Remaining Balance Due Invoice Template

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A remaining balance invoice is useful when your Company will allow a Consumer to split a purchase across two or more payments. While this can be convenient for the Consumer in being able to attain a product or a service that is otherwise out of his or her budge and promotes additional sales for your Company, there will be a time when a formal request for the remaining balance must be made of the Consumer. A template that allows the invoice items necessary to be entered and displayed reliable that also contains a predetermined area for the Consumer’s payment history will facilitate this administrative task.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Save The Remaining Balance Due Invoice From This Site

Clients with a remaining balance can be billed using the PDF or Word versions of the paperwork in the preview window on this page. The buttons near this preview window and the links above give you the ability to save your template directly from this page.


Step 2 – Record The Billing Entity As The Invoice Issuer

When you are ready to follow-up on securing the remaining balance from a partial payment, open your downloaded file. Once accessed, you should seek out the “Company Name” box at the beginning of this page then replace this wording with the exact name of the Business seeking its payment.  Underneath our “Company Name,” the full “Name” of the Sales Associate, Business Representative, or the Business Owner (i.e. a Contractor or Sole Proprietorship) must be presented. The blank line at the start of a series of labeled lines will accept this information.  Three different lines following this “Name” are labeled to call for the “Street Address,” the “City, State, Country,” then the corresponding “Zip Code” where the Client may contact the Sender at the Business behind this paperwork.  The “Phone” number where the Issuing Business can be reached by the Client is our next concern and should be reported for the Client’s use immediately below the Invoice Sender’s mailing information.

One last item of contact that allows the Consumer to reach the Issuing Business is needed. If this Business has an “E-Mail” address reserved to receive and handle electronic inquiries and other correspondence.  


Step 3 – Document The Filing Information Regarding This Paperwork

This document must have a distinct filing number or “Invoice #.” While it will not be the first request for payment made to complete the concerned purchase, it should be considered a unique payment request. The first available blank line, located in the dividing bar, is appropriately labeled to accept the invoice number assigned.  The “Date” of this invoice will define when the Issuing Business is officially following up on the unpaid balance with the Consumer. Inform the Consumer of this “Date” on the next blank space. This will act as a reference point for the due date we will describe later on.  


Step 4 – Bill The Consumer For The Remaining Balance

You must directly address, the Consumer holding the remaining funds owed to the Issuer. The “Bill To” section that introduces our invoicing report seeks the “Name” of the Consumer. Bear in mind only the legal name of this Party will suffice. If the Consumer is an individual, then his or her first and last “Name” is required on the first line in this section. If the Consumer is a Business Entity, then record the Business Entity’s entire name including its required status suffix.   After the Consumer’s been identified, the complete billing address must be displayed. This section shall display a few lines for this purpose. Fill in the “Street Address” line, the “City, State, Country” line and the “Zip Code” line with the Consumer’s billing address.


Step 5 – Report The Unpaid Services Or Merchandise

A definitive record of the merchandise or the services ordered by the Consumer and remaining only partially paid should be documented in the invoice table provided. The “Description” part of this table allows space for this action. Items such as the original invoice number for this order and a summary of what the Consumer required should be entered to this area.


Step 6 – Detail All Amounts Contributing To The Unpaid Balance

Our next responsibility to this paperwork will be to produce the dollar amounts the Consumer still owes. This process shall begin with the original owed “Amount” entered in the first box in the next column.

The “Subtotal” of this invoice should confirm the sum of all the original charges (excluding taxes) owed. If more than one-dollar value is being discussed above, present them as a sum in “Subtotal.”If our “Subtotal” amount is subject to sales tax, services tax, or value-added taxes, then we must document this amount for the Consumer’s review. Provide this in the “Tax/VAT” field displayed. Now, we will perform a summary for the Consumer. Begin by adding the “Subtotal” to the “Tax/VAT” in the “Total” field. Refer to the Consumer’s account records, then furnish the dollar value of the payment(s) received so far for the invoice defined above to the field labeled “Amount Paid So Far.”Subtract the dollar value in “Amount Paid So Far” from that in the “Amount Paid So Far” field then produce the result in the field labeled “Amount Still To Be Paid.”


Step 7 – Assign The Formal Due Date For The Remaining Balance

The sentence underneath the “Amount Still To Be Paid” field presents an empty line in its contents. Use this space to tell the Consumer how many “Days” after receiving this document will be given to pay the remaining balance.   

Step 8 – Continue With Remaining Summaries, Instructions, Or Dialogues Left Unaddressed

The discussion above may need to continue. For instance, you may wish unique instructions conveyed or deliver material relevant to the above information. The blank lines labeled “Comments Or Special Instructions” will accommodate all such information. 


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Remaining Balance Due Invoice As A Spreadsheet

Locate the “Excel” button captioning the preview window for this invoice. Select it then download the available file to your machine.

Step 2 – Place An Introduction Of The Payment Seeker At The Top Of The Sheet

The invoice you’ve obtained should begin with an effort to identify the Payment Seeker. This is the Business that has received a partial payment on a previously issued invoice and now expects the remaining balance to be pai0d. This effort begins with the formal logo the Payment Seeker uses for the concerned Business. Upload it to this sheet in cell A1 then continue one cell down to input the Business Name or “Company Name” of the Payment Seeker in cell A2. The next three cells in this column (cells A3 through A5) intend to display the “Name” and mailing address for the Company Representative working on behalf of the Payment Seeker. Cell A3 is set for this Company Representative’s “Name” while cells A4 and A5 expect your entry of the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” making up the Issuing Company’s mailing address.   Produce the postal code for this address in cell A6 (“Zip Code”). Furnish the “E-Mail” address where the Consumer may contact the Payment Seeker in cell A7. Finally, locate cell A7 then present the “Phone” number maintained by the Payment Seeker.


Step 3 – Produce The Filing Record For This Invoice

This document must remain unique as a follow-up to the invoice we are collecting on. Thus, it should be assigned a separate invoice number. Inform the Consumer of the assigned “Invoice #” in cell F4 by replacing the text currently displayed with the requested invoice number. Notice the heading for the adjacent cell is “Date” and that it displays the current calendar day you are working. You may use this default as the invoice “Date” or replace it with your own. Thus, review and confirm or edit the contents of cell H4 accordingly.



Step 4 – Obligate The Consumer To Complete The Purchase

The next process of identification we will engage in shall focus on the Consumer or the Client. In the first field underneath “Bill To” replace the wording “Name” in cell A11 with the Consumer’s full “Name.” 

After showing the Consumer or Client “Name,” make use of cells A12, A13, and A14 to record the full mailing address where the Client obligated to pay the remaining balance receives mail. Substitute the wording in these cells with the appropriate “Street Address” then its “City, State, Country,” and postal or “Zip Code.”   


Step 5 – Discuss The Commissioned Work Or Merchandise That Carries A Remaining Balance

As we are discussing a balance remaining on a previously issued invoice or bill, a basic summary of this past paperwork should be delivered to this sheet. Cell A17 (under the “Description” heading) expects a record of the previous bill’s invoice number, contract title, or customer order number. If possible, you are encouraged to give an account of the billable hours or ordered products that remain unpaid.   


Step 6 – Deliver A Report On The Balance Owed By The Consumer


Column H of the spreadsheet table begins with the “Amount” heading. Here, in cell H17, record the exact dollar value of the services or products (excluding taxes or payments) as it appeared in the original bill or invoice.   Cell H18 allows a summary of the above charges. This can be especially useful if you are seeking payment for multiple invoices. If so, add all amounts to one total, if only one was recorded then confirm it with re-entry in cell H18 (“Subtotal”).   The “Tax/VAT” field of cell H19 acts to present the total amount of taxes for the Consumer’s benefit. Thus, add all applicable service, sales, or value-added taxes required for the “Subtotal” amount to one sum. Once this sum is reached, enter it in cell H19. The original “Total” for the invoice carrying a remaining balance must be reported in cell H20 as your entry of the “Subtotal” added to the reported “Tax/VAT.”Cell H21 (“Amount Paid So Far”), seeks the payment amount the Consumer has already submitted in response to the invoice discussed in cell A17.   The “Amount Still To Be Paid” is the final expectation of this column. Subtract the contents of cell H21 (“Amount Paid So Far”) from that of cell H20 (“Total”) to reach the remaining balance owed by the Consumer. Furnish this result to cell H22. 


Step 7 – Tell The Consumer When The Remaining Balance Is Due

We shall now inform the Consumer of the Payment Seeker’s expectation of a timely payment. This means you will need what a payment made on time is. Cell A23 instructs the Consumer to pay the remaining balance within a given number of “Days” of first receiving this paperwork. Achieve this instruction by replacing the bracketed pound sign in cell A23 with this number of days.


Step 8 – Continue Delivering More Information If Needed

Cell A24 of this spreadsheet shall allow your continuation of its contents. If any such material is necessary, directly input it after the label “Comments Or Special Instructions.”

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