Payment Reminder Invoice Template produced for display on this page can act as either a reminder that payment will be due or as a reminder that a payment was due and not received. In either case, you will need some paperwork to solidify for the Recipient that your Company will expect payment for the billed merchandise or services. Ample room to give the Client some basic documentation covering your Company’s information as well as what he or she is being charged for. Additionally, you will have the freedom to cover virtually any topic using this paperwork (so long as it pertains to the discussed payment). Keep in mind, that it will be crucial to the function of this document that all the information you furnish to it is accurate and up-to-date with the Client’s account information.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Acquire The Payment Reminder Invoice
The “Download” links above will give you access to the payment reminder template displayed on this site. Simply determine the format you wish to save this file as then select it from these choices or the ones provided (via button) under the image.
2 – Report The Payee’s Identity
It will be important to make sure that the Recipient of this request is aware of the Sender’s identity. To this end, the first few tasks set on this document will be to verify the Sender and to provide the details necessary to initiate contact if desired. The first field, “Company Name,” will call for the legal name of the entity wishing to remind the entity of an amount owed. The person sending this invoice on behalf of the entity we just named should also report his or her own “Name.” The first blank space will accept this information.
The next three lines will give us a place to present the mailing address of the Payee (Sender). This material will be requested as three separate components. First, the building number/street name/suite number where the Payee receives mail then, document the Payee’s “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” on the next two lines where these items are requested.
Now list the Payee’s telephone number as well as his or her current “E-Mail” on the next two blank spaces.
3 – Furnish Distinguishing Information To This Paperwork
Regardless of whether this is the first correspondence the Payee is having with the Recipient regarding this or not, it will be necessary to dispense the “Invoice #” used for this document to the appropriately labeled blank space. Inform the Client or Payee of the “Date” when this paperwork is being completed and sent on the space to the right of the invoice number you typed in.
4 – Direct The Payer To Submit The Owed Funds
The next section will need solid information to identify the entity being reminded to pay a bill or invoice. It is crucial to this paperwork’s ability to function that we place the exact (and entire) “Name” of the Billed Entity on the first blank space below the section heading “Bill To.” Notice the language immediately obligates the entity you identify here. The Billed Entity or the Payer should have additional details presented in this area as a verification of this Party’s identity. Therefore, a few blank spaces will seek the mailing address produced to their contents. Follow the labels beginning with “Street Address” to document this mailing address.
After directing this paperwork to the Payer, we must now supply its main content. This is the reason why a payment reminder is being sent. The box, “Description,” occupying the left part of this page gives ample room to record a previous invoice, an agreement, or a job where the Payer owes money for.
The right side of the page also contains a large box where you must input the actual dollar “Amount” owed. For instance, this may be a partial payment or a late fee. In either case, the number you enter here will be the “Amount” of money required of the Payer to satisfy his or her obligations. This information will be complemented with the “Subtotal” box below it. The value you enter here must be the total costs that must be paid on this invoice excluding any taxes or tax amounts.
Calculate how much taxes are owed with the “Subtotal” amount then furnish this number to the “Tax” box.
One last box in the “Amount” column will require content entered. This will be the sum of the previous two boxes (“Subtotal” + “Tax”) displayed. Produce this “Total” in the last box.
There will two opportunities to provide instruction to the Payer or Recipient. The first of which presents itself immediately after the table as a sentence that starts with the terminology “Payment Is Due…” the blank line in this sentence requests a defining number to how many days constitute the determined grace period to answer or pay the “Total” you reported above.
The bottom of this page will set up a section (“Comments Or Special Instructions”) where you can deliver or attach additional content.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Remind Clients Of A Due Payment With The Invoice On This Page
Save the payment reminder from this page. Use the “Download” area above to select the “Excel (.xls)” version. This will allow you to use a spreadsheet.
2 – Provide Some Identifiers Describing This Document, The Sender, And The Payer
After opening this spreadsheet, you will notice a few areas set in this document. Begin by reporting the assigned “Invoice #” and “Date” to this document by replacing the text in cell F4 with the invoice number and verifying that cell H4 contains the correct invoice “Date.” Now, that we have identified the payment reminder being made (for reference in future correspondence), we must ensure the identity of the Party reminding the Recipient of that a bill must be satisfied with the Sender. This can be a Vendor, Company, or Contractor so long as it is the Party that expects payment from the Recipient. Use cell A1 to identify the Vendor, Contractor, Company, or Professional seeking payment by attaching the banner or logo used for this business.
Enter the complete “Company Name” of the Vendor or Payee in cell A2 and the “Name” of the Billing or Customer Service Representative sending this paperwork in cell A3. This may also be a Contractor whose name acts as the legal Business Name above – provided this is the individual to contact regarding this paperwork.
The mailing address and the email address of the Payee are the next requirements in column A. You will need to produce the information needed on a cell by cell basis. Thus, supply the mailing address using the three cells in column A that follow (A4 through A6) then produce the Payee’s email address below it in cell A7. This will enable the Recipient of this document to enter a written correspondence in a manner he or she prefers.
Naturally, it is considered a standard convenience to make certain the Payee’s “Phone” number is also displayed. Cell A8 presents a place where this number can be presented to the Recipient.
Continue to cell A11. This segment of the worksheet is paired with the “Bill To” heading so the Recipient will be addressed directly with the payment reminder you will provide. The Consumer or Client we intend to remind of an owed payment should be identified by “Name.” Supply this to the contents of cell A11 then conclude this area with the address of the concerned Client or Consumer (the Payer). Note the Consumer’s mailing address is expected as a line by line entry (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” “Zip Code”).
The “Description” and “Amount” columns are included as a clear staging area for the reminder to take place. Fill the contents of cell A17 with the reminder. Make certain to produce any crucial information the Consumer or Payer may need to cite the contract, service, product, subscription, etc. that will require the Consumer’s payment.
The column following your payment reminder is “Amount” and will be the first in a series of cells that will present and explain the owed payment. First, in cell H17, deliver the “Amount” of money expected for each service, contract, subscription, merchandise, etc. you listed in the previous cell. The sum of these should be presented in the “Subtotal” cell (H18) below.
The taxes being added to the base charges above should be dispensed in cell H19 (“Tax”).
Cell H20 is the field where the final dollar “Amount” that the Consumer is being reminded of must be placed. This number is the sum of cell H18 and 19 (“Subtotal” and “Tax” respectively).
Depending on your needs, you may wish to impose a deadline. In our example, this invoice is meant to remind someone of an impending payment. Thus an appropriate number of “…Days” has been named as a deadline, however, if this is a reminder for an overdue payment you may set a shorter deadline. This will need to be recorded in the brackets in the cell A21 statement.
Cell A22 contains a label (“Comments Or Special Instructions”) that will draw the Recipient’s attention should you wish to attach additional material. If so, you can cite attachments in this cell (by name/date) as well as input content directly to the contents of this cell.