501(c)(3) Charitable Donation Receipt Template

The 501(c)(3) Charitable Donation Receipt Template should be considered an important document to generate in response to a received donation. Many Donors will seek this document from the Non-Profit Entity or Charity receiving their contribution as proof of their submission. Such paperwork will often be called into play if the Donor intends to seek a tax-break as a result of submitting the donated payment. Other Donors may simply be representing another Entity or fulfilling a contract both of which will also mean the Contributor will wish a record of the donation. Regardless of the reason a Donor wishes this receipt, it should the Non-Profit Entity or Charity accepting the donation should be able to produce this record easily upon request. This template will enable this action to be fulfilled easily both on a canvassing site or in the home office.

Lookup 501(c)(3) Charities – Perform a lookup on the IRS website to verify


How To Write In PDF And Word

Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Download This Receipt To Document A Donation To A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

The Receipt used to document a received donated amount is available in the “PDF” or “Word” format. You can choose the version you wish to work with from the buttons in the caption area or direct your attention above this statement to the text links on display. Both the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” formats can be downloaded in this manner.

Step 2 – Identify The Organization Accepting The Donation

Open either the PDF or Word document you obtained then enter the identity of the Receipt Issuer in the text box currently holding the term “Name Of Non-Profit Organization.”  In addition to the Non-Profit Organization’s legal name, its “EIN” or Entity Identification Number must be recorded. This is the ID number assigned by the Tax Entity governing the Non-Profit Organization (i.e. Internal Revenue Service). Look up this information in the company records of the Non-Profit Organization then transcribe this number exactly as it appears. Generally, this ID is presented as two digits followed by seven but may be stored and reported as required.  The “Street Address” line is reserved for the Non-Profit Organization’s building number, street, and unit number or PO Box number as presented in this Entity’s mailing address.  This mailing address will, naturally, require additional components. Continue reporting the Non-Profit Organization’s mailing address using the next line down (labeled “City, State, Country”) and the one that immediately follows for the Non-Profit Organization’s “Zip Code).

After providing this address information continue with the Non-Profit Organization’s “E-Mail” address on the next line down. This will conclude the header used to identify the Non-Profit Organization that has received this donated amount. 


Step 3 – Assign The Proper Donation Filing Material

The “Receipt #” line in the bar separating the header and document title from the rest of the receipt serves a significant purpose. This line must present the unique receipt document number assigned to the received payment and this paperwork. Donors will often seek tax deductions after submitting a donation and, in most cases, a receipt number for the accepted donation will serve as proof.  The “Date” line, also located in the shaded bar, will serve to apply the first day the donation was received. Present this as a full “Date” so that the month, calendar day, and year are visible on this line. 


Step 4 – Record The Donor’s Name And Contact Details

The first section below the donation receipt number is titled “Donor Information” and is set to display the “Name” of the individual or Business Entity submitting the donated amount on the first available line.  Next, the Donor’s complete address should be furnished down the three lines that follow. This will take the form of three basic mailing address components. The “Street Address” consisting of the building/street/unit number or PO Box Number of the Donor’s mailing address is the first component while the next two Donor lines are labeled to request the “City, State, Country,” and the “Zip Code” of this address. The “E-Mail” address the Donor wishes used for contact should be recorded on the final line of this section. 


Step 5 – Furnish The Donation Purpose For The Received Funds

The summary table occupying center stage of the receipt requires two items for this paperwork’s documentation. The “Description” of the donation should be the name of the drive, campaign, or purpose the Donor intends his or her payment to contribute to. Record this in a manner that will be familiar to the Donor. 


Step 6 – Report The Received Donation

The dollar value of the submitted donation is the second topic of discussion in this table. This should be input to the “Amount” field of the receipt’s summary table. 


Step 7 – Produce A Declaration Confirming The Donated Amount(s)

The follow-up statement underneath the table expects some basic information to be presented. This will accompany the receipt table nicely by documenting the act of donation verbally. Begin this process with the donated amount of money on the first available line of this statement.  Locate the team “…Was Donated By” then produce the full name of the Donor for display.  Lastly, furnish the calendar date the Donor submitted payment on the blank line that precedes the words “To The Above-Mentioned 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. 


Step 8 – A Signature Representative Of The Donee Must Execute This Receipt

The “Representative’s Signature” line refers to the Employee or Volunteer of the Non-Profit Company who is completing this document thereby verifying the receipt of the donated amount from the Donor. This Non-Profit Company Signature Representative must sign this line to complete and validate the donation receipt. 


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel

Step 1 – Download The 501(c)(3) Charitable Donation Receipt As An Excel Document

The 501(c)(3) Charitable Donation Receipt is available as an Excel spreadsheet. You may access the link above (“Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”) or the “Excel” button in the sample image’s caption area.

Step 2 – Produce Material Identifying The Charity In Receipt Of The Donation

The Issuer of the receipt documenting the received donation must make sure the involved Charity is named as the Donee. This can be easily accomplished using the first two cells in column A. First, use the “Insert” menu item to deliver the Charity Organization or Donee’s “Non-Profit Organization Logo” in place of the current wording in cell A1.  Continue to cell A2 then type in the Charity or Non-Profit Organization’s full legal name. This name should substitute the bracketed term “Name Of Non-Profit Organization.” The series of cells that follow will call for some more specific information regarding the Charitable or Non-Profit Organization. Begin by reporting the Entity Identification Number assigned to this Entity by the I.R.S. in cell A3.  The mailing address maintained by the Charity or Non-Profit Organization should be placed in this header area with its name and EIN. Produce “Street Address” in the Charity or Non-Profit Organization’s mailing address in cell A4. Cell A5 has been reserved for the Charity or Non-Profit Organization’s “City, State” and “Country” furnished as a continuation of its mailing address while cell A6 requests its conclusion with your entry of the Non-Profit Organization’s postal code or “Zip Code.” Now, locate cell A7 then produce the Charity or Non-Profit Organization’s “E-Mail” as an alternate means of contact regarding the concerned donation and the receipt being generated in response.


Step 3 – Attach The Charity’s Receipt Material For Filing Purposes

Next, delete the contents of cell F3. The pound sign it contains is only a place holder for the “Receipt #” assigned to the amount successfully received as the donation. Input this filing information for the Donor’s future use and reference.  A record of the “Date” the donation was formally received according to the generation of this paperwork should be attached to the receipt number. Place this calendar “Date” of the successfully received donation in cell H3. 


Step 4 – Credit The Donor With The Submitted Money

The “Name” of the Donor is the next piece of information that must be documented. This is required in cell A10 in the “Donor Information” section. Continue through the “Donor Information” section to cell A11 where a report on the Donor’s mailing or business address must begin. Input the “Street Address” in cell A11 then continue with the Donor’s “City, State, Country” in cell A12, and the appropriate “Zip Code” in cell A13. These items together must make up the mailing address or business address of the Party who has submitted the Donation causing this receipt. Complete this section with the Donor’s current “E-Mail” address. 


Step 5 – Describe The Reason For The Donation

The concerned event, drive, or campaign the Donor submitted the contribution to support should be discussed in some measure in cell A17 under the table heading “Description.” This should be the formal name of the cause the Donor has contributed the received payment to support 


Step 6 – Assign The Value Of The Received Donation

Cell H17, named “Amount,” seeks a record of how much money was received as a contribution of the Donor by the Charity or Non-Profit Organization behind this receipt. Furnish this dollar value only after it has been received. 


Step 7 – Deliver A Donation Confirmation Statement

The next portion of this receipt serves to support the table just completed. Cell A20 presents a basic declaration statement that will require a replacement of the bracketed dollar symbol with the numerical dollar “Amount” received from the Donor. Replace this bracketed symbol accordingly. The second brackets should also be removed from the statement. Once done, replace the bracketed “Name” label after the words “…Was Donated By” with the Donor’s full “Name.” The brackets displaying the word “Date” should also be removed then supplied with a replacement. Perform this act so you may enter the calendar “Date” when the donated money was received by the Donee from the Donor. 


Step 8 – The Charity Must Elect A Signature Representative For Execution

The Charity or Non-Profit Organization that generates this receipt must have the Recipient of the donation sign his or her name in cell A24 after the acknowledgment statement. This will confirm that the information defining the received donation is complete and accurate. 
