Property Rental Tax Invoice Template can be used to bill your Lessee’s for rental charges including the tax that is owed. In some cases, this will be geared for a residential or commercial property while in others our focus will be on smaller rentals (such as a power tool, furniture, or a vehicle). Regardless of the exact nature of the rental, use this paperwork to document exactly how much is owed by your Client.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Use The Links To Download The Property Rental Invoice
The template used to document and invoice a Lessee Or Resident for property taxes is available either as a PDF or word processing file. Simply decide upon the version that you can edit on-screen with your current programs then download the form with the links or buttons on this page. For instance, if you own a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download, open, then fill in the paperwork on-screen if you have selected the “PDF” button or “Adobe PDF” link above.
2 – Identify The Property Manager Or Owner
The Property Management Company will be the first entity we must discuss on this invoice. Since the Sender will want to be quickly recognized, we will set up the header area with some information to aid the Lessee in recognizing this invoice’s origin. Begin by placing the Property Management Company or Property Owner’s full legal name in the larger font field “Company Name.” The Recipient or Lessee must be given a person’s “Name” to associate with this invoice. This should be someone with the legal authority to send this document to the Recipient. Ideally, this will be the Property Owner or Manager but can also be an employee of such. Record the “Name” of this individual on the first blank line.
The mailing address where the Property Management Company or Property Owner expects any written response or payment received should be considered a standard part of most invoice headers. Thus, use the next labeled lines (“Street…,” “City, State…,” and “ZIP…”) as a place to document the mailing address used by the Property Manager or Owner.
Some Lessee’s may prefer alternate forms of communication. Satisfy such a need by recording the Property Manager or Owner’s telephone number and email address on the lines “Phone” and “E-mail.”
3 – Invoice The Client For The Lease Charges Directly
An integral part of attaching the various items of information you will supply to this page and to each other is the invoice number that will be assigned. Consult your bookkeeping department or records then transcribe the invoice number to the first blank line under the Property Owner or Manager’s information. The “Date” this invoice applies to the Lessee’s account should be input to the next labeled line.
We have attached this document and the Property Manager (Owner) to a unique filing number. In addition to this information, a specific Payer must be named. We will handle this task in the “Bill To” section by making use of the labeled lines provided within it. This party’s full “Name” will be necessary on the first blank line in this section.
The mailing address where the Lessee indicated such paperwork be sent is necessary for this invoice to function well. Notice this section will have address lines you can utilize to report the Lessee’s official mailing address on a line by line basis.
The money this document obligates the Lessee to submit must be explained and presented. First, use the “Description” box as a staging area to summarize the Lessee’s stay on the property.
The right-hand column will contain a few boxes requiring your attention. The first of which is “Amount” and can be found adjacent to the “Description.” Input the “Amount” being charged to Lessee excluding any taxes. This will be recorded later.
The “Subtotal” box is supplied in case more than one charge is being made. Here, you must include a summary of all the charges listed above. Add these numbers then present them in “Subtotal.” If just one charge (i.e. rent) is applicable simply re-enter it to this box.
The box labeled “Tax” has been included so you may document the exact amount of money the Lessee must pay in taxes for his or her stay.
You must add the numbers entered for “Subtotal” and “Tax” then declare this as the “Total” owed by the Lessee for this invoice in the last box.
4 – Present Any Additional Material Regarding The Property Or The Amount Owed
Standard procedure may require payment within a given number of days. If so, record this number on the blank space after the word “Payment…” in the sentence underneath the table. Content not previously reported can be included on the blank lines attached to the label “Comments Or Special Instructions”
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Download The Property Rental Tax Excel Invoice To Your System
Use the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link above this section or the button paired with the preview image to obtain an invoice to request a property rental tax payment.
2 – Present The Invoicing Property Manager Or The Property Owner
The Property Management Company, Landlord, or Owner will need to be identified at the top of the sheet (in cell A1) with this entity’s official logo. Upload the logo image file (i.e. jpeg, bitmap, png, etc.) to this cell. Attach the Property Management Company or Owner to this invoice in cell A2 by inputting this entity’s full legal name in cell A3.
Cell A3 then cells A4 through A6 serve to inform the Recipient of the “Name” and address he or she must address if responding to this invoice by mail. Cell A3 requires the “Name” of the Landlord, Property Manager, or Property Owner recorded in its contents.
The three cells that follow (in column A) are intended to input the Property Owner, Management Company, or Landlord’s mailing address as a “Street Address” then its “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” in their respective fields (A4, A5, A6).
3 – Directly Address The Lessee Being Invoiced
The mailing information of the Addressee or Lessee must be recorded to column A as well. Begin by producing the Lessee’s full “Name” in cell A11 then continue by reporting his or her address to cells A12 through A14.
4 – Define The Property Tax Invoice Using The Tables Provided
The invoice number will be the first item of information that we must determine then deliver. Record the invoice number generated for this paperwork in cell F4. Also, inform the Lessee of the “Date” when this invoice will be active against his or her account in cell H4. This document will need to make sure the Recipient is aware of exactly why he or she must pay the amount being charged. To this end, give some detail regarding his or her stay in cell A17.
In cell H17, formally charge the Lessee with the base charges he or she must pay. Unless there are other factors contributing to this amount, cell H18 and H20 will automatically populate with the number you enter.
Proceed to cell H19 then record the “Tax” amount the Lessee is responsible for. The number you enter here will be added to the “Total” that the Lessee must pay.
4 – Finalize This Paperwork With Any Remaining Material
The sentence that follows the table above (in cell A21) can be used to place a deadline on the expected payment. Define this deadline as a number (in “Days”) that you enter as a replacement for the bracketed pound sign. If necessary, use the space available in cell A22 to present any additional content to this invoice.