Donation Invoice Template is used when it is time to collect a promised donation. This invoice will act as documentation for the donation amount, the reason for the donation, and if necessary any purchased items that were involved. While the sections of this paperwork are predetermined there will also be an opportunity to name any other documents that are attached or incorporate additional material if necessary. When you have completed this document, make sure you produce two or more copies of the original for your records.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Save The Donation Invoice to Your Machine
The invoice pictured in the preview can be accessed using the “PDF” button or the “Word” button underneath it. Both buttons will lead to the same link locations in this section attached to the word “Download.”
Step 2 – Produce The Charity Or Canvasser’s Information
This paperwork will introduce itself by its point of origin. Thus, turn your attention to the top left-hand corner of this page then input the name of the Company or Charity that intends to collect the donation amount. The “Name” of the person who is formally requesting the donated payment and can receive it on behalf of the Company or Charity is the next requirement. Typically, this may be an Office Employee, Canvasser, or Volunteer acting for the Charity or Company. Produce this individual’s full “Name” on the first labeled line of this page.
Now, contact information for the Charity or Company sending this document must be presented. The Charity or Company’s mailing address or where the donated payment can be sent should be entered on the lines designated with the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” labels. Furnish this content to these lines as it would appear on a formal mailing label.
In many cases, some alternate means of contact will be expected on a donation invoice. This can be reassuring to many Donors and is also an expected convenience. Use the next labeled lines in this section to record the Company or Charity’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address.
Step 3 – Report This Donation’s Invoice Number
All documents requesting a donation payment should retain the ability to be categorized and referred to easily by the Company or Charity sending it and the Donor or Payee. The invoice number is the most often called upon tool for this task. Refer to the records kept by this organization then input this number to the “Invoice #” line. The next line will request a similar item that serves the dual purpose of formally declaring a payment owed as of a certain calendar date and a means to identify the donation invoice being completed. The “Date” line for this information is on the right side of the page. Furnish the correct “Date” for this invoice on this line.
4 – Directly Address The Donor
The Donor or Payer of this donation will have to be clearly named in this document. Seek out the labeled line “Name” in the “Bill To” section then input the Payer’s legal name. Next, attach the Donor’s mailing address to his or her identity as a “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” on the labeled lines in the “Bill To” section.
Step 5 – Document The Reason For The Expected Donation Or Payment
The purpose, goal, or reason for the donation being paid to the Company or Charity sending this document will be anticipated in its contents. A free-form area specifically devoted to receiving this content is available for your report in the box labeled “Description.” This can be the name of a cause, an item that will be purchased, a campaign event, a membership, etc. However, this donation payment will be referred to by the Payer should be described here. The adjacent box, “Amount,” contains several fields that request material defining the money involved. The first request is made by the field directly under this heading. Use this field as a place to present the basic donation “Amount” with no additions.
The box following your basic donation “Amount” list bears the “Subtotal” designation and should be populated with the sum of all the donation amounts above. The “Tax” box has been placed in case any taxes apply to the donation. While this may be considered rare for many charities, some types of entities and donations may be subject to taxation. Record any “Tax” that must be attached to the donation amount above.
A definitive “Total” must be presented with this invoice. This must be the sum of the donation “Subtotal” and any applicable taxes. Perform this calculation then report the “Total” donation amount accordingly.
Step 6 – Instruct The Donor When To Pay And Deliver Any Required Paperwork
The statement following the table can be used as a tool to inform the Donor when his or her payment is expected. To this end, produce the number of days he or she may take to gather the funds necessary on the blank line between the hashtag and the word “Days” A final area is placed in consideration of additional paperwork or instructions. Any material that should be given to the Recipient should be produced in the “Special Instructions Or Comments” area.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Obtain Your Copy Of The Donation Invoice
Select the button on this page with the “Excel” label to access the spreadsheet template. This file is also obtainable through the text links above these instructions
Step 2 – Display The Charity Or Organization’s Contact Information
Once you are ready to create your invoice, open the file you obtained from this page. The first cell of the spreadsheet you access currently displays a generic charity logo. This image acts as a place holder and should be replaced by the image file of the Charity or Organization’s logo or banner. Upload the Charity or Organization’s logo file to cell A1. The next cell down column A will seek the material typically accompanying the Charity or Organization’s logo. Document the legal name of the Charity or Organization requesting payment here in cell A2.
Cell A3, currently bearing the bracketed text “Name,” is reserved for the Volunteer or Office Employee who is representing the Organization we have just identified. Replace this text with this individual’s full “Name.”
Document the Organization’s full mailing address down the column using cell A4 to display its “Street Address” and cells A5 through A6 to present its “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”
After producing this entity’s mailing address, direct your attention to the remaining two cells in this section. Use these fields to furnish the Charity or Organization’s “E-Mail” and “Phone” information.
Step 3 – Record The Invoice Number For this Donation
The Organization’s filing number for this invoice has a distinct area of display directly across the sheet from the Sender’s details. Cell F4, labeled “Invoice #,” requires the invoice number associated with the pledge or donation payment being requested. This is often paired with a specific invoice “Date” thus, cell H4 will generate the current calendar Date according to your computer. (If desired, you may change this “Date” at will)
Step 4 – Identify The Paying Donor
The Donor this invoice is targeting should be identified in the “Bill To” section as the entity that must pay this invoice. Cell A11 shall accept this Payer’s full name. Make certain to enter this information accurately. the address where the Payer or Donor expects his or her mail should be produced in this section as well. This is both a matter of protocol and a verification of the Payer’s identity. Cell A12, A13, and A14 use the bracketed text-labels “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” to guide you in furnishing this material for display.
Step 5 – List The Goal Of The Donation Payment
The next key task to collecting this donation will be to five a clear “Description” of why the donation payment is sought. To this end, a well-labeled table is included in this spreadsheet. Cell A17 will accept a relatively sizeable amount of information so you may feel free to input items such as the name of the campaign or cause, a membership number, or any items being purchased in exchange for the donation payment. Assign a donation “Amount” (without additions such as taxes) to the reported campaign(s) or pledge(s) you listed in the second box of this row.
The “Subtotal” of donations must be documented in cell H18
If any taxes must be collected with the donation payment, then report it in cell H19.
The “Total” cell (H20) requires you populate it with the sum of the donation’s “Subtotal” and “Tax.” Furnish this result accordingly.
Step 6 – Instruct The Donor When And How To Pay
Cell A21 displays a basic statement after the table that acts to place a time limit on his or her donation. Define what a donation payment made on time will be by replacing the bracketed hashtag with the maximum number of “Days” that may elapse before the donation payment is considered late If you wish to include additional donation instructions or any documentation, then cell A22 will accept this material readily.