Dog (Puppy) Sale Receipt Template

The Dog (Puppy) Sale Receipt Template should be supplied to the Purchaser at the point of sale once the money it documents has been received from the Patron it names. Only the Dog Seller (Breeder, Pet Store, etc.) who has received the funds and providing the canine to the Patron may fill out and dispense this receipt in response to the received payment. Once this document is in the possession of the Dog or Puppy Buyer it will signify that its Issuer has received the amount it names and thus, said dollar amount is no longer owed for the dog being purchased. This will aid in proving ownership of the dog in the future and will aid the Dog Seller in keeping track of the dogs being sold.

How To Write In PDF Or Word

Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Issue The Dog Sale Receipt On This Page As A PDF or Word Document

The Dog Sale Receipt available on this page is obtainable as an “Adobe PDF” receipt or as a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” receipt. Make your selection by choosing text link reading as the appropriate file or with the “PDF” or “Word” buttons.

Step 2 – Introduce The Dog Seller Or Breeder Behind This Receipt

The full Business or “Company Name” of the Dog Breeder or Seller will be needed as your first entry on this receipt. Produce it in the first text box of this template.  Report the “Name” of the Dog Breeder Representative or Sales Person filling out this receipt to verify payment by entering it directly on the first blank line. The mailing address maintained and monitored by the Dog Breeder or Seller should be furnished utilizing the three lines below the Sales representative’s “Name.” Each calls for one part of this address dividing it down the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines on display in the header portion of this receipt. Complete the Dog Breeder or Seller’s header information with this Party’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address. These items should be recorded on the blank lines requesting them by label. 


Step 3 – Record The Dog Sale’s Filing Information For Display

The receipt being developed should be identifiable in the Dog Breeder or Seller’s accounting system and be easily referred to. The “Receipt #” line is set for the dog sale’s formal transaction or document number. The Dog Breeder or Seller is the only Party that can generate this information to this receipt. The next requirement to aid in the documentation of this sale is the calendar “Date” when the Dog Buyer paid for the canine. The empty line on the right labeled “Date” seeks this information as a month, calendar day, and year. 


Step 4 – Include The Dog Buyer’s Identity

The Dog Buyer who has paid for the animal should have his or her identity attached to the role of Payer. Thus, enter the Dog Buyer’s “Name” on the first line of the next section (titled “Buyer Information”). Use the next three lines in the “Buyer’s Information” section expect the Dog Buyer’s address produced for display. The lines with “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” labels will request this material separately from the line requiring the “Zip Code.”   Next, produce the Dog Buyer’s “Phone” and “E-Mail” information for display on the last two lines.   


Step 5 – Produce A Description Of The Dog Sale

The dog sale causing this receipt is a required discussion for its purpose. The information to be presented will be done so in two manners. The first of which will through a basic table. Use the “Description Of Dog/Puppy” field of this table to document the dog’s name and age along with other relevant facts such as breed, weight, and eye color. 


Step 6 – Deliver A Breakdown Of The Dog Sale

The money that was required for the dog sale should be furnished as a dollar value. Produce this entry in the first field underneath the “Amount” column heading.  The second “Amount” field is labeled “Subtotal.” The dog sale’s “Subtotal” is a sum of all the amount(s) that were listed (in the field above it) presented as a sum. It should be noted that even if only one item was listed as paid for on this receipt, it’s base cost should be re-entered from the “Amount” field to the “Subtotal” field. The “Discount” portion of this column seeks a report on any amounts that were subtracted from the asking “Amount.” This field only requires entry if the Dog Breeder or Seller intended to sell the dog for less than the base cost.  The “Tax/VAT” field requires entry if any portion of the “Total” payment was dedicated to a sales or value-added tax imposed on the canine’s sale by the governing authority. If so, then fill int he tax amount to be collected on the “Subtotal” (after “Discount”) to this field.  The “Total” that was paid for the dog should be produced as the “Subtotal” (after all discounts were subtracted) plus the “Tax/VAT.” Furnish this value as requested in the “Total” field.  


Step 7 – Discuss The Completed Dog Sale

As mentioned earlier, this transaction will be summarized in two fashions. Now that the table above has been completed, seek the sentence presented below it. Three blank lines are peppered through this sentence and each will expect an entry to complement this language. First, reproduce the paid amount that was recorded in “Total” on the blank line after the language “The Total Amount Of…”  The second portion of this declaration, reading as “Was Paid By” leads to a request for the Dog Buyer or Payer’s full name. Input this to the blank line on display. The final area of this statement will need the payment “Date” recorded. Once this action has been completed, it will be time to discuss the method of payment that was used. Proceed to the next section


Step 8 – Indicate The Dog Sale’s Payment Method

The dog sale being finalized will need some clarification regarding the method the Dog Customer used to pay for the canine. A clearly worded heading (“Payment Method”) seeks at least one of the checkboxes below it selected. This can be done on screen by clicking on the box or you may mark the appropriate checkbox after this receipt is printed. The first of these choices, “Credit Card No.” indicates the Dog Customer used a credit card (i.e. MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover, etc.) to pay the Dog Seller or Breeder. If so, select this option then fill in the account number on the credit card.  The dog sale may have been completed by check. If the Dog Buyer paid with this method, then select the “Check No.” box to indicate this. After doing so, you will also have to report the check’s ledger number immediately after the label “Check No.”  If a “Cash” payment was produced to purchase the dog, then select the checkbox bearing this label.  Should none of these payment methods apply, mark the “Other” checkbox. This option delivers a line after the word “Other” where a frank description of how the payment was submitted can be produced for display.   


Step 9 – The Dog Buyer Should Sign This Receipt To Finalize It

The Dog Buyer must sign the receipt on the “Buyer’s Signature” line.



How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Use The Dog Sale Receipt On This Page As A PDF or Word File

The Excel file on this page can be obtained then used to issue a dog sale receipt by clicking the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text-link or the “Excel” button presented on this page.

Step 2 – Identify The Pet Store or the Dog Breeder Generation This Receipt

The first area of the spreadsheet expects to be populated with details describing the Issuer of this receipt. the first item that can act as identification is the Dog Breeder or Pet Store’s trademark image or logo. “Insert” this requested image to cell A1 using the ribbon menu option as a replacement for the term “Add Your Company Logo Here.”   The full “Company Name” the Dog Breeder or Pet Store legally operates under must be supplied to cell A2 in place of the current label it holds.   Input the full “Name” of the Dog Breeder or Store Representative in cell A3. This will be the Employee held responsible for confirming the receipt of the funds for the dog sale.   The next three fields located in column A will work together by requesting the “Street Address” of the Dog Breeder or Pet Store be entered in cell A4.  Cells A5 (“City, State, Country”) and cell A6 (“Zip Code”) will guide the entries required to complete the Dog Breeder or Pet Store’s address.  The “E-Mail” address the Dog Breeder or Pet Store uses for communication is needed in cell A7. Supply this contact measure as requested.  Use cell A8, the last field in this portion of the header to complete with an entry of the Dog Breeder or Pet Store’s “Phone” number. 


Step 3 – Assign the Dog Sale’s Document Information Accordingly

The material needed to file and retrieve this receipt is the next concern. Produce the receipt number attached to the dog sale payment in cell F3. The “Date” when the documented payment for the dog is received should be reported with this paperwork’s receipt number. This item should be supplied to cell H3.  


Step 4 – Produce The Dog Buyer’s Identity Along With Means Of Contact

The section bearing the “Buyer Information” title continues this receipt in column A. The first field here presents its label as “Name.” This field requires the Dog Buyer’s full “Name” furnished for display.

Next, the first and second address lines making up the Dog Buyer’s mailing address must be entered down three fields. The “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” labels shall expect their entries to define the Dog Buyer’s mailing address.  The Dog Buyer’s current “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number will both be required. Confirm the Dog Buyer’s identity by satisfying the labels with the requested material in cell A15 and cell A16, respectively.  


Step 5 – Discuss The Sale Of The Concerned Dog

The purchased dog must be described so this receipt can behave properly in proving the sale was completed. Cell A19, titled with the column heading “Description Of Dog/Puppy,” is ready to accept some descriptors for the dog that was purchased. These facts should consist of the dog’s name, breed, weight, color, and eye color along with any other pertinent information.   


Step 6 – Report On The Figures Contributing To the Dog Sale’s Total Paid

In the adjacent field of cell H19, the first field under “Amount” requires the dog’s asking price recorded in USD (United States Dollar)Continue through the H column to cell H20 where a report on the sum of all original pricing reported in “Amount” is added to a single value then entered as the dog sale’s “Subtotal” is required.
The “Discount” portion of this table found in cell H21 requests that any dollar amount the Dog Breeder or Pet Store has agreed to subtract from the canine’s asking price to be reported separately. If this applies, furnish the discounted dollar amount for the dog in cell H21.
Next, the “Tax/VAT” field of cell H22 expects that all taxes that must be added to the “Subtotal” (after discount) be furnished for review.
Finally, add the dog sale’s “Tax/VAT” amount to the (discounted) “Subtotal” then produce the result as the “Total” paid for the concerned canine.  


Step 7 – Complete The Statement At The Bottom Of This Receipt

Cell A24 of the receipt seeks the sentence it displays to be completed with some specific material. Once completed this statement can be an applicable summary to the information presented thus far. Begin by removing the symbol between “…Amount Of $” and “Was Paid By” then replacing it with the dollar amount of the received dog payment.  The bracketed “Name” label, after the words “…Was Paid By” and before the term “The Buyer…” expects the full “Name” of the Dog Buyer reported in its place.   Complete the dog sale summary statement with the “Date” the payment was submitted by deleting the object “[Date]” and replacing it with the month/day/year that payment was received.  


Step 8 – Submit A Dialogue On The Payment Method used

The Dog Buyer will have used a method to submit the money required for the dog purchase. This must be reported in the “Payment Method” section by checking one of the labeled boxes in cell A27, A28, F27, or F28. You may check as many as are needed to define how payment was submitted. If the Dog Buyer charged the dog, then select the “Credit Card No.” label’s checkbox and enter the credit card number the Dog Buyer used directly after this label.  If the dog was bought by check, then select the “Check No.” box in cell 28 making sure to report the check number used.   A “Cash” payment can be recorded by marking the box in cell F27.  If the payment method used by the Dog Buyer does not fit any of these definitions, then mark the box labeled “Other” in cell F28. Once selected this option requests a definition to payment be directly input after the word “Other.”  


Step 9 – Obtain The Dog Buyer’s Signature

The Dog Buyer’s signature is the only remaining item to complete this receipt. It can only be provided by the Party submitting the above-defined payment since it will act as an acknowledgment of these funds being released in exchange for the dog. Cell A29 displays the “Buyer’s Signature” line which may either be signed electronically (provided the system being used is set up properly) or signed manually (after it is printed). Obtain this signature directly from the Dog Buyer.
