Retail Sales Invoice Template is a tool often employed by a business entity to secure payments for products purchased either at the entity’s store, website, or even by phone. This template will serve as a point of reference for the money that is owed for the Retailer’s merchandise, who that money must be submitted to, and who must effect the payment being requested. In some case, the invoice will stay with the transaction until the point of payment where it is stamped or edited as being paid.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Issue The Retail Sales Invoice On This Site To Request Payment
When it is time to invoice the Consumer for the merchandise he or she is purchasing, download and open the paperwork available through either the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)”
2 – Identify The Retailer And The Methods Of Contact Available
The “Company Name” field on this page has been presented at the top of this page so you can present the Retailer’s legal business name in an appropriately noticeable place. Report the full “Name” of the Sales Associate on the labeled line at the start of this header.
Document the “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” where the Retailer expects its mail to arrive on the next two blank spaces then the “Zip Code” for this address on the one that follows.
The Retailer’s telephone number and email address are the final items of contact you must produce. Two lines placed specifically for this information are included for this purpose.
3 – Formally Invoice The Consumer Or Retail Customer
The invoice number determined as the reference for this transaction can be recorded in the shaded area below the Retailer information. notice a blank space with the designation “Invoice #” then input this reference number to this line. The “Date” of this transaction is a requested piece of information that can be used in the future for identifying this document as well as when the payment requested is due. Place this calendar month, day, then the year on the line attached to the “Date” label.
Now that we can identify the invoice by number, we should attach the Consumer’s name to it. Identify the Consumer on the blank line labeled “Name” in the “Bill To” section.
Report the Consumer’s business address next. The blank spaces designated with the address line requests in this section should have this content supplied to them as requested.
The merchandise being sold by the Retailer and being purchased by the Consumer should be listed with some details in this invoice. The invoice table’s first column, “Description,” is the first area where we can start this process. List each piece of the merchandise being bought through this paperwork on its own row in this column.
The “Quantity” of the merchandise being bought must be entered on its respective row in the second column.
To continue across this table, produce the cost of one piece of the recorded merchandise.
Lastly, multiply the “Quantity” by the “Unit Price” values on every row containing this information and fill in the result to the “Amount” column.
We have produced a comprehensive list of merchandise detailing this transaction however, we are not finished. It is important that we sum up this invoice for the Customer. TO do this, add the numbers you entered in “Amount” and present the determined figure in the “Subtotal” box.”
The “Tax” owed by the Consumer to the government for this transaction must be documented in the “Tax” box.
The “Total” that the Consumer must pay must be furnished to the last box of this table as a sum of “Subtotal” and “Tax.”
After supplying the transaction details with the invoice table, deliver a reasonable time frame when payment should be due. The total number of “…Days” the Consumer is allowed to leave this bill unanswered should be recorded on the blank space in the “Payment Is Due…” sentence. If additional terms of payment or content is required to properly invoice the Consumer, record it after the word “…Instructions” in the area provided.
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Use The Presented Excel Sheet To Deliver A Retail Invoice
A Retailer can issue this invoice to a Consumer by downloading it from this page then filling it out. The link (“Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”) included in this area or the “MS Excel” button on this page.
2 – Record The Retailer’s Identity
Five basic sections will make up this invoice. The first of which are the first nine cells of column A. Furnish the Retailer’s image logo in cell A1, the official name of this entity in cell A2, and the complete “Name” of the Sales Associate or Retail Representative in cell A3. The cells between A4 and A6 will make up the area where the Retailer’s address (business or mailing) is an expected presentation. You will need to use the labeling text in each of these cells to input each address line in its proper place.
As we continue in column A to cell A7 and A8, a request for more contact information is made. Place the Retailer’s “E-mail” address in cell A7 and the Retail business “Phone” number in cell A8.
3 – Document The Name And Location Of The Consumer
The text “Name” in cell A11 refers to that of the Consumer. This is the party who exchanges the payment requested for the merchandise listed. Following this, cells A11, A12, and A13 have been included as a reporting area for the Consumer’s address.
4 – Produce Details Defining This Bill And The Invoiced Merchandise
Turn your attention to cell F4 and cell H4. These two fields will serve to inform the Consumer how he or she should refer to this transaction when discussing this paperwork or submitting an invoice payment. To satisfy these requirements report the document’s “Invoice #” (invoice number) and “Date” (invoice date) in their respective cells. Naturally, a report on the merchandise or products this document is discussing should be considered a logical requirement by both Retailer and Consumer. A brief but well-structured invoice table will be able to handle this task across nearly all transactions you may wish to document. This table will have a few columns that you must enter some basic information to. Utilize column A as a staging area to document every product the Consumer will pay for through this paperwork.
The second column (named “Quantity”) allows for the number of products ordered for this invoice.
The price or cost of one piece of the total products ordered should be recorded as well. Utilize column G, “Unit Cost,” to produce this information. This will automatically be multiplied with the number in the previous column in “Amount.”
The last task this table sets is a request on the “Tax” you must charge the Consumer. Enter it in cell H28.
You can place a requirement for payment on the invoice “Amount” calculated in cell H29 for the Consumer. Determine the maximum number of days you shall wait for payment then place it in the brackets of the “Payment Is Due In…” statement.
Additional material can be conveyed to the Consumer regarding this transaction. If this is necessary, then use the text field after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions” to display this information.