Tutoring Services Receipt Template

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The Tutoring Services Receipt Template can be dispensed as a written record of payment to Students or Tutoring Clients. This paperwork may be considered mandatory by some Teachers or Schools for Students requiring academic intervention or useful to those seeking to track their education expenses. Additionally, Tutors and Tutoring Services are encouraged to keep a clean record of their incoming payments simply to maintain an efficient office and analyze which subjects are in demand and which are not. This template provides a guiding structure that requests specific content to be produced in distinct areas thus, eliminating the need to develop a new receipt from scratch for every payment received.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Obtain The Tutoring service From This Page In A PDF Or Word Fie

The Tutoring Service Receipt on this page is available in a few versions. For our purpose, locate the “PDF” and “Excel” buttons near the image or the links in this section (see above) then select the version you wish to work with.

Step 2 – Introduce The Tutor Who Has Been Paid

The Tutor’s business should be named as this receipt’s Issuer at the onset of this paperwork. For this task, the wording “Company Name” at the top of the page should be removed from its text-box then replaced with the Tutoring Service’s Business Name.  The “Name” of the Tutor or Tutoring service Employee should be furnished on the first blank line in the upper left of this page.   The address where the Tutoring Service expects mail should be dispensed to the Client in this receipt introduction. The “Street Address” and “City, state, Country” lines presented here will need the bulk of this address presented while the “Zip Code” line will enable its conclusion.   The two lines following the Tutor’s address should be satisfied with some additional (and more convenient) contact information. Input the Tutor’s professional “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address on the next two lines.    


Step 3 – Furnish The Tutor’s Reference For Payment

An important presentation of this receipt is the filing number it is stored under in the Tutor’s bookkeeping system. Input the tutoring payment’s “Receipt #” on the next blank line.    The empty line on the right of the horizontal bar where the tutoring payment’s receipt number was recorded must be populated with the “Date” that payment was received. Furnish this calendar date as the month, exact calendar day, and month of this tutoring payment’s receipt date.    


Step 4 – Identify The Student Or Tutoring Client

Report the full name of the Student or Tutoring Client on the “Name” line in the area titled “Customer/Client Information.”  The Tutoring Client or Student’s billing address is required as three productions. The “Street Address” line and the “City, State, Country” lines here must be filled out with the Tutoring Client or Student’s address information.    Complete the Student or Tutoring Client’s mailing information by producing the proper “Zip Code” on the next available line.    Complete the Tutoring Client or Student’s “Customer/Client Information” section with the “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address he or she maintains.   


Step 5 – Give An Account Of The Tutoring Services

In most cases, the Student or Tutoring Client will require that some record of the tutoring service be included in this receipt. This can be especially true if the Student intends to seek reimbursement or must honor the requirements of a class. The “Description” of the tutoring session should be recorded in the first column of the receipt table provided. This entry is expected to consist of the date(s), time(s), and subject matter that best define the tutoring service that required payment. 


Step 6 – Price The Tutor’s Lessons And Service

The “Amount” column requires a direct entry of the tutoring session’s price or cost. Report this as a dollar value.  Just under the “Amount” text field are three smaller fields. These will seek to bridge the “Amount” asked for the tutoring service to the “Total” that was required and paid. Begin by adding all the tutoring service amounts recorded above to the “Subtotal” field.   Document any tutoring discounts that were given to the Student or Tutoring Client in the text box labeled “Discount.”   The next text-field in the “Amount” column is presented with the label “Tax.” This concerns the dollar amount(s) that the local government requires its Vendors or Service Providers to collect with the “Subtotal” amount. While it is not common for a Tutor to need to collect a service “Tax,” if any physical item (i.e. pens, books) was sold to the Student or Tutoring Client, then a sales “Tax” may very well be required. Report any and all taxes required from the Student or Client’s payment in the “Tax” field.    The final text-box in this column will also require a dollar value entered for display. This is the “Total” that the Tutoring Client paid for the service defined above and should remain easily verified by the Tutoring Client upon this column’s review. The “Total” for the tutoring service should be easily seen to be the “Subtotal” (after being discounted) combined with the “Tax.”    


Step 7 – Distribute Additional Material As Needed

The Tutoring Client or Student may be due to receive additional information. For instance, helpful comments or links to educational resources. If so, then locate the “Notes” field and supply this information accordingly. Several blank lines have been made available for this purpose. 


Step 8 – Summarize The Student Action OF Paying

This receipt will contain some language to put the Tutoring Client or Student’s action of paying in writing. Look for the statement that begins with the phrasing “The Total Amount Of $.” Complete this portion of the statement with the dollar value of the Tutoring Client or Student’s payment.   The name of the Tutoring Client or Student is the next report that should be produced to this receipt and should be submitted to the line after the words “Paid By.”    A final aspect of the Tutoring Student or Client’s payment must be discussed in this declaration; the date of payment. This month, calendar day, and the year is expected in the last empty space and should represent the exact day that the Tutoring Client or Student received payment.   



Step 9 – Name The Type Of Payment Accepted By The Tutor

The section holding the “Payment Method” title expects a definitive report on how the Tutoring Client or Student paid for the tutoring service. The blank line holding the label “Credit Card No.” should be selected if Tutoring Client or Student paid by card. After marking this box, the number on the credit card should be displayed immediately after the label.  If the Tutoring Client or Student paid by check then mark the “Check No.” box, then enter the check number found on the check to the blank line that follows.  Many Tutoring Clients or Students will pay for such services (or lessons) with “Cash.” The box labeled “Cash” enables quick documentation of this type of payment.  The box labeled “Other” is placed here so that a payment submitted in a manner different then above can be documented. In this case, select the “Other” box, then report on how the payment for the tutoring services was made.  


Step 10 – Seek The Student Or Tutoring Client’s Signature

The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line will need to be signed by the Tutoring Client or Student who has paid this bill. Bear in mind this receipt will not be considered formally closed until this signature approval is obtained from the Payer. 


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel

Step 1 – Acquire The Tutoring Services Receipt As An Excel Document

The Tutoring Services Receipt Template is attainable through this page. To access this file, select the text-link attached to the words “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” or the button that is labeled with the word “Excel” from the caption area of the preview.

Step 2 – Name The Tutor Receiving Payment

The Issuer of this receipt, the Tutor or Tutoring Service, should be identified at the top of this page. The logo of the Tutor or the Tutoring Business should be placed in cell A1 as a replacement for the label “Add Your Company Logo Here.”  Cell A2 is reserved for the Tutor or Tutoring Business’ “Company Name” while cell A3 should be populated with the “Name” of the Tutor. If a Tutoring Business or Service is issuing this document, then furnish the “Name” of the Employee receiving the payment in cell A3.   The next few fields placed here should be filled in with the Tutor’s mailing address. The Tutor’s formal “Street Address” is required in cell A4 and his or her “City, State,” and “Country” are requested in the next cell down (cell A5).   The “Zip Code” that should be attached to the Tutoring Business’ address must be produced next (in cell A6).   A valuable courtesy often afforded to Clients on a receipt is the information needed to “E-`Mail” the Tutor. Dispense this to cell A7 then proceed to enter the Tutor’s “Phone” number in cell A8.  


Step 3 – Produce The Tutor’s Filing Material For Payment

Cell F3 of this paperwork expects that the Tutor has assigned a specific filing number to the payment that he or she has received. This document or receipt number should be distributed to cell F3. Produce a record of the “Date” when the Tutor was paid in cell H3.  


Step 4 – Identify The Tutor’s Client

It will be important that the Student who has submitted his or her payment for the service must be named in cell A11 in the “Customer/Client Information” section.  The “Street Address” label in cell A12 and the “City, State, Country” label in cell A13 both require the Tutor Client’s mailing address be presented as their content.  Cell A14 seeks the remainder of the mailing address used by the Tutor’s Client by requesting that a record of his or her “Zip Code” be presented.  As a matter of protocol, display the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number the Tutor’s Client monitors in cell A15 and cell A16 (respectively).  


Step 5 – Define The Tutoring Service That Required Payment

The tutoring session should be documented along with its applied costs. These items will best be displayed by using a receipt table. Cell A19, set as the “Description” column, requires a discussion where the date, time, and subject matter of the tutoring session is presented. Similarly, any educational products or physical items the Tutor billed for should be reported in this cell. 


Step 6 – Record The Tutor’s Charges For This Service

The adjacent cell on this table, marked “Amount,” seeks the cost of the Tutor’s services and products presented for display. Thus, locate cell H19 then distribute these dollar amounts accordingly. This spreadsheet seeks a presentation of all the amount(s) that were charged to the Tutor’s Client. To this end, add all the values in “Amount.” Use this result as the tutoring “Subtotal” and supply it to cell H20    Cell H21 of the “Amount” column requires that if the tutoring payment was reduced with a “Discount” to the “Subtotal” then, document this as the appropriate dollar value in cell H21.  In some cases, the local “Tax” Entity will require that a collection of sales or service “Tax” be obtained from the Tutor’s Client. If this was required, then record the calculated “Tax” amount in cell H22.   The “Total” that was collected for the tutoring service can be observed as the “Subtotal” minus the Tutor’s “Discount” plus the “Tax” that was required.   


Step 7 – Set The Tutoring Payment In Writing

Although quite a bit of information has just been reported, the Tutor must also verify in writing that he or she has received payment. Handle this task by focusing on cell A24 where the first set of brackets. The second labeled part of this sentence (reading as “Name”) must be used to display the “Name” of the Tutor’s Client.   The final label in cell A24 expects a record of the “Date” that the payment was received by the Tutor.   


Step 8 – Show How The Tutor Was Paid

Cell A26 (“Payment Method”) requires that one of its items are selected to define the payment that was furnished to the Tutor. Four cells below this term will present a checkbox and a label in their respective fields. To complete this area, you must select the checkbox(es) that adequately define the payment. So that if the Tutor’s Client produced a credit card for payment, then the checkbox in cell A27 must be selected and the credit card number on the submitted payment type must be entered after the label “Credit Card No.”    The Tutor’s Client may have decided to issue a check as payment. If this is the case, then select the checkbox in cell A28. Make sure to also document the check number that was used.  Quite a few Tutoring Clients will pay with “Cash.” If the services and products defined here were paid for with “Cash” then mark cell F27’s checkbox. The final field of this list that presents another payment option in “Other” If the Tutor’s Client did not pay with a card, with a check, or with cash then mark this checkbox (cell H28) then define the method of payment in the space after the word “Other.” 


Step 9 – The Tutor’s Client Must Sign This Receipt

This receipt must be completed by receiving the signature of the Tutor’s Client. This will solidify the submitted payment and the intention behind it. Additionally, some Vendors or Institutions (i.e. Credit Card Companies) may require a signature from the Tutor’s Client as proof that the payment is genuine. Thus, request that the Client produce the signature needed to approve the tutoring payment by signing the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line. 

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