Vacation Rental Receipt Template

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The Vacation Rental Receipt Template is a handy method of issuing a receipt for every rental agreement that completes with payment. This is a superb method of keeping track of who rented a property and when as well as tracking which properties are the most profitable. The Vacationing Tenant will also benefit from the security of possessing proof of his or her payment. This template requests the basic facts that will surround a vacation rental but can be furnished with as much information as desired. Additionally, it can be customized by the Vacation Property Manager to include topics specific to a property. It is worth noting that all sections presented in this receipt represent the minimum information expected on such paperwork. Therefore, it is recommended that each one is completed and presented in the receipt issued to the Tenant.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Gain Access TO The Vacation Rental Receipt In One Of Two Formats

The Vacation Rental Receipt can be obtained by selecting the “Adobe PDF” link or The “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link (both provided above) or by choosing from the buttons captioning the image. Examine your system to determine the file you wish to work with then select your preferred format from these areas.

Step 2 – Introduce The Property Rental Company

The onset of this receipt will wish to assign the identity of the Property Rental Entity issuing it as proof of payment. To this end, a text field followed by several empty lines is presented in the top left-hand area of the page. Seek out the first of these items then record the Business Name of the Property Rental Company in the text box at the top. If this receipt is being generated by a Home Owner (with the legal right to rent his or her home as a vacation spot) then fill in this Party’s full “Name” at the top of this page.  Regardless of whether the receipt is being generated by a Property Manager representing a Rental Entity or a Home Owner, the full “Name” of the individual issuing it must be dispensed next to the word “Name” on the blank line provided.  The full business address where the Property Rental Company or Party expects any paper mail regarding this receipt or the vacation stay should also be dispensed here. Provide it by making use of the three empty lines that follow the “Name” you supplied above. Take care to produce the correct item in the mailing address to the correct line since there will be a “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” line before one for the “ZIP Code.”  The alternate means of contact will be required in a similar manner in that the Property Rental Company’s “Phone” number should be recorded on a separate line than that of its “E-Mail” address. Produce these contact items as requested.  


Step 3 – Attach Filing Information Defining The Vacation Rental Payment

Many entities in the hospitality and property rental industries will seek a quick and reliable way to store and retrieve documents detailing their receivables and payables. Oftentimes, a number that can be used as a title or call reference to store, find, and retrieve this record of payment will be assigned. Input this identifier on the “Receipt #” line.  Attach a specific “Date” of payment on the blank line directly across the receipt.


Step 4 – Identify The Vacation Tenant Who Submitted Payment

The next segment of the receipt requiring input is titled “Tenant Information.” The “Name” you report on the first line of this section must be that of the Tenant who has paid for the vacation rental.  Record The Vacationing Tenant’s telephone number on the next blank line (labeled “Phone”). This should be the Tenant’s preferred “Phone” number; thus, you may record a cell, business, or home “Phone” number (or all the above) depending on his or her indicated preferences.  The email address where the Vacationing Tenant can be reliably contacted is requested on the blank line labeled “E-Mail” in the “Tenant Information” section.  


Step 5 – Discuss The Vacation Rental That Required Payment

To present the details of the paid vacation rental a table with a free-form column titled “Description” has been presented. Use the field this displays as a reporting area for the vacation rental that took place (or will take place) by reporting the dates of the stay and the location. Make sure to include any amenities that were paid for as well. 

Step 6 – Document The Payment Received For The Vacation Rental

The adjacent column, “Amount,” seeks documentation of the money the Vacationing Tenant paid. This dollar “Amount” must be received and verified as so by the Issuer of this receipt.


Step 7 – Rental Notes Or Discussions Regarding Payment May Be Continued

If additional topics of concern regarding either the vacation property or the rental contract involved must be discussed or included, then use the “Notes” area to dispense such information.


Step 8 – Verify The Vacation Rental Payment By Statement

A declaration that summarizes the payment behind this receipt will be expected in this paperwork. The language has already been set but will require some attention to be applicable. First, reproduce the received dollar “Amount” after the term “The Total Amount Of $.”Proceed through the declaration to the phrase “…Was Paid By” then report the name of the Vacationing Tenant on the blank line provided. Lastly, fill in the date of the vacation rental payment that was received on the last blank line.  


Step 9 – Declare The Method Used For The Submitted Amount

Next, a report on the “Payment Method” used will need to be included. Four options can be selected to fully define. A credit card submitted for the vacation rental payment would need to be documented by marking the “Credit Card No.” checkbox and producing the credit card number on the blank line that follows. The “Check No.” checkbox should be selected when the Vacationing Tenant pays by check. Naturally, you will need to define the check by inputting its ledger number on the blank line provided. If the Vacationing Tenant paid by “Cash” then select the third checkbox.  The final option should be chosen if the Vacationing Tenant paid by some other means (i.e. a membership or a wire transfer). If so, mark the checkbox corresponding to the label “Other” then describe this payment method directly.  


Step 10 – Gain An Authorizing Signature From The Renter

The Vacationing Tenant must sign this receipt to authorize the payment and acknowledge the vacation rental transaction. The “Authorized Signature” line expects his or her signature for this purpose. 


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Acquire Your Copy Of The Vacation Rental Receipt Spreadsheet Template

You can download a copy of the Vacation Rental Receipt as an Excel spreadsheet template utilizing the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) text link or the “Excel” button presented on this page.

Step 2 – Name The Hospitality Or Property Management Company Behind this Receipt

Column A of the acquired spreadsheet contains the first area of requests for information that will define the payment made for the vacation rental by a specific Tenant. In cell A1, upload the image file holding the Hospitality or Property Management Company with the authority to collect and verify the vacation rental payment as a replacement for the “Add Your Company Logo…” label it currently presents.  Cell A2 also requires its contents replaced. Delete the “Company Name” text then fill in the legal name of the Hospitality or Property Management Company issuing this paperwork.  Next, a valid return address for the Hospitality or Property Management Company should be included in this receipt beginning with the “Name” of the Representative or Property Manager who can handle any additional information. Cell A3 requires this Party’s “Name” entered for display while the next three cells (A4, A5, and A6) require the Hospitality or Property Management Company’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” produced to their respective fields. The “E-Mail” address should also be placed on display in this section. Produce it in cell A7.  Cell A8 will complete the Hospitality or Property Management Company’s introduction by requesting that its business “Phone” number be dispensed to its content.


Step 3 – Produce The Filing Definitions To The Vacation Rental Payment

An additional area in the header has been reserved for your entries on the right side of the spreadsheet. Locate cell F3 then input the “Receipt #” in its field. This will be considered the receipt number that has been assigned to the vacation rental payment this document intends to prove.

The “Date” when the receipt number has been generated should be input to the field adjacent to it in cell H3.


Step 4 – Furnish The Vacationing Tenant’s Information

Next, it will be important to provide a presentation of the Paying Tenant’s identity. This task will be easily handled by inputting his or her full “Name” in cell A11. Cell A12 shall support the Tenant’s identity by displaying his or her “E-Mail” address. Furnish this information as requested by cell A12. The last field in the “Tenant Information” section being completed seeks a record of the Paying Tenant’s “Phone” number. Report the Vacationing Tenant’s telephone number in cell A13. 


Step 5 – Produce A Discussion Regarding The Vacation Rental Payment

Cell A16 of this sheet carries the “Description” title and expects a brief record of the vacation rental the Tenant is paying for. This should include the visiting dates of the Vacationing Tenant along with the location. If a rental agreement is involved with this rental, then report its title and date.


Step 6 – Furnish The Payment Record For The Vacation Rental

The purpose of this receipt will be to document the “Amount” of money the Tenant has submitted as payment for the rental. Cell H16, appropriately placed in the cell immediately to the right of our “Description,” expects the full payment “Amount” submitted to be entered for display.


Step 7 – Provide Additional Discussion If Relevant

In some cases, property instructions or other topics may be needed to successfully convey all the information that must be communicated with this receipt. This is especially the case for an advance payment. Cell A18, “Notes,” the space needed for any such subject matter. This field is conditional and is only required if the situation calls for additional reports.  


Step 8 – Attend A Declaration With Requested Details

Continue down the column to cell A21 where a sentence displaying several bracketed placeholders is presented. These placeholders must be replaced for the language of this statement to apply. Begin by typing in the dollar amount paid by the Tenant as a replacement for the bracketed dollar sign.  Follow the words “…Was Paid By” to the next placeholder (“Name”), delete it, then fill in the full name of the Vacationing Tenant.  The final placeholder to be dealt with is the “Date” label. Remove it then produce the “Date” reported as the month, day, and year payment was received.  


Step 9 – Report The Vacationing Tenant’s Method Of Payment

The way the Vacationing Tenant furnished payment must be presented with this receipt. A few checkboxes will aid in easily achieving this task. Find the “Payment Method” section then review the checkboxes below it. If the Vacationing Tenant paid by card or check then mark either the “Credit Card No.” box (cell A24) or the “Check No.” box (cell A25) to indicate this fact. Additionally, the credit card number or check number used will need to document in the space provided. For example, the Vacationing Tenant below paid with a check therefore the checkbox in cell A25 has been marked and the check number presented after the label “Check No.” The second set of checkboxes allow for additional means of payment to be defined. Here, you may document if the Vacationing Tenant paid with “Cash” by selecting the checkbox presented in cell F24 or if some “Other” way was used to deliver payment by selecting the “Other” option in cell F25 then discussing it. For instance, the Vacationing Tenant below submitted payment with a wire transfer therefore the checkbox in cell F25 has been marked and some information defining the wire transfer has been provided.


Step 10 – The Vacationing Tenant Must Approve The Payment

In order for the Vacationing Tenant to confirm that he or she will assume responsibility for the concerned rental and approves the payment that is submitted with the payment method above, he or she will have to sign the “Authorized Signature” line. This can be found in cell A26 and may be submitted electronically or manually. Make sure this Party signs this receipt so this transaction can be completed properly.   

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