Music (Recording) Studio Invoice Template

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Music (Recording) Studio Invoice Template summarizes the time, services, and merchandise that require your Client’s payment so that a proper bill may be sent. Since a variety of services and merchandise can be provided by a Recording Studio, especially one with the musical equipment needed in the industry today, this invoice will provide a basic structure that will relate to most situations. It will request that you supply some parts of it with the content required for completion. Once you have completed this document, make sure to keep a record of it before sending it as this is, generally, highly recommended for a good filing system.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Save The Music Recording Studio Directly From This Site

The recording studio invoice necessary to bill Clients such as Musicians, Sound Engineers, Vocalists, etc. is downloadable as a “PDF” or “Word” file. You can get your copy of this invoice by selecting one of these labeled buttons from the image preview area. By the same token, you may access the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links above will allow you to achieve the same goal.


Step 2 – Introduce The Recording Studio

This invoice will only function correctly if its Sender is properly displayed at the top of this page. Type in the full name of the Recording Studio issuing this paperwork in the “Company Name” text box.    The Studio Employee seeking payment for this entity must self-identify on the blank “Name” line below the textbox you completed.  Continue to the next blank space then furnish the first line of the Recording Studio’s office address as the “Street Address” and the second line of the office address as the “City, State, Country.”  Use the “Zip Code” line to present the Recording Studio’s postal code for its office address.  The “Phone” line seeks a business line the Client can use to contact the Recording Studio, especially regarding this paperwork. Dispense this business line with any required extensions where requested. Now, on the “E-Mail” line, fill in the current “E-Mail” address of the Recording Studio’s office.


Step 3 – Dispense This Paperwork’s Assigned Filing Information

The second portion of this invoice will contain a horizontal divider that presents two blank lines. The “Invoice #” line requests the unique number the Recording Studio attached to this bill and will act as a unifying detail to all the facts it presents.  The “Date” portion of this divider presents a blank line requesting what calendar day you wish this invoice first applied to the Musician or Sound Engineer’s (Recording Client) account with the Studio.


Step 4 – Name The Recording Studio Client

The “Bill To” section following the horizontal divider you completed will seek the legal name of the Musician, Sound Engineer, or Recording Client who is responsible for the studio time and any merchandise produced. The “Name” line placed immediately after this heading will specifically identify the entity who must pay this invoice once you furnish his or her “Name” to it. Keep in mind that if the Recording Client is a business entity such as a Music Producer, you must submit the legal name of this entity.  Complete the Recording Studio’s “Bill To” area with the Recording Client’s complete billable address. Make use of the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” then the “Zip Code” line to display this entity’s billing information.


Step 5 – Report The Studio Services And Products That Must Be Paid For

It is customary to document what the Recording Studio Invoice a Client receives will cover with its payment. The Recording Client may only need to use the studio space but also may or may not require equipment rentals, an engineer, or even physical products such as a demo mix. This necessitates a versatile field with ample space to properly list all the items. The “Description” box will answer this need nicely. Produce such items in this section or a recording agreement that this invoice concerns. 


Step 6 – List The Applicable Studio Costs This Invoice Must Cover

The Studio’s requested “Amount” of payment for space, services, and products it provided should be recorded in the first box of the right-hand column of this page. Note: The “Amount” box expects a tax-free dollar value. The “Subtotal” also anticipates a tax-free figure. Add all the Recording Studio’s entries in “Amount” above so you may enter it as the “Subtotal” You must continue this area of the table by submitting the “Tax” owed for taxable services or sales provided by the Recording Studio.  This table’s final request is for the “Total” the Recording Client must pay. You may calculate this figure by adding the Studio’s “Subtotal” to the “Tax.” 


Step 7 – Initiate A Countdown To The Due Date

The sentence following the “Total” will seek to obligate the Recording Client to pay this amount within a given number of days. Record this number of days on the blank line between “Is Due in#” and the word “Days.” 


Step 8 – Additional Content regarding the Recording Session Or Service Can Be Provided At Will

The final section operates with the anticipation that additional material may be necessary. If so, then you may make use of the blank lines placed next to the phrase “Comments Or Special Instructions”


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Recording Studio Invoice In An Excel Format

Two means of accessing this template is provided on this site. The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text link in this area and the “Excel” button with the preview image both allow you to download the desired spreadsheet so you may issue the Recording Session invoice to your Client.

Step 2 – Name The Recording Studio And Present Its Office Information

Open the spreadsheet to cell A1, then import the Recording Studio logo to this cell’s contents. This will present the image you upload in the upper left of the page thus, clearly identifying this paperwork as originating from the Recording Studio’s office.  The official name of the Recording Studio must be paired with the logo for an appropriate introduction. Thus, produce the Recording Studio’s legal name in cell A2. You may delete or type over the placeholder label “Company Name” depending on your preference.  Cell A3 intends to display the full “Name” of the Recording Studio Employee the Client may contact or direct payment to when responding to this document.  As this section will constitute the invoice’s header, we will continue with the Recording Studio’s information. Cells A4 (“Street Address”) and A5 (“City, State, Country”) are ideally placed to show the Recording Studio’s mailing address. Fill in the contents of these cells with the label request each makes.  The Recording Studio “Zip Code” must be set in cell A6.  Directly below the standard mailing information that most invoice correspondence will open with, you will be expected to produce both the “E-Mail” address and telephone number where the Recording Studio may be reliably reached. Replace the “E-Mail” and “Phone” labels in cells A7 and A8 with this information. 


Step 3 – Deliver A Reliable Means Of Tracking The Session’s Invoice And Payments

Direct your efforts to the right. The invoice number that the Recording Studio assigned to the Session we are discussing will be needed in cell F4. Proceed by entering this content as requested.  As you examine this area, take note of cell H4. The default content displayed here is the current calendar date when you are working. This is the first day a request for payment is formally being executed by the invoice you are tending to. You may edit this “Date” or use it as is depending upon your needs. 


Step 4 – Identify The Sound Engineer, Musician, Or Recording Client

This invoice will only reach its full potential in making a formal payment request if you “Name” a specific entity as its target. Thus, use cell A11 to attach the Recording Client’s identity to the words “Bill To”  The remainder of this column in the “Bill To” section presents cell A12, A13, and A14’s request for the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” of the Recording Client. 


Step 5 – Dispense A Report Of The Session Requiring Payment

The details that describe the rented studio space, the session services that may have been provided, any personnel required, and any products that were required by the Recording Client must be documented along with the time the recording studio was occupied by the Client. The space in cell A17 (“Description”) expects your documentation of the concerned recording session.   


Step 6 – Describe The Payment Amounts The Recording Client Must Submit

The next task will be to price the recording session appropriately. Present the session’s cost in cell H17. Proceed to cell H18 with the full “Amount” represented in the cell above. In a case where more than one price was reported, add them to one sum, then enter the result to this cell.

If any taxes must be paid, then they must be input in a separate field. Cell H19 has been reserved for your entry of the sales or the service taxes that must be added to the “Subtotal.” This invoice’s “Total,” reserved by cell H20, is the combined value of the session’s “Subtotal” and taxes. Add these two figures, then enter them accordingly in H20. 


Step 7 – Place A Definitive Timeline For Payment

Cell H21 contains a statement directing the Recording Client to pay for the session within a predetermined amount of “Days,” however, it will remain incomplete until you delete the bracketed hashtag symbol and replace it with this number of days. 

Step 8 – Additional Recording Session Or Invoice Content When Necessary

If more session information or instructions should be produced and delivered with this invoice, then use cell H22 to deliver them. 

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