The Appliance Repair Receipt Template is a method used to set the received payment submitted by a Consumer seeking to complete the repair transaction. This can sometimes be invaluable to a Customer who wishes to prove that he or she has purchased a naturally defective property that required a repair prematurely or requires an inordinate amount of repair effort regularly. In addition, the Appliance Repair Shop can keep track of its orders, business, inventory, and services that bring in the most money. Many consider such record-keeping an invaluable marketing tool. Of course, maintaining a good accounting system for successful purchases is also simply a matter of maintaining proper files for the sake of efficiency. This template often represents the final step in a transaction, therefore it only needs to state some basic facts which will be requested as you proceed to review and fill it out.
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Access The PDF Or Word Formatted Appliance Repair Receipt Template
The Appliance Receipt Template can be acquired as a “PDF” file and a “Word” document using this page’s caption buttons under the sample. Additionally, the “Adobe PDF” link and “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” links in this area of the site also allow this download to occur.
Step 2 – Produce The Appliance Repair Service Company Information
The receipt that has been acquired should be opened with the program you intend to use to edit it. Once open, find the “Company Name” text-box. It is located in the top left portion of the receipt template. This field should be supplied with only one item: your entry of the Appliance Repair Service or Shop’s formal “Company Name.” A set of empty lines, each with a label, is set under the text-box as a production area for the content needed to identify the Issuer or Sender of this receipt. Thus, list the “Name” of the Appliance Repair Shop’s Employee or Representative that is receiving payment and issuing this paperwork on the first of these lines.
The second, third, and fourth lines here bear labels noting address components. Produce the Appliance Repair Shop or Contract Technician’s business address on these lines by entering the “Street Address” then the “City, State, Country” on the lines displaying these labels.
The “Zip Code” label indicates your next entry must be the postal code assigned to the Appliance Repair Shop or Contract Technician’s reported address.
The business line or “Phone” number of the Appliance Repair Shop or Contract Technician must be produced next.
List the “E-Mail” address of the Appliance Repair Shop (or Contractor) on the last line of this section. Notice it is placed just above a bar dividing this area from the body of this receipt.
Step 3 – Document How The Appliance Repair Will Be Filed
The horizontal bar mentioned earlier contains two empty lines labeled to receive information. The “Receipt #” line is reserved for the payment or transaction number assigned to the funds received for the appliance repair job. The line attached to the word “Date” requires a specific calendar month, day, and year. Input the “Date” the appliance repair payment was received on this line.
Step 4 – Attach The Payment To The Proper Repair Client
A distinct portion of this receipt has been set aside strictly to identify the Appliance Repair Customer. Completing this section is how the Paying Customer will receive the credit to his or her account for the payment he or she submitted to pay for the required repairs. The first line in the “Customer/Client Information” section is set to receive this “Name” for display. The address where the Appliance Repair Customer can be reached by paper mail should be produced down the three empty lines following his or her “Name.” The empty line attached to “Street Address” as well as the one attached to the designating label “City, State, Country” should be supplied with information before proceeding to enter the appropriate “Zip Code.”
The home, cell, or work number where the Appliance Repair Customer indicated he or she can be reached should be input on the line labeled “Phone.”
Finally, locate the line with the “E-Mail” label then satisfy it with the Appliance Repair Customer’s email address.
Step 5 – Describe The Appliance Repairs
The table found in the center of this page seeks several entries across the rows provided a few additional ones in the final column. This table shall act as a visual rundown of the repair and service pricing behind the payment and the receipt. The first column here carries the “Description” title and expects a log of the repair hours or days entered on a row by row basis. You may also use service agreements already defining such information as a row entry in this area as well. Similarly, if any tangible or physical items were paid for then they should be listed by name in this column. Naturally, a certain number of hours, days, or products will have been paid for by the Appliance Repair Customer. Document this number in the “Quantity” column.
Step 6 – Furnish The Rates Applying To The Repairs
In addition to the previous details, the pricing schedule used to determine the final cost of the appliance repair service time or product should be presented. The column bearing the “Rate ($)” title will handle this task once you input the dollar amount expected for one unit, one hour, or one day (as reported in the first or second column) required for the appliance repair. Each row will terminate with the “Amount” column. Here, report the figure resulting multiplying the “Quantity” by the “Rate ($)” on each row.
The reported cost for every entry in “Amount” must be combined by adding them to one another without any application of discounts or taxes in the “Subtotal” text-field of the last column.
If a “Discount” was applied to the appliance repair’s “Subtotal,” then input the dollar amount being deducted in the text-field following the “Subtotal” report.
The taxes the Appliance Repair Shop or Contractor may be required to add to the repair’s “Subtotal” may be the result of a local sales “Tax” or service “Tax.” This receipt must display the taxes added to the repair “Subtotal” in the text field labeled “Tax.”
The “Total” paid by the Appliance Repair Customer should be easily found using the past three entries. The appliance repair “Total” must be the result of adding the reported sales/service “Tax” to the appliance repair’s “Subtotal” after it has already been discounted.
Step 7 – Dispense Additional Material As Needed
An area has been set aside directly below the table to include a record of any additional disclosures, warnings, or instructions concerning the appliance repair. If any such material should be presented in this receipt, then use the “Notes” section to place them on display.
Step 8 – Declare The Submitted Appliance Repair Payment
This receipt includes a basic declaration that explains the Appliance Repair Client’s payment response to the “Total” reported in the table. Since this is a template some areas are unpopulated with information necessary for this statement to function. Thus, find the “…Total Amount Of…” then furnish the exact dollar amount the Appliance Repair Customer paid. A second blank line is presented in the next part of this statement. Furnish the full Appliance Repair Customer’s name on this line.
Conclude this sentence with a record of the payment date. Place this on the last empty line.
Step 9 – Discuss The Appliance Repair Payment Further
The “Payment Method” area is the next and final portion of this record requiring attention. The four checkboxes presented here are placed for a quick report on whether the Client paid by card, check, cash, or another method. Mark the checkbox from this list that adequately describes how the appliance repair was paid for. If a credit card paid for the appliance repair, then select the “Credit Card No.” box and furnish its account number on the line that follows. Similarly, if the appliance repair was satisfied by a check payment then mark the “Check No.” box. The checkbook number or ledger number on the submitted check is also a required report. Place it after the words “Check No.”
If the appliance repair was paid for with “Cash” then select the appropriately labeled box from this list.
If the appliance repair was covered by some other means of payment, then select the “Other” box then make use of the blank line that follows to define what type of Client payment was submitted.
Step 10 – Obligate The Appliance Repair Client To Authorize This Payment By Signature
The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line will be understood as verification that the Appliance Repair Client paid for the repair and approved its payment to the Issuer of this receipt. Request that this Party signs the appropriately labeled line at the bottom of the page and keep the original for your Company’s records.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download The Appliance Repair Template In An Excel Format
The “Excel” button on this page allows you to obtain the Appliance Repair Receipt so that it may be worked on as a spreadsheet. The link labeled with the words “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” will give you the same access.
Step 2 – Introduce The Appliance Repair Shop Issuing This Paperwork
The Paid Entity or the Appliance Repair Shop generating the receipt must identify itself at the top of the beginning of this receipt. Many Appliance Repair Shops will make use of a logo in on their letterhead or in their sign as a way of gaining recognition. Upload this logo image to cell A1, then deliver the full “Company Name” of the Appliance Repair Shop in cell A2. The Employee of the Appliance Repair Shop handling the payment is also a requested entry. Produce his or her “Name” in cell A3.
Document the full address of the Appliance Repair Shop in this header with its logo and name by inputting the “Street Address” in cell A4, Appliance Repair Shop’s “City, State, Country” in cell A5, then its “Zip Code” A6 (respectively).
The Appliance Repair Shop’s “E-Mail” address and telephone number should be displayed to complete this section. Use cell A7 and A8 to deliver present these items accordingly.
Step 3 – Identify The Submitted Appliance Repair Payment
The receipt will need some way to be distinctly stored in the Appliance Repair Shop’s files. Many Shops will attach a transaction number or receipt number to the purchase being conducted so a field in the header has been devoted to receiving this filing information. Record the appliance repair’s “Receipt #” in cell F3. The “Date” when payment for the appliance repair was received should be placed in cell H3.
Step 4 – Attach The Payment To The Appliance Repair Client Account
The Party paying for the appliance repair should be named in cell A11 (after the “Name” label) then his or her complete address should be generated down the next three fields. Cell A12 requires the Appliance Repair Customer’s “Street Address” while the two that follow call for the Appliance Repair Client’s “City, State, Country” (cell A13) then “Zip Code” (A14). The “E-Mail” label in cell A15 requests that the Appliance Repair Customer’s email address is furnished for reference.
Conclude the Payer’s identification by inputting the cell phone, home phone, or work phone number that should be used to contact the Appliance Repair Client in cell A16.
Step 5 – Report On The Appliance Repair
This spreadsheet presents a table as the means to discuss the appliance repair and its applied pricing. Column A where the column heading “Description” has been set seeks a record of the repair contract or project name, the work shift, or the products that were paid for. Column F labeled “Quantity” is reserved to receive the amount of time and/or the number of products that were purchased. If an entry has been made in column A, then make sure to report the requested “Quantity” in column F of that row.
Step 6 – Dispense Pricing Used To Determine The Total
Column G, clearly labeled “Rate ($),” expects the dollar amount the Appliance Repair Shop expected for the lowest value allowed in column F. For instance, record the price of one unit of a product that was purchased, or the amount that was required for one hour of work in a recorded work shift. This value in turn will function with the “Quantity” to fill in some needed reports in column H (titled “Amount”). Column H will have a couple of fields where the above calculation has not satisfied. These fields can only be satisfied with an entry from the Appliance Repair Shop’s calculation. If any “Discount” was given for the repair, then furnish its dollar value to cell H29.
Cell H30 represents the final request from this table. Use it to inform the Appliance Repair Customer how much of his or her payment was devoted to satisfying the local sales or service “Tax.” The previous two fields (“Discount” and “Tax”) will automatically be incorporated to the appliance repair’s “Total”
Step 7 – Deliver A Summary Of This Receipt In Writing
Cell A32 requires a few bracketed placeholders to be replaced with some of the material documented above. The first bracketed placeholder is can be found in a set of parentheses. Replace this bracketed symbol with the Appliance Repair Customer’s submitted payment. The placeholder displayed as “[Name]” must be deleted so that the Appliance Repair Customer’s identity can be placed here instead.
Find the last brackets in this sentence. Remove them then furnish the “Date” when the appliance repair was made.
Step 8 – Give Further Definition To The Payment
The “Payment Method” section has presented four checkboxes to choose from so that a definition of how payment was made can be verified. If the appliance repair payment consisted of a credit card, then locate cell A35. Mark the checkbox in this field to document this then input the “Credit Card No.” where requested. The checkbox in cell A36 should be marked if the appliance repair payment was satisfied with a paper check. Additionally, make sure to enter the full ledger number of this check after the displayed label “Check No.”
The “Cash” box should be selected from cell A35’s field if the Appliance Repair Customer paid in this way.
If none of these previous choices can be used to accurately define the type of payment used, then select the box “Other” in cell A36. Then, after “Other,” enter how this payment was made.
Step 9 – Request That the Appliance Repair Customer Sign This Paperwork
The blank line as cell A37’s content is set as a display area for the signature of the Client. This “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line must have this item provided by the Client so that the submitted payment be considered a valid representation of his or her desire that the “Total” be paid in the manner defined.