Event Space Rental Invoice Template can be employed to formally let Clients know they must pay for the reservation or time spent on a property. A property rental of this sort will only require that documentation of the time spent on the property along with any services, supplies, or amenities be documented so that a payment request can be submitted to the Client. Regardless of whether this is a holiday event or a private one (i.e. birthday), be prepared to report such details along with the other requests for material this invoice makes. This template will only request standard information so it is important that each section be filled out to completion. You may tailor this to your needs as this remains an editable document.
Event Planner Invoice – For billing a Event Planer.
Event Staffing (Management) Invoice – For the management staffing of your event.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Save The Event Space Rental Invoice
The invoice required to bill for the use of event space is downloadable as either an “Adobe PDF” or a “Microsoft Word (.docx).” These labeled links and the similarly labeled buttonsw captioning the image will allow you to save either version of this template to your machine.
Step 2 – Document The Sender Collecting Payment For Space
The top half of this paperwork will focus on identifying the Event Space sending this bill. Produce the formal name of Property Management Company or Event/Convention Space in the textbox placed at the onset of this document (and currently displaying the term “Company Name”). Keep in mind, this must be the legal name of the entity that owns and operates the space whether it is a Hotel, Convention Center, or even a private Landowner. Furnish the “Name” of the individual in charge of the space and responsible for seeking payment from the Client on behalf of the Event Space to the first available line after the textbox.
The Office Address where this invoice could be answered by mail should be started on the “Street Address” line, continued through the “City, State, Country” line, and concluded with the “Zip Code” line.
Two more lines will expect you to expand on the available methods of contact for the Event Space Office. Produce its “Phone” number then the Office “E-Mail” on these two lines.
Step 3 – Report The Transaction’s Determined Invoice Number
Record the “Invoice #” the Event Space Office intends to use to track this paperwork and the status of its payment in the first available space of the horizontal bar dividing the invoice from its header Produce the invoice “Date” defining the first calendar day when this bill is set as an obligation of the Client on the right-hand space with the appropriate label.
Step 4 – The Events Client Should Be Named
The Events Space Client is our next concern. The “Bill To” heading in this document will target this entity but needs identification of him or her to be complete. Therefore, the set of empty spaces in this section will serve as a display area for the Event Space Client’s “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State,” and “Country.” The postal code assigned to the Event Space Client’s address must be entered to display separately on the “Zip Code” line.
Step 5 – Formally Invoice For The Event Space
The invoice table we will use to detail the charges for the event space anticipates a clear report on what was provided and how much it will cost. Therefore, find the “Description” section, then give a detail of what was provided or for the reservation being paid for. This should include the dates, times, location, and amenities of the event space. If this can be summarized by reporting a contract title/date or the name of an event, then you may fill “Description” with such content as well.
Step 6 – List The Pricing And Amount Owed
The next table request will be on the right (in the next column). Here, in the space directly below the “Amount” title, input the exact cost being charged for the event space details you recorded. Do not add any taxes.
Add all the event space costs above to the “Subtotal” box.
The “Tax” that must be paid with the Event Space “Subtotal” has a predetermined area of display. Locate the appropriately labeled section then document the “Tax” needed for the event space’s charges.
The “Total” dollar amount the Event Space Client must pay when answering this bill should be recorded in the last box. Add the “Subtotal” to the “Tax” for the “Total” dollar value of this invoice.\
Step 7 – Assign A Reasonable Deadline To The Owed Amount
The left-hand statement just below the “Total” begins with the phrasing “Payment Is Due…” and concludes with the word “Days.” The blank space just before “Days” refers to the time period from the “Date” of the invoice when you consider a payment late. Fill in this blank line to apply this statement with a deadline for payment.
Step 8 – Place Additional Instructions Or Comments
The blank lines with the “Comments Or Special Instructions” term are available as a display area for additional content of your choosing.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Select The Excel Version of This File From The Presented Choices
The invoice needed to inform your Client of the money owed for an event space rental can be attained by clicking the designated “Excel” button (near the preview) or its counterpart text link above.
Step 2 – Identify The Event Space Business Office Sending This Document
Before beginning, the Event Space Office should identify itself as such. This can easily be done by presenting its trademark or logo as the contents in cell A1 then the legal “Company Name” of the entity being paid in cell A2. A variety of businesses (i.e. Property Management Companies, Hotels, Schools) rent out event spaces, so make sure to produce the full name of this entity. In cell A3, the Office Employee in charge of this sheet, and the invoice it produces, should identify himself or herself as the Contact Person regarding the event space costs.
Cell A4 (“Street Address”) and cell A5 (“City, State, Country”) serve to identify where any mail correspondence pertaining to this paperwork should be sent when contacting the Event Space Office. Keep in mind, this must be the mailing address where mail is received by the Sender. Do not report the address of the event space to these lines if it differs from the Office address.
The postal code of the Event Space Office is needed in the next cell down (cell A6).
Input the current “E-Mail” and “Phone” number preferred by the Event Space Office Employee the Customer would contact regarding this invoice.
Step 3 – Furnish The Office’s Document Filing Information
Many consider the ability to locate an invoice in a filing system immediately to be imperative to its function. The Issuer of this paperwork will need to determine what this filing number should then furnish it to the cell titled “Invoice #” (F4) as the tracking number for this event space transaction.
The “Date” when the Event Space Office officially lays the responsibility of paying this bill on the Client should be shown in cell H4. The “Date” in this cell will be taken from your computer clock (as a courtesy) but you may change this at your convenience if necessary.
Step 4 – Submit The Event Space Client’s Professional Or Business Details
Document the “Name” of the Event Space Client in cell A11 then his or her business address in cell A12 and A14 (“street Address” and “City, State, Country”).
Produce the assigned postal code for this address in cell A14
Step 5 – Describe The Provided Event Space
The event space and time required by the Customer should be documented for a review. Place this report in cell A17. It is recommended that items such as the dates and times of the space rental are listed along with any additional billable niceties or conveniences made available. This report can be summed up as a contract name or event name as well. It should be noted that if the Event Space Office address differs from that of the Event Space, then you should list the space’s address along with any other name it is known as (i.e. “Stars Ballroom”).
Step 6 – Price The Space Being Paid For
The “Amount” expected for the event space rental will have to be shown independently of any additional charges. Thus, record it in cell H17. Notice additional rows are provided so that you may price as many items as required.
It is important that you confirm the event space total without any taxes added. This will help the Customer understand your pricing. Thus, add all the “Amount values” to each then furnish the resulting dollar value to cell H18.
Depending on the location of the event space and the purpose of the entity owning it, this bill may be subject to anything from sales taxes to luxury taxes. All “Tax” amounts should be entered as one sum in cell H19.
Step 7 – Document The Event Space’s Due Date For This Invoice
If the Event Space Office has a specific time frame that will define a timely payment and a late payment then, this information should be passed on to the Client. In this case, the statement in cell A21 will serve nicely. Simply substitute the “[#]” with the number of “Days” after the invoice date that officially marks the unpaid invoice as late.
Step 8 – Produce Information Regarding The Event Space Or This Paperwork
You can present more instructions, information, or general paperwork with this invoice by furnishing it directly or calling out the titles of any attachments in cell A22.