60-Day Payment Due Invoice Template

A sixty (60) day payment due invoice is sent to collect for goods or services provided with a term of two months for payment. This type of invoice is common for sellers of products, especially durable goods, to allow them enough time to re-sell the items and be able to pay back the money. Unlike other invoices, if payment is not made within the 60-day timeframe, harsh penalties may be enacted such as account restrictions and late fees based on the amount due.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Download Your Copy Of The 60-Day Payment Invoice

Determine whether you wish to work with a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” template or an “Adobe PDF” file. Once you’ve decided, seek out the caption area of the preview where you may choose either the “PDF” or “Word” button.


Step 2 – Satisfy The Header With The Issuer’s Customer Service Information

The full “Company Name” of the entity requiring payment within sixty days is the first entry expected by this invoice. Produce the formal name of the Manufacturer, Service Provider, or Sales Entity issuing this document.  After the official Company or Business name of the Invoice Sender is input, proceed to the set of lines below it. The first four are ready to display the mailing information this Entity wishes its Clientele to use for contact regarding this document. The set of labeled lines reserve a specific place for the “Name” then the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” of the Customer Service or Accounts Payable Representative sending this invoice.  The next items required by this document will also allow the Invoice Recipient to contact its Issuer. The two blank lines finishing the invoice header request a record of the Company telephone number and email address reserved to receive Client inquiries and payments. Use the “Phone” and the “E-Mail” lines here to pass this information to the Client.   


Step 3 – Assign The Appropriate Filing Details To This Document

A shaded bar separating the invoice header from its body has two labeled lines within its boundaries. The first is labeled to receive the invoice number (“Invoice #”) the Issuing Manufacturer, Vendor, or Service Provider will use as a common reference with the Client for the concerned deadline payment.  “Date” is the next line in this part of our document. Usually, this will also aid in identifying a document however, now it will carry an added significance. The “Date” you supply on this line will start the sixty-day countdown to payment (unless you allot for delivery). You will have an opportunity to clear up any confusion as to the precise due date. For now, record the first calendar day this payment is requested on the line attached to “Date.”  


Step 4 – Address The Correct Entity Of The 60 Day Payment Deadline

It is imperative that we properly direct the correct entity to pay the amount we list. Any misunderstanding of the Recipient’s identity may cause significant payment delays (understandably). Thus, consult your references and input the full and legal “Name” of the intended Recipient. This is the Invoice Payer and will be held accountable if payment is late or delinquent.   The three lines underneath the Payer “Name” are held for this entity’s billing address. As with the lines above, this address will be divided into three different lines (“Street Address,” “City, State,…” and “Zip Code”).  Again, consult the records as the Client address must be as accurate as the “Name.”


Step 5 – Report The Services Or Goods Being Purchased

Before we discuss the money due, we will define what is being purchased. Both of these topics will be covered in the table at the center of this page in the “Description” and “Amount” columns. Begin tending to this table with a “Description” of the services, goods, or merchandise the Client must pay for within sixty days.  


Step 6 – Furnish The Amounts Determining The Payment Due In Sixty Days

The second table item to furnish is the exact “Amount” for each of the services or goods the Client will purchase by submitting payment on time. This report should be produced in the first box of “Amount.” If more than price is recorded in this column make sure each one corresponds to the appropriate goods or service you recorded in the first column.   The “Subtotal” box will sum the above amounts up for the Client. Even if you did not enter multiple amounts, you should confirm the one you recorded. The “Subtotal” is considered a basic total of what is being charged by the Invoice Sender without any taxes, penalties, or discounts considered. Our third column item is the “Tax” box. Any and all taxes that are required on the “Subtotal” amount must be listed here as a dollar amount. Take a moment to verify the “Subtotal” and “Tax” amounts you entered. If they are accurate then add them together as the “Total” owed within sixty days by the Client. The final box will carry the bold “Total” label to call attention to itself as the final amount that must be paid. 


Step 7 – Attach The Sixty Day Deadline Date To This Document

Notice another bold item near the bottom of this page. The statement beginning with “This Payment Is Due…” and terminating with a blank line requires your entry. Calculate the exact due date of this invoice as sixty days from the date of its receipt by the Client then, place this due date on the blank line provided.  


Step 8 – Include Any Subjects Required For Completion

Now, we have produced quite a bit of information to this document including a specific timeline for a named party to follow when submitting payment for the items we defined. The “Comments Or Special Instructions” label below our deadline statement assumes you may wish to continue with additional information that may be necessary for the situation at hand. You may utilize the blank lines here at will.   


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Sixty-Day Invoice As An Excel Template

Seek out the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link in this section or its counterpart “Excel” button (captioning the preview). Secure your template by clicking on one of these items then save it when prompted.


Step 2 – Present A Clear Introduction

This sheet will seek Issuing Company’s public logo as an upload to cell A1 then it’s official or legal name entered directly to cell A2. Bear in mind that if the sender is a Business Entity with a status suffix such as a Corporation, a Limited Liability Company, or Partnership then the appropriate suffix must be included in cell A2 with the entity’s name.  Cell A3 has been set aside to document the “Name” of the Customer Service Representative or Sole Proprietor sending this paperwork. This should be the “Name” the Client may address inquiries or (if appropriate) payments when responding to this paperwork.

The next two cells request the Business Address where the Invoice Sender may be reached. The “Street Address” field reserved in cell A4 and “City, State, Country” field held by cell A5 expects this formal mailing address of the Business Entity or Proprietorship that is sending this paperwork. Cell A6 wishes a separate display of the Sender’s postal code. Delete its contents then supply the above address’ “Zip Code” as a replacement.

Lastly, attach the Business Entity or Proprietorship’s “Phone” and “E-Mail” address to this document through cell A7 and A8 (respectively).


Step 3 – Produce Important Reference Information

The bookkeeping or accounting system employed by the Business Entity or Sole Proprietorship expecting payment within sixty days should have a document referencing system in place for bills where each is assigned a unique transaction, filing, reference, or “Invoice #.” This is expected content in cell F4. This document makes a declaration that payment must be received within a given time period of its receipt. Our next entry is, thus, quite important for this declaration. Locate cell H4 (adjacent to the invoice number you supplied). This field is unique in that it has a valid entry already supplied to it. This is the calendar “Date” of the invoice. You may use the current day (displayed in cell H4) or remove it so a different invoice “Date” can be used.


Step 4 – Assign The Invoice Payer’s Identity

The next task will be to formally obligate the targeted Client to pay this invoice within the sixty days after we name after its invoice date. Identifying and obligating this Party will be handled once you enter his or her legal “Name” in cell A11. If the Client is a Business, then make sure to supply the full Client Business “Name” in this field.  Cell A12, A13, and A14 are set for the targeted Client’s formal billing address. Satisfy the request made by these fields by documenting the appropriate “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”


Step 5 – Discuss The Items That Require The Deadline Payment

It is strongly recommended that we provided documentation of Business Entity or Proprietorship services/goods requiring the deadline payment. Cell A17 acts as a stage for such a record. Here, you may supply service dates and times, or product names and quantities that were ordered by the concerned Customer. Make sure this report is complete.  


Step 6 – Attach The Amounts To Be Submitted Within Sixty Days

The adjacent cell, titled “Amount,” seeks the cost(s) of the services or items to be purchased as placed by the Business Entity or Proprietorship providing them. You may either itemize these costs according to the items placed in the previous cell or you may supply a whole dollar amount to cover everything. Record one of these items in cell H17.  Cell H18 (to the right of the “Subtotal” label) requests that a basic total be supplied. It is referred to as a “Subtotal” because the subject of taxes is unaddressed. The Business Entity or Proprietorship will have to record all taxes applied in a distinct cell. Use cell H19 for this report. Note: The “Tax” field expects a dollar amount of the taxes entered and not the tax rate used to reach it.    Our table shall reach its conclusion in cell H20 with the “Total.” The “Total” that must be paid within sixty days can be found by adding cell H18 (“Subtotal”) and cell H19 (“Tax”).  


Step 7 – Declare The Sixty Day Payment’s Due Date

The next statement in this invoice will seek your input on when the exact due date is. You may arrive at this conclusion in one of two ways. You may simply count sixty days from the invoice “Date” (then make an allowance for its deliver) or you guess when the Customer is likely to receive it. Report the “Due Date” in cell A21 by replacing the phrase “Insert Due Date” with the Business Entity or Proprietorship’s deadline date of payment. 


Step 8 – Continue With As Many Additions As Required

In cell A22 the “Comments Or Special Instructions” section will accept a continuation of information for the Client. Here you may cite attachments such as Hazmat documentation, Bills of Lading, Tax Documents, etc. as well as directly address the Recipient.
