The Auction Invoice Template can be used by nearly any Vendor or Event running an auction in addition to Auction Houses and Contracted Auctioneers. This template’s goal is to provide a standard in the billing process that must occur when it is time to collect the funds promised during a successful bid. Naturally, some basic information will be requested for a presentation that justifies the payment request. You will already have the material needed since this invoice is geared to pulling all items detailing a successful auction bid for the benefit of the Customer’s review and payment response.
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Step 1 – Save The Auction Invoice As A PDF Or A Microsoft Word File
The Auction Invoice available through this page is an accessible PDF or Word file by selecting the button bearing the file type label you wish to work with. Also, the text-links bearing the wording “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” deliver the same access.
Step 2 – Identify The Auction House or Auctioneer Behind This Invoice
We will begin this paperwork by selecting the “Company Name” text in the first field of this invoice. Delete this language and submit the Auction House or Auctioneer’s Professional Name as the contents. The lines making up the area immediately following the Auction House’s “Company Name,” is meant as a display of the material needed to contact it. “Name” is the first line making up this section and requires the name of an individual and not a Business Entity. This individual must be the Auctioneer seeking the successful bid or the Auction House Employee responsible for gaining it.
The mailing address used by the Auction House to receive its check payments is the next piece of information needed for this area. Produce the Auction House’s “Street Address” on the first line following the Auctioneer or Employee’s identity. Naturally, you will follow this column down to satisfy the blank line labeled “City, State, Country” with the Auction House’s second address line and the “Zip Code” line with the postal code necessary to direct such mail.
Most Successful Bidders targeted by this document will appreciate additional contact options. Therefore, the “Phone” and “E-Mail” lines in this section are available (and suggested) for entry. Supply these Auction House contact items as requested on these lines.
Step 3 – Classify The Auction Invoice Properly
This document must be categorized correctly upon first inspection. In addition to its format, a filing number assigned by the Auction House to identify this paperwork is thus required on the line attached to the “Invoice #” label. You will be expected to continue identifying this paperwork with the first calendar day of its activity. Continue to the right in the shaded bar where the invoice “Date” should be supplied.
Step 4 – Bill The Bidder Accordingly
The Bidder who has successfully reserved the auction item for purchase must be named (specifically) in the “Bill To” section. A brief set of empty lines will enable the documentation of the Bidder’s “Name” then his or her mailing address. Note that the Bidder’s “Street Address” must be recorded on a separate line from the “City, State, Country,” and Bidder “Zip Code.
Step 5 – Define Auctioned Item
The item that has been successfully auctioned to the above-named Bidder should be described as it was on the auction floor using the “Description” box in the invoice table making up the next section. Once, you displayed the auctioned item’s “Description” proceed to the right where the “Amount” that closed the bid must be reported. This is the final price expected by the Auction House before any tax codes are applied.
Step 6 – Total The Auction Amount That Must Be Paid To Acquire The Sold Item
The auction price may not be the final price since taxes may need to be applied. Before handling this issue, the “Subtotal” box will seek the auction price confirmation. If many items were priced above add them to one number for the “Subtotal” otherwise re-enter the appropriate figure. Some localities may expect an antique tax, a sales tax, an auction tax, a combination of taxes, or all the above be paid. The Auctioneer or Auction House responsible for this invoice must access the appropriate tax regulations then apply them to the “Subtotal.” Once this has been done, the “Tax/VAT” should be populated with the total dollar value that must be added in taxes.
Finally, the bidding’s “Subtotal” must be added to the applied “Tax/VAT” value then furnished as the “Total.”
Step 7 – Complete The Statement At The End Of This Table
Before you finalize this paperwork with any additional material, locate the “Payment Is Due…” statement below and to the left of the table. Place the exact number of “Days” after the invoice “Date” when the Auction House will mark this invoice late if it is not paid or responded to.
Step 8 – Dispense Additional Auction Instructions As Needed
Now that we have supplied the basics every Bidding Client will expect, the “Comments Or Special Instructions” label will call the Receiving Bidder’s attention to the blank lines following it. Use this to include more auction material, instructions, or relevant comments.
How To Write Microsoft Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Acquire The Auction Invoice As An Excel Template
The Excel template on this page should be saved using the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link or “Excel” button displayed. Engage the browser dialogue needed to acquire the template using one of these items.
Step 2 – Introduce The Auctioneer Or Auction House Requesting Payment
Before we input any information to this document, the Auction House logo should be supplied to cell A1. This must be a trademark image the Auction House is allowed to use to represent itself or generic one that falls in the public use category. Cell A2 will require the Auction House “Company Name” or if, on a contracted basis, the professional identity of the working Auctioneer. This will not suffice in informing the Bidder to who a response or payment must be directed. You should also report the “Name” of the Auction House Employee or Professional Auctioneer that may engage any inquiries or receive payment on behalf of the entity sending this paperwork.
The mailing address used by the Professional Auctioneer or Auction House is the next concern. This entry will be divided down three cells with the “Street Address” of the Auction House reported as the contents of cell A4 before the Auction House’s “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” are recorded in their respective fields (cells A5 and A6).
Cell A7 has been reserved for the Auction House’s “E-mail” address and cell A8 for the telephone number the Bidder should use to contact this entity with inquiries regarding the bid payment.
Step 3 – Report The Determined Filing Information For The Request
Cell F4 will now request the “Invoice #” assigned to this document by the Auction House you named be dispensed as its contents. Next to the invoice number, the current day’s calendar “Date” is displayed as the auction’s invoice “Date.” You may either confirm this as accurate by proceeding to the next section or editing it to a calendar day of your choice.
Step 4 – Identify The Successful Bidder As The Paying Client
We will obligate the Bidding Client to pay for the auction item by naming him or her in cell A11 (under “Bill To”), then inputting the Bidder’s billing address to cells A12 (“Street Address”) through A14 (“Zip Code”).
Step 5 – Document The Auction Item Description And Successful Bid
A record of the auction item requiring the Bidder’s payment must be transcribed from the Auction House’s formal floor “Description” to cell A17. Cell H18 is coupled with the auctioned item’s definition so you may present the cost of the successful bid. Do not apply any taxes, this must be the bid’s base cost.
Step 6 – Discuss The Bidding Amount Owed
Summarize all the bidded item costs you reported in the “Amount” field to one total and report it as the auction “Subtotal” for this invoice in cell H18. Use cell H19 to display the full amount owed as “Tax/VAT.” This will largely depend on where the auction took place so make sure you are informed of the current and relevant tax codes that apply (if any).
In cell H20, we shall present the final auctioned item’s “Total” owed. Reach this value by adding the applicable taxes to the bidding’s “Subtotal.” Confirm the figure you calculated then produce it as the “Total” (cell H20).
Step 7 – Direct The Bidder When To Submit Payment
It is logical that the Auction House will wish the time when the payment must be received to be well-defined rather than open-ended. This is especially true since oftentimes, additional entities may be involved. Therefore, refer to all the relevant time-line documents and determine the grace period (using the first day as the invoice “Date”) that can be afforded the bidder to gather and submit the needed funds in cell A21. The number sign in this cell should be replaced with the number that represents how many “Days” it can be unpaid until marked as late.
Step 8 – Include Additional Auction Comments If Needed
The Auction House can include more material if needed. Cell A22 will accept additional content discussing the bid, the paperwork involved, or any attachments (i.e. certificates) that must be present.