Car Rental Invoice Template

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Car Rental Invoice Template can be integrated into your invoicing process for a quick generation of the paperwork necessary to bill a Lessee for a vehicle’s use. Since this is a template, it can be filled out with basic information (in the header) then carried to any site where a vehicle delivery is necessary. Of course, it can also be used in-house and completed on-screen, then sent to the Consumer when payment is required. The basic invoice categories expected on all such paperwork have been included however if preferred this document can easily be adapted or simply provided with additional subject matters.

Average Cost of Renting a Car

The cost of renting a car depends on a lot of factors, including your age, the type of car you want to rent, your pickup location and where you drop it off, the time of year and the week day you rent.

Economy Car (1 Day/Week Rental) (source: the balance)

  • Enterprise: $67/$288
  • Thrifty: $62/$276
  • Hertz: $93/$228

Compact Car (1 Day/Week Rental) (source: the balance)

  • Enterprise: $68/$297
  • Thrifty: $64/$280
  • Hertz: $94/$234

Full Car (1 Day/Week Rental) (source: the balance)

  • Enterprise: $76/$335
  • Thrifty: $74/$316
  • Hertz: $101/$291

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Obtain The Car Rental Invoice

A display of three buttons has been included with the picture on this page. Review their labels then select the one named by the file type you prefer. For instance, if you wish to work with a PDF file, then select the “Adobe PDF” button.


2 – Display The Car Rental Business Information

This invoice will begin with a request to identify the Car Renting Business issuing it. Begin by substituting the text placeholder “Company Name” with the legal name of the Car Rental Company.    A brief heading area will expect your input to inform the Consumer of the identity of this document’s Sender. Notice that each of these lines is attached to a label defining the information you must enter. You must enter your “Name” or that of an individual who can serve as a Company Contact for the Consumer.   The “Street Address” line will begin the process of giving the Consumer some methods to contact the Car Rental Company. Notice, below the “Street Address” line will be two additional areas to complete this address. Use all three of these lines to present this information.     A separate blank line is reserved for the Car Rental’s Business “Phone” number.  Some Consumers prefer electronic mail, thus, produce the Car Rental’s “E-mail” address on the last line.      


3 – Attach The Car Rental Transaction To This Paperwork

There will need to be some common and unique point of reference tying this paperwork to the two entities involved and the rental transaction. This item is often the rental’s invoice number determined in house by the Car Rental Business and should be input on the “Invoice #” line.   The “Date” when the Company will apply this invoice to the Consumer’s account must be declared on the next blank space.   


4 – The Consumer And Rental Transaction Must Be Documented

The Consumer who rented the car will also need to be reported in a distinct area. The “Bill To” portion of this document will serve to attach the Consumer’s “Name” and address to this invoice. Input the “Name” of the Rental Consumer on the first line, then his or her complete mailing address down the three lines that follow.  Now we will need to discuss the car rental being invoiced. First list some details regarding the rental in the “Description” column.    The total amount of days that the Consumer’s rental was in effect should be counted and displayed in the “# Days” column.   Report the “Daily Rate” applied to the rental in the third column.   Now, multiply the value entered in “# Days” by the one in “Daily Rate” then report the product in the last column.   Three boxes underneath the “Amount” column will allow for some basic information breaking down the total amount. First, enter the full “Subtotal” value owed for the rental (excluding any tax fees).   The “Tax” fees that must be added should be recorded in the next box down.   Finally, add these two values (“Subtotal” and “Tax”) then enter the resulting figure in the “Total” box.   


5 – You Can Apply Additional Content To This Paperwork If Desired

It is often useful to place a timeline on the Consumer’s payment by including a statement with such information. For this reason, it is recommended you locate the sentence “Payment Is Due…” then put the maximum number of “…Days” the Consumer may wait before mailing a payment and still be on time.     

The “Comments Or Special Instructions” lines should be utilized only if more material is required for this       


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Download The Excel Template To Bill A Consumer For A Car Rental

The Excel document featured as an invoice on this page can be saved to your machine using the “Excel” button. If preferred, you can also make use of the text link above to access the file location and download it to your machine.


2 – The Rental Business That Has Leased The Vehicle Out Must Be Named

The first cell of this page is typically referred to as cell A1. It has been reserved strictly for the presentation of the Car Rental Company’s official logo. Upload the image file to this location accordingly.      Naturally, we should pair both the Company and Sender of this invoice with the logo. Cell A2 is the area requiring your input of the Car Rental Business name while cell A3 should be populated with the full “Name” of this paperwork’s Sender.   The three cells in column A that follow this information request the business address or mailing address of the Car Rental Company. Notice the first line of the address must be placed in the “Street Address” cell (A4), its second address line must be entered in cell A5 (“City, State, Country”), and will the “Zip Code” should be recorded in the next cell down (A6).
This sheet will also seek some additional means of contact that may be utilized by the Consumer to contact the Sender named above. Cell A7 contains the word “E-Mail” and this must be replaced by the Car Rental’s “E-Mail” address.      Satisfy cell A8’s request by entering the Car Rental’s “Phone” number.   


3 – A Formal Car Rental Invoice Number Must Be Attached

Most industries will use a bookkeeping system to handle their invoicing procedures. This process should include assigning a file number to the physical document being generated now. Cell F4 should have this item presented in its contents.  This filing tool is often coupled with the “Date” the Payee (Car Rental Business) applies the contents of this paperwork to its Client’s account. At the moment, cell H4 displays this “Date” as the current one, but you can edit this if preferred.   


4 – Name The Payer Of the Car Rental Bill

he next set of fields needing attention is under the words “Bill To.” Enter the Car Renter’s Full “Name” in cell A12      The mailing address of this Consumer must also be input. As with the address we entered above, record this address using three separate fields. The cells A13, A14, and A15 will require this address for presentation.   


5 – Summarize The Rental Transaction Being Billed

Some of the specifics of the rental will have to be addressed in this paperwork. A table, containing a few formulas, will aid in this endeavor. First, in cell A17, give a succinct account of the rental. This cell will accept information such as a contract title, number, date range, or other defining items for this rental.      The period that the Consumer’s rental was in effect can be reported in any time increment you wish but you must also make sure that an applicable rate is applied since both these details will contribute to the “Total” that must be paid. This table will use the time increments of “Hours.” The number of “Hours” the Consumer rented the car must be recorded in the next column. Naturally, we must couple this with the rental rate or “Hourly Rate.” Place the rate that must be paid for one hour of rental in column G. These two figures will work together and produce the “Amount” owed for the rental in the last column. Notice that both the “Subtotal” and “Total” fields will populate as well.    If the only other “Amount” the Consumer must pay is the “Tax” that must be added then, calculate this figure and input it to cell A19.     The grace period you afford to the Consumer should be recorded as a number just before the word “Days” in cell A20.    More material can be supplied concerning the rental in cell A20.   

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