The Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template sets the details of Repair Client’s payment on record. This provides the Repair Client with the proof of payment that many will expect after surrendering the repair costs and secure the Cell Phone Technician or Repair Company’s ability to retain the payment as one that is authorized by the Customer. Both these tasks, as well as a few others that good recordkeeping contributes to, can be accomplished with only a few entries to the template. Once it has been provided with all the material it requests, it will be ready to receive the Customer’s approval.
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word
Step 1 – Download The Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template
The Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template obtainable through the “PDF” and “Word” buttons or the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links on this page. Use these page items to save your copy of the Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template in either format.
Step 2 – Furnish The Cell Phone Repair Technician Or Shop’s Name
The Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop issuing this paperwork as a receipt must be identified at the top of the page in the text-field holding the phrase “Company Name.”
The “Name” line that introduces the next portion of the header requires entry of the Employee or Cell Phone Repair Technician verifying payment.
The Cell Phone Service Provider or Cell Phone Repair Shop handling the repair (and being paid to do so) should have its address produced with its “Name.” The “Street Address” line and the blank line labeled “City, State, Country” are placed here for your production of this material.
The postal code assigned to the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop’s address is the next submission that must be made to this receipt.
Next, furnish the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop’s “Phone” information (i.e. customer service line) and “E-mail” address to the blank lines that follow.
Step 3- Produce The Cell Phone Repair Payment’s Reference Material
Some material concerning how the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop categorizes and files this document in its records. An ideal tool to present is the receipt number assigned by the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop to the physical payment. Dispense this to the “Receipt #” line. The precise “Date” of payment should be paired with the receipt number. Enter it on the blank line with this label to achieve this purpose. You may find the “Date” line on the right side of the page near the top in a noticeable horizontal bar.
Step 4 – Identify The Cell Phone Repair Customer
The Cell Phone Repair “Customer/Client Information” is the next focus of this document. The section where this content must be presented can be found directly under the title in bold font (“Customer/Client Information) and begins with a request for the Repair Payer’s full “Name” on the first line. The second, third, and fourth empty lines bearing labels in this section seek a record of the Repair Payer’s “Street Address,” his or her “City, State, Country,” and finally the Cell Phone Repair Client or Payer’s “Zip Code” furnished where requested.
The telephone number where the Cell Phone Repair Customer can be reached should be entered on the “Phone” line.
Lastly, produce the Cell Phone Repair Client or Payer’s “E-Mail” address.
Step 5 – Present A Display Of The Repair Job Needed For The Phone
This receipt will need some dialogue produced concerning the cell phone repair that required payment. A table will address this need and one has been set at the center of this receipt. Its first request for material is a list of the repair dates when work was done and any product that was purchased. It is strongly recommended to report each work shift or produced supply or product on a separate row. The “Quantity” column seeks a recording of exactly how many items were paid for and/or how much time the cell phone repair payment covered. Present these where appropriate.
Step 6 – Deliver The Pricing Used For The Cell Phone Repair
The “Rate ($)” the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop has applied to the time or products that have been dispensed to this table must be produced in the third column. This report must consist of a dollar amount that defines what was expected as payment for the lowest denomination that could have been entered in the second column. For instance, if the first two columns define a set amount of hours for a repair job, then define how much money was expected for only one hour of work. The cell phone repair amounts that were owed for the time and supplies or products must be calculated across the rows containing information. This calculation is the “Quantity” value multiplied by the dollar value in “Rate ($)” across each row. The result of this must be placed on the same row where the values used were entered.
Now, combine every “Amount” that was owed for a cell phone repair to a single sum. Record the result in the box labeled “Subtotal.”
If the Cell Phone Provider or the Cell Phone Repair Shop granted a “Discount” to the concerned Customer, then record the “Discount” on the cell phone repair in the next text-field presented in this column. You may also enter a zero if no “Amount” was discounted.
If the Cell Phone Repair Shop or Cell Phone Provider must subject the repair “Subtotal” to a sales or service tax on behalf of the local government or interested Tax Entities, the total “Tax” amount must be reported in plain view. The next-to-last text box in this column is set to accept the “Tax” that was owed on the cell phone repair’s “Subtotal.
The “Amount” column’s final text-field requires that you add the “Tax” to the cell phone repair’s (discounted) “Subtotal” then record the result for display next to the word “Total” as the final expected payment for the cell phone repair.
Step 7 – State The Payment Furnished For The Cell phone Repair
The section labeled with the word “Notes” presents a few empty lines that can be populated with any subject matter of your choosing. This section is optional but may be useful from time-to-time especially to deliver any care instructions or disclosures.
Step 8 – Complete A Confirmation Statement Defining The Cell Phone repair Payment
The Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop that has received the concerned payment must make a basic statement attesting to this fact. A sentence with the language required for this is on display immediately after the “Notes” section. The empty line following the term “The Total Amount Of…” expects the dollar value of the Cell Phone Repair Client’s payment entered so this statement may continue. Another blank line is placed in the second portion of this sentence. Here, you must identify the Cell Phone Repair Client by name. Produce this Party’s identity as requested on the line preceding “…The Customer”
The language in the sentence being tended has identified the amount paid as well as the Payer. The final requirement will be an entry defining the date when this payment was received by the Cell Phone Provider or Repair Shop. Locate the word “On” then furnish this date on the empty line that follows it.
Step 9 – Accurately Define The Type Of Payment Used For The Cell Phone Repair
The way the Cell Phone Repair Client paid for this service should be documented. The checkbox with the “Credit Card No.” label will indicate the cell phone repair was paid for with credit. If so, then mark this checkbox and deliver the card number where it is requested. A check payment can be shown as submitted when the second checkbox is selected. This payment type or method will require that the numbers identifying the check are entered after the label “Check No.”
A third payment description can be supplied with the “Cash” checkbox. Select this item if the Cell Phone Repair Customer delivered “Cash” as payment.
The checkbox item called “Other” is included in case none of the provided descriptions are an accurate way to define the delivered payment. In such cases, mark this checkbox then submit a report on the type of payment delivered by the Cell Phone Repair Client.
Step 10 – Require The Cell Phone Repair Client To Approve Payment By Signature
The last requirement of this receipt seeks a record of the Cell Phone Repair Client’s approval. This is best proven with his or her signature. Therefore, give this receipt to the Cell Phone Repair Client for review, request he or she sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line, then regain possession of the document.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Gain Access To The Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template As A Spreadsheet
The Cell Phone Repair Receipt Template can be saved using the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link on display above or the “Excel” button on display with the sample.
Step 2 – Furnish A Production Of The Cell Phone Repair Company’s Information
The Cell Phone Repair Company or the Contracted Technician issuing this receipt must make sure that it is easily identifiable as the Issuer. The top left of the receipt has been set to display such material and will require your attention in the first portion of column A to do so. Begin by submitting a production of the Cell Phone Repair Service’s logo and “Company Name” in cells A1 (“Add Your Company Logo Here”) and A2 (“Company Name”). Delete the bracketed labels acting as placeholders in these cells in favor of the items you produce. Next, report the “Name” of the Cell Phone Repair Technician or Customer Service Representative verifying the repair payment in cell A11 after the “Name” label displayed in this field.
The mailing address that should be used to contact the Cell Phone Repair Service is expected in the upper left area of the header along with this Business’ Name. Two fields, cell A4 and A5, request the Cell Phone Repair Service’s “Street Address” then “City, State,” and “Country” reported while cell A6 seeks the “Zip Code” associated with this address.
Cell A7 and A8, also set in the header, seek the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number produced to the contents of the fields bearing these labels.
Step 3 – Deliver A Way To Store The Cell Phone Repair Payment’s Information
The receipt number that was generated then attached to the cell phone repair’s payment must be given to the Client with this paperwork. Cell F3, also in the header, has been appropriately titled to receive this information. Input this number under the term “Receipt #.” Adjacent to the receipt number, cell H3 shall request by title the “Date” of payment. Enter it in this field.
Step 4 – Attach This Payment To The Cell Phone Repair Client
The Cell Phone Repair Customer paying for the repair is expected in the distinctly titled “Customer/Client Information” section of this receipt. Satisfy the first requirement of this section with the “Name” of the Cell Phone Repair Customer. The mailing address the Cell Phone repair Customer maintains is also required. The “Customer/Client Information” section requires this address report dispensed to the fields labeled “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” in cells A12 and A13.
Deliver the Cell Phone Customer’s postal code to cell A14 (displaying the “Zip Code” label).
Furnish documentation of the “E-Mail” address the Cell Phone Customer uses for his or her correspondence in cell A15.
Document the “Phone” number where the Cell Phone Customer prefers to receive calls regarding this repair in cell A16.
Step 5 – Inform The Cell Phone Repair Client Of The Necessary Work And Materials
A dialogue detailing the cell phone repair must be supplied to column A in the table beginning on the eighteenth row. This “Description” column is reserved for the service times or repair products the Cell Phone Repair Service charged for. Generally, a list of the days or times of service along with any billable items. The “Quantity” column refers to the amount of time (i.e. number of hours) or the total number of billable items required and paid for. This number should refer to the entry made in the first column.
Step 6 – Report On The Repair’s Applicable Pricing And Costs
The “Rate ($)” column seeks a specific dollar value that will work with your previous entry to populate the final column. For every row, record the minimum amount expected for the service or products. For example, if three replacement buttons required payment, then input the dollar value expected for only one. As mentioned earlier, the “Amount” column of the receipt will populate with a few figures however, some fields will remain untouched. Cell H29 is one such field. Record the total “Discount” deducted from the cell phone repair in this field. If none was given, then you may leave this cell blank.
The “Tax” label calls attention to cell H30. Most states will not charge a service tax to a cell phone repair and some will expect a sales tax and a service tax applied. The full amount of “Tax” on the “Subtotal” must be reported. Inform the Client of this “Tax” amount in cell H30.
Step 7 – Attest To the Received Cell Phone Repair Payment
A written testimony of the Cell Phone Repair Client’s payment is the next item that requires attention on this receipt. Locate cell A32 which houses this statement. The bracketed dollar sign placed between the words “…Amount Of $” and the term “Was Paid By…” should be deleted. Once done, enter the dollar amount received for the concerned cell phone repair. Replace the second set of brackets with the full “Name” of the Cell Phone Repair Client.
The words “…The Customer, On” in cell A32’s statement will lead to one final object due for replacement. Find the bracketed label “Date” then remove it
Step 8 – Verify How The Repair Payment Was Made By The Client
The term “Payment Method” calls attention to the four checkboxes that follow it. One of the checkboxes in these cells should be selected to document the type of payment the Cell Phone Client paid with. If this action was performed with a credit card, then mark the checkbox on the left of the “Credit Card No.” label in cell A35. After doing so, make sure to enter the credit card number used for the purchase after the label. Cell A36 with the “Check No” label should be used to define this receipt as the result of a payment by check. The space after the words “Check No.” should be supplied with the submitted check number on the label.
Cell F35 of this spreadsheet contains the checkbox that should be marked to demonstrate a submitted “Cash” payment.
The checkbox holding the box labeled as “Other” is available in case the Cell Phone Client delivered the repair payment. In this case, select it then define the payment in the space after the term “Other.”
Step 9 – Obligate The Cell Phone Repair Client To Produce His Or Her Signature
Cell A37 of this receipt contains the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line and this must be signed by the Cell Phone Repair Customer. Once you have completed the receipt with the requested material, it must be presented to the Cell Phone repair Client. After the signature is complete, regain this document to file in the Cell Phone Repair Business records and dispense a copy to the Client.