The Handyman Service Template uses a standard receipt format to present proof of payment to the Handyman Business issuing it. Templates are considered useful tools across many offices since they aid in streamlining the administrative tasks involved in running a business. One such task, the documentation of received payment, is handled by the receipt template on this page. Clients expect such paperwork delivered at the point of sale since it can be considered a valuable record.
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Save The Handyman Service Receipt As A PDF Or Word Document
The Handyman Service Receipt available through the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word” links presented above can be downloaded to an accessible folder in your system. If preferred, you may review the sample on this page then use the “PDF” and “Word” buttons to access this file in these versions as well.
Step 2 – Satisfy The Receipt Header With The Handyman Information
This paperwork shall present its Issuer in an introduction area found at the top of the page. This section will be composed of one text field and several labeled lines. The text-field currently contains the language “Company Name.” Clear this field then populate it with the Handyman Contractor or Service’s Business Name. The “Name” of the Handyman Contractor or Service Representative must be displayed on the first blank line available in the header.
The mailing address monitored by the Handyman Contractor or Service receiving payment. This report must consist of three separate entries. The “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” lines are set to hold the Handyman Contractor or Service’s formal address while the line that follows (“Zip Code”) requires the postal code be reported separately.
Once the Handyman’s mailing address is documented, deliver some additional contact options maintained by this Entity. The lines designated as “Phone” and “E-Mail” expect these items documented.
Step 3 – Fill The Divider With The Handyman Payment Record
The shaded divider occupying the area just under the header requests your entry of the official handyman job’s “Receipt #” documented for display. Continue across this shaded object to the blank line attached to the word “Date.” Use this line to record the month, two-digit calendar day, and two-digit or four-digit year when the Handyman’s Customer paid the concerned job costs.
Step 4 – Identify The Handyman Customer Paying This Receipt
The Handyman’s Customer must be named. This receipt may need to be presented to a third party in the future who requires confirmation of the Handyman Client’s payment or for the sake of maintaining good records. The first empty line in “Customer/Client Information” is designated “Name.” Generate the legal identity of the Handyman’s Customer (“Name”) on this line. In addition to the Handyman Customer’s identity, his or her business or mailing address is a necessary display. Thus, produce a submission of the building number, the street, and the unit number where the Handyman Customer may be reached.
The Handyman Customer’s currently maintained telephone (or cell “Phone) number should be delivered to the blank line corresponding to the “Phone” label.
Finally, populate the “E-Mail” line with the electronic mail address the Handyman Customer maintains and uses for correspondence.
Step 5 – Define The Handyman Service The Customer Was Obligated To Pay
Notice the table placed near the center of this receipt’s body. The first field in this table, holding the column title “Description” requires a basic report on what the Handyman charged the Customer for. That is, what handyman services were ordered then paid for through this paperwork. Record the days of work or the product names being bought in this field.
Step 6 – Complete The Table With The Handyman’s Pricing Details
The dollar value the Handyman requested for the job defined on the left seeks a few definitions that contribute to the final “Total.” The “Amount” field here expects the content you enter to be the dollar values of the concerned handyman services. Next, add all the values in the above field to a single handyman “Subtotal.” Similarly, if only one “Amount” documented then enter it in “Subtotal.”
The “Discount” box in this column is set in case a dollar amount was deducted from the handyman’s “Subtotal.” Record the exact amount of any such applied “Discount” in the next box down.
the “Tax” field expects your efforts to consist of applying the local tax codes in the next box down.
After these figures have been double-checked for accuracy, subtract the “Discount” from the “subtotal” then add the expected sales or service “Tax”
Step 7 – Input Remaining Instructions And Discussions As Needed
The “Notes” section displayed below the table on the left is placed to accompany the table with any additional material that may be helpful but not necessarily required for the receipt’s purpose of documenting payment. Use the blank lines with this label to present more topics or list attachments.
Step 8 – Furnish Details To Complete The Handyman’s Payment Declaration
The statement “The Total Amount Of” acts as a table summary. This declaration must be completed before proceeding. To begin, locate the first blank line then record the received payment on the line after the dollar sign and the words “Was Paid By.” Insert the Handyman Customer’s full name on the next space in this receipt’s statement.
The calendar date when the Handyman Customer paid his or her bill from the Handyman should be documented on the last space displayed in the receipt’s statement.
Step 9 – Attach A Payment Definition To The Delivered Funds
The final section of this receipt (“Payment Method”) will seek a clear description of how the Handyman was paid. That is, if he or she was paid by credit card then the checkbox item labeled “Credit Card No.” must be supplied with the account number listed on the submitted credit card and the checkbox on the left of this label must be selected. A similar method can be used to document payment by check. For this, the “Check No.” item of this list should be marked and the check number found on the Handyman Customer’s check must be recorded as requested.
The Handyman Client may have opted to pay the Contractor directly in “Cash.” If so, locate then select the checkbox attached to the word “Cash.”
A payment from a Customer can take many forms. If the previous three do not reasonably describe how the Handyman’s Customer paid for the defined services, then select the last provided item on this list (“Other”). Using this option to define the payment means that an entry discussing how payment was delivered is required on the blank line labeled “Other”
Step 10 – Have The Handyman Client Set The Effectiveness Of This Receipt
The Handyman Customer must deliver his or her approval for the payment above in order for this receipt to be finalized. Without this action, payment may be difficult to retain (i.e. a credit card payment usually requires a signed receipt). Thus, request the Handyman Customer’s signature on the blank line found at the bottom of the receipt (labeled “Customer’s Authorized Signature”).
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download The Handyman Receipt Template As An Excel File
Find the “Excel” button on this page or the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text-link. These page objects both allow a direct download of the Handyman Service Receipt as an Excel form or template and can be selected by clicking on either one with your mouse. Once selected, follow the browser dialogue to initiate the desired download.
Step 2 – Establish The Handyman Business As The Payee
This receipt consists of several sections and each will require some distinct information presented for display. This documentation will enable a reasonably complete report on the payment received by the Handyman Business. Start this process by inserting the Handyman’s business logo in cell A1 (containing the placeholder “Add Your Company Logo Here”) then continue with a production of the Handyman’s “Company Name” in cell A2. The full “Name” of the Handyman or that of the Customer Service Representative obtaining Client payment should be recorded in cell A3.
After solidifying the Handyman Business as the generator of this paperwork (and the Recipient of the payment), furnish a record of the business “Street Address” in cell A4 then continue this address in the field labeled “City, State, Country” (cell A5).
The “Zip Code” has been set to cell A6 so that a valid mailing address to reach the Handyman Business can be developed using this header. Input this postal code as requested.
Another popular method of contact when wishing to write to a Business Entity is by email. Thus, enter the Handyman Business “E-mail” in cell A7.
The Handyman’s Business “Phone” number must be entered in cell A8 to complete this report on the receipt’s Issuer.
Step 3 – Include The Receipt Information For The Handyman’s Payment
The “Receipt #” label titling cell F3 also requires attention before we can proceed to the body of this document. Enter the Handyman assigned receipt number to cell F3 as a future reference point for filing and retrieving this paperwork. Adjacent to this, the “Date,” when the Handyman was paid should be entered. This is a valuable reference tool for most receipts, thus present it in cell H3.
Step 4 – Name The Handyman’s Client As The Payer
The Paying Customer will now be named as the Handyman’s Client. Furnish the Handyman Client’s “Name” in cell A11. Notice this is the first field in the “Customer/Client Information” section. The second, third, and fourth fields in the “Customer/Client Information” sections are cells A12 (holding the “Street Address label), A13 (containing the language “City, State, Country”), and cell A14 (labeled with the words “Zip Code). Use these to document a well-monitored address where the Handyman Client can be sent mail.
Cell A15 and cell A16 also require information concerning the Handyman Client by requesting your production of the Handyman Client’s “E-Mail” address then telephone number in their respectively labeled fields.
Step 5 – Produce A Reasonable Account Of The Handyman Services
It will be important to make sure this paperwork cites the work project, contract, or times that required payment to the Handyman be submitted for display in the “Description” field of the table in this receipt. Deliver an adequate detail of all such information to cell A19.
Step 7 – Submit A Cost Report To Define Payment
Notice the table on display contains several fields in the “Amount” column. This presentation area is devoted to explaining the numbers that contributed to the money required by the Client for the handyman services listed to its left. The first step here will be to report the requested money for the services in cell H19. Make no account for taxation or any coupons/promotions employed at the point of purchase. The “Subtotal” label for cell H20 expects the same amounts recorded above presented as a single sum. Thus, if more than one dollar “Amount” was named, add them to each other to enter the result in cell H20. This “Subtotal” field must be populated, thus, if the Handyman Client only needed to pay one “Amount,” then re-enter this number in cell H20.
All discounts must be listed immediately under the “Subtotal” value. If the Handyman gave a “Discount” on his or her services, then enter the “Discount” value in cell H21.
Next, furnish the “Tax” field (cell H22) with the determined service taxes requested by the local governing body (if any). Keep in mind that while a service “Tax” may not necessarily apply if the Handyman collected money for any physical product (or in some cases property improvement) then a sales “Tax” will likely be required. Thus, cell H22 expects that the total amount the Client paid in “Tax” be listed.
The “Total” payment delivered to the Handyman can now be explained as cell H20 minus cell H21 plus cell H22 or the “Subtotal” minus the “Discount” plus the “Tax.” Make sure the payment received matches this result and is documented in cell H23.
Step 8 – State Several Facts In A Declaration Statement
Next, a one-line statement will need some information produced in specific areas held by some placeholder labels. The first of these bracketed items is a dollar sign and can be found after the words “…Amount Of.” Complete this phrase by removing the parentheses, brackets, and dollar sign then entering the received Handyman Client’s payment amount. Continue on to the next brackets which display the word “Name.” This object, which follows the term “…Was Paid By” holds this area for your entry of the Handyman Client’s full “Name” to complete this term.
The final set of brackets (around the word “Date”) seeks the formal “Date” of payment re-entered in its stead.
Step 9 – Further Define the Handyman Payment
The “Payment Method” area of this receipt is located below its title (cell A26). This portion of the receipt is dedicated to categorizing the method of payment correctly. Thus, if the Handyman Client’s credit card was submitted for payment, then it must be reported. Indicate this is the method of payment by checking or selecting the “Credit Card No.” checkbox (in cell A27) and copying the credit card number to the space that follows this label. A payment consisting of a paper check can be solidified by selecting the “Check No.” item in cell A28. Do this by clicking in the box or by marking it then entering the Handyman Client’s “Check No.” were it is requested.
Cell F27 allows a “Cash” payment from the Handyman Client to be defined. Mark the checkbox provided in this field to indicate this “Payment Method”
“Other” payment methods may have been employed by the Handyman Client to pay his or her bill. If so, select the “Other” item by marking the checkbox in cell F28 and furnish the information necessary to report how payment was made in the space provided.
Step 10 – Acquire The Handyman Client’s Signature
Cell A29 provides a blank line strictly for the Handyman Client’s use. He or she must sign this line so that this receipt can serve as proof of payment and approval.