Equipment Repair Work Order Template

The Equipment Repair Work Order allows a Client to place a request to fix light and heavy equipment and the Maintenance or Repair Shop (or Contractor) to keep track of equipment services and products in demand. By setting the specifics to a job in writing at the onset both Parties will also enjoy the security of having the original request and pricing available for review. As a template, this document only requires some basic sections to be completed before being submitted for the Customer’s approval.

Order in PDF & MS Word

Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Acquire Your Copy Of The Equipment Repair Work Order

The Equipment Repair Work Template can be accessed through the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word” links on this page. The same access can be achieved through the buttons designated “PDF” and “Word” by the label.

Step 2 – Produce The Equipment Repair Company’s Name

This work order must be set to request that maintenance and repairs on one or more pieces of equipment be conducted by a specific Entity. This means it must address the Equipment Maintenance And Repair Business directly. Produce the full “Company Name” of the Equipment Maintenance and Repair Business being commissioned for this work.  The empty line holding the “Name” label that is presented next should be furnished with the first, middle (if applicable), and last “Name” of the Equipment Repair Maintenance Business’ Owner or Representative. Continue by producing a recording of the Equipment Maintenance and Repairs Business’s entire mailing address. The second empty line and the third empty line have been labeled as “Street Address” and “City, State, Country.” The “Zip Code” line that follows should be utilized to attach the postal code for this address. The Equipment Maintenance and Repair Business must also be reachable in a direct manner that is listed in this area. The blank line labeled “Phone” and the one labeled “E-Mail” are included in the header for this purpose. Ideally, the “Phone” number supplied here will be active and well-monitored during business hours. 


Step 3 – Introduce This Document With Its Filing Material

The work request being developed will need to be stored reliably for easy retrieval whenever needed. A distinct “Work Order #” that it can be filed under will achieve this level of organization nicely and should be produced for reference on the blank line labeled “Work Order #.” After displaying the filing material for the equipment maintenance being commissioned, proceed to the right then record the current “Date” or the “Date” you wish used as a reference point for this request. 


Step 4 – Name The Equipment Repair Client

The Equipment Maintenance Client must be named as such at the beginning of the next section. The section title, “Client Information,” will assign this role to the individual you list on the blank line labeled “Name” below it. The Equipment Maintenance Client should also have his or her “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number produced with his or her “Name.” Submit a display of this information using the second and third blank lines to do so.   The “Client Information” section will make one more request before allowing us to proceed to the next item. Thus, satisfy the next two blank lines with the “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” where this Business receives mail then conclude the report with the “Zip Code” necessary to complete this report.


Step 5 – Formally Reserve The Dates Of Equipment Repair

The first maintenance date scheduled for the Client’s equipment should be listed on the “Expected Start Date” line in the areal title “Order.”  After defining when the equipment maintenance may commence, assign it a due date by entering the “Expected End Date” for this job. If no real end “Date” can be defined then you may enter the phrase “As Needed,” “Until Done,” or “Ongoing.” 


Step 6 – Discuss The Equipment Parts And Products To Be Purchased

The discussion defining the needed maintenance will begin with the replacement parts, equipment upgrade products, or maintenance supplies needed for the Client’s request. Deliver a listing of all anticipated equipment maintenance products the Maintenance and Repair Service will charge to the Equipment Client in the “Description” column found in the table attached to the “Material” title.

The number of the replacement parts, equipment upgrade products, or maintenance supplies that will be purchased by the Equipment Maintenance Client should be recorded with that item’s report. Produce this number under the “Quantity” heading of the second column. Find the “Unit Cost” column in the “Material” table. Use this area to inform the Equipment Maintenance Customer of the cost of one piece, unit, or component discussed earlier on that row.  The “Amount” column that concludes every row in the “Material” table will seek a submission of the figure resulting from the multiplication of the “Hours” and “Unit Cost.”  The “Material” table will place one more required report in the “Amount” column. Add all the prices that were calculated in this column to the “Total Material” field.  


Step 7 – Present The Service Time That Will Require Payment

The next dialogue that should occur will address the time that must be spent on equipment maintenance. This process starts with a list of definitions for this time in the “Description” column at the beginning of the “Service” table. Using each row to define a set of work hours record the date and time when maintenance will be scheduled. You may also use another method of identifying this time such as the name of the project, list of maintenance tasks, or even citing a contract title fulfilling this request for a definition.  The “Hours” that will be spent on the equipment maintenance should be reported in the adjacent column (titled with the time unit “Hours”).  A third column will enable us to round out the breakdown of the “Service” cost for the equipment maintenance. The “Hourly Rate” column sets itself to display how much money will be paid for one hour of maintenance work on the concerned equipment recorded on each row information is presented.  The last “Service” table column, carrying the text label “Amount” as its title, seeks the result of a basic calculation. Every row defining the number of “Hours” spent on the equipment maintenance and the “Hourly Rate” that should be applied to those “Hours” will require you multiply these two figures then use the resulting dollar figure to populate the “Amount” column as the money that will be owed for this work.  The sum of every amount defining the “Service” costs is the final requirement of this table. Supply it to the “Total Service” portion of the last column. 


Step 8 – Solidify The Total Payment The Equipment Maintenance Requires

The last table on display in this work order functions as a summary for the previous two. The first field, holding the “Subtotal” label to its left, requests that you add the equipment maintenance work’s “Total Material” and “Total Service” sums to one another then submit the result as the “Subtotal” field’s presentation.  The next field will need some information beyond the maintenance requested for the equipment. Some jurisdictions will require a service “Tax” submitted based on the “Total Service” amount, many more will require a sales “Tax” assessed on the money owed for the “Total Material” charge, while others require both. You must be abreast of the current “Tax” codes that apply to the transactions performed by the Equipment Maintenance Business in this paperwork. Determine any and all such taxes to be collected on the maintenance charge’s “Subtotal” then input it for review in the field labeled “Tax.”  The final request made is through the label at the end of this table “Total.” Add the maintenance charges for this equipment’s “Subtotal” and the “Tax” to populate this field with the appropriate value. Be advised this will be the (estimated) cost of the equipment maintenance requested.  


Step 9 – Assign A Preparer To This Paperwork

At least one individual will have had a hand in furnishing the above information. This may be an Authorized Employee of either of these parties, a Business Owner, or even the combined efforts of both. Every Preparer responsible for the input of content anywhere in this work request should be named after the words “Work Order By”  


Step 10- Additional Discussion Can Be Included At Will

Additional “Comments Or Suggests” concerning the equipment maintenance materials, service, payment, or other relevant topics may be made to the set of blank lines provided in the area directly above the testimonial.  


Step 11 – Deliver The Equipment Client’s Issues

The last sentence of this document is a declaration to pay for the above work according to the maintenance payment terms in effect. This statement can only be verified by the Equipment Maintenance Customer who will pay the “Total” or a reasonably close value. Such verification can only be supplied by the Customer’s signature on the “Client Signature” line.  


How to Write a Work Order in MS Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Access The Spreadsheet Template Needed To Document An Equipment Maintenance And Repair Request

The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link presented with this section as well as the button reading “Excel” should be selected to save the spreadsheet version of the work order template viewable in the sample image.

Step 2 – Identify The Equipment Maintenance Or Repair Company Or Contractor

The first field of the spreadsheet you’ve acquired is meant to assign this work request to a single Recipient. This Party will be the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contractor who will be commissioned if this maintenance and repair request proceeds to the next step. For now, locate cell A1. Both the sample logo image and the bracketed instruction “Add Your Company Logo Here” should be removed or deleted then replaced with the logo image the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contractor uses to present the business to the public.  Cell A2’s contents must also be cleared. Delete the brackets and the contained text “Company Name” then present this field with the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contractor’s entire Business Name. The Owner or Employee of the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business that is set to receive this work request or is currently responsible for it should be identified by replacing the “Name” label with his or her first, middle, and last “Name.”  The “Street Address” where the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business expects its mail to arrive along with the “City, State,” and “Country” for this address must be input to replace the labels in cells A4 and A5, respectively.  Next, clear out cell A6 of the bracketed “Zip Code” label and record the appropriate postal code for the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business’s mailing address. The Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business should also have its direct contact material presented with its logo, name, and mailing information. The contents of cell A7 and A8 should be removed then the appropriate “E-Mail” and “Phone” information to reach the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business should be dispensed to replace the respective labels of these fields.  


Step 3 – Categorize This Maintenance Request Properly On The Books

The filing number or the document identification number that both the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business and its Customer shall use to store this paperwork under should be determined to be as distinct as possible then supplied as the replacement for the place holder text in cell F5.  The adjacent field, cell H5, has generated its own unique content when you accessed this spreadsheet. The “Date” here will be assumed by the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business and Customer as the official day the maintenance request is submitted. If another “Date” is more appropriate (i.e. sometimes it is convenient to post-date such paperwork) then replace the current “Date” in cell H5 with the one you prefer.  


Step 4 – Assign The Maintenance Request To A Specific Client Account

The Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business Customer who will pay for the requested equipment maintenance (and repairs or upgrades) must have his or her identity documented in cell A11 along with the mailing address information needed to contact him or her in the future regarding the concerned equipment maintenance in cells A12 (“Street Address”) and A13 (“City, State, Country”).  The “Zip Code” attached to the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business Customer’s mailing address should be recorded separately. Place it in cell H14.  After dispensing the identity of the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business Customer with his or her mailing address, some direct contact information for this Party should be reported. Thus, a submission of the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business Customer’s “E-Mail” information and “Phone” number(s) should be furnished in cell A15 then cell A16 (respectively).  


Step 5 – Record The Expected Time Frame Of The Equipment Maintenance

The first day that the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business and Customer agree as the “Expected Start Date” for the equipment maintenance, repairs, or upgrades being commissioned should be presented in cell G11 in the space following this field’s label.   The “Expected End Date” or the day when the maintenance, repairs, or upgrades the concerned equipment requires will be completed should be reported in cell G12.   


Step 6 – Deliver A Production Of The Maintenance Billable Materials

The Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business handling the job may require that physical items be paid for by the Customer. For instance, some maintenance may require extra belts or fluids, some repairs may be only completed with replacement parts, while some upgrades may require a new product incorporated into the equipment. Most Equipment Maintenance Customers will wish some documentation regarding tangible products requiring payment. Thus, provide a list of all equipment maintenance, repair, or upgrade items that will obligate the Customer to payment in the first column (“Description”) of the “Material” table found on row 19.    Column F of the “Material” table will continue the discussion that was started in column A. Here the “Quantity” of the maintenance, repair, or upgrade products needed for the equipment should be documented.  The cost of one piece or component discussed in column A’s “Description” should be dispensed to column G as the “Unit Price.” The unit cost of the “Material” being discussed on a row will then be multiplied with the concerned “Quantity” order thus providing a presentation of the owed “Material” amounts and “Total Material” cost. Review these calculated items in column H.  


Step 7 – Account For The Equipment Maintenance Service Cost

The Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business “Service” time will need to be estimated then billed for as well. The table beginning on row 26 (title “Service”) will allow this goal to be reached easily. First, record when the work will be done as a date and shift times in column A (“Description”) of this table. If this is an inappropriate measurement then you may also give a list of the work that will be done, cite service on a contract agreement, or supply a definition that both the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business and Customer agree to.  The “Hours” spent performing the requested equipment maintenance, repair, or equipment upgrade discussed on a row should also be determined then reported (even if estimated). Furnish the number of anticipated work “Hours” for the shift, task, or contract listed in the previous column on that same row.   A record of the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business pay rate for the job defined in column A of the “Service” table should be recorded as an “Hourly Rate” or the amount of money that will be paid to the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business for one hour of the concerned maintenance, repair, or upgrade “Service” defined in column A. This figure will also feed into a formula provided by column H. Thus, once the previous three columns have been populated with the appropriate information column H will display the “Service” payment expected by the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business for the maintenance, repair, or upgrade being requested.  


Step 8 – Dispense A Recording Of The Equipment Maintenance Sales And Services Taxes

In some cases, the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business will be responsible to collect a sales “Tax” or even a service or value-added “Tax.” If so, then determine this “Tax” amount and produce it for the Customer’s review in cell H36.   


Step 9 – Submit The Name(s) Of The Maintenance Request Preparer(s)

Many Parties may be required to submit information and review this maintenance request. Every Person who has supplied information to the above spreadsheet must identify himself or herself as its Preparer immediately after the term “Work Order Completed By” in cell H37 (Delete the “Individual’s Name” label before self-reporting here).   


Step 10 – Furnish Relevant Additional Information If Needed

Either Party has the option to produce “Comments Or Suggestions” at will before this maintenance request is signed by the Customer. Such additional material should be placed in cell A38. 


Step 11 – Conclude The Maintenance Request With The Customer’s Executing Signature

The Customer behind the equipment maintenance, repair, or upgrade request above must sign the “Client Signature” line in cell A42 as an agreement to the statement in cell A41. He or she should be given adequate time to review this paperwork then produce this approval. Upon approval, this document (signed) should be filed with both the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business and the Customer. If only one original is signed, then the original should be kept with the Equipment Maintenance Company or Contracting Business being commissioned.     
