Garage Maintenance Work Order Template

The Garage Maintenance Work Order Template is used to solidify a Client’s request for repairs or maintenance performed for his or her Garage. This template can be used by Private Home Owners or Professional Garages and may be dispensed to either of these types of Customers when it is time to set up documentation for a specific job.  Since this industry can vary quite a bit in its available services, this template focuses on presenting well-structured areas that allow for a wide array of products and services to be requested. It should be mentioned this document will request direct Customer Authorization so that the Garage Maintenance Company can proceed with the assurance that any payment terms associated with this work order will be honored.

How to Write in PDF & Word

Download; Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Utilize This Page To Save Garage Maintenance Work Order Template

The Garage Maintenance Work Order Template shown in the sample image can be saved using the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word” links or the “PDF” and “Word” button. Select any one of these items to access and save this template

Step 2 – Directly Address The Garage Maintenance Company

Whether this document is generated by the Garage Maintenance Company on behalf of its Customer or the Client, this paperwork will need production of the Garage Maintenance Company for its introduction. This presentation has already been formatted for entry as a text field and several blank lines. Furnish the concerned text box with the complete Garage Maintenance “Company Name.”  Attach the full name of the Garage Maintenance Company Employee authorized to receive and/or work on this work order to the blank labeled “Name.” If the Garage Maintenance Business is a Sole Proprietorship then the “Name” of the Business Owner may be furnished on this line as well.   The address the Garage Maintenance Company monitors for incoming mail from its Customers has a presentation area reserved by three labeled lines. Locate then supply the Garage Maintenance Company’s mailing address on the lines labeled “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code.”    Continue to the closing area of this header then produce the Garage Maintenance Company “Phone” number and “Email” address on the final two blank lines.  


Step 3 – Deliver The Reference Information For The Garage Maintenance Request

The paperwork being developed to document the Customer’s maintenance request for the concerned garage is expected to be accompanied by a filing or reference number. This unique string of digits should be furnished on the line displayed after the label “Work Order #.”   This request should also be dated as a matter of good record-keeping thus, submit a recording of the calendar “Date” of the maintenance work order request being made on the next available line (found on the right).     


Step 4 – Produce The Garage Maintenance Customer’s Name And Business Information

One more preliminary topic must be dealt with before maintenance services can be requested for the garage. The “Client Information” section will satisfy the work order’s requirement to identify the Garage Maintenance Customer commissioning the above entity for maintenance service or repairs to the concerned garage. The “Name” line here should be populated with the Garage Customer’s identity while the “E-Mail” and “Phone” lines that follow should be furnished with his or her direct contact information.  Follow up the Garage Maintenance Customer’s direct contact material with the mailing address that should be used to send him or her an invoice and other official documents concerning the maintenance job. The line labeled “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” then “Zip Code” should all be presented with content found in the Garage Maintenance Customer’s mailing address.    


Step 5 – Reserve The Garage And The Maintenance Company’s Time For The Job

The right-hand area of the work request is populated with the title heading “Order.” The “Expected Start Date” line requires the first calendar date of maintenance work to be reported for display.   Next fill in the calendar date when the Garage Maintenance Customer has indicated this project should be completed on the line labeled “Expected End Date.”   


Step 6 – Define The Supplies Needed For The Garage Maintenance Request

The tables making up the body of the work order will work together to discuss the garage maintenance job and the costs that will be involved. The “Material” table will engage a report on the tangible materials needed for the garage maintenance job. Document each one on a separate row in the “Description” column.  Submit the number or “Quantity” of tangible maintenance items that will be needed to satisfy the Customer’s request and require payment.  The adjacent column, “Unit Cost,” informs the Garage Maintenance Customer how much one piece of the units to be purchased will cost. Consult any relevant pricing schedule employed by the Garage Maintenance Customer then transcribe the appropriate dollar values in the third column in the “Unit Price” column.  The last column of Garage Maintenance Company’s “Material” report will conclude with the full dollar “Amount” that the Customer will be obligated to pay for every row’s items.  To conclude this table two calculations must be completed then reported as resulting dollar values. The first will be placed in the “Amount” column. The figure entered here must be derived by multiplying the “Quantity” of the items that will require payment with that item’s “Unit Cost.” Record this result in the “Amount” column on every row containing these figures.  Add the amounts placed in the “Amount” column together. The sum you have calculated should be documented in the box “Total Material.”


Step 7 – Documentation Defining The Garage Maintenance Service Costs Must Be Displayed

The second table presented must fulfill the function of how much the “Service” time or work time will cost the Garage Maintenance Customer. The initial column of this table (“Service”), expects a “Description” to the time spent maintaining the garage’s systems, interior, or exterior. Use the rows in this column to discuss the dates of “Service” and, if possible, the start and end time of the shifts involved.  Count up the number of “Hours” making up each shift, then deliver the resulting tally to the second column’s contents for the row being worked on. The Garage Maintenance Customer should be informed of the pay rate being applied to the commissioned time. This courtesy can be satisfied in the third column, titled “Hourly Rate,” which expects a record of how much money will be paid to the Garage Maintenance Contractor or Company for every one hour of maintenance time provided. Naturally, every row containing entries in the previous two columns must be supplied with this dollar value in the third column.      Once done, multiply the number of garage maintenance “Hours” with the “Hourly Rate” expected by the Garage Maintenance Contractor or Company then report the result as the “Amount” to be paid by the Customer for the work time defined earlier on that row. The “Total Service” time that will have to be paid for the maintenance performed on the garage should be displayed in the last row of the “Amount” column. Notice this will be the only item expected on this row.


Step 8 – Summarize The Garage Maintenance Fees That Will Be Owed

While we have given a reasonably complete breakdown of the costs for the garage maintenance job, we have yet to give a final “Total.” A few more steps will be necessary before this can be done. Locate the box labeled “Subtotal” then produce the sum of the “Total Material” and “Total Service” to this field.   The “Tax” field, underneath the “Subtotal” charges, of the garage maintenance, will require that all sales taxes, services taxes, and any other taxes the Garage Maintenance Customer must pay with the “Subtotal” be reported to its content. If no taxes will be owed on the maintenance items or the service time then you may record a zero as this field’s entry or you may leave it blank.  The final field, “Total,” will need the sum of the maintenance “Subtotal” for the garage work plus the applicable taxes dispensed for display. This final value will be the final estimated “Total” that will be expected for the work defined in this request.   


Step 9 – Every Preparer Of This Request Must Self-Report

The “Work Order Completed” line on the left of the garage maintenance “Subtotal” must be used to name every Garage Maintenance Company Employee or Customer Party who has physically recorded information to this document. For instance, the Customer may fill out the “Client Information,” “Order,” and “Description” sections but require that the Garage Maintenance Contractor or Company complete the rest of this form. The name of each person responsible for dispensing information to this work order should be placed on the blank line after the words “…Completed By” 


Step 10 – More Documentation Or Comments May Be Submitted As Needed

The blank lines that make up the next section, “Comments Or Suggestions,” should be used to deliver any remaining maintenance or garage information. If no other content will be necessary or due, then you may leave these lines as-is.   


Step 11 – Gain The Garage Maintenance Customer’s Signature

The “Client Signature” line on display at the conclusion of the work order expects attention from the Garage Maintenance Customer. This job may not progress (with a guarantee of payment) unless the Customer signs his or her name to the completed paperwork.   


How to Write in Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Download The Garage Maintenance Work Order In The Spreadsheet Format

The Garage Maintenance Work Order Template in the sample image is available in the spreadsheet format and editable as a “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx). ” This paperwork can be saved to your machine or system using the appropriately labeled link above of the “Excel” button furnished for your use underneath the sample image.

Step 2 – Identify The Garage Maintenance Company or Contractor As The Request Recipient

The column opening this spreadsheet (column A) will present a few areas or fields that require their content to be replaced with some identifying content for the Garage Maintenance Service on the receiving end of this work order and the Customer issuing it. Cell A1, beginning this process, displays some generic content currently. Delete both the image and the bracketed instructional label (“…Company Logo Here”) then, insert the Garage Maintenance Service’s formal business logo.  The full “Company Name” of the Garage Maintenance Business is the next requirement and should be satisfied with your entry in cell A2.   The complete “Name” of the Garage Maintenance Service Representative or Owner should be used as the content for cell A3. Record this information to this field in place of the “Name” label. Next, some documentation regarding the Garage Maintenance Service’s “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” (found in this Party’s mailing address) must be typed into cell A4 and A5 where the respective label is displayed.

Cell A6 presents the label indicating where the completion of this address should be recorded. Fill in the postal code for the Garage Maintenance Service’s mailing address.   Finally, complete column A’s request to identify the Garage Maintenance Service by recording this Company’s currently monitored email address in cell A7 (labeled “E-Mail”) then its telephone number(s) in cell A8 (labeled with the word “Phone”).   


Step 3 – Dispense A Submission Of The Garage Maintenance Record Information

Now let us turn to the upper right-hand corner of the work order where a shaded bar bearing the field title “Work Order” requires attention to the cell below it. Use cell F5 to solidify the exact filing or record number that should be used to track this request’s development in both Companies by entering the appropriate “Work Order” number.  Continue to the field titled “Date.” You can either remove your desktop calendar date from cell H5 then input a different “Date” or leave these contents as is. This field (cell H5) will document when the work order we just identified has been completed.   


Step 4 – Name The Garage Maintenance Client Behind The Work Request

Now, return your attention to column A. Seek out the area title “Client Information,” then in place the full “Name” of the Garage Maintenance Client in cell A11 of this section.  Column A’s “Client Information” section also requires the complete mailing address of the Garage Maintenance Customer to be presented with the “Street Address” in cell A12, the “City, State,” and “Country” in cell A13 then, the required “Zip Code” in cell A14   Continue through column A’s requested Garage Maintenance Customer report with this Party’s “E-Mail” and “Phone” information. Deliver these items to cell A15 (E-Mail) and A16 (“Phone”).  


Step 5 – Solidify The Maintenance Service Dates For The Garage

The next portion of the work order that must be satisfied with some reported information is the “Order” section where the work dates that have been reserved for the garage maintenance to occur. Begin by delivering the first date of work in cell G11. Use the space following the “Expected Start Date” label to display this date.  Cell G12 of the “Order” section will seek the completion of this report as the date when both Parties the maintenance is to be considered complete. Furnish the “Expected End Date” as requested to this field.  


Step 6 – Produce A Recording Of All Anticipated Billable Products And Supplies

The “Material” table is our first opportunity to discuss the details of the expected maintenance service for the garage. Here, column A will ask for additional identifications to be recorded. The “Description” section of this table is reserved for an inventory of every tangible product or supply that will be charged to the Customer documented by product name or manufacturer’s id number (i.e. serial number).  Column F, titled with the term “Quantity, is also set to receive some information regarding the billable tangible materials for this job. List the number of the tangible maintenance products that will be charged to Customer on the row appropriate for that report in this column.  The “Unit Price” that will be expected for the smallest “Quantity” that can be ordered of the concerned tangible maintenance product should also be documented. This dollar value should be input on a row by row basis for the tangible product that must be paid for by the Customer and will be needed for the garage maintenance job to be performed. As you record this information regarding the garage maintenance job, column H will produce several dollar values for review. These should be considered the payable “Amount” for the “Total Material” required.     


Step 7 – Document The Billable Time Expected For This Job

The next table, “Service,” will also begin in column A. Report every work shift that will be expected for the garage maintenance job. This may or may not include the clock-in time and clock-out time of the Garage Maintenance Engineer but it is recommended that at least an estimation be provided.   Column F holding the “Hours” title will require documentation of the total amount of time that will be spent working the described maintenance shift is produced for review to the appropriate row’s contents.  The pay rate the Garage Maintenance Contractor, Company, or Engineer expects applied to the time worked must also be defined by the hour. Thus, enter the Garage Maintenance Contractor, Company, or Technician’s “Hourly Rate” in column G. This action will prompt the row to continue presenting information in column H and an additional “Total Service” entry generated at the end of the column. Additionally, the table below will populate with some information. We will, however, need to complete it.   


Step 8 – Present The Garage Maintenance Sales And Service Taxes

The taxes that must be collected with the calculated maintenance “Subtotal” must be determined according to the regulations of the Tax Entity interested in the Garage Maintenance Contractor or Company’s transactions. Enter all taxes due on the “Subtotal” to cell H36.    


Step 9 – Furnish The Idenitity(ies) Of The Preparer(s)

The paperwork that is being completed will need to have the Reporter of the information above named. Cell A37 will seek this Preparer or Preparers name(s) documented as a replacement for the bracketed term “Individual’s Name.”   


Step 10 – Continue With Maintenance Topics As Needed

The topics above can be considered the base requirements in solidifying a maintenance service on a garage however if there are specifics that could not be discussed above then produce them in cell H38 after the label “Comments Or Suggestions.”


Step 11 – Acquire The Garage Maintenance Customer’s Authorization

The Customer requesting maintenance for his or her garage must be held accountable for the work and products that will be needed by paying for these items. To display this intent, the Garage Maintenance Customer must sign his or her name in cell A42 on the blank line labeled “Client Signature.”  
