Landscaping (Lawn) Service Receipt Template

The Landscaping (Lawn) Service Receipt Template can be used to supply Customers with a way to approve of the payment that has been submitted and serve as a record of this payment. This is a common expectation of Customers who have paid for landscaping or lawn work done for a variety of reasons but mostly for the purpose of keeping good records. In any case, this receipt will only call for basic facts in each section that will combine as a complete record for the Client’s benefit.

How To Write In PDF OR Word

Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Save The Lawn (Landscaping) Receipt Template As A PDF Or Word File

The Lawn Care (Landscaping) Receipt Template is obtainable by selecting the “Word” or “PDF” button coupled with the sample image on this page or the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links presented.


Step 2 – Identify The Lawn Care Or Landscaping Service Behind This Receipt

The downloaded receipt template you obtained requires an introduction to its Issuer at the beginning. The “Company Name” text-field is the first item expecting an entry and refers to the Lawn Care or Landscaping Service currently documenting the received payment.   The string of empty lines that follow the text-box also concern themselves with the Lawn Care or Landscaping Service. Present the “Name” of the Lawn Care Technician or Landscaping Service Employee receiving and documenting the current payment.  Follow up on the Receipt Issuer’s identity with the business address of the Lawn Care or Landscaping Company. Three predetermined lines have been labeled to request components of this address displayed on them. Therefore, enter the building and street (and applicable suite number) in the Lawn Care or Landscaping Company’s business address on the “Street Address” line.  It will be important to make sure the full business address is reported so two additional lines here are labeled “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” to guide your report of this address. Complete it with these lines.Now, produce some alternate methods to contact the Lawn Care or Landscaping Business issuing the concerned receipt by delivering both its “Phone” number and its “E-Mail” address on the two lines closing this area.


Step 3 – Attach The Lawn Care Or Landscaping Payment’s Filing Material

Identify this document for the Lawn Care or Landscaping Business Client by dispensing his or her payment’s “Receipt #” to the empty line placed in the left have of the shaded divider.  The other blank line in the shaded divider has been reserved for a report on the “Date” of the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client’s payment. This receipt “Date” can satisfy many functions (from aiding in filing to supporting the payment information) so make sure the funds have been received before reporting it.


Step 4 – Name A Specific Party To Receive Credit For The Payment

The Lawn Care or Landscaping Client must be attached to this receipt to receive credit for his or her payment. The “Customer/Client Information” section here has been set to receive a report on the Lawn Care or Landscaping Payer in this receipt. The “Name” line will accept your production of the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client’s identity.  The mailing address maintained by the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client must be documented by delivering his or her “Street Address” to the next line down then furnishing the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” to the next two lines after this.Fill out the last two lines of the “Customer/Client Information” section with the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address.


Step 5 – Offer A Description To The Lawn Care Or Landscaping Paid For

The lawn care or landscaping bill being paid must be defined to the satisfaction of any future reviewer of this payment. That is, the exact purpose of the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client’s payment must be documented on this receipt. Thus, turn to the center of this receipt where a table is displayed. Use the “Description” box to discuss the lawn care or landscaping contract being paid, the work shift, and/or the landscaping or lawn products paid for.  


Step 6 – Produce A Payment Report For The Lawn Care Or Landscaping Services

The second field of the table is named “Amount” by the column title and requires that a list of the applicable lawn or landscaping costs be generated as its content.  Add all the lawn care or landscaping costs above to a “Subtotal” that leaves out tax and discount considerations.The “Discount” box provided to this column is conditional. That is, if a “Discount” was given to reduce the Client’s obligatory amount, then it should be reported separately in this field.Any taxes imposed upon the lawn care or landscaping contract or job’s “Subtotal” must also be separately listed for review. The field attached to the “Tax” label will accept this information for display once you have calculated and entered it.The “Total” lawn care or landscaping payment can now be explained with the taxes added to the (discounted) lawn care or landscaping “Subtotal.” Perform the calculation as requested to report the lawn care or landscaping “Total” paid.


Step 7 – Deliver Lawn Care Or Landscaping Notes As Needed

The table allows a basic report but if any additional topics need to accompany it, then they must be reported in the “Notes” section to be considered part of this receipt.   


Step 8 – State The Action Causing This Receipt

The Lawn Care or Landscaping Client action of payment must be stated plainly as this receipt’s declaration. The sentence displayed under the table enables this action by setting the standard language to accept entries. The first required entry will be for the “Total” paid by the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client. Report this numerically on the empty line following the dollar sign. Name the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client who has submitted payment on the second blank line.  Finally, fill in the lawn care or landscaping job’s payment “Date” on the last empty line.


Step 9 – Continue Defining The Delivered Lawn Care Or Landscaping Payment

The type of payment that was delivered needs some description. This can be accomplished by selecting the appropriate checkbox item(s) presented below the words “Payment Method.” For instance, by marking the first checkbox and reporting the credit card number that the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client used for the concerned payment after the words “Credit Card” payment, this choice will be considered a description of the payment type for this sale.A lawn care or landscaping payment by check requires that the second checkbox be selected. The words “Check No.” will also require the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client’s check number entered.An additional payment type that many Clients will use to settle their bills is “Cash.” The third checkbox item will allow such a payment type to be set for this receipt once you mark the checkbox labeled “Cash.”The last option provided enables you to produce a direct discussion regarding the payment type. If this is necessary, then mark the box carrying the “Other” label and use the blank line that follows to give the specifics of how the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client paid the submitted amount.


Step 10 – Obtain The Lawn Care Client’s Signature

The final line on this page is mandatory and must be attended to by the Lawn Care or Landscaping Client by signing it. 


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Landscaping Service Receipt As An Excel Template

Save the Landscaping Lawn Service Excel Template from this page through the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link or the “Excel” button.


Step 2 – Name The Landscaping Service Producing This Receipt

Once you open this sheet, it will be easy to observe several sections dividing this receipt by topic. Each one should be reviewed and used to present the appropriate receipt information starting with the Landscaping Technician or Company’s logo and legal name. Cell A1 (labeled “Add Your Company Logo Here”) requires the image file for the Landscaping Service logo while cell A2 requests the bracketed label “Company Name” replaced with the Landscaping Service’s name.  In addition to the Business Entity’s formal information, the “Name” of the Landscaping Service Representative (i.e. Owner, Technician, or Employee) should be input to cell A3.The Landscaping Service’s mailing address must appear with these names, thus, submit a record of the required “Street Address” in cell A4, the Landscaping Service or Landscaper’s “City, State, Country,” then its “Zip Code” in the field that follows in this column.Oftentimes, a Client’s preferred method of contact will be an immediate one. Cell A7 is therefore reserved for the Landscaping Service or Landscaper’s “E-mail” address and cell A8 for the appropriate “phone” number.


Step 3 – Deliver The Landscaping Service Payment Information.

The field titled “Receipt #” (cell F3) is set in the header because it requires the filing definition the Landscaping Service assigns the payment this paperwork refers to as well as the paperwork itself. Supply the receipt number for landscaping job payment in cell F3.  After a unique filing or transaction number has been designated as this record’s receipt number, place the “Date” (month, calendar day, year) when the payment was made, and this receipt generated. Cell H3, under the “Date” title, expects this definition as its content.


Step 4 – Assign The Payment To The Landscaping Client

Many Clients as well as any interested Third Party will require that the Payer be documented directly in the receipt’s content. The next part of this receipt, “Customer/Client Information,” aims to satisfy this basic need with the first field it presents. Find the “Name” label placed in cell A11 then, furnish the Landscaping Client’s first, middle, and last “Name” or legal Corporate (Company) “Name.”   

Next, document the address that was indicated by the Landscaping Client as his or her own mailing address. Submit this material as three entries. Cell A12 and A13 request the bulk of the address information with their “Street Address” and “City, State, Country”  The field bearing the “Zip Code” label (in “Customer/Client Information” part of this column) requires the postal code for the Landscaping Client’s address documented.Continue through this column to cell A15 to report the Landscaping Client’s “E-Mail” address then conclude this section with a record of the Landscaping Client’s “Phone” number in cell A16.


Step 5 – Define The Landscaping Services That Were Paid For

The landscaping services, supplies, or merchandise that were paid for should all be reported. Such documentation is expected in cell A19 (“Description”) and can be listed as a work day (date and times), product names and numbers, or a contract title with such predetermined information reported. 


Step 6 – Submit The Pricing Applied To The Required Landscaping Payment

Cell H19 (“Amount”) sets itself to present the pricing schedule applied to the Landscaper’s services and merchandise. This can be entered cost-by-cost in an itemized fashion or it may be documented as a single entry at your discretion.   As you follow the H column of this table down, it will make several additional requests starting with the landscaping job’s “Subtotal.” Simply put, the dollar value entered here must be the sum of all the dollar values that were reported in cell H19 (even if only a single entry was made). Perform this arithmetic then produce this sum as the landscaping “Subtotal.”  Some Landscaping Clients or jobs may be afforded a “Discount” to reduce the requested “Subtotal.” In such a case, the “Discount,” should be furnished as the dollar amount being deducted. Submit this amount to cell H21, even if this amount is “0.”It is imperative that the Landscaping Service is familiar with the laws that govern its business, especially service or sales “Tax” codes involving subtotals on products and/or services. Apply the law to the landscaping “Subtotal” and the Client’s payment. If some of this payment was diverted to a sales or service “Tax” then report the sales or service “Tax” for the landscaping “Subtotal” in cell H22. Cell H23 also requires a straightforward calculation. Add the “Tax” entered for the discounted “Subtotal” then make a record of this dollar value as the landscaping job’s “Total” in cell H23.


Step 7 – Supplement The Payment Statement

The sentence in cell A24 requires the dollar amount that was paid to generate this receipt produced in place of the symbols “([$])”

Find the second bracketed object in this sentence, “[Name],” then type in the Landscaping Client’s full “Name” as a replacement.
The last label set in brackets to this statement seeks the month, day, and year of the “Date” when the Landscaping Client paid his or her bill.


Step 8 – Categorize The Landscaping Payment

After solidifying the submitted payment in writing, it will be necessary to assign the type of payment that was used by the Landscaping Client. The heading (“Payment Method”) in cell A26 will set up the fields below it as the area to classify the landscaping payment. Cell A27 contains a checkbox that should be selected when a credit card is used. Notice the “Credit Card No.” in this field requires that a reproduction of the credit card number used be entered. The “Check No.” label contained in cell A28 should be selected by marking the corresponding checkbox in this field then (in the space after the label) recording the ledger number on the check face used to identify it.  Cell F27 of this payment option list documents a submitted cash payment for the landscaping job when its checkbox is selected.  If the Landscaping Client used a different type of payment then the mentioned options, then locate cell A28, mark that checkbox, and discuss the payment type used by the Landscaping Client after the word “Other.”


Step 9 – This Receipt Makes The Landscaping Client’s Signature Mandatory

Cell A29 contains the final expectation of this receipt. Here, the Landscaping Client must sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line proving that the landscaping items and service were ordered and paid for with the Landscaping Client’s approval.
