Itemized Invoice Template operates as a proven method for informing your Clientele of an expected payment. This may be for a service your Company has provided or for a product that the Client has ordered. In either case, you will likely want a timely payment from the Consumer. This template will help move this process along by cutting down on the time to actually bill the Client. Simply open the template you chose then fill out the sections contained with the material being requested.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – The Itemized Invoice On This Page Can Downloaded Then Issued To Clients
The invoice on this page (displayed in the photo) is attainable for download as a PDF file. Two methods of retrieval have been provided for this file. You may either select the link attached to the text “Adobe PDF” above or use the button near the preview. Also, if you wish to work with a Word file, the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link above (or its counterpart button) makes the same invoice available as a Word document.
2 – Identity The Billing Entity As The Sender
The “Company Name” field at the start of the invoice requests the legal identity of the Billing Entity provided to its contents. If a Company or other Business Entity is sending this paperwork, keep in mind that any suffix included in its legal name must be included. If this paperwork is being sent by a Freelancer or Contractor, then his or her professional working name should be supplied here.
Turn your attention to the series of labeled empty lines below the first field you satisfied. The first four of these lines are meant to display your “Name” then your business address. This information is considered mandatory for this type of correspondence and must be filled in with accurate details. You must use this area to first identify the Party sending this document by entering his or her full “Name,” then proceeding to satisfy the request for official the “Street Address” and “City, State, County” where this individual can be reached in the Company. The “ZIP Code” line will complete the needed address report. When finished, this area will allow your Client to contact you by mail.
Another two standard means of contact employed by many of your Clients will be calling or emailing you. Thus, your business line and email address will have their own places of display. Produce them on the blank spaces “Phone” and “E-Mail” respectively.
3 – This Document Should Be Able To Identify Itself
A definitive measure of identification for this paperwork ought to be delivered to Client relatively early and it should be easily seen. Therefore, find the “Invoice #” and “Date” lines then input the information they request for this document.
4 – Name The Billed Party Or Intended Recipient
The Consumer you intend to bill will have to be solidified so that no question arises as to who must pay for the items you will list below. The “Bill To’ section will request the Billed Party’s full “Name” along with his or her “Street Address,” then his or her “City State, Country” so they can be displayed in this area. The last line in this section requires the current “ZIP Code” assigned to this address by the postal service.
5 – An Invoice Table Enables A Well-Organized Production Of The Invoiced Items
Notice the four columns in the table constructed for this invoice. You will use the “Item Description” portion of this table to list the name, model, and/or serial number of each item or product that must be paid for as a response to this invoice. Consumers will expect some basic numbers that explain the item order displayed for their review. This may be as a matter of good record-keeping or an accuracy check for an order and such a report is considered standard. Therefore, record how many of each item/product was ordered by the Consumer in the next column.
The third column provides some additional information to support the first column. Report how much money one unit, item, or product costs in “Unit Price” (regardless of the “Quantity” ordered”).
The “Amount” column will make several requests for material. All of which is meant to provide a breakdown, a summary, and a “Total” of the money that is owed for the listed items. Begin this process by multiplying the “Quantity” and “Unit Price” values across each row then producing the result of this calculation on the same row under “Amount.”
The “Subtotal” field in the column being worked on serves to inform the Consumer of the total cost his order without any taxes added.
Next, fill in the “Tax” the Consumer must pay.
You must add the “Subtotal” and “Tax” amounts owed to a final sum. Present this as the “Total” that must be paid in the last box of this column.
Review the information you have entered. If accurate locate then proceed to the blank space in the sentence “Payment Is Due Within…” Use this empty line to tell your Client how many “Days” may elapse before he or she must pay this bill. The number you report here will act as a dividing line between a payment made on time and a payment made late.
The “Comments Or Special Instructions” label introduces two blank lines that you can use to include more material. Generally, this can take the form of instructions for the payment or the products but any information you consider relevant that has been left unaddressed should be documented to this area.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Use The Spreadsheet Invoice To Provide An Itemized Bill
The spreadsheet needed to send an itemized bill to Clients is accessible using the blue “Excel” button or the blue text above (“Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”). Regardless of how you choose to access this file, download it when you do. This is a template and can be used in the future at your discretion.
2 – Identify The Biller In This Paperwork Then The Payer
After opening this spreadsheet, you will notice that it is divided into several areas. Sometimes by columns or sometimes by row. The first column will contain several rows where both parties must be documented. Identify your company with its logo and “Company Name” by presenting them in cells A1 and A2. Producing the address where your Client can reach you is the next task that should be completed. Notice that cell A3 has been set to accept your “Name” so enter it then proceed to record your address information.
The address that should be used for this invoice should be produced using three separate cells. Your building number/street must be input to cell A5 as your “Street Address” then you should produce your cell A6 with the city, state, and the country of the address you presented. A6 is reserved for the “Zip Code.” Produce all these items to the cell with the appropriate labels.
Since many prefer more immediate forms of contact, use the next two cells to include the “E-mail” (cell A7) and office “Phone” (cell A8) where the Client may contact the Business
As you continue through column A, you will need to skip a few cells, especially cell A10. Do not alter cell A10 as this contains the statement necessary to obligate the Recipient to this bill. Cell A11 will be the next one that you must produce information in. Here, record the complete “Name” of the individual who you expect to pay for the items on this invoice.
Cells A12 through A14 are populated with text that will guide you in entering components of the Payer’s mailing address in a fashion similar to the header you just provided. Thus, you must submit this Party’s “Street Address” in cell A12 while his or her city, state, and country will be needed in cell A13. The Payer’s “ZIP Code” is to be entered in cell A14 so this address can be completed properly.
3 – Produce Material That Will Define And Summarize This Bill
Locate the top-right table of this invoice. Underneath, replace the hashtag symbol in cell F4 with the “Invoice #” it calls for then confirm you wish the current “Date” to be that of the invoice. Remember, the invoice number must be a number associated only with this document in your files. The Recipient, the Payer of this invoice, will expect the itemized breakdown structured in the table beginning on row 16. Review this table. You will need to use the rows as a production area of an item manifest by listing all products or service packages the payment of this invoice will cover. Each must be shown on its own row under “Item Description” as a product name or I.D. number.
Refer to the original paperwork making up this order then list how many of each recorded product or package is ordered for this invoice by the Consumer. This number should be recorded in the corresponding cell to the item it relates to in the “Quantity” part of this table (located in column F).
Now, consult your pricing list and produce a submission of the “Unit Cost” for each service package or item this invoice addresses to the appropriate cells in column G.
You will have noticed that every cell on a row with information in the “Amount” part of this table has populated with some figures. Each of these is the dollar value of the invoice order for the product, item, or service package being billed. These numbers have, in turn, been summed in cells A27 and A29 but this table will remain incomplete if you must apply taxes to the “Total.” If so, enter the required “Tax” in cell A28 to complete this table.
4 – The Option Of Supplementing This Bill With Instructions And Other Topics
The next part of this spreadsheet can be considered optional although, many would suggest to tending to the sentence in cell A30 to be a wise action. This sentence will tell the Consumer the amount of calendar “…Days” you will wait for an on-time payment. Replace the bracketed area of this sentence with this number to apply it as a grace period for paying this invoice. If you wish to address more topics you can input them directly to cell A31. This area has been reserved for any relevant disclosures, information, or instructions you believe should be submitted to the Consumer with this paperwork.