Babysitting (Nanny) Receipt Template

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The Babysitting (Nanny) Receipt Template allows for the details surrounding a received payment to be set to record. This paperwork is often requested since it can aid the paying Parent or Guardian in proving that the Child is cared for as well as authenticating the payment being documented. By keeping a template, the process of satisfying the Parent or Client need for this record can be completed efficiently from one babysitting job to the next. Make sure to fill out every part of this receipt to provide the basic details that are expected to prove payment and seek Client authorization.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Download The Babysitting Receipt In the PDF Or Word File Format

To acquire your copy of the Babysitting (Nanny) Receipt template, locate then choose between the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links above to obtain the template in the format you prefer working with. The same files can be accessed through the “PDF” and “Word” buttons on display with the example image.


Step 2 – Introduce The Babysitter, Nanny, Or Child Care Service Accepting Payment

The Babysitter’s Professional or Business Name should be reported in the first text-field of the receipt. The “Company Name” text featured in this field is only a placeholder and should be deleted to make room for this information.  Next, on the blank line holding the “Name” label, the identity of the Babysitter or Nanny who has received payment and can verify it with this receipt must be presented. Report the full address of the Babysitter, Nanny, or Child care Service receiving payment on the blank lines corresponding to the “Street Address” line and the “City, State, Country” line. Document the postal code assigned to the Babysitter, Nanny, or Childcare Service issuing this receipt on the line with the “ZIP Code” label.The telephone number where the Babysitter, Nanny, or Child Care Service behind this receipt should be supplied to the line designated with the word “Phone.”Furnish the email where the Babysitter, Nanny, or Child Care Service can be reached on the blank line holding the “E-Mail” label.


Step 3 – Discuss The Receipt’s Information For the Child Care Job

The filing information defining the received babysitting or nanny payment has an area of display reserved in the page divider. Place this on the line labeled “Receipt #.” The “Date” corresponding to the provided receipt number must be input in this area as well. Seek out the appropriately labeled line (“Date”) then make a record of the month, the calendar day, and the year when the payment behind this receipt’s generation was received.


Step 4 – Identify The Paying Parent Or Guardian Whose Submitted Payment

The Babysitting or Nanny Customer should be addressed directly and named to this role. In the “Customer/Client information” section several lines have been made available with this goal in mind. Begin satisfying the information each calls for by typing in the full “Name” of the Babysitting or Nanny Client on the first available line.  Once the Babysitting or Nanny Client is named, his or her mailing address should be presented. The “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” lines in this portion of the template is reserved for this paperwork.  The “Zip Code” line allows the follow-up information to complete the Babysitting or Nanny Client’s address. Record this content as requested.  Attach the Babysitting or Nanny Client’s telephone number and email address to this Party’s contact material by inputting these items to the lines labeled “Phone” and “E-Mail.” 


Step 5 – Discuss The Child Care That Has Been Paid for

The specifics of the babysitting or nanny job that required payment should be included along with the amounts that were charged. The “Description” field of the displayed table expects that define the date and time of the service along with the age and number of children cared for.

Step 6 – Report The Babysitting Or Child Care Amounts For The Paid Total

The “Amount” column in this table will need the base cost charged for the babysitting or nanny job recorded directly under the column heading.  This column shall continue beyond the row we have been working. Locate the area carrying the “Subtotal” label then produce the sum of babysitting costs entered in “Amount” to its content. If the Babysitting Client was given a “Discount” then furnish the dollar amount that was subtracted from the “Subtotal” If the Babysitting or Nanny Client was charged for any products or the local Tax Entity requires a collection be made with payment then, a report of the required “Tax” amount must be delivered to the field with this label. Perform a minor calculation to explain the “Total” paid. First, the “Discount” must be subtracted from the “Subtotal.” Once done, add the resulting dollar amount of the discounted babysitting or nanny job’s “Subtotal” to the “Tax” required. The box labeled “Total” is reserved for the result of these efforts.


Step 7 – Present Additional Reports If Necessary

If the Babysitting or Nanny Service wishes additional documentation included, then use the “Notes” section to present this material.  

Step 8 – State The Details Surrounding The Babysitter Or Nanny’s Payment

Now that a presentation of the babysitting or nannying job and its costs have been furnished to the table. The statement starting with the words “The Total Amount Of…” seeks some items to summarize the above table. The first report is expected to be the “Total” paid entered on the first blank line in this statement.

The second blank line on display requires the full Name of the Babysitting or Nannying Client produced for display between “…Was Paid By” and “The Customer…”

Next, use the payment date to complete the statement by inputting it on the line following the words “The Customer, On”


Step 9 – Produce A Payment Method Report

The way the Babysitting or Nanny Client submitted the payment causing this receipt requires discussion. The section label “Payment Method” will lead to four checkboxes where several labels have been put on display. Each will define a medium of currency that can be used to submit payments from one Party to another. Thus, if the Babysitting or Nanny has paid by credit card then make the first choice and enter the “Credit Card No.” where required. A payment by check calls for the “Check No.” label to be selected and the Babysitting or Nannying Client’s check number for this payment be recorded on the defined blank line.“Cash” payments can be documented by marking the third checkbox option. The “Other” option provided is attached to a blank line where you may offer a description of the payment directly. If “Other” is the best definition of the way payment was delivered, then mark the appropriate checkbox and deliver the requested definition.


Step 10 – Secure Payment through The Babysitting Client’s Signature

The blank line just above the label “Customer’s Authorized Signature” must be signed by the Payer of the babysitting or nanny fees. 


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Download The Babysitting (Nanny) Receipt Template As An Excel Sheet

The Babysitting (Nanny) Receipt Template displayed in the example image should be downloaded by selecting the link labeled “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” in this section. The button beneath the image also delivers access to this file.

Step 2 – Introduce The Babysitter Or Nanny Verifying Payment

The Babysitter or Nanny issuing this document in response to payment should be identified at the top of the page. The logo used by this Service or Contractor should be produced in cell A1 while the “Company Name” of the Babysitter or Nanny Company must be entered to cell A2 as replacements for the current text held by these fields (“Add Your Company Logo” and “Company Name”).   The full “Name” of the Babysitter or Nanny handling this receipt must be entered into cell A3. Next, use cells A4 (labeled “Street Address”), A5 (“City, State, Country”), then A6 (“Zip Code”) to document the Babysitter or Nanny’s address by supplying their respective components. The “E-Mail” address where the Babysitter can be reached should be produced in cell A7. Cell A8 serves to complete the Babysitter’s introduction with a record of the telephone number where he or she can be reached. Produce this telephone number as requested.


Step 3 – Report The Receipt Information For The Babysitting Or Nannying Job

The transaction number the Babysitter or Nanny assigned for this job should be dispensed as a matter of record to cell F3 which bears the title “Receipt #.”  Next, submit the current “Date” as the babysitting job’s payment “Date” in cell H3.


Step 4 – Attach The Name The Babysitting Customer

The “Customer/Client Information” section of this paperwork shall seek some identifying details regarding the Babysitting Customer. His or her full “Name” is required so that he or she may be credited with the submitted payment. Cell A11 has been reserved for this content.  The fields below are concerned with the address of the Babysitter’s Client. The “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” fields (cells A12 and A13) are held for the address where the Babysitter’s Client wishes to receive mail while cell A14 is reserved for the appropriate “Zip Code.” Enter these pieces of information as requested. Next, make a record of the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number where the Babysitter’s Client can be reliably and directly contacted to cell A15 and A16. 


Step 5 – Attach the Babysitting Job To The Received Payment

The date and time when the sitting occurred should be recorded in the “Description” field (cell A19) of the displayed table. Additionally, the name of the child or household requiring the Babysitter’s services should be included. This will also be an ideal area to record the name of any long or short-term service agreement that requires this receipt’s generation in this field. In short, a report that both the Babysitting Customer and the Babysitter can easily recognize should be furnished for display as the babysitting job that was paid for. 

Step 6 – Furnish The Dollar Amounts Required For The Babysitting Job

The field under the column heading “Amount” (cell H19) expects the original asking price of the babysitting job entered to its content. This dollar “Amount” should not include any gratuities (unless listed in the previous column), discounts, or taxes.  Cell H20 continues this column’s report with a summary of the amounts reported in the above field. Add all such amounts to a single sum, then produce it as the babysitting job’s “Subtotal” in cell H20. The next field, cell H21 (“Discount”), requires that any applied “Discount” to the payment be reported as such. Thus, if the Babysitter has opted to subtract any owed amount from the “Subtotal,” report it in cell H21. If the Babysitter was required to collect a sales or service “Tax” for the received payment, then a separate record of this amount must be provided to cell H22 (“Tax”). Complete the report this receipt table is mean to provide by producing the “Total” paid amount as the discounted babysitting job’s “Subtotal” added to any taxes reported in cell H22. Submit the resulting figure as the babysitting job’s “Total” in cell H23.


Step 6 – Deliver Requested Facts To The Confirmation Section

A statement in cell A24 will discuss the above table for the satisfaction of the Babysitting Customer and any concerned Reviewer of this paperwork however, it will require aid to be applicable. Therefore, locate the set of parentheses carrying the bracketed dollar sign. Delete these characters (“([$])”) then replace them with the “Total” paid to the Babysitter (as reported in cell H23).  Proceed through the next phrase (“…Was Paid By”) then furnish this statement’s language with the full “Name” of the Babysitter’s Client. This statement has confirmed the paid amount and the identity of the Payer. Now, the sentence in cell A24 seeks to declare the “Date” of payment. To his end, delete the brackets and contained label “Date,” then produce the month, the two-digit calendar day, and the two or four-digit calendar year when payment was received as this label’s replacement.


Step 7 – Attach The Method Of Payment Used For the Babysitting Job

Naturally, the Babysitter’s Client will have used some method of delivery for the payment that he or she submitted. The next section of this receipt shall focus on this topic. Find the choices beneath the words “Payment Method” (populating cell A26). Notice these boxes are attached to descriptions of how many will pay a bill. Select each box attached to a description that can be applied to how the money paid in this receipt was received. For example, if the Babysitter’s Client used a credit card to pay the bill, then select the checkbox in cell A27 and submit the “Credit Card No.” that was used in the space provided. If this receipt is to serve as documentation of payment by check then, select the checkbox in cell A28 and produce the ledger number (found on the check) where requested after the label “Check No.”The checkbox in cell F27 is provided in case the Babysitter’s Client paid directly using “Cash.”There are many “Other” methods to submit a payment. If one of these “Other” methods were used, then mark the checkbox in cell F28 and define it directly in the space following the attached label “Other.”


Step 8 – Acquire The Babysitting Client’s Signature

The signature of the Babysitter’s Client should be considered mandatory for the completion of this receipt. Allow the Client the chance to review the information that has been presented. If he or she authorizes the submitted payment, then the Babysitter’s Client must sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line place in cell A29.

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