Vehicle Parking Receipt Template

The Vehicle Parking Receipt Template details the parking payment received in exchange for provided space. The Garage or Parking Facility behind this document will generally need to keep such templates on-hand since Professional Drivers will usually ask for a written record of their payment. Therefore, this paperwork has been divided into a few basic sections where the specifics of the parking space that required payment as well as the payment itself can be documented and attached to the Payer’s account. If desired, the Garage or Parking Facility issuing this document can include additional topics at-will.


Common Types of Parking

  • Airport
  • Garage
  • Hotel
  • Lot
  • Meter
  • Street
  • Train/Bus Station
  • Valet

How To Write In PDF And Word

Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Acquire The Vehicle Parking Receipt Template In The PDF Or Word Format

The “Download” links above labeled as “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” deliver immediate access to the receipt template required when a Clint requests a Vehicle Parking Receipt. Similarly, two buttons set with the preview on this page can deliver access to the respectively labeled file type each is labeled with (“PDF” and “Word”). Determine which format you desire then access this file to save it in your machine or system.

Step 2 – Identify The Parking Garage Or Parking Facility That Has Received Payment

The Parking Garage or Parking Facility should deliver an introduction with this receipt. Locate the upper-left corner where a standard return address is usually placed on a page. The text-box and the blank lines displayed in this header are devoted to identifying the Issuer of this paperwork as a receipt. To begin, clear the phrase “Company Name” from the text box. Now, fill in this space with the legal name of the Parking Garage or Parking Facility that has received payment.  As mentioned, the series of empty lines following the text-field focus on the Parking Garage or Parking Facility. Input the “Name” of the Garage’s Customer Service Representative completing this transaction on the first of these lines. Utilize the lines designated as “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” to present the Parking Garage or Parking Facility’s mailing address then the empty line below them to document the “Zip Code” that completes this address. The “Phone” number where the Parking Garage or the Parking Facility wishes its Customers to call when initiating an inquiry should be submitted on the next blank line while its “E-Mail” address is called for on the header’s final empty line. 


Step 3 – Document The Parking Payment’s Reference Material

Notice that a second area where some preliminary information must be displayed before handling the parking space costs and payment. The partially darkened bar containing the “Receipt #” line seeks the filing number the Parking Garage or Parking Facility has attached to the Customer’s payment. Enter this filing number as the Parking Garage or Parking Facility’s bookkeeping system requires.  Proceed through the darkened page divider to the empty line attached to the word “Date.” Your entry to this line must be that of the calendar month, day, and two or four-digit year that payment for the parking space was received.


Step 4 – Attach The Bill And The Payment To The Parking Client

The Parking “Customer/Client Information” portion of this receipt grants the Garage or Parking Facility the ability to quickly assign payment credit to the Parking Customer’s account by specifically naming him or her on the first blank line (labeled with the word “Name”) then presenting his or her address. Produce the Parking Customer’s “Name” as required by this section then make use of the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” as well as the “Zip Code” lines to satisfy the address report for the Parking “Customer/Client Information” section.  The Parking Customer’s current cell “Phone” number should be documented next. If he or she does not have a cell “Phone,” you may also enter a home telephone number or work telephone number on the line labeled “Phone.” Make sure this telephone number is one the Parking Customer acknowledges as a way to reach him or her.  Conclude the receipt’s “Customer/Client Information” section with the Parking Customer’s “E-Mail” address. The final blank line here will accept this material for display.    


Step 5 – Produce A Definitive Report On The Parking Space That Required Payment

Continue down this template to the table holding the “Description” and “Amount” column headings. Utilize the first of these columns (“Description”) to adequately define the parking space the Customer paid for. It is also recommended to report the time frame when the Parking Customer rented the space.  The second column (“Hours/Days”) will seek a record of the number of hours or days the Parking Customer paid for to be reported on the same row this time span refers to.   



Step 6 – Record The Parking Cost Breakdown And Total Parking Charges For The Client

The next area requiring input is labeled “Rate ($)” and refers to the dollar amount the Garage or Parking Facility expects for every one hour or day of parking. It should be mentioned that this value should be entered as the smallest dollar value the Garage or Parking Facility will charge for the smallest unit of time it will measure for the occupied space. The fourth request this table seeks fulfilled can be found in the next column. This column, labeled “Amount,” concerns itself with the dollar values of the parking space that contribute to the “Total” that was owed. Start by multiplying the “Hours/Days” reported for a parking space with its “Rate ($)” then, record the resulting figure in the “Amount” box. The “Subtotal” field follows the “Amount” since it aims to present the combined sum of all amounts entered. Perform this calculation then produce this sum as the parking space’s “Subtotal.”  If the Garage or Parking Facility gave the Parking Customer a “Discount,” then report this deduction in the third field of the “Amount” column. Many states will expect a sales tax collected by the Garage or Parking Facility on the reported “Subtotal.” If the Garage or Parking Facility must follow such a regulation, then assess the taxes that were owed and report the amount in the “Tax/VAT” text field.

The closing field of the “Amount” column, designated as the parking space’s “Total,” should be supplied with the dollar “Amount” representing the “Subtotal” minus the Garage’s “Discount” (if any) added to the City and State’s sales taxes. Record this number in a dollar format after subjecting these dollar amounts to this math. 


Step 7 – Furnish Additional Garage Comments When Desired

The blank lines to the right of the word “Notes” may be used at your discretion to continue with any supporting or additional information the Parking Customer may appreciate, find useful, or require. This is an optional area that may be left blank.


Step 8 – Describe The Parking Customer’s Payment

The act of the Parking Customer’s payment will be put in writing through this receipt. To this end, find the words “The Total Amount…” then report the exact amount of money received from the Parking Customer on the first blank line that follows.   In addition to the submitted payment amount, this statement seeks verification of the Parking Client’s identity. Therefore, you must enter it on the next blank line. Now that confirmation of the received amount and the Parking Customer’s identity has been provided, the third blank line will seek to conclude this statement with the date the Parking Customer paid for the parking space. Report this date as requested on the line attached to the word “…On.”  


Step 9 – Further Define The Parking Customer Payment

Before proceeding to finalize this receipt, a basic report on how the Parking Customer paid must be made. Four choices displayed after the phrase “Payment Method” have been supplied so that you may choose the one(s) that best defines this delivery. As a matter of example, if the parking space was paid for with a credit card, then the first checkbox on the left should be chosen (use your mouse or fill it in manually) and the “Credit Card No.” dispensed to the blank line it contains.   Another popular payment option is one made by check. If the Parking Customer used a paper check to satisfy his or her parking bill, then select the second checkbox on the left and input the exact “Check No.” displayed on the physical check to the blank line provided.   Quite a few Parking Clients will pay for the space with cash on hand, thus a third option found on the right labeled “Cash” has been included for selection.   There may be some other method of payment the Garage or Parking Facility and its Customer have agreed to use. If so, locate the second checkbox on the right, select it, then submit an explanation of how payment was remitted on the blank line after “Other.”   


Step 10- Acquire The Parking Customer’s Signature

While the portion of this receipt that required the Garage or Parking Facility’s attention has been completed, one final area requires attention. The blank line at the end of this receipt can only be signed by the Parking Customer. As soon as he or she does so, this document will serve as confirmation for both Parties that the above payment was submitted. Thus, temporarily release this document to the Parking Customer and request that he or she sign the “Customer Authorized Signature” section.


How To Write In Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Download The Excel File On This Page To Issue A Parking Receipt

The spreadsheet provided through the “Download” link above (“Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”) or the “Excel” button on this page is the Parking Receipt Template shown in the displayed sample preview. Select the link or the button to access this document then save it.

Step 2 – Introduce The Concerned Parking Facility As The Party Receiving Payment

The receipt that you have obtained will need to open with the Parking Garage’s information. This will be set in the upper left where the beginning of column A can be found. Locate this area then remove the brackets and label “Add Your Company Logo” here in favor of uploading and displaying the Parking Garage’s official logo. This act can be completed using the ribbon’s “Insert” menu item.  The Parking Garage’s “Company Name” must be on display at the top of this receipt with the logo that you have uploaded. Clear out the contents of cell A2 (the “Company Name” placeholder) then type in the Parking Garage’s “Company Name” including any needed status suffix (i.e. “LLC”).   Column A also requires specific information pertaining to the Parking Garage. In cell A3, the full “Name” of the Parking Garage Representative who has received the Customer’s payment should be documented. If not, then produce the “Name” of the Garage Representative who is authorized to handle inquiries and arrange for reproductions of this receipt for the Customer’s benefit.   The Parking Garage’s entire mailing address is the next area of focus for column A. The fields displaying the terms “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” as well as “Zip Code” all concern the mailing address where this entity may be reached by paper mail. Thus, follow the labels in cells A4 through A6 to document the Parking Garage’s official mailing address. Next, produce the Parking Garage’s Customer Service “E-Mail” address and telephone number. Cell A7 and A8 have been reserved for this material by the labels they contain.   


Step 3 – Include The Parking Payment Reference Material

After delivering a production of the Parking Garage’s official business information, the filing number it has assigned to this document is the next presentation to be made. Supply cell F3 with the parking payment’s “Receipt #.”   It will also be important to attach a definitive calendar “Date” to this receipt as the day when the Parking Client paid the concerned amount. Cell H3 is conveniently placed adjacent to the receipt number so that the “Date” of payment you enter as its contents will display with this document’s filing information.  


Step 4 – Identify The Parking Client

This receipt’s next topic is located in column A. The “Customer/Client Information” section beginning with the title presented in cell A10 should be completed with the full “Name” and mailing address of the Parking Client using the labels presented in cell A11 (“Name”) then cell A12 (“Street Address”), cell A13 (“City, State, Country”) as well as cell A14 (“Zip Code) to produce each piece of information to the appropriate field. The current “E-Mail” of the Parking Client should be submitted as a follow-up to the above information. Produce this content to cell A15 after the label “E-Mail.”  Lastly, dispense the Parking Client “Phone” number to cell A16.  


Step 5 – Discuss The Parking Space Being Paid For

Now that this receipt has been set up with the background information pertaining to the parking payment, it will be time to engage a dialogue on the parking space that required payment. First, find the “Description” column of the displayed receipt table. The first cell where an entry can be made here is cell A19. This field expects the calendar date (and time) that the Parking Calendar first required the space. If possible, also list the final calendar date and time when the Parking Customer required the space. You may list as many parking times or days as required by the Customer’s submitted payment.  Next, in the “Hours/Days” column, record the number of billable hours or days when the Customer’s car was parked at the garage. The first entry will be expected to correspond with the first one made in the previous column, thus locate cell F19 and document the amount of time when the car was parked for the time period defined in the previous column.  


Step 6 – Attach The Appropriate Pricing For The Total Owed

The Parking Garage’s pricing should be listed in the next column (labeled “Rate ($).” The first entry to be made to this column will be in cell G19. This must be the lowest dollar amount that can be charged for the smallest increment of time that can be billed. So that if the parking space is being billed for five hours, then the dollar amount required for every one hour of parking must be presented. This will prompt column H to complete much of the table’s reporting requirements however some additional information will need to be supplied.  In some cases, the Parking Garage may deduct a predetermined amount of cash as a perk to the Customer. This may be the result of a coupon, promotion, or a sales agreement. Regardless of the reason, if a “Discount” was applied to the parking space, then enter it in cell H29.  Cell H30 is the final field in the receipt table that requires attention. Generally, the Tax Entity governing the city and state where the Parking Garage operates will expect a sales tax. If so, then enter the exact dollar value of the parking spaces sales tax in cell H30 (labeled “Tax/VAT”). 


Step 7 – State The Parking Client’s Payment In Writing

As the primary function of this receipt implies, we will explicitly declare the Parking Client’s action of payment using the sentence in cell A32. Begin this process by removing the dollar symbol (“[$]”) from the statement then substituting the amount received for the parking space instead.   

Next, state the Parking Garage’s “Name” as the entity who has submitted the payment by clearing the bracketed word “Name” this sentence and replacing it with the Parking Client’s “Name.” Finalize this statement with the “Date” of the parking space’s received payment. To do so, seek out the word “Date,” delete it, then enter the receipt date directly to this space.


Step 8 – Give Additional Details To The Parking Client’s Payment

Cell A34 of this receipt begins the section that we will use to conclude it. Here, we will deliver an additional description of the Parking Customer’s payment by choosing one of the boxes under “Payment Method.” For instance, if the Parking Client paid the Garage with a credit card, then locate cell A35, select the displayed checkbox, then transcribe the Parking Client’s credit card number to the space after the label (“Credit Card No.”)    When Parking Customers use a paper check, select the box in cell A36, then input the check number used to pay for the space. A “Cash” payment can be solidified as received by selecting the checkbox presented in cell F35.
Many Garages will accept different types of payment. Far too many methods to pay a bill are available to Garage Clients, thus if the parking space was paid by one of these methods (rather than the previous methods listed) mark the checkbox in cell F36. After doing so, a description of the parking space payment’s delivery method should be supplied following the “Other” label.


Step 9 – Obligate The Parking Client To Authorize The Payment

The blank line in cell A37 (holding the label “Customer’s Authorized Signature”) must be signed by the Parking Client. This should be considered mandatory since only the Parking Client can authorize a payment from his or her accounts to be directed to the Parking Garage.
