Restaurant Receipt Template

A restaurant receipt is




How To Write In PDF Or Word

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Step 1 – Access The Restaurant Receipt Template As An Adobe PDF or MS Excel File

The template on display in the sample image can be used by a Restaurant to issue a receipt to its Clients. If you wish to use the template as an “Adobe PDF” then select the link above or the “Adobe PDF” button. Otherwise, you may also use this template with “MS Word” by selecting either the link or the “Word” button.


Step 2 – Identify The Restaurant Issuing This Receipt

The receipt being developed will begin with a text box where the Restaurant’s legal name should replace the “Company Name” text currently displayed.  The next part of this header will need the “Name” of the Restaurant Employee verifying the receipt of the Patron’s payment. The first blank line underneath the text box is set for this material.  Inform the Patron of the Restaurant’s business address by recording it down the next three blank lines. The “Street Address” line requires an entry of the Restaurant’s building number, the street or road name as well as any suite or unit number while the next line (“City, State, Country”) expects this address to be continued.  Furnish the Restaurant’s postal code on the line attached to the “Zip Code” line in this portion of the receipt. The fifth and sixth lines following the text box allow for the Restaurant’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address to be included with its address and identity. This should be the information the Patron may use to contact the Restaurant concerning this receipt if needed. 


Step 3 – Deliver The Restaurant’s Receipt Information For Display

The receipt number assigned by the Restaurant should be made available for the Patron’s benefit. The blank line labeled “Receipt #” has been placed in the shaded bar coupled with the Restaurant’s business information above. Input the receipt number that was attached to the Patron’s payment.  A second blank line, placed on the right=side of the shaded divider, bears the “Date” label and expects the calendar day when the Restaurant received its payment. 


Step 4 – Identify The Restaurant Patron

The Patron’s “Customer/Client Information” is the next topic of discussion. Two identifiers are considered useful for this purpose thus, enter the Restaurant Patron’s “Name” and “Phone” number on the blank lines carrying these labels. The “Table No.” line on the right will further aid in identifying the Patron who has paid this bill by naming where he or she dined. 


Step 5 – Documentation Of The Purchased Restaurant Items Should Be Supplied

The table at the center of this invoice will need some information to define what the Patron has paid for. List every menu item this receipt concerns in the “Description” column keeping each dish, drink, or product on a separate row.  A second column supplied to this table will enable a record of how many of the menu items that were listed in the first column were paid for. Furnish this number in “Quantity” on the same row as the menu item it refers to.


Step 6 – Inform The Restaurant Patron Of The Costs That Contributed To The Final Bill

The cost of a single menu item that was ordered should be made clear to the Patron regardless of how many were ordered and paid for. Thus, ignoring the actual “Quantity” ordered, place the cost of the dish, dessert, drink, etc. being discussed in the “Rate (#)” column on the same row.  The final column of this bill shall report the final amounts that contributed to the sum that was paid. Multiply the “Quantity” and “Rate ($)” on each row to produce the cost of the concerned menu item under “Amount.”  The amounts being paid should be added to one another then presented in the “Subtotal” field at the bottom right of this table  Depending upon the type of Restaurant and the burdens placed upon it by its local government, sales tax may be required with the Restaurant’s “Subtotal” above. If so, apply the tax formula required then furnish the “Tax/VAT” field with this material.

Add the Restaurant’s “Subtotal” to the “Tax/VAT” amount then report it as the “Total” cost of the menu items making up the order the submitted payment addressed. 


Step 7 – Support The Above Information With Additional Material If Needed

The “Notes” part of this receipt can be used to discuss additional Restaurant comments concerning the patronage being documented. 


Step 8 – Discuss The Submitted Payment

The Patron’s payment should be described on this paperwork thus, record how much money was received by the Restaurant on the first blank line after the words “The Total Amount Of $…”  The next blank space in this area (between the phrase “Paid By” and the words “The Customer…”) should be populated by the full name of the Restaurant bill’s Payer.  Finally, on the last space produce the exact date when the Restaurant Patron submitted the concerned payment.  A submission of how the Restaurant Patron submitted the above payment should be shown. Four choices have been supplied to define the “Payment Method.” If the Restaurant Patron submitted a “Credit Card” or “Check” payment, then mark the appropriate box and supply either the “Credit Card No.” or “Check No.” If the Patron submitted cash for payment, simply mark the “Cash” box while if none of these choices provide an accurate payment description then mark the “Other” checkbox and use the blank line to define the submitted payment.  Notice That in the example below, the Restaurant Patron submitted payment with the Restaurant’s prepaid gift card, thus the “Other” box has been marked and the name of the gift card reported.


Step 9 – The Restaurant Patron Must Sign This Receipt

In order for this receipt to be completed a verification from the Restaurant Payer should be submitted. This is especially the case if the Restaurant Patron submitted a credit card payment. 


How To Write In Excel

Download Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Acquire The Restaurant Receipt From this Page As An Excel File

The Restaurant Receipt Template is available as an “MS Excel (.xlsx)” spreadsheet through the link on this page or the “Excel” button populating the sample image’s caption area.


Step 2 – Introduce The Restaurant Issuing This Receipt

The first request made by this receipt is that a display of the Restaurant’s logo be provided. Satisfy this request by inserting this image to cell A1.

Next, type in the full name of the Restaurant in cell A2. These items will display in the top left of the page once this document is completed and printed. Cell A3 containing the label “Name” should be populated with the identity of the Restaurant Employee who has accepted payment on behalf of the concerned establishment.   Continue to the “Street Address” (cell A4), the Restaurant’s “City, State, Country” (cell A5), and the “Zip Code” (cell A6) fields where the Restaurant’s business address should be supplied.  Next, submit a record of the Restaurant “E-Mail” and “Phone” number to the cells containing these labels (cell A7 and A8 respectively). 


Step 3 – Record This Receipt’s Filing Material

The number used to by the Restaurant to refer to this receipt should be entered directly in cell F3 (“Receipt #”) while the “Date” of payment should be supplied to cell H3.   


Step 4 – Name The Restaurant Patron Submitting The Documented Payment

The Restaurant Patron’s “Name” must be generated in cell A11 directly underneath the “Customer/Client Information” heading.  Continue identifying the Patron by submitting his or her “Phone” number in cell A12.  Conclude reporting the Restaurant Patron’s identity by recording the “Table #” where he or she dined immediately after the number sign in cell E10. 


Step 5 – Deliver A Record Of Each Restaurant Item Or Service Being Paid For

Customarily, a basic record of the menu items and other products will be expected by the Customer or Patron. The spreadsheet invoice sets a table to deliver this report in an easily manageable fashion. Begin with the first cell (cell A15) in the “Description” area of the table. This part of column A supplies several rows where different menu items (ordered and paid for by the Restaurant Patron)  Column F (the second column of this table) intends to receive the number of the Restaurant’s menu item or products ordered. Keep in mind the “Quantity” entered on each row in this column must refer to the menu item listed on that row in column A. 


Step 6 – Inform The Restaurant Patron Of The Numbers Making Up The Bill

The third column (“Rate”) of this table can be found in column G. Record the exact price of the menu item that was paid for. That is, column G seeks the menu item’s cost as if only one of the menu items were purchased. For instance, if the Patron ordered five salads, record the cost of one salad in column G. The dollar value entered here will interact with the “Quantity” in several areas of this sheet (in column H), however, some additional information may be required.  Locate cell H25 which is to the right of the word “Tax.” If the state or city government has imposed a “Tax” on in-house dining or on food ordered from the Restaurant, then it must be documented in this cell. Therefore, apply the correct Tax formulas to the “Subtotal” then input the resulting figure as a dollar value in cell H25. If no taxes are necessary then, leave this cell blank. 


Step 7 – Support The Above Information With Additional Material If Needed

Now, in cell A27, a basic summary statement for the submitted payment is on display. This sentence will need parts of it removed then substituted with the appropriate material to be considered applicable. Begin with the dollar sign in this sentence. Remove “([$])” by highlighting and deleting it then input the exact dollar value of the received payment in its place.  Continue through this statement to “[Name].” This, too, must be deleted. Once this task is done, record the full “Name” of the Payer in its place. The last bracketed label in this sentence, “[Date],” expects the month, day, and year when the payment was physically received entered once it has been deleted. 


Step 8 – Discuss The Submitted Payment

The means or “Payment Method” is the next concern of this spreadsheet. Locate the four checkboxes underneath this term in cell A29. One or more of these should be marked to indicate how this item was paid for. Some choices will need additional information supplied. For instance, if the Customer paid with a credit card then select the checkbox in cell A30. This will require a report on the credit card number be entered immediately after the label.  If the Patron paid by check then select “Check No.” by clicking in the corresponding checkbox (in cell A31) and fill in the number printed on the check in the space following this label. If the payment was in Cash, then select “Cash” in cell F30.
If none of these options adequately define the way the Patron submitted payment then, select the checkbox for “Other” in cell F31.  Make sure you describe the payment in the space provided 


Step 9 – The Restaurant Patron Must Sign This Receipt

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” label is particularly useful to prove that a Patron authorized a credit card or check payment, In either case, or whenever payment authorization is needed, the Customer should sign his or her name on the blank line provided in cell A32. 
