A Food Delivery Receipt Template requests the basic information defining a successful transaction to be recorded to its contents. This paperwork, in turn, will serve as proof that the Payer has submitted payment and that the food requiring this payment has been received by the Consumer. This document can be filled out on-screen and by hand, depending on what is more convenient and necessary at the time. After all, it will require the Customer’s signature approval and should be completed then printed by the Food Delivery Service before it can be presented to the Food Recipient. Once both Parties have satisfied this template with the requested material, it can be filed and used for verification of delivery and payment whenever needed.
How To Write In PDF Or Word
Download Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Locate The PDF And Word Buttons To Save The Food Delivery Receipt Template
Two buttons set near the sample preview of the Food Delivery Receipt Template allow you to save either the “PDF” or “Word” file versions of this paperwork. As a matter of comfort, the two text links above (“Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” respectively) can be used to acquire this receipt.
Step 2 – Introduce The Food Delivery Company As The Paid Entity
The originator of this receipt may be any one of a number of entities, however, in every case the full “Company Name” of the Food Delivery Service must be dispensed to the first text field of this receipt.
The second task set by this receipt is to produce a report on the “Name” of the Delivery Person or Food Delivery Employee effecting this paperwork. Furnish this as the content of the appropriately labeled line in the upper left.
In addition to the Receipt Payee’s identity, the address where official additional inquiries and paperwork may be sent or requested must be presented. The lines carrying the labels “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” request this address while the “Zip Code” is requested on the next one down.
The third task of this receipt header will be to furnish the “Phone” number then “E-Mail” address the Food Delivery Service uses to communicate with its Consumers. The last two lines before the divider expect this material displayed.
Step 3 – Receipt Filing Information For The Paid Delivery Must Be Presented
A valid filing number assigned by the Food Delivery Service that can be used as evidence that the act of payment was completed successfully should be input on the first line (labeled “Receipt #”).
The “Date” of the food delivery’s received payment is generally that of the receipt’s generation and should be entered as such on the “Date” line in the upper right half of the receipt.
Step 4 – Record The Identity Of The Consumer
The full name of the Food’s Recipient must be produced on the “Deliver To” line in the “Delivery Information” portion of this receipt. The payment of this receipt supports verification that food was successfully delivered to this entity.
The next part of this section focuses on where the food was delivered. The “Street Address” line will begin this process by requiring the building number and street to be reported. If any unit number was needed to find the Food Recipient at this “Street Address” then include this information as well.
Next, the delivery zone for this address must be solidified. Thus, present the “City, State, Country” and the “Zip Code” where the “Street Address” is located to the next two lines.
The empty line designated as “Phone” in this section seeks the telephone number where the Food Recipient can be reliably reached.
Step 5 – Submit A Summarization Of The Food Delivery
The food receipt table making up the center area of this document seeks entries across four columns to define the food that was delivered. List the food item delivered in the “Description” column of this table.
The amount of food that was ordered or the “Quantity” is expected in the second column. Produce this numeral for each row containing a food listing on its left.
Step 6 – Discuss The Costs That Were Applied
The price of one food item ordered should be produced in “Unit Cost.” This column is devoted to explaining how much of the payment was devoted to this item, so make sure to enter the list price as it appears on the concerned menu.
The next task will be to multiply the “Quantity” of the delivered food with its “Unit Cost.” Perform this function across every row containing material then present this as the base cost for that food item’s delivery in the “Amount” column.
Next, supply the “Subtotal” box with the calculated sum of the food items priced in the “Amount” fields above it.
If the Consumer qualified for a food delivery “Discount” that was subtracted from its above “Subtotal.” Then name the dollar value of this consideration in the “Discount” box.
Many tax entities will not seek taxes paid on certain foods and/or dining experiences however, if a sale, service, or dining “Tax” was calculated for addition to the appropriate “Subtotal” (after any applied “Discount”) then its value must be reported in the next available box of this column (labeled “Tax”).
Record the food delivery “Total” in the final box of this receipt table’s “Amount” column. Verify this number is the “Subtotal” of the food delivery plus its taxes. If a “Discount” was given to the Consumer, then remember to apply it to the “Subtotal” before taxes are calculated.
Step 7 – Furnish Additional Food Delivery Or Receipt Comments As Needed
The “Notes” portion of this receipt is set to receive any relevant comments to the food delivery. If there are none to be communicated, you may leave this blank.
Step 8 – Complete The Delivery Payment Declaration Statement
The next part of the receipt displays a statement with three blank lines. Declare the amount that was paid to obtain this receipt on the first blank line after the dollar sign, the full name of its Payer, then the date (month/calendar day/year) that such payment was submitted to the Food Delivery Service.
Step 9 – Indicate How The Consumer Paid
The Consumer’s “Payment Method” for this delivery should be recorded for this receipt’s purpose of proving payment. One or more of the four checkboxes underneath the words “Payment Method” can be used to deliver this information. Some will require additional material if they are selected. That is, if the Consumer paid with a “Credit Card No.” or “Check No.” then you must furnish the number used for this payment. Additionally, if another payment option was used, then furnish it to the “Other” selection. Only the checkboxes you mark that are satisfied with the information they request will be assumed as an accurate description of how the Consumer paid for the food delivery. For instance, in the example below, the Consumer paid for the delivery with a check therefore, the checkbox corresponding to “Check No.” has been picked and the number identifying the transaction in the Client’s checkbook has been placed on the “Check No. ” line.
Step 10 – Obtain Consumer Authorization For The Submitted Payment
This receipt should be signed when the delivery is complete as the transaction is being completed with payment. At this point, the above paperwork should be completed so the Consumer can perform a review. The “Recipient Authorized Signature” line will end the ability to alter any information presented since it can only be submitted by the Consumer to formally acknowledge the completed delivery and authorize payment.
How To Write In Excel
Download Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Food Delivery Receipt Template As An Excel File
Access the Food Delivery Receipt Template by selecting the above “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link or the “Excel” button near the preview. Save the file these objects are linked to in an easily reached folder in your system or cloud.
Step 2 – Name The Food Delivery Service Or Provider As The Recipient Payment
Several fields making up this receipt’s header will seek entries to fully define the Food Delivery Provider’s legal identity. This will be the Party that has received payment and is now supplying documentation to this fact. Begin this process with the image used by the Food Delivery Provider for its logo or its trademark image. This illustration should be uploaded directly to cell A1 for display.
Cell A2 of this spreadsheet will seek the “Company Name” text it contains to be replaced with your presentation of the Food Delivery Provider’s legal business identity.
Continue this process of identification by producing the first and last name of the Food Delivery Employee who has received funds for the food delivery and is in the process of supplying the payment’s documentation through this receipt. Identify this Employee in cell A3.
Next, supply cells A4 (“Street Address”) and A5 (“City, State, Country”) with the building number/street/unit number and city/state/country of the Food Delivery Provider’s business address. Provide cell A6 with a record of the Food Delivery Provider’s “Zip Code”
The remainder of this area will need to be completed with you report on the Food Delivery Provider’s “E-Mail” address in cell A7 then its “Phone” number in cell A8.
Step 3 – Make Sure The Receipt For The Food Delivery Is Filed Correctly
The second area of identification can be seen on the right side of this sheet. Here, the receipt will need to be assigned the information needed to classify it correctly. Top this end, enter its “Receipt #” in cell F3. Continue to the adjacent field and record the “Date” of this receipt’s generation in this field.
Step 4 – Identify The Food Delivery Customer As The Paying Consumer
The “Delivery Information” section in column A is the next concern of this receipt. Find cell A11 then furnish then input the identity of the Party who received the food delivery successfully. Supply the Food Delivery Customer’s full address directly below his or her name by recording this information in cell A12 (“Street Address”), cell A13 (“City, State, Country”), and cell A14 (“Zip Code”).
Finally, complete the “Delivery Information” section with the Consumer’s “Phone” number. Furnish this contact number in cell A15.
Step 5 – Define The Delivered Food Items
The food that was delivered should be listed in the receipt table so that its payment can be verified. Beginning with cell A18, name every food item delivered keeping each dish, brand name, or type on its own row. The number of items that were delivered will also need to be a part of this receipt. Column F of the receipt table is an ideal place to list the “Quantity” of each delivered item.
Step 6 – Supply The Dollar Values Needed To Fully Define The Payment
The third column of this table, listed as “Unit Cost,” will require the price paid for the food item delivered as if only one were ordered. That is, if, for example, the food delivered on that row is listed as a salad plate and two were paid for, then enter the dollar amount expected for only one of these plates in the “Unit Cost” column. This entry prompts several more in column H. Each will be a summary of the “Amount” that was owed but will lack certain considerations that must be addressed.
If any “Amount” of money was discounted at the time of purchase (i.e. a coupon), then it will have to be documented. Cell H28 will accept this entry if it is applicable. Otherwise, you may report a zero in this field.
Similarly, any taxes required will not have been calculated by this sheet. This means, that if the food delivery occurs in a city, county, or state that requires a sales, service, or delivery “Tax” added to the “Subtotal,” then you must provide this information as a dollar amount in cell H29.
Step 7 – Formally Assign The Payment To The Food Delivery Customer
Return your focus to column A in cell A31. The statement here will plainly state that payment of the “Total” or that a partial payment amount has been submitted. This statement will only apply and serve as verification when you complete it with the material it requests. This process requires that you remove “([$])” and type in the dollar amount received. The remainder of this statement contains two more areas requiring replacement. Complete this sentence by removing “[Name]” and “[Date]” then entering the Payer’s “Name” and the payment “Date” as their respective replacements.
Step 8 – Submit Documentation Of The Food Delivery Customer’s Payment Method
The final segment of this spreadsheet presents four checkboxes spread out through cell A34 (“Credit Card No.”), cell F34 (“Cash”), cell A35 (“Check No.”), and cell F35 (“Other”). Notice these are all methods of payment. Refer to the payment submitted then define it by checking one of these checkboxes. Some options will require additional information. By example, the Consumer paid by check and thus the “Check No.” box must be marked and the four-digit check number on its face must be presented in the space provided.
Step 9 – Gain The Food Recipient’s Authorizing Signature For Acknowledgment
The Consumer submitting the above payment in the manner you have defined should sign this receipt as an acknowledgment of his or her intention to pay it. This also verifies the delivery of the food items. Release the receipt to the Consumer with the above information provided. He or she should be given time to review it before signing it.