention. Therefore, a section where he or she will specifically be addressed has been included in the next section which is titled “Bill To.” The empty lines in this section will all carry designations asking for information on that line. Follow these labels to input the “Name” of the Patient along with his or her “Street Address,” the address’ “City, State, Country,” and the correct “Zip Code”
5 – Summarize And Price The Psychiatrist’s Services
You need to define the transaction or session that is currently unpaid. In many cases, this will take the form of the date and time of the concerned Session(s) or simply citing a previously agreed upon treatment contract. In either case, document the interaction requiring payment using the “Description” part of the table below the Patient’s information. Keep in mind that if the entity being billed is a third party (i.e. insurance company, union, etc.) then you must make certain that this area will properly refer the Recipient to the information he or she requires to submit the requested amount of money. Inform the Patient or Client the exact “Amount” being requested as payment for the defined interaction or session in the first box of the second column (“Amount”).
The next portion of the “Amount” column will request some further definition to present regarding the total payment. First, make sure that all charges are summed to one figure in the “Subtotal” box. It is important that you do not add any taxes to this sum.
The “Tax” box will list the taxes (if any) that must be paid by the Patient/Client.
Finally, add the “Tax” that you listed to the “Subtotal” signifying the full dollar value being charged by the Psychiatrist to one “Total” which should be produced in the final box of this column.
6 – More Room Is Available If Required
You may wish to include some content or instruction that has been left out so far. A common instruction that is dispensed with an invoice is how to pay it. Fill in the number of days you will wait for a payment after which the invoice would be considered unanswered. The blank lines near the end of this document will accept any additional material that must be presented.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Access The Psychiatrist Invoice Spreadsheet From This Site
Save the spreadsheet from the “Excel (.xlsx)” link or “Excel” button shown on this page. When you are ready, gather the required billing records then open this document either with your copy of Excel or compatible spreadsheet software.
2 – Produce The Psychiatrist’s Practice Information
Begin this spreadsheet with the letterhead or logo the Psychiatrist’s Office or Practice uses in cell A1. Input the Psychiatrist’s professional name or the Psychiatry Practice’s name to cell A2.
The Sender or Psychiatrist’s Office Personnel must identify himself or herself in cell A3.
Cells A4 (“Street Address”) through A6 (“ZIP Code”) is the area where the Psychiatrist or named Office Personnel can be reached by mail regarding this paperwork.
The email address and the telephone number where the Psychiatrist expects billing inquiries to be directed must be submitted to cell A7 (“E-Mail”) and Cell A8 (“Phone”)
3 – Identify The Psychiatric Patient Or Client
Continue moving through column A to cell A11 then, submit the Patient’s “Name.” The address information defining where this invoice is being mailed for the Patient’s retrieval must be presented in cell A12, A13, and A14.
4 – Invoice The Patient Or Client
The invoice number and invoice “Date” used by the Psychiatrist’s Office or Practice to keep track of this interaction are requested in cell F4 and cell H4. This paperwork will contain a table that begins on row 16. This row will contain the column headings necessary to organize the information appropriately. The first order of business for this table will be to record the session information that is being billed in cell A17
In cell H17, the price of the psychiatric session or appointment should be entered.
Record the session’s “Subtotal” in H18 then enter the “Tax” in cell H19.
In cell H20, the “Total” will equal the result of “Subtotal” plus “Tax.”
Next, in cell A21, tell the Patient how many “…Days” he or she has to pay this by typing in this number in place of the hashtag.
Cell A22 can be employed to produce any additional and relevant content to this invoice.