Computer Repair Work Order Template

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The Computer Repair Work Order Template sets the request for upgrades, repairs, maintenance, or replacements for a Customer’s computer in writing along with an estimated cost for the service and computer parts. This paperwork will be divided by several sections of which either the Customer or the Computer Technician working with the Customer may complete. Once the Computer Repair Customer has reviewed the finished request, he or she should be obligated to sign it to approval. Generally, since computer parts can be costly, it is considered wise to gain the Customer’s signature approval before proceeding to the repair.

How to Write a Computer Repair Work Order in PDF & MS Word

Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Access The Computer Repair Work Order Template In A Preferred Format

Document a work order requesting computer maintenance and/or repair services using the “PDF” or “Word” document pictured in the sample image and obtainable through the buttons below it. If you prefer working with links, then use either the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word” link in this section to access the required file.

Step 2 – Directly Address the Computer Contractor, Vendor, or Manufacturer

The “Company Name” text in the first field presented on the work order is a placeholder that should be removed. Once this task is done, place the full name of the Computer Maintenance and Repair Service in this field.  The “Name” of the Computer Maintenance Contractor, Technician, or Client Service Representative is the first required entry in a series of blank lines in the header. Find the correctly labeled line for this task, then report the full “Name” of this paperwork’s Recipient Party. Several empty lines have been produced next as a set where the complete address of the Computer Maintenance and Repair Company receives mail must be documented. That is, the “Street Address,” the “City, state, Country,” and the “Zip Code” of this address should be recorded down the next three lines. Follow the labels for your entries.  The telephone number the Computer Maintenance and Repair Company monitors for Client Contact is the next requested information needed for this section. Place this “Phone” number on the next blank line. The “E-mail” address used to directly contact the Computer Maintenance and Repair Company being commissioned must be reported as well. Dispense this “E-Mail” address on the last empty line.  


Step 3 – Produce Details Necessary To Reference This Request

It is recommended that a definitive method for future identification is attached to this paperwork. The “Work Order #” line will give this opportunity by making sure both Parties have access to the unique filing number to be assigned to this request when storing, discussing, reviewing, or retrieving it from the filing system where this document is stored.  The “Date” line at the opposite end of the page will complement your previous entry in a filing system. Enter this information as a standard calendar “Date.” This “Date” will be when this request for computer maintenance or repair is formally made by the Client. 


Step 4 – Record The Computer Repair Client Information

The next section will also contain an area on the left and an area on the right that require a discussion. Turn your attention to the “Client Information” section on the left side of the page. The blank lines here are all reserved for the identity and the professional information of the Party requesting that the Recipient work on a computer in exchange for payment. This Computer Maintenance And Repair Client must be identified by “Name” on the first blank line of this section.  The second and third blank line of the Computer Maintenance and Repair “Client Information” section will be labeled with alternate methods of contact. Thus, furnish the Computer Maintenance and Repair Service’s Business “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number where these items are requested.  Three final blank lines to this section will require that the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” where the Computer Maintenance and Repair Client’s address should be produced for display. 


Step 5 – Set The Dates For The Computer Maintenance And Repair Project

The “Order” section on the right will need two dates concerning the computer repair or maintenance job. The “Expected Start Date” line requires a production of the first formal calendar date when work on the computer should begin. Complete this section with the final calendar date that work will be expected. This is often referred to as the completed date or termination date of a project. Furnish this for display on the blank line following the term “Expected End Date.”    


Step 6 – List The Computer Parts This Job Is Expected To Require

There are often computer parts, accessories, or even new hardware involved in a maintenance or repair job that will require payment. Any physical item that the Customer will be expected to submit payment in exchange for its delivery (and installation) must be described in the first area of the table holding the “Material” title. Ideally, the “Description” of these products will be produced as a row-by-row report so that each row will discuss only one item of payment. The second column, titled with the text “Quantity,” requires a numerical entry. Here, the number of computer parts that will be necessary to maintain or repair the machine should be documented.   Continue to the column with the “unit Cost” title. This column requires a dollar value entered for display. Furnish the “Unit Cost” column with the exact cost of one computer part or item that is listed in the first column.  Complete the “Amount” column of this table the figure derived from a multiplication of the “Quantity” and “Unit Cost” for the discussed items computer material needed. Multiply these numbers by working across each row and recording the result in the final column (“Amount”).  Add every “Material” table “Amount” entry to the “Total Material” field at the bottom of the final column.  


Step 7 – Establish The Billable Computer Technician’s Service Time

The “Service” table of this work order is reserved to discuss the time that will be involved by this computer maintenance or repair job. The work done on the computer should, ideally, be recorded as a date, start time, and end time when work is to occur, but you may use any information that is appropriate to the current agreement or situation. Divide the computer “Service” time into “Hours” then present this tally in the second column. The pay rate the Computer Technician expects for his or her time on this job must be dispensed to the third column of the “Service” table. Use the “Hourly Rate” column to present how much will be paid of a single hour of work on the project or maintenance/repair job documented earlier on that row.  Each row can only be completed with the precise value reached by multiplying the “Hours” devoted to a project with its “Hourly Rate.” Perform this calculation for each row so that it may be completed appropriately.

Add the dollar value recorded in the “Service” table’s final column (“Amount”) then display the result as the “Total Service” payment expected for the computer maintenance or repair job that is currently being discussed.


Step 8 – Solidify The Figures Contributing To The Required Computer Maintenance And Repair Payment

One final table will round out this presentation. Continue to the table starting with the field labeled “Subtotal.” Use this area to present the sum of the computer maintenance job’s “Total Material” and “Total Service.”  Continue to the second field of this area, “Tax,” then submit a record of all sales taxes that will be collected on the “Total Material” amount and all service tax that will be added to the “Total Service” amount added together as a sum in the “Tax” field. Be advised, what is owed, why it is owed, and whether a “Tax” must be collected is strictly up to the jurisdiction where this work occurs, and money is submitted as payment.  Conclude this table with the computer maintenance or repair service’s “Total” owed. Add the “Subtotal” to the “Tax” to reach this dollar amount.  


Step 9 – Disclose The Preparer’s Identity

The information defining the computer maintenance or repair job being requested may have been produced to this paperwork by either the Computer Maintenance and Repair Service or the Client. This person must be identified in case any further discussion regarding this record is needed. Furnish the first, middle, and last name of this work order’s Author on the blank line after “Work Order Completed By.” 


Step 10 – Continue Discussing The Computer Maintenance And Repair Project As Needed

The “Comments Or Suggestions” lines near the end of this document can be used to convey a variety of information. These items should be used to make sure this work order is a complete document thus if any additional content is needed, record it to this section.   


Step 11 – Obtain The Computer Repair Client’s Authorizing Signature

The “Client Signature” line closing this work request can only be signed by the Computer Maintenance and Repair Client and only when this document has been completed and reviewed for accuracy. In fact, this work request should not be considered valid without the signature produced on this line.


How to Write a Computer Repair Work Order in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Use The This Page To Access The Computer Maintenance And Repair Work Order Spreadsheet Template

The Excel version of the Computer Maintenance Work Order Template can be saved from this site by selecting the text-link item “Microsoft Excel” or the sample image’s “Excel” button. Both these page items will prompt a browser dialogue to download this file.

Step 2- Identify The Computer Maintenance Service As The Recipient

The first portion of the acquired work order spreadsheet has been set to display your entries in the top-left corner of the page. This standard placement will call attention to the Computer Maintenance or Repair Business’s contact material. The first step in fulfilling this area of the work order is to insert the Computer Maintenance or Repair Business’s current logo image to cell A1. The items displayed in this field should be replaced with this object as they are only placeholders. Furnish this logo then proceed to the next field down the A column.  Cell A2 should also have its content cleared of text (“Company Name”). Notice the larger font of cell A2. Type the legal “Company Name” of the Computer Maintenance and Repair Business in this field so that it will display in this font.  The “Name” of the Computer Maintenance Business’s Owner or Employee that will receive, review, and properly proceed with the completed work order should be documented in cell A3.  Cell A4, populated with the bracketed term “Street Address” and cell A5 which displays the placeholder text “City, State, Country” must be cleared of their content. Replace bracketed terms with the address information they request making sure that the material you enter originates from the mailing address monitored by the Computer Maintenance and Repair Business.  Cell A6 of this column requests you submit the postal code needed to complete this address as a replacement for the bracketed “Zip Code” text.  Distribute an alternate method to deliver written correspondence by presenting the “Email” address of the Computer Maintenance or Repair Business in cell A7.
Lastly, use cell A8 to document the Computer Maintenance or Repair Business’s “Phone” number.


Step 3 – Use This Paperwork To Request Computer Maintenance Service

Continue to the right of column A to cell F5. This cell, carrying the words “Work Order” for the title, should be supplied with the record or file number that a filing system would use to store and reproduce this paperwork for any future Reviewer’s benefit. The “Date” label refers to the official month, day, and year of this work order’s documentation. This content is supplied according to your desktop calendar reading however it can be edited to a day of your choosing. 


Step 4 – Submit The Computer Maintenance Customer Information

The “Client Information” presents several fields requesting entry. The “Name” (cell A11) of the Computer Maintenance Customer is the first expected submission and should be followed with a record of the Computer Maintenance Customer’s “Street Address” (cell A12), “City, State, Country” (cell A13), and “Zip Code” (cell A14).   Two additional fields will round out this report on the Computer Maintenance Customer. Furnish the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number where the Computer Maintenance Customer wishes further communication regarding this work order to be made should be reported in cell A15 and cell A16.   


Step 5 – Present The Computer Maintenance Service Dates

The “Order” section seeks the “Expected Start Date” for the computer maintenance job to be submitted directly to cell G11.  Cell G12 concludes this section with the label “Expected End Date.” Enter the last day of this computer maintenance job. This is usually considered the day when the Computer Maintenance Technician has completed the set tasks for the project.   


Step 6 – Document The Computer Products That Will Require Payment

Some computer maintenance jobs may involve new products such as upgrades and accessories or computer parts to be paid for. The “Material” table beginning on row 19 will require a listing of these products if payment is required. You may record this information by inputting the computer product’s names, serial number, or manufacturer identification number.  Column F’s “Quantity” heading indicates that the next definition to be supplied is for the number of computer maintenance, upgrade, or repair products that will be needed and paid for.  The “Unit Price” column of the “Material” table can be found in column G. The dollar amount that should be paid for a single computer product (listed in column A) must be produced on the same row. This entry prompts column H to produce the price of all the items that were reported along with the requested “Quantity” and “Unit Price.”  


Step 7 – Deliver A Report On The Computer Maintenance Service Time

The next topic concerning the computer maintenance job or project will be that of the Computer Maintenance Technician’s time. The “Service” table shall seek several pieces of information to define the required “Service” time and payment for this job. Column A of this table seeks a definitive list of the work times, the name of a service agreement with the work times, or a “Description” of the computer maintenance tasks required.  The number of “Hours” that will be worked by the Computer Service Technician should be submitted for review along with the descriptions provided.  The final task set by the “Service” table regarding the computer maintenance project to be undertaken will be the pay rate expected for every one hour of the Computer Technician’s time. Produce this dollar amount to the contents of column G (“Hourly Rate”). Provided that you have populated the previous column of that row with the “Hours” it requests, these two figures will be used by column H to calculate the computer maintenance “Service” portion of the future invoice for this job.  


Step 8 – Submit The Sales Or Service Tax That Will Be Requested With Payment

Now that this sheet has calculated the “Total Material,” “Total Service,” and their combined value as the “Subtotal,” it will be time to locate cell H36 to either confirm that no sales or service “Tax” will be owed by entering zero as its content or to inform the Computer Maintenance Customer how much must be collected in sales or service taxes. If this is the case, calculate the required amount and record it in cell H36 as the computer maintenance job’s “Tax.”   


Step 9 – Establish The Validity Of The Recorded Information

Cell H37 will require that the full name of the individual filling this out is produced as replacement text for the label “Individual’s Name.”  


Step 10 – Continue With Any Necessary Computer Maintenance (Or Repair) Information

In some cases, additional “Comments Or Suggestions” from either Party to the other may be quite useful as the job progresses. If any such dialogue would be expected or welcome, input it to cell A38 after the words “Comments Or Suggestions.”


Step 11 – Prove The Computer Maintenance Client’s Intent

The final area of this spreadsheet, cell A42, displays the “Client Signature” line that can be used to complete this work order. This can only be done by the Computer Maintenance Customer who is commissioning and paying for this work since the act of signing will obligate him or her to obey the agreed-upon terms of payment.

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