Music Teacher Invoice Template

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Music Teacher Invoice Template is a versatile document used to issue a bill to Students. This can be done by mail, in person, or any other means the Student or Payer has indicated as appropriate. In some cases, it may be more convenient to simply fill out the header information with the Music Teacher’s information then, keep several such copies on hand to dispense at the end of a lesson.  Otherwise, you can also use this document if the Music Student must be billed periodically (i.e. Monthly, By Semester, etc.).

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Download The Music Teacher Invoice

The links on this page labeled “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” access this document as the file type they indicate. Once you have downloaded the version you desire, open this document


2 – Introduce The Music Teacher Sending This Document

The first action we must take is to fill in the Music Teacher’s official “Company Name” to the reserved area at the top of this page.  The information required to contact the Music Teacher must be present at the top of this page with his or her company’s name. We can utilize the four labeled lines at the start of this area to provide the “Name” and mailing address. Note: The Music Teacher’s “Street Address” must be composed of the building number, street or road name, and suite number, while the two lines that follow will enable you to finish recording the remaining components of this address. We should anticipate the Student’s preference to contact the Music Teacher by “Phone” or “E-Mail.” Thus, two additional labeled spaces are included ready to receive this information.


3 – Invoice The Music Student

The next invoice section will fulfill some traditional expectations of this type of paperwork. Record the invoice number for the dance class purchase we are billing for where it is requested in the shaded horizontal bar. The invoice “Date” is also a requirement for this template. This will be the first official calendar date that the Student owes money for the discussed class. In addition to the preliminary information we recorded above we must also address the Music Student in a direct manner. We will do this while also obligating him or her for the charges we will display. First, let us attend to the invoice section titled “Bill To.” This area will allow for the Music Student’s full name to be recorded (on the line “Name”). Additionally, document the Music Student’s full address using the available spaces in this section. Most Students will expect a brief breakdown of the classes they are paying for on a given invoice. For this we will turn to the first column of the table just after the “Bill To” section. Use each row in this column to list one music class or course. This table will seek to present a full explanation of the Music Teacher’s fees. Thus, record the number of “Hours” spent conducting each music class in the second column and the cost of the Music Teacher’s time for just one hour in the “$/Hour” column. The next action required will involve some basic arithmetic. Multiply the length of each music class in “Hours” by the Music Teacher’s “$/Hour.” This is the cost of the music class reported on this row and should be documented in the “Amount” box of the same row. All the numbers you entered in the last column (“Amount”) must now be added to one sum then input to the box listed as “Subtotal” Some items, such as course packages may require “Tax” added. This can vary from county to county so make sure your references for this item are up to date. Enter the “Tax” that your locality requires for your sale in the appropriately labeled box. Your “Subtotal” must be added to the number in “Tax” so that the sum can be reported in the “Total” box.


4 – Additional Material Can Be Documented As Well

If the Music Student should have a deadline for payment, define it as a number of days, then record it in the blank line between the word “…In” and the word “Days.” This will be located in the first statement under the music class or course table you filled out. If desired and if appropriate, you can place more material in this invoice using the blank lines corresponding to the “Comments Or Special Instructions” label.”


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – The Music Teacher Invoice Is A Downloadable File

You can issue a bill to your Music Students using the document the link (“Microsoft Excel…”) above allows access to. This is a spreadsheet so make sure you have a compatible program to edit information into it.


2 – Record The Music Teacher’s Name And Means Of Contact

This spreadsheet’s first column will deal with the identities of the Music Teacher and the Music Client this paperwork focuses on. In cell A1, the Music Teacher’s logo can be uploaded and attached to this sheet.  Cell A2 must have the Music Teacher’s professional or official name entered. The next cell down column A enables some documentation on the Music Teacher’s legal business address. The Music Teacher’s individual “Name” is the next piece of information required by this column in cell A3. Now, three contact items are requested. First, fill in the next three rows with the Music Teacher’s complete address. Cell A4, cell A5, and cell A6 have been reserved for this presentation. In addition to the mailing address, supply the Music Teacher’s electronic mail address in cell A7. The professional telephone number the Music Teacher uses must be placed in cell A8.


3 – Directly Invoice The Student

The Music Student should be named on this spreadsheet. A specific area has been reserved in the first column for the Music Student’s “Name” (cell A11). The next rows down this column (cell A12, A13, and cell A14) should be utilized as a place to provide a report on the Music Student’s mailing address. This spreadsheet will give you two tables where invoice information is both required and can be presented. The “Invoice #” table will already have the current date as the invoice “Date” but will need the unique document number attached by your bookkeeping system to this transaction produced in cell F4Now, we must address the invoice table occupying the middle of this spreadsheet. This must be filled out for the benefit of the Student. Begin by listing every class or course being billed in column A on the row below the heading “Description” Each class should have the length of time it is in session for documented as a number of “Hours.” Column F of this table has been reserved for this. The amount of money that must be paid for every hour of the Music Teacher’s time must be documented for the benefit of the Student. Report this pay rate in column G. This sheet will contain a few formulas in the H column under the section heading “Amount.” If you must add taxes to the invoice “Total” recorded, then input it in cell A28


4 – Complete This Spreadsheet With Any Required Additional Content

The Music Student can be given a grace period that solidifies your expectation of receiving payment within a predetermined number of days. Substitute the pound sign in cell A30 with this number. If you wish the Music Student to receive more information, use cell A31 to document it

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