Create a PayPal Invoice | Send or Receive Money for Free

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Create a PayPal invoice online and send to a merchant for either providing a product or service. The invoice will be sent from PayPal to the payer’s email. The payer will be able to the button located in their email titled ‘View and Pay Invoice’ which will link them to their account after login. The payer will have the option to either pay the invoice directly from their PayPal balance or from their an alternate payment source.

Your invoice has been sent successfully! We also sent a confirmation to your email address.


Bill To
Line Item

PayPal Fees – View the applicable fees based on where the funds are being sent and its source.

How to Send a PayPal Invoice

This guide will show how to send and receive money for any type of user located anywhere in the world.

1 – Access Your Account

Go to then select the Login button located at the top right-hand area of the web page. You must have a PayPal account to continue. If you do not, select “Sign Up,” create an account then, login into it.

2 – Produce Your Credentials

You will need to supply two items to the Login Page. First, enter your username/email the first field, then enter your password in the second field.  Select the “Log In” button once you have filled out this information. You only have a limited amount of tries, so make sure you enter your password correctly.

3 – Select The Appropriate Menu Item

Locate the “Seller Tools” section at the bottom right of this page. Select the link labeled “Manage Invoices.”

You may create an Invoice using one of two methods. You may either select the menu item “Create Invoice” from the horizontal menu near the top of the page or you may select the button labeled “Create.”

4 – Several Items Are Required For Filing Purposes

Let us begin with the column of fields on the right. You may choose the “Frequency” or how often this document is sent using the first field in this column. By default, this is set to “Once Only.” However, you may use the drop-down menu to automatically send this Invoice every Week, Month, or Year. Choose how many times or how often this document should be sent to the Recipients by clicking on the appropriate drop-down menu option.The next two fields require the “Invoice Number” and “Invoice Date.” Enter this information accordingly. If preferred, a Calendar icon to the right of the “Invoice Date” field will generate a small pop-up Calendar allowing you to use your mouse to choose the Date. Note: If you do not have an Invoice Number, this box will automatically populate one based on your account records. Another reference number used to identify a transaction document in a filing system is the Purchase Order Number. If this Invoice is associated with a Purchase Order Number, then supply this number in the box labeled “PO Number.”   The final box in this column will also supply a drop-down menu. Here, we will define when the payment for this Invoice is due. The default value is “Due On Receipt.” This informs the Client that you expect a payment as soon as this document is received. If an agreement for a certain grace period is in place, then you may indicate how many days a payment is due in (a list increments of 15 is provided in this list) or a specific Calendar Date when the payment is expected (choose “Due On Date Specified” then enter the Date in the box that appears).

The column on the left will have some basic fields that you should tend to. The “My Templates” field, is a drop-down list with any previously saved invoice designs on your account. If you have a logo for your Company, then click the “+ Add Company Logo” box. This will prompt you with a dialogue box where you can select the file containing your logo. Your Business Information should be automatically set however you may edit it by clicking on the “Edit” button then filling in the required fields.

5 – Document The Individual Or Company This Paperwork Will Be Sent To

The next section of the PayPal Invoice will focus on Client information. Locate the phrase “Bill To” then, supply the E-mail Address of the entity this Invoice is addressed to. If you have a contact list with this entity’s name in it, you may simply type in the Name. If you would like to send this Invoice to multiple E-Mail Addresses, select the “+ Bill Multiple Customers.” This will toggle the field to allow for multiple inputs. If you would like to send a copy of this Invoice to entities not expected to pay it, you may enter their E-Mail Addresses in the “Cc” box.

6 – Some Details Regarding Item Transactions Should Be Presented

Now we will develop this Invoice to suit our needs. Use the first drop-down menu after the label “Customize” to indicate if you are billing the Client for a “Quantity” of an item, a number of “Hours,” or a flat “Amount Only.” You may include or exclude certain details to the basic Invoice using the next drop-down menu “Add/Remove Details.” By choosing the desired check boxes in this drop-down list, you can include Tax, Detailed Descriptions, Item Discount, and a specific Date in the Invoice and apply such items as “Invoice Discounts,” “Shipping,” and a “Custom Amount” to the Total Amount Due. If you have set up your account in the United States, then the default value in the third drop-down menu is “USD – U.S. Dollars.” You may report the numbers in this Invoice using the Monetary System of any of the nations on this list by selecting the Country from the drop down. Now that we have solidified the type of Invoice being sent, we will present the charges being placed on the Client’s Account. As mentioned earlier we chose “Quantity” meaning an item is being provided to the Client. Use the “Description” area to define this item. This area will contain two fields: “Item Name” and a row where you may write a detailed description. You may add as many rows as you like by clicking “Add Row.” If the Client ordered more than one item that has a different description, you may record its information by selecting “Add Another Line Item.”

Next, enter how many of the defined item the Client ordered in “Quantity” by entering the number in the box below this label. The price charged for one of these items must be entered under the word “Price.” That is if one book cost 1$ then enter $1 even if the Client ordered 10 copies. The “Amount” column would produce the Dollar Value “10.00” in this example. Similarly, the “Subtotal” and “Total” fields will both auto populate accordingly.  Next, select “No Tax” or “Add A New Tax” to enter the Tax Rate that must be applied to this order. The “Amount” column will make use of any number you enter here to present an accurate Dollar Value.

7 – Finalize And Send This Form

If this Invoice will be discounted, then find the “Discount” field and enter this as either a dollar amount or a percentage. Use the drop-down menu next to this field to indicate if you are reporting a flat dollar amount or if you are reporting a percent.

Report any fees the Client must pay for “Shipping” in the next box. A few options have been presented to accommodate various situations. For instance, you may “Allow Partial Payment” and/or “Allow Customer To Add A Tip” by checking the box next to the statement you wish applied. Additionally, you may include a “Note To Recipient” or deliver additional “Terms And Conditions” using the two text boxes at the bottom.

If any files should be attached to this document, then use the “Attach Files” button. Select this button then navigate through the windows dialogue box that appears to the file you wish to attach. If you wish to add a Memo to yourself, you may do so by clicking the statement link “+ Add Memo To Self.” This will generate a text box where you may fill in some information for later review. Once, you have finished entering this information, you should take a moment to review it. You may either scroll up or select the “Preview” button to view a page containing the document the Client will receive. You may also “Save As Draft” if you are not ready to send it by selecting the button at the bottom right-hand corner of this page. When you are ready to send this Invoice to your Client, click on the “Send” button.




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