A Vehicle Repair Receipt Template is often expected by Customers as a response to a payment that has been submitted successfully. This paperwork will set the details of a vehicle repair to paper along with the Customer’s payment. Generally, as a record, this document serves as a method to keep track of one’s expenses in vehicle maintenance while also allowing the Issuer to remain aware of popular and profitable repairs. In the transportation industries, Professional Drivers will need such paperwork if they expect to receive reimbursement for the concerned payment. As a template, this form will maintain a steady process of reporting from job to job thus, promoting the accurate and efficient documentation of a Customer’s received payment for repairs.
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word
Step 1 – Save The Vehicle Repair Receipt Template as A pdf o Word File
You can preview the “PDF” and “Word” file versions of the Repair Receipt template by viewing the sample image on this site. Once done, use the buttons provided in the caption of this image to download the file version you wish to obtain.
Step 2 – Name The Vehicle Repair Service Or Shop Issuing This Receipt
The Vehicle Repair Service, Mechanic Shop, or Car Dealer collecting payment for the repairs this paperwork focuses on should have his or her professional “Company Name” reported at the top of the page. A single text-field has been supplied for this purpose.
Continue to the set of empty lines that follow. This section, sometimes known as the header, will seek to identify the Mechanic or Customer Service Representative handling the Client’s paperwork and documenting the payment received. First, record his or her “Name” on the blank line directly after the text field’s reported “Company Name.”The second and third empty lines are labeled to guide entry of the Vehicle Repair Service or Mechanic Shop’s formal mailing address. The first line of this address should be placed on the “Street Address” line while the second line of the Vehicle Repair Service Or Mechanic Shop’s address should be furnished on the “City, State, Country” line.
The “Zip Code” needed to complete the Vehicle Repair Service’s address should be produced next. Find the blank line bearing this label, then populate this line with the requested material.
The “Phone” number and the “E-Mail” address monitored by the Vehicle Repair Service’s Customer Service or Bookkeeping Department should be furnished to the final two lines.
Step 3 – Dispense The Vehicle Repair Payment’s Applicable Filing Material
The “Receipt #” line of this document will be an important storage tool in the future. Once payment has been accepted and this document is dispensed as a record, it will need to be stored properly in the Vehicle Repair Service and its Client’s filing systems. This allows the receipt to be easily found and reproduced or discussed when needed. Determine a unique number in the Vehicle Repair Service’s document numbering system, then input it as this payment’s receipt number where it is requested. Another valuable filing tool is the payment “Date.” A blank line paired with the receipt number is displayed on the right. Furnish the vehicle repair payment “Date” on this line.
Step 4 – Assign The Vehicle Repair Payment To The Client’s Account
Since the primary goal, this document seeks to reach is to acknowledge the Vehicle Repair Customer’s payment in writing, we will have to identify him or her. Produce this Party’s full “Name” as the first entry of the Vehicle Repair “Customer/Client Information” section then follow through with the “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” of the Vehicle Repair Customer’s mailing address. The “Zip Code” the Vehicle Repair Customer’s address requires should be displayed on the next line down.
Now that the Vehicle Repair Customer’s address is reported, proceed to document this Party’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address on the next two lines.
Step 5 – Report On The Vehicle Repair The Client Was Obligated To Pay
The subject of the payment, the repair of a vehicle the Client paid for, should be discussed to some extent. Notice the table placed near the center of this paperwork will accept several entries on this topic. Begin with a basic vehicle and repair “Description” in the first column. It is recommended that you also include the dates when the vehicle was worked on. This first column will accept the billable time and products recorded for presentation so long as each is listed separately. Whether an entry discussing the time spent on a repair or one was made regarding the vehicle parts (or products) that were paid for, the second column, titled “Quantity,” will need a report on the number of parts that were ordered or the amount of billable time spent repairing the vehicle. Produce this information to correspond with the repair “Description” of that row.
Step 6 – Produce A Record Of The Repair Or Product Rates And Amounts
The dollar amount that was required for only one vehicle part or one unit of the time (i.e. hour, day) charged should be produced in the third column. Look for the column heading “Rate ($)” then fill in the requested dollar amount charged. The “Amount” that was required for all the parts or all the time listed on a row should be reported as the “Quantity” multiplied with its “Rate ($). Complete this calculation for every row that is presenting information, then list each result as the “Amount” owed for that row
Add every vehicle repair “Amount” listed to the other, then enter the resulting figure as the vehicle repair’s “Subtotal.”
At times, the Vehicle Repair Service, Mechanic Shop, or Car Dealer effecting the repairs will give the Client a break or an incentive when patronizing the service in the form of a “Discount.” A text-field directly underneath the reported “Subtotal” awaits this entry if a “Discount” was applied.
The majority of local governments where a vehicle repair is conducted will expect a sales tax, service tax, and sometimes, depending on the purpose of the repair, a value-added tax collected on the “Subtotal” during the Customer’s payment. Refer to the books then apply any such sales or service tax rate to the “Subtotal” then produce this “TAX/VAT” amount in the text field where it is requested.
Now, conclude this table with the sum of the “TAX/VAT” and the vehicle repair’s discounted (if any) “Subtotal.” This sum should be the report provided in the box labeled “Total.”
Step 7 – Include Repair Notes Or Comments As Required By The Job
If the job performed or the payment submitted requires additional notation, instruction, disclosures, etc. to be generated with this receipt then use the blank lines labeled “Notes” to present this material or the title of the attached documents holding such information.
Step 8 – Supply The Repair Payment Declaration With Relevant Content
The statement that follows the table and its supplementary “Notes” will verify the Vehicle Repair Client’s payment of the “Total” but only if it is supplied with the right information. To this end find the blank line after the dollar symbol then dispense the received payment amount to it for display in the statement beginning with “The Total Amount Of…” The area between “…Was Paid By” and “The Customer…” requires the full name of the Vehicle Repair Customer produced as verification of this Party’s payment.
Finally, locate the last space requiring material and furnish the date that the Client submitted the vehicle repair payment to the concerned Service, Mechanic, or Car Dealership.
Step 9 – Attach An Additional Description Of Payment
The classification of the repair payment should also be discussed in this document. Locate the concluding section of this receipt, beginning with the term “Payment Method.” The choices presented via labeled checkboxes allow a relatively easy manner of reporting the type of payment submitted. The first option on the left, displaying a checkbox labeled with the language “Credit Card No.” should only be selected (with your mouse) if the vehicle repair was paid by using a credit card. This also seeks a record of the credit card number visible on the card furnished after the label. The next option down, “Check No.,” is useful if the Vehicle Repair Client paid with a physical check. The check number on the check used to pay for the vehicle repair must be recorded on the space available in this choice.
Some Vehicle Repair Customers will prefer to work with cash on hand. This is especially the case for minor repairs on a Private Citizen’s vehicle. In this case, mark the first checkbox on the right labeled “Cash.”
When none of the above categories of payment types can be used to correctly define how the Vehicle Repair Service received money from the Customer, then choose the box next to the word “Other.” The blank line here will accept (and require) that description of the method used be reported.
Step 10 – Gain The Vehicle Repair Customer’s Authorization
This receipt cannot be considered a closed record unless the Vehicle Repair Customer testifies that all the information above is an accurate and true representation of his or her intention to pay. Obtain this signature by requesting it directly from the Vehicle Repair Payer or Customer.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel
Step 1 – Save The Vehicle Repair Receipt Template In The Excel Format
The “Excel” button displayed in the caption area of the sample image of the receipt as well as the link carrying labeled “Microsoft Excel” enable a direct download of the Vehicle Repair Receipt Template to a readily accessible folder in your system or hard drive.
Step 2 – Introduce the Vehicle Repair Shop Or Service Originating This Receipt
The Vehicle Repair Shop or Service that has generated this receipt should be identified along with its formal business information. This is a standard courtesy that enables a Client or a Third Party reviewing this receipt to follow up with any necessary inquiries or requests for reproduction. Thus, before addressing the repairs and payment at the center of this receipt, upload the Vehicle Repair Shop (or Service) “Company Logo” to cell A1 making sure to replace the current label it contains when you do so. The “Company Name” label reserves cell A2 for the Vehicle Repair Shop (or Service). Formally introduce the Issuer of this receipt by typing the “Company Name” in cell A2.
The next discussion to take place regarding the Vehicle Repair Shop issuing this document is the address where it receives its mail. Cells A4 and A5 are both useable fields for this purpose. Furnish the space following each fields’ label (“Street Address” and “City, State, Country”).
The postal district where the address above is located should be reported in the field labeled with the words “Zip Code” in cell A7.
Record the Vehicle Repair Shop’s official “E-Mail” address in cell A7 then its Customer Service telephone number in cell A8.
Step 3 – Describe This Paperwork To The Vehicle Repair Customer
The receipt number the Vehicle Repair Shop (or Service) has assigned to document the money the Customer submitted as payment should be presented in cell F3 underneath the label “Receipt #” The field on the right will seek a declaration of the “Date” when the vehicle repair payment was received from the Client. Furnish this “Date” to support the receipt number assigned to this document.
Step 4 – Identify Paying The Vehicle Repair Client
The Customer who is to receive credit for the money received as the vehicle repair payment should be specifically named as such in this receipt. The “Customer/Client” information section of this receipt will handle this task nicely. Begin by inputting the Vehicle Repair Customer’s complete “Name” in cell A11. Next, utilize the cell labeled “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” to present the Vehicle Repair Customer’s address in cell A12 and A13 below his or her “Name.”
Cell A14 is set as a reserved field for the Vehicle Repair Customer’s “Zip Code.”
Lastly, present the Vehicle Repair Customer’s current contact “E-Mail” address in cell A15 then, his or her cell, business, or home “Phone” number in cell A16.
Step 5 – Deliver An Account Of The Vehicle Repair
The “Description” heading in the first column indicates where a record detailing the vehicle repair (whether a list of vehicle parts or the time spent working) should be presented. Multiple rows have been presented so that you may record each billable detail separately. The number of vehicle parts or pieces that were paid for and/or the amount of time Vehicle Repair Shop’s time that was paid for must also be documented. Use the table rows presented in column F, found under the “Quantity” title, to furnish a record of the number of parts/pieces that were paid for and the number of hours or days that were charged.
Step 6 – Record All Dollar Amounts Contributing To The Vehicle’s Repair Payment
This table will self-populate with much of the vehicle repair figures needed to define the total. This will result from your previous entry in the “Quantity” column and your production of the “Rate ($)” value in column G. The “Rate ($)” the Vehicle Repair Customer was responsible to pay for every one product sold, or one (minimum) unit of work time should be produced on the appropriate row. Notice several areas of “Amount” in column H will auto-populate. The “Discount” field in cell H28 is the next field that requires content. If the Vehicle Repair Customer benefitted from a “Discount” then furnish the exact “Discount” amount in cell H28.
Cell H29 attached to the phrase “Tax/VAT” is reserved for the dollar amount that results when the service, sales, or value-added tax rate required by the Tax Entity concerned with this transaction is applied to the “Subtotal.” Perform this calculation then report the dollar amount required for the “Tax/VAT” in cell H30. This will complete the table’s requirements for this vehicle repair report.
Step 7 – Dispense Crucial Information To The Repair Payment’s Declaration
The statement in A32 also requires some attention and should be dealt with next. Since the Vehicle Repair Customer’s response to the “Total” above was payment, we will set this in writing. First, record the vehicle repair payment amount received. Do this by replacing the dollar symbol found after the language “The Total Amount Of” in cell A32. Next, remove the “Name” placeholder from cell A32’s statement then furnish the Vehicle Repair Customer’s entire name to the same space.
The “Date” that payment was received for the vehicle repair should be documented as a part of this declaration. Close this statement by removing the “Date” label then furnishing the month, the day, and the year of the vehicle repair payments receiving date.
Step 8 – Categorize The Payment Received For The Vehicle Repair
An additional dialogue should be engaged regarding the received payment. Cell A34’s language “Payment Date” seeks a selection from the choices below it to be used as a definition to the payment. A credit card payment for the vehicle repair requires the checkbox in cell A34 to be selected. Once you have marked this checkbox, record the credit card number from the credit card to the space after the label “Credit Card No.”If the vehicle repair was paid for by check then mark the checkbox in cell a36 making sure to reproduce the ledger number for the check after the words “Check No.”
Cell F35 presents the documentation necessary to make this a receipt for a “Cash” payment once the checkbox it contains is selected.
Locate the checkbox with the label “Other” in cell F36. If the payment submitted requires a separate definition then, mark this checkbox and report the payment method used in cell H36.
Step 9 – Gain Customer Authorization OF The Vehicle Repair
Notice Cell A37’s content is a blank line just above the words “Customer’s Authorized Signature.” The Paying Customer must sign this line to authorize the vehicle repair payment. Once this task is complete this record may be filed with both Parties as a properly executed document.