Products (ONLY) Invoice Template will relieve the uncertainty of the invoicing process by structuring the information that must be presented in a consistent way from Client to Client. This document will anticipate content that defines the sale being documented as well as pass along vital instructions such as when payment is due. Thus, you will only need to refer to the Customer Order being invoiced to fulfill the majority of this paperwork.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Use The Paperwork Displayed As A Tool To Bill Your Customers
The paperwork needed to bill Customers for products or merchandise is a downloadable file. You may work on it as an “Adobe PDF” document or a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” document. Both have been set above this statement as text links or as buttons captioning this area.
Step 2 – Record The Vendor Acting Through This Invoice
The Vendor or Manufacturer that requires payment for its goods should introduce itself at the start of this invoice. A textbox set in the upper left will seek this “Company Name” as an entry. The invoice header will consist of a distinct set of blank lines placed underneath the textbox. You must submit the Vendor or Manufacturer Customer Service Representative’s full “Name.”
A few pieces of information that enable the Buyer or Invoice Recipient to contact this document’s Sender will be this header’s next topic. The “Street Address” line calls for the Vendor or Manufacturer’s building number/street/suite number. Produce this content then continue the Vendor or Manufacturer’s address on the “City, State, Country” line
The Vendor or Manufacturer’s postal code should be submitted to the “Zip Code” line in this section.
This invoice’s next request will define a more convenient way to contact the Vendor or Manufacturer. Locate the fifth line in this section and produce this entity’s business telephone number.
The sixth and final line before the page divider requests the Vendor or Manufacturer’s “E-Mail” address to complete this section. Note: Make sure this is a well-monitored account
Step 3 – Dispense Details Needed To File This Document
The paperwork being developed should be easy to find in one’s filing system. This should apply both to the Invoice Sender and the Invoice Recipient. Thus, two blank lines have been placed within the horizontal bar separating the header from the invoice. Locate the first of these lines then assign the filing or “Invoice #” to be used when looking up this document in one’s records or when referring to it. The applicable invoice “Date” of the Vendor or Manufacturer’s bill should also be recorded. The “Date” line on this page will readily accept the calendar “Date” you wish used once you enter it.
Step 4 – Identify The Customer Behind This Order
The Buyer or the Customer of the Seller’s products will need to be a part of the identification process for this document. Identify the Purchaser or Buyer by “Name” on the first blank line underneath the bold “Bill To” heading then use the next three lines down to display this party’s entire billing address. Notice the same formatted lines (“Street Address” through “Zip Code”) necessitate the Buyer’s address be split to these three lines.
Step 5 – Deliver An Itemized Report For The Buyer
A Buyer will usually want to see a breakdown of the merchandise, products, or supplies that he or she is paying for. This need should be met in an organized fashion and the table set near the center of this document will fill this need nicely. Begin with the first of four columns. The “Description” of the merchandise making up the Buyer’s order should be documented. Use this first column to give an inventory of the merchandise or the supplies making up this order. Provide this inventory item by item and row by row. The next feature this table seeks to display is the exact number of units making up the Buyer’s order. This number will need to be displayed next to the piece of merchandise it refers to so record it in the next column to the right (“Quantity”).
Step 6 – Document The Costs Of The Merchandise To Be Purchased
Now that we’ve supplied the name or product number(s) of the merchandise or supplies ordered as well as precisely how many pieces were needed to fill the Buyer’s order, we will have to make a record of the pricing involved. First, locate the third column (“Unit Price”). Use this as a display area showing the Buyer how much money would need to be paid in exchange for the merchandise being discussed if just one piece of merchandise was ordered. “Amount” is the final column. This will seek to inform the Buyer how much money must be paid for each product order. This necessitates your calculation of each row’s “Quantity” multiplied by its “Unit Price.” Perform this multiplication across the rows you have used to report on a product order taking care to only work across each row.
The “Amount” being charged for each merchandise on the product order will not be enough to tell the Buyer how much is needed (in most states). Thus, add all the values in the “Amount” column so that you can present the Buyer with his or her “Subtotal” for this bill in the first cell after the table.
The second cell after the table is labeled as “Tax” and is reserved strictly for any and all tax amounts that must be placed on the Vendor or Manufacturer “Subtotal” above.
Our last requirement for the Vendor or Manufacturer invoice table being completed is to present a prominent “Total” amount that should be paid for the merchandise on the Client Order. Therefore, you must add “Subtotal” and “Tax.” This result is how much the Buyer is expected to submit to the Seller.
Step 7 – The Vendor’s Due Date Requires Definition
Many would consider this invoice to only fulfill its function if a definitive due date accompanies the “Total” being reported. We can follow this guideline using the “Payment Is Due” statement between the “Total” and the bottom of the page. Utilize the blank line in this sentence as a display for the amount of “Days” the Buyer is given to pay the Seller. Use the invoice “Date” as a starting point when declaring this countdown.
Step 8 – A Section Has Been Reserved For Your Use
The Vendor Or Manufacturer may need to submit more content in this invoice. The “Comments Or Special Instructions” label will begin an area placed for your use.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Acquire Your Copy Of The Products Invoice
This paperwork can be downloaded with the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link above. Simply click on this link then look for the dialogue that will allow you to either open or save this file. Save this file to your machine this way. You may also use the same method by clicking the “Excel” button presented near the image.
Step 2 – Introduce The Vendor Or Manufacturer Behind This Invoice
The Vendor or Manufacturer intent on collecting payment for the products you will define must be properly reported at the top of the page. Standard formatting will insist that your Clients will identify this business as the invoice’s Sender. Cell A1 is intent on displaying the Vendor or Manufacturer’s logo. Remove the current image logo in this cell then replace it with your entity’s logo. Cell A2 and cell A3 each require names for this header. Record the Vendor or Manufacturer “Company Name” in cell A2 then the “Name” of the Office Employee sending this document in cell A3.
Now that we have identified the Vendor or Manufacturer above as the Seller behind this paperwork, we will need to display the contact details of this entity. The mailing address of the Seller should be split down cells A4, A5, and A6. Notice each field bears a label for the address information it requests (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” “Zip Code” respectively).
Cell A7 and A8 will conclude this area with two more options for contact. The Seller’s “E-Mail” address will be needed in cell A7.
Cell A8 is reserved for the Seller’s “Phone” number.
Step 3 – Report The Appropriate Document Information For This Paperwork
Cell F4, set directly across from the header you’ve completed, reserves itself for your production of the filing number that will be attached only to this document as its “Invoice #.” This field requires your report for review. It will be important to also attach a specific “Date” to the production of this paperwork. This invoice “Date” will be the first official calendar day when the amounts you list will be owed to the Vendor or Manufacturer sending this.
Step 4 – Name The Purchaser And Direct This Paperwork
The “Bill To” section starting with row 10 requires your submission of the Purchaser’s “Name” in cell A11 Cell A12. A13, and A14 will carry the address labels necessary to bill the Purchaser. Release this billing address as the “Street Address,” the “City, State, Country,” then its “Zip Code”
Step 5 – Produce The Merchandise Or Supplies The Purchaser Ordered
Notice the center of the Excel sheet will feature a basic invoice table. This object will only require a few entries to complete. We shall begin with the first column of the table then report additional information that relates to our entry in the three columns that follow. Use column A as a “Description” of the merchandise, goods, or supplies the Purchaser ordered. The first cell that will accept the name or product number of such an ordered item is cell A17. Use column F to record the “Quantity” the Purchaser ordered as a follow up to the product “Description” you reported for concerned merchandise, goods, or supply. Cell F17 is the first field that will accept this information.
Step 6 – List The Cost Of The Merchandise Or Supplies This Invoice Concerns
The third column will complete the majority of the tables on this page for you. This column requests the “Unit Price” of the discussed merchandise, goods, or supply of the row you are working on. That is, the price of a quantity of one. This must be filled out even if the Purchaser only ordered one product since it will contribute to a formula in this table. The first cell that relies on your entry will be cell G17. The final column populates with the “Amount” necessary for the product purchase. This, in turn, causes a display in the “Subtotal” and “Total” fields. The “Tax” field, however, must have its entry supplied manually unless you set a formula to its contents. Most states will charge sales “Tax” and this must be reported separately. Cell H28 will require you to apply the correct tax rate to the contents of cell H27. This will complete the table, but it is always recommended that you double-check all figures for accuracy.
Step 7 – Attach The Seller’s Deadline To The Payable Amount
Locate cell A30. The Seller (Vendor Or Manufacturer) can name a predetermined number of “Days” (from the “Date”) that frame when a timely payment is made. Replace “[#]” with this number when you are ready to impose this deadline.
Step 8 – A Production Of Vendor Or Manufacturer Information Can Be Included
If the Seller intends to deliver more content, use cell A31 will enable this task to be completed.