Boat Deposit Receipt Template

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A Boat Deposit Receipt Template enables the valuable task of recording a received amount of money toward the purchase of a boat for the benefit of the Client and the Boat Seller’s ability to track the submitted payments. Generally, the combination of receipts that generate when multiple payments for a large purchase are submitted will work together to prove the transfer of boat ownership. Sometimes, this can be crucial with follow-up documents that may be required by any relevant and local licensing entities as well as outside financial entities such as insurance companies. This template will cover the general topics that will be expected when documenting a deposit submission, thus, make sure that areas requiring information or completion be tended to in a careful and accurate manner.

How To Write In PDF Or Word

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Step 1 – Acquire The Boat Deposit Receipt As A PDF Or Word File

All the buttons beneath the sample image will deliver access to the file version designating their faces of the receipt in the image. Select either the “PDF” or “Word” button to save the format version you prefer. You may also directly access this document through the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” text links.

Step 2 – Introduce The Deposit Recipient

The Boat Deposit Recipient must be identified in this role at the receipt’s onset. The text-box set above the series of labeled lines in the upper left quadrant of this page expects this material to be displayed in the contents. Thus, begin by furnishing the Boat Seller or Boat Recipient’s “Company Name” in the text box. The series of empty lines mentioned earlier should be supplied with the contents requested by their respective labels. Therefore, produce the first and last “Name” of the person issuing this deposit receipt on the first blank line. The next three of these labeled lines request specific address items. These refer to the business address of the entity receiving the boat deposit and must be satisfied with this Party’s “Street Address” the appropriate “City, State, Country” then the “Zip Code” needed to record a complete address. Two lines remain in this section and should be furnished with the Boat Deposit Recipient’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address. 


Step 3 – Categorize This Paperwork As A Deposit Receipt

It is imperative that this record of the boat deposit’s payment is easily located if verification is required or proof needs to be shown. The two blank lines that follow the Boat Seller or Boat Deposit Recipient’s identification and contact information will work for this effect. Supply the first of these lines with the filing number (“Receipt #”) that can be used for this retrieval.  The next line on the right bears the “Date” label and should be furnished with the month, calendar day, and year of this receipt’s generation. Typically, this deposit receipt should be generated upon payment.  


Step 4 – Attach The Boat Depositor’s Identity

The “Customer/Client Information” area of this receipt expects the identity of the Boat Deposit Payer. The “Name” of this Depositor should be produced on the first line of this section.  This area continues with three lines labeled as components that make up an address. The complete address of the Depositor must also be included. Thus, furnish the Boat Depositor’s “Street Address,” his or her “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” to these lines.

The current “Phone” number where the Boat Depositor can be reached is the next required item. Present this information on the next line down. The final blank line shall require the current “E-Mail” address monitored and used by the Boat Depositor recorded on it.


Step 5 – Produce A Description Of The Boat Or Sales Agreement

The deposit receipt table occupying the center area of this document should be populated with material defining the deposited funds and the concerned boat. The “Description” column of this table is set to receive the identifying factors of the boat (i.e. H.I.N.) and/or the sales agreement requiring this deposit be made.


Step 6 – Declare The Deposit Amount

The “Amount” area of this table is reserved for the dollar value of the boat deposit. Consult the appropriate records then report this dollar “Amount” accordingly.


Step 7 – Verify The Submission Of The Boat Deposit

This receipt continues with a declaration that a deposit aimed at the above-required dollar “Amount” was submitted to the Boat Seller or Boat Deposit Receiver. Find the first blank line in this sentence after the words “For The Deposit Of $” then report the received amount to its content. The full name of the Depositor must be documented on the line attached to the words “…Was Paid By”Complete the deposit receipt declaration by producing the calendar date it was submitted on the last blank line.


Step 8 – Report On The Deposit Method Used

The next section of this receipt expects a “Deposit Method” reported. This can be easily furnished using the checkbox area presented. Any box that is marked then provided with any requested information will be considered the way the deposit was made. If the Depositor furnished the above amount by credit card, then mark the checkbox attached to the “Credit Card No.” label. This definition must be supplemented with the number on the credit card supplying the funds to the Deposit Recipient.  If the deposit was submitted with a check then select the second option and supply the four-digit number on the check face after the label “Check No.”A “Cash” deposit can be indicated by marking the third checkbox presented. If none of these methods adequately define the method of deposit, then select the box attached to the word “Other” and use the blank line that follows to supply a direct report.


Step 10 – Verify The Amount Of The Unpaid Balance

A second statement following the table intends to follow up on the deposit information reported above. Thus, record the dollar amount that must yet be paid for the boat on the blank line after “Remaining Balance Owing Is $”

The second blank space presented requires the due date for the reported balance. Furnish this information as requested.


Step 11 – Obtain The Boat Customer’s Signature

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line serves to verify the Depositor’s intention to submit the above-stated deposit amount using the discussed method. Only he or she can finalize this payment by signature. Thus, verify the above boat deposit information then relinquish this document to the Boat Customer submitting the deposit. 


How To Write In Excel

Download Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Obtain The Boat Deposit Receipt From This Site

The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” version of the Boat Deposit Receipt can be saved from the above link or accessed for download through the button on display with the sample preview of this template.

Step 2 – Name The Receiver Of The Boat Deposit Funds

The Boat Seller or the current Owner of the Boat will need to self-report in the header of this receipt. This can be accomplished quickly with the trademark image or logo associated with this Entity. Thus, “Insert” the Boat Dealer or Seller’s logo to cell A1 then follow up with this Party’s legal “Company Name” in cell A2. These items will display in the upper left once you replace the current contents of these cells with your material.  Cell A3 expects the Boat Dealer’s first and last name presented. The Party named here will be the individual who has physically accepted the concerned boat deposit amount. This can also be an Employee or other Legal Representative of the Boat Owner or Seller.

A complete address will also be needed to positively identify the Entity receiving the boat deposit funds. Use cell A4 as a display area for the building number, street, and unit number of the Boat Seller’s address then continue with the appropriate “City, State” and “Country” in cell A5.

Finish reporting the Boat Deposit Receiver’s address with the Boat Dealer by supplying the appropriate postal code to finish this address in cell A6 (carrying the label “ZIP Code”)

The “E-Mail” monitored by the Boat Seller or Boat Dealer is requested in cell A7 while the formal business line should be produced in the “Phone” field (cell A8).


Step 3 – Define This The Boat Deposit With Its Filing Material

The “Receipt #” (cell F3) field on the right currently displays a “#” sign under its title. Replace this symbol with the receipt number that can be used to reference the concerned boat deposit (as received)

Adjacent to the receipt number you entered is another field containing a number sign. Here, you must name the “Date” this receipt applies by entering it directly to cell H3.



Step 4 – Introduce The Boat Purchaser

The Payer of the boat deposit must have his or her identity recorded on this receipt. Cell A11 is reserved for your entry of the Deposit Payer’s “Name” while the cells below (cell A12. cell A13, cell A14) should be used as a guide to report the Boat Deposit Payer’s full address as a “Street Address” and a “City, State, Country” leaving the “Zip Code” for the final address entry.  Continue to cells A15 and A16 with entries for the Boat Depositor’s “E-Mail” and “Phone” information. 


Step 5 – Define The Object Of The Deposit

Naturally, the boat deposit submitted will be applied to the purchase of a boat. Cell A19 of the table presented seeks this boat’s “Description.” Depending on the type of boat being sold, certain information may need to be present. For instance, if this is a motor vehicle the HIN (hull identification number) will need to be presented whereas if the boat is a non-motorized marine vehicle (i.e. kayak), then a physical “Description” or manufacturer’s I.D. number will suffice. 


Step 6 – Document The Boat Deposit Amount Required

The dollar value of the submitted boat deposit must be reported directly to cell H19 (“Amount”). This must be the exact amount of deposit money required and currently causing the generation of this paperwork. 


Step 7 – Produce A Declaration Of The Boat Deposit Received

Cell A20 contains the next area demanding attention. Here several parts of a statement must be deleted or removed. The spaces left behind must present the information named by the deleted objects. Thus, locate the bracketed dollar sign after the words “…Receipt Is For The Deposit Of” then record the dollar value received in its place. Complete this statement with the full “Name” of the Paying Depositor and the “Date” when the deposit funds were submitted for this receipt by replacing the final two bracketed items in this statement with this content. 


Step 8 – Assign The Deposit Method Used To Surrender The Funds

The deposit money submitted by the Boat Purchaser must have been given in one form or another. In “Payment Method” we will assign a specific explanation as to how the funds were received. Review the checkboxes provided in cell A23 (“Credit Card No.”), cell A24 (“Check No.”), “cell F23 (labeled “Cash”), and cell F24 (containing “Other”). Each one corresponds to a checkbox. Mark select the method this deposit was submitted by clicking the appropriate box and filling in the information it requests (if any). In a case where the Boat Purchaser submitted the deposit with a direct wire transfer, the box “Other” should be marked and this should be indicated in the space available.   


Step 9 – Verify The Amount Remaining For Purchase

As the term deposit suggests, there will likely be additional funds required for the Boat Depositor to complete payment for the boat. Confirm this fact in cell A26 by replacing the bracketed dollar sign with the amount of money still to be paid to gain ownership of the boat and record the due date for this amount by replacing “Date” with the appropriate month, day, and year.


Step 10 – The Boat Depositor Must Submit A Signature Authorization

The Boat Depositor must sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” to complete this receipt. Since a receipt is the result of a transaction between two Entities, the Payer behind it will need to authorize the funds being transferred or paid to the Boat Deposit Recipient by signing the empty line in cell A27 (“Customer’s Authorized Signature”).


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