Carpet Cleaning Receipt Template is employed as documentation that a payment has been submitted for a specific cleaning project. The Carpet Cleaning Company using this document will be able to prove that a job was completed in a manner that warranted the Client’s payment while the Client will benefit from having an easy-to-read record of the expense. This template will cover a lot of ground in verifying this payment and must be completed by the Carpet Cleaning Company before the Client signature is requested.
How To Write In PDF Or Word
Download: Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Open And Save The Carpet Cleaning Receipt As A PDF Or Word File
The buttons “PDF” and “Word” underneath the sample picture of this template and the links reading “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word” all operate the same way. Each will give you access to the file version designating these items for the receipt in the sample image. Choose the format you wish, then select the appropriate item to access and save the desired file.
Step 2 – Introduce The Carpet Cleaning Business Issuing This Receipt
The Carpet Cleaning Business generating this receipt in response to payment must be identified at the onset of this document. Produce the “Company Name” for this Business in the text field in the upper left. Make sure to remove its current contents since only the Carpet Cleaning Business “Company Name” should appear here. The Employee of the Carpet Cleaning Business that is responsible for this paperwork and can verify the concerned payment must be listed by “Name” on the blank line below the Carpet Cleaning Business’ legal identity.
Continue defining the Carpet Cleaning Business with its mailing address. The “Street Address” line is reserved for the first line of the Carpet Cleaning Business’ mailing address while the next two labels (“City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code”) expects the second line of this address split between their contents. Note, this must be a well-monitored mailing address used by the Carpet Cleaning Business.
The Carpet Cleaning Business’ telephone number must also be submitted. Dispense it to the line carry the word “Phone” as its label.
Lastly, enter the current (and long-term) “E-Mail” address of the Carpet Cleaning Business on the last line.
Step 3 – Inform The Customer Of The Receipt’s Filing Material
The Carpet Cleaning Business will be expected to generate a call number or filing number for this receipt so it may be properly documented in both Party’s records. Populate the “Receipt #” line with the string of digits making up this information. The “Date” of this receipt’s generation should be attached to the filing number you supplied.
Step 4 – Attach The Paying Client For This Receipt
Continue to the next section of this document where the full “Name” of the Carpet Cleaning Client must be produced below the “Client Information” heading. Follow through the “Client Information” section to submit a production of the Carpet Cleaning Client’s formal billing address for this job. Notice this address will be expected as three different entries on the “Street Address” through the “Zip Code” lines.
Complete the “Client Information” section with the Carpet Cleaning Client’s “Phone” and “E-Mail” information by supplying them to the lines that follow (where requested).
Step 5 – Deliver A Description Of The Carpet Cleaning
The carpet cleaning service performed should be attached to the received payment. Thus, submit the items needed to identify it in the “Description” section of the table on this page. This can be submitted in any way that best suits the Carpet Cleaning Business and its Client. Thus, items such as the dates and times when the service was performed, the type of service provided, and/or any relevant contract information. This entry must be easily recognizable by both Parties. The “Amount” required for the Carpet Cleaning is a request made by the second column. Furnish this dollar amount as it appears in the pricing schedule of the Carpet Cleaning Business.
Confirm the base “Amount” expected for the carpet cleaning by either re-entering the above numeral or adding all the amounts reported (if more than one) to each other. The “Subtotal” will summarize the carpet cleaning costs before any discounts or taxes are considered.
The “Discount” field is set to receive a dollar amount that the Carpet Cleaner has agreed to subtract from its regular asking price as a consideration to the Client.
If a service “Tax” or a sales “Tax” is applicable to the “Subtotal” then it must be documented for the Customer. This will tell the Carpet Cleaning Client what portion of his or her payment was devoted to the taxes required by the city or state holding jurisdiction. Calculate the “Tax” amount based on the “Subtotal” after any discount has been subtracted.
Finally, the carpet cleaning “Total” must be the amount that is equal to the “Subtotal” minus the “Discount” plus the “Tax.” Perform this calculation in this order (unless otherwise instructed by an appropriate professional) then enter it as the carpet cleaning’s “Total.”
Step 6 – Attach Any Needed Documentation Or Additional Topic Matter
Additional comments may be necessary. If so, supply them to the blank lines labeled “Notes.”
Step 7 – Discuss The Carpet Cleaning Payment That Was Submitted
The declaration underneath the table must be completed to be made. First, verify the received funds then record the dollar amount received from the Carpet Cleaning Client to the blank line attached to the term “The Total Amount Of $” The full name of the Carpet Cleaning Payer must be recorded between the words “…Was Paid By” and “The Client…”
Record the calendar date of payment on the final blank space.
Step 8 – Indicate The Carpet Cleaning Client’s Method Of Payment
The Carpet Cleaning Client’s “Payment Method” can be reported using the next area. Four checkboxes attached to various means of payments are on display. The one(s) that can be used to define how the carpet cleaning job was paid for should be selected. Thus, review the payment then mark the checkbox labeled “Credit Card No.,” “Check No.,” “Cash,” or “Other” to document how the Carpet Cleaning Client submitted payment. Some choices will require additional information so, if selected, you will need to supply the “Cried Card No.” used, the “Check No,” that was used, or describe the “Other” payment method that was submitted on the blank lines after your choice’s label. For instance, (see example), when a Client pays by check, the box attached to “Check No.” must be marked and the four-digit check number associated with this payment must be recorded.
Step 9 – Obtain The Carpet Cleaning Client’s Signature
The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line should be signed by the Carpet Cleaning Customer as proof that the cleaning was successful and that payment is willingly submitted.
How To Write In Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download The Carpet Cleaning Invoice As An Excel File
Select the “Microsoft Excel” text link to access the Carpet Cleaning Receipt or the appropriately named button under the sample image.
Step 2 – Identify The Carpet Cleaner Behind This Receipt
After saving the spreadsheet to your machine, open the file, then upload the Carpet Cleaner’s business logo to cell A1. Use the “Insert” menu item to upload this illustration directly to this field. Cell A2 expects that a display of the Carpet Cleaner’s “Company Name” be furnished to its contents in place of the place holing text currently populating this field.
Now, in cell A3, record the entire “Name” of the Carpet Cleaner or Capet Cleaning Business Employee.
Continue identifying the Carpet Cleaner by documenting his or her formal billing address as the display in cells A4 (“Street Address”), A5 (“City, State, Country”), and A6 (“Zip Code”).
Lastly, supply this section with the Carpet Cleaner’s professional “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number in cells A7 and A8. Keep in mind that all contact methods listed must be well maintained.
Step 3 – Include The Carpet Cleaner’s Filing Material
Before proceeding with the body of this receipt, focus on cell F3 (titled as “Receipt #”) where the number used to identify the received payment should be supplied. Note, the receipt number you report here will tie in the carpet cleaning payment received to the concerned job and the Parties named. The Carpet Cleaner’s receipt of payment should be documented by the calendar day it occurred as well as the reported receipt number. Thus, report the “Date” of payment in cell H3.
Step 4 – Produce Billing Information Defining The Carpet Cleaner’s Customer
The “Client Information” section seeks a definitive entry for the Carpet Cleaning Customer’s identity in the “Name” field found in cell A11. This report should continue with the Carpet Cleaning Customer’s full address. This can be furnished as the “Street Address” in cell A12 then the “City, State, Country in cell A13.
List the Carpet Cleaning Client’s “Zip Code” separately in cell A14.
If available, include the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number of the Carpet Cleaning Client in cells A15 and A16
Step 5 – Report On The Carpet Cleaning This Payment Addresses
Cell A19 is the first field in a concise table designed to deliver some facts paid cleaning. Record the details of the provided service by listing the carpet type and size that was serviced, the level of cleaning required, the dates/times of cleaning, and/or a contract title containing this information (that is signed by both parties). Provide the “Cleaning Description” to cell A19 as requested.
Step 6 – Furnish The Numbers Making Up The Carpet Cleaning Payment
In addition to the previously supplied “Cleaning Description,” the base cost as listed in the Carpet Cleaner’s pricing schedule for this job should be listed in cell H19. This cell is the only field in the table that will accept multiple entries, thus all itemization should be recorded here.
Cell H20 carries the responsibility of presenting the sum of all the items that were charged above. This field is a courtesy summary for the Carpet Cleaning Customer thus, produce this entry even if only one “Amount” was listed above by re-entering it.
If the Carpet Cleaner has determined that a “Discount” can be applied to the “Subtotal” then, report this dollar value in cell H21.
Next, if applicable, calculate then report the “Tax” that must be charged to the Carpet Cleaning Customer as required by local and state tax codes for this job in cell H22.
The total for this receipt should easily be seen by the Customer now that all the figures have been supplied. Cell H23 should be populated with the Carpet Cleaner’s discounted amount subtracted from the “Subtotal” and added to the “Tax” amount.
Step 7 – Solidify That Payment Was Met
As with all receipts, the payment that is received will need to be discussed. Thus, find the words “The Total Amount Of $” in cell A24 then replace the parentheses object that follows with the exact payment amount. Follow the statement in cell A24 to the bracketed labels “Name” and “Date.” In order for this statement to function, the word “Name” should be removed and replaced with that of the Client then the bracketed label “Date” should be replaced with the month, day, and year when the Carpet Cleaner physically received the defined payment.
Step 8 – Discuss The Method Used To Pay For The Carpet Cleaning
One final topic must be discussed; the “Payment Method” used. Four methods of payment are listed next to a corresponding checkbox. You may select a checkbox onscreen by clicking in it. You must select the checkbox attached to the payment type that was submitted by the Carpet Cleaning Customer. If the carpet cleaning payment was a credit card payment, then click in cell A27’s checkbox for “Credit Card No.” Make sure to supply the account number displayed on the credit card after in the space provided If “Cash” was submitted, select this checkbox (cell F27). If the payment was paid in full in cash, it will be assumed by the previous entries, however, if only part of the payment was submitted in cash, then report the cash amount directly after this word.
Cell A28 provides an option to indicate a check was used for payment and the space required to report the “Check No.” Mark this checkbox and enter the check number submitted as payment
If the Carpet Cleaner received payment by some “Other” means, then mark cell F28’s checkbox and define this method after the word “Other.”
Step 9 – Request The Carpet Cleaning Customer’s Signature
The blank line in cell A29 requires the Client’s signature. This may be provided electronically or physically depending upon the Carpet Cleaner’s preferences.