Truck Repair Receipt Template

The Truck Repair Receipt Template grants its Users the ability to quickly develop a formatted record of payment as one of the final steps in the bill collecting process every Business must engage in. Since the administrative task of designing a receipt on a case by case basis can be challenging a well-formatted document that can be used repeatedly can save a substantial amount of office time when it is time to issue a written record of payment to the Customer. Take a moment to review the document in the sample provided then obtain this paperwork. It is worth mentioning that while this is a template, it can be edited to better suit the needs of the User. This, however, does not mean that any sections should be removed since each one is considered one an essential topic that must be discussed in a receipt.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Download: Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Acquire The Truck Repair Receipt Template From This Page

The Truck Repair Receipt Template displayed in the sample image on this page should be acquired using the “PDF” or “Word” buttons on this page. The “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” text links above.

Step 2 – Identify The Truck Repair Shop Or Mechanic Receiving Payment

Access the file you have obtained from this page then locate the field at the top of this page. The full name of the Truck Repair Shop or Mechanic is a necessary report at the top of this page. The “Company Name” text field at the top of this page should be filled out with the Truck Repair Shop or Mechanic’s Business Name.  The blank lines attached to the labels in the top left should be filled out with the “Name” of the Truck Repair Representative. Furnish the Truck Repair Client’s “Street Address” on the next line down then his or her “City, State, Country”The Truck Repair Shop’s “Zip Code” is required for this paperwork’s header requirements and is expected on the next empty line. Furnish the “Phone” number of the Truck Repair Shop or Truck Mechanic is the next item required here. The blank line bearing the “Phone” label is set to receive this telephone number for the convenience of the Client.  The “E-Mail” address should be dispensed to the last line of the receipt’s header. Make sure this “E-mail” 


Step 3 – Define The Truck Repair Shop’s Reference Material For This Payment

Seek out the blank line on the left side of the page divider. The term “Receipt #” will require the reference number the Truck Repair Shop or Mechanic determined to represent this payment in the filing system this Payee employs.  The blank line across the page from this document seeks a record of the calendar “Date” when the truck repair payment was submitted. 


Step 4 – Deliver The Identity Of The Truck Repair Client

The Truck Repair Client may have been an Owner-Operator, a Business, or the Employee of the Payer. Regardless of the nature of the Client’s business, his or her “Name” must be dispensed to the first available line under the “Customer/Client Information” section.  The mailing address where the Truck Repair Client can be reached is expected as three reports. The “Street Address” label is concerned with receiving the building number, street, and unit number in the Truck Repair Client’s address.  Attend to the “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” lines by satisfying their requests with information from the Truck Repair Client’s address.  Deliver the “Phone” number of the Truck Repair Client on the appropriately labeled blank line then his or her “E-Mail” address on the line that follows. 


Step 5 – Document The Truck Repair’s Details

Truck repairs will often require that parts and labor are both paid for by the Client. Therefore, a receipt table enabling you to draw all such billables to one place for a report has been included. First, list all the billable truck parts the Repair Client was responsible to pay for as well as the time (by date) spent on labor in the first column of this table. Notice it carries the title “Description” so that your entries may be properly classified on sight during any future review of this receipt.    The number of hours or days along spent working on the truck as well as the number of parts that were needed and paid for must now be documented. Achieve this by reporting this “Quantity” in the second column.    


Step 6 – Attach The Pricing Needed To Explain The Truck Repair Bill

This table’s third column, titled with the term “Rate” intends to receive the price of one part, one hour of work, or one day of work applied to the recorded items or time in the first column. This pricing schedule should be listed without any additions or taxes and must be the base cost for one item.  The fourth column shall require the “Quantity” and “Rate ($)” to work together. Multiply these values against each other then produce the result in this final column.  The next box in the last column is located to the right of the “Subtotal” label. The truck repair’s “Subtotal” must be equal to the value reached when you add every number added in “Amount” to a sum. Report this dollar amount as requested.  The next field in the “Amount” column will require that any “Discount” given on the truck repairs to the Client be documented as a whole in the next box down. The value you enter in “Discount” will be deducted from the “Subtotal” before the taxes are discussed. The “Tax” label refers to the next box in the “Amount” column. Calculate the amount of money the local jurisdiction obligates the Truck Repair Service to collect on its behalf then produce this figure in the field labeled “Tax.”  The “Total” that was required for the truck repairs can now be easily explained through this column. It should be the truck repair’s “Subtotal” or (if applicable) discounted “Subtotal” plus its taxes. Furnish the truck repair’s “Total” to the last box in the final column for the Client’s records.  


Step 7 – Continue The Table’s Report In An Appropriate Manner

The “Notes” section that follows the above table will see a record of any additional instructions, disclosures, or general messages to the Truck Repair Customer. If any subjects outside of the current sections need to be presented to the Client, then use this set of blank lines to display additional dialogue. 


Step 8 – State The Completion Of The Truck Repair Payment

The statement placed under the table and its “Notes” expects your efforts to complete. The language used here will set the Truck Repair Client’s payment in writing. The first empty line found following the words “The Total Amount Of…” requires a generation of the amount paid by the Truck Repair Customer displayed as its content.  The blank line that follows the word “…By” must now be focused on. Input the Truck Repair Customer’s name on this line.  Continue through this statement until the blank line directly after the word “On” then document the calendar date when the truck repair payment was received using this space.  


Step 9 – Include Documentation Regarding The Type Of Payment Submitted

The “Payment Method” used to cover the truck repairs is a necessary topic. A few checkboxes near the end of this receipt will address this request. Any of these checkboxes can be marked so long as your selection adequately defines how the payment was delivered. If paid with a credit card, then select the “Credit Card No.” payment option from this list and enter the full credit card number shown on the card to this blank line.  The truck repair may also have been paid for with a paper check. In this case, mark the checkbox attached to the “Check No.” label then document the check number on the line selected.  Mark the box labeled “Cash” if it defines the received payment accurately.  The “Other” label requires a checkmark for its corresponding box if none of the predefined methods can apply. Make sure to also name how the payment method was delivered by listing the financial institution, app, etc. and any attached transaction number to the blank line following this label.  


Step 10 – Obligate The Home Repair Client To Approve This Payment In Writing

The line labeled as “Customer’s Authorized Signature” can only be signed by the Truck Repair Customer. The signature he or she provides is the only object that can prove his or her approval of the payment and thus can only be signed by this Party. Request this signature. Once it is obtained, retain the original, but dispense a copy to the Truck Repair Client. 



How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Excel Version Of The Truck Repair Receipt

The button labeled “Excel” and the link reading “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” both grant direct access to the Truck Repair Receipt Template. Save this file using either the link in this section or the button that is on display beneath the image sample of this template.

Step 2 – Submit The Truck Repair Shop’s Business

The logo used by the Truck Repair Shop when it presents itself to the public is the first item that should be supplied to this sheet. Delete the words “Add Your Company Logo Here” in cell A1 hen insert the image file of this logo to this field.  The Truck Repair Shop must identify itself as the Payee of this receipt and present a Representative who can handle any inquiries made by the Client. To this end, replace the “Company Name” text in cell A2 with that of the Truck Repair Shop then document the full “Name” of its Customer Service Representative after the label in cell A3.   Document the Truck Repair Shop’s business address after the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” labels in cell A4 and A5.   Enter the Truck Repair Shop’s “Zip Code” in cell A6.  The Truck Repair Shop’s “E-Mail” address should be presented. Supply this to cell A6 (after the label).  The “Phone” number of the Truck Repair Shop should be input to cell A8 as a conclusion of the header’s section.   


Step 3 – Present The Truck Repair Payment’s Reference Material

The payment’s receipt number is the next piece of information to be distributed. Locate the field titled “Receipt #” in cell F3 then input the receipt number for display.  Cell H3 is set to hold the “Date” when the truck repair was officially paid for. This should be a complete calendar date composed of the month, calendar day, and year.


Step 4 – Attach The Truck Repair Client’s Name And Information

The Truck Repair “Customer/Client Information” should be placed under the distinctive heading in cell a10. The “Name” label in cell A11 refers to that of the Truck Repair Client and requires a report of this information while the fields below it (cell A12, A13, and A14) expect the Truck Repair Shop’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” then “Zip Code” entered.  Populate the remaining two cells in this area, cell A15 and cell A16, with the Truck Repair Customer’s “E-Mail” address and telephone number produced for display (respectively).  


Step 5 – Produce A Parts And Labor Report For The Truck Repair

Four columns in a table presented on row 18 will seek a basic record of the times and products the truck repair required. Typically, labor is reported as a calendar date when some hours were worked while products reported by part name or number. Utilize the rows in column A of this table to document all such billables.  The second column in this table, “Quantity” (column F) expects a record of how many billable items were paid through this purchase for each row.    


Step 6 – Furnish The Truck Repair Pricing Information

The remainder of this table will contain a few formulas to aid in your reporting. First, record the “Rate ($)” that explains the dollar value charged for every one truck part or repair hour worked in the G column. This value automatically calculates the truck repair amount for the item discussed in the first column. Cell H29, named “Discount,” seeks a record of any deduction that was given to Truck Repair Client. If no deduction was warranted, then you may leave this field empty.  The next field that must be completed for this table is also in column H. Find the label “Tax,” then record the dollar amount of the sales and service taxes imposed on the truck repair’s “Subtotal” in this field (cell H30).   


Step 7 – Produce Details That Complete The Payment Declaration

This receipt requires a declaration to be made for the payment that was submitted for the truck repair. This summarization will take place in cell A32 through the language it contains. Notice that a few brackets are placed in this statement. Every set of brackets here must be replaced with information specific to the payment at-hand. The first set is placed within the parentheses (“($)]”) and requires replacement with the dollar amount the Truck Repair Client paid. The language “…Was Paid By” leads to the second bracketed set. Remove both the brackets and the word “Name” from this section then type in the Truck Repair Client’s “Name” as a replacement.Next record the calendar date that the Truck Repair Client paid the Shop for the services and parts required after the wording “…The Customer, On”


Step 8 – Solidify The Type Of Payment Used For The Truck Repair

The “Payment Method” the Truck Repair Customer opted to use when delivering payment is the next goal of this receipt. The checkboxes in the lower half of the spreadsheet will enable a quick report on this material. Thus, for a credit card payment, select the checkbox displayed in cell A35 and transcribe the Truck Repair Client’s credit card number in the space after “Credit Card No.”Cell A36 allows a “Check No.” to be declared as the truck repair’s “Payment Method.” Select this checkbox then produce the check number that was used after the label “Check No.”  The field in cell H35 requires a “Cash” payment to be delivered in order for it to be selected. Many Truck Repair Shops will accept “Other” methods of payment. If this is the case and the Truck Repair Client opted to pay with such a method then select the checkbox in cell F36. This choice seeks a definition of this method after the label “Other.”


Step 9 – Gain The Truck Repair Customer’s Authorizing Signature

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line presented in cell A37 must be signed by the Truck Repair Client. This Party must authorize the payment for the truck repair so that this receipt may be completed with his or her approval.
