The Window Repair Work Order Template is for a service of cleaning, repairing, or maintenance on a window and can be filled out either by the Customer or the Window Repair Service. The goal of this form is to enable a streamlined entry process for setting the details of the requested window service to paper. Once this task is completed both Parties can review and agree to proceed accordingly. Many would recommend making sure this first step in solidifying a job remains standard across Clients as this will benefit the administrative tasks required behind the work and the payment process.
How to Write in PDF & Word
Download: Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx).
Step 1 – Save The Window Repair Work Order Template to Your System
The Window Repair Work Order Template available through this site is downloadable using the set of links (“Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” above or the sample image’s captioning buttons (“PDF” and “Word”).
Step 2 – Directly Address The Window Repair Business Or Contractor Service
The template has been divided according to the standards of many correspondence. The first part of this template, its heading, will be concerned with identifying the Window Repair Business or Contractor Service that is being commissioned to effect repairs. The “Company Name” label placed in the first text-field requires replacement with the legal operating name of the Window Repair Business Or Contractor Service this paperwork is being directed to. Continue to the first blank line where a production of the “Name” of the Window Repair Contractor or the “Name” of the Window Repair Business Representative is expected.
It is important that the Recipient be clearly identified as the Business being contacted regarding the window repair request. This can be achieved by recording the “Street Address” along with the “City, State,” and Country” of its mailing address on the two appropriately labeled lines then the correct “Zip Code” on the line that follows.
The “Phone” number where the Window Repair Business or Contracted Service can be reached and the “E-Mail” address should both be supplied as well. The final couple of the lines of the header are set for this information to be displayed.
Step 3 – Dispense Filing Information Defining The Window Maintenance Or Repair Request
The empty line on the left-hand side of the dividing bar is placed immediately below the header since it should display the record number that has been assigned to the window repair request being developed. Ideally, this number should be generated by the Recipient receiving the request however, it can also be determined by the Customer. Input this document’s filing number as the display for the line attached to the term “Work Order #” Across the page, beneath the template title, the line labeled “Date” seeks the official calendar day of the month when this request is made along with the month and year produced in a standard “Date” format (month/day/year).
Step 4 – Attach The Window Maintenance And Repair Client
The “Client Information” section placed immediately below the “Work Order” information you supplied should be populated with the items needed to identify, contact, and bill the Window Repair Client. Start by dispensing the full “Name” of the Window Repair Client then his or her “E-Mail” address and contact “Phone” number to the first three lines below the title of this section. After producing the Client’s immediate contact information, deliver the mailing address down the next three lines (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code”). It is strongly advised that this is the verified billing address of the Window Repair Client.
Step 5 – Register The Window Service Dates
Many consider it wise to organize the window service required by solidifying the dates when it should be provided. This goal can be easily reached with the section titled “Order” on the right. Distribute the first window maintenance or service date on the “Expected Start Date” line in this section.
The “Expected End Date” line that follows seeks the desired date of completion for the window maintenance or repair.
Step 6 – Document All Window Repair Materials That Will Require Payment
The window repair being requested should be defined in some way before it is agreed to by either Party. Three well-structured tables are included to achieve this task. The “Material” table shall engage report on the windows, window accessories, or replacement items that are needed for the request. Every physical product the Window Repair Client will be expected to submit payment for must be distributed down the rows of the “Description” column. The number of windows, window accessories, or replacement items that will be provided for the job is expected in the adjacent column (appropriately designated as “Quantity”).
After discussing what will be needed and how many, the price of a single unit of each required window repair billable will be a necessary report. Working across the row furnish this the window, window accessory, or replacement item’s “Unit Cost” to the third column.
The final “Material” report is intended to display the final “Amount” owed for the windows, window accessories, or window replacement parts that have been discussed thus far. The “Quantity” that was recorded in the second column must be multiplied with the “Unit Cost” of that row. This resulting dollar value will be the “Amount” the Customer will be expected to pay for the window, window accessory, or window replacement part defined on that row.
Add the values that were recorded in the “Amount” column thus far to furnish the “Total Material” value for this table at the bottom of the column.
Step 7 – Produce The Window Service Time For This Job
The window repair “Service” being requested will, naturally, need the time spent on it paid for. This topic will be covered by the second table, “Service,” across four columns. the shift when the Window Repair Technician will be expected to work along with either the task of that day or the times involved should be detailed in the “Description” column. However many number of “Hours” will be spent on the job for the shift or window repair task set in the first column should be estimated or counted then documented in the second column of the “Service” table.
The third area of the “Service” table expects to follow up on the information produced thus far with the dollar amount that will be paid for one hour of working on the Window Repair Technician(s) for the concerned shift or task. Documentation of this value should be produced in the “Hourly Rate” column.
The “Amount” listed in the final area of the “Service” table refers to how much the window repair shift or task discussed on a row will cost the Customer.
Finally, deliver the full “Total Service” payment expected for the window repair job by adding all the “Service” window amounts to the “Total Service” box.
Step 8 – Determine The Window Maintenance Or Repair Estimated Total
Before conveying the “Total” owed for the window repair job, this document will seek to sum up some of the previous information before any more is supplied. Add the “Total Material” plus the “Total Service” reported at the end of each respective table then dispense the figure reached to the box labeled “Subtotal.” The Tax Entity governing this business may expect that it collect a sales “Tax” on the windows, window accessories, or window replacement parts, a service “Tax on the time being billed, or a value-added “Tax” to the result. All taxes being collected on the “Subtotal” will be expected in the box labeled “Tax.”
The window repair’s “Subtotal” and the taxes that are owed upon it must be added together to a single dollar amount. This “Total” is expected in the final table field presented.
Step 9 – Identify Each Work Request Processor
The Party or Parties that have delivered content to this work order must all be named. Accomplish this by listing each one after the words “Work Order Completed By.”
Step 10 – Conclude With Undiscussed Topics As Needed
Any remaining discussions regarding the window repair can be included with this work request and formally presented. To do so, locate the term “Comments Or Suggestions,” then, use this area to discuss such topics.
Step 11 – Acquire The Window Maintenance Customer Signature
The “Client Signature” labels requires that the blank line it is attached to must be signed by the Window Repair Client. This signature will obligate the Client to the payment terms associated with this job thus, it must be obtained before this project can proceed.
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – The Microsoft Excel Version Of The Window Work Order Template
The Window Repair Work Order is an obtainable spreadsheet through the appropriately labeled “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link or “Excel” button.
Step 2 – Identify The Window Repair Service
The spreadsheet’s first column will serve as a place to identify both Parties beginning with the work Order Recipient. The Window Repair Service should be identified with its “Company Logo” and by its “Company Name” in cells A1 and A2. Cell A3 of this sheet will follow up this content with the “Name” of the Person, whether it is a Window Repair Contractor or Service Employee once you enter it as the contents to this field.
The “Street Address,” the “City, State,” and the “Zip Code” of the Window Repair Service is required documentation below its Logo and Name(s). It is advisable, and customary, to present the mailing address where the Window Repair Service expects correspondence and payments regarding its business.
The “E-Mail” address and the Window Repair Service’s business number should be produced down the next two fields (cell A7 and A8).
Step 3 – Furnish The Window Work Requests Referencing Material
Across the sheet from the Window Repair Service’s information will be a brief area where two filing items are requested. Cell F5 will expect a record of the reference number the window repair’s request was assigned. Input it directly under the words “Work Order.” Make sure to delete the contents of cell F5 before reporting this information. The “Date” when the Window Repair Customer submits this request is needed and has already been provided as the calendar “Date” your desktop is set to. Review this in cell H5. This field is editable so you may dispense a more appropriate “Date” as needed.
Step 4 – Attach The Window Repair Customer’s Information
The Window Repair “Client Information” section is the next area requiring attention. The first few entries here will seek the mailing address of the Window Repair Client in cell A11 (“Name”) then cell A12 (“Street Address”), cell A13 (“City, State Country”), and cell A14 (“Zip Code”) documented. Distribute the “E-Mail” address and the “Phone” number where the Window Repair Client can be reached in cell A15 and A16.
Step 5 – Reserve the Repair Dates For The Concerned Windows
The “Order” portion of this spreadsheet requires only two productions. The date when the window repair should begin is expected in cell G11 (“Expected Start Date”). Cell G12 requires the final date for the project recorded immediately after the words “Expected End Date.”
Step 6 – Account For The Window Repair Products That Will Be Billed To The Client
The table labeled with the word “Material” shall make a basic discussion on the window products needed for the repair. Produce a detailed inventory on the rows making up the first column A of this table (“Description”). Next, record the “Quantity” of the detailed window products in column F of this table. Correspond this number with the window repair product previously reported.
Continue to the next field of the row you are working on by delivering the “Unit Price” expected for one piece or single item. This value will be multiplied by the “Quantity” in the H column (labeled “Amount”). Review the “Amount” listed on every row for accuracy.
Step 7 – Distribute The Window Repair Service Schedule Or Tasks
The “Service” table in this spreadsheet will require a discussion on the time that will be spent on the window repair. In column A of this spreadsheet, the dates when the window repair will be worked on as well as the time in and time out can be listed for the Customer’s review. If this is not appropriate, then a detail of the window repair project name of listing of the tasks being worked on that day can be presented. The amount of time that will be spent on the window repair job will be expected as a report on “Hours” (Column F) making up the window repair shift.
Document the pay rate of the Window Repair Customer or Crew in column G (“Unit Price”). This value will generate several values in column H (under “Amount”). Go over these figures. While most work orders are considered estimates, these should be as accurate as possible.
Step 8 – Furnish A Recording Of The Window Repair Taxes That Will Be Owed
Cell H36 is the only field remaining in column H that has not been populated by a value. This is because it can only be supplied with the “Tax” required by the jurisdiction governing the work order’s expected transaction. Here, documentation of all sales/service taxes to be collected from the Window Repair Customer on the proposed project’s “Subtotal” (displayed in cell H35).
Step 9 – Name Yourself As This Paperwork’s Preparer
The Person or People who have dispensed content to this spreadsheet should be listed by name in cell A37. This record is expected as a replacement for the brackets and words “Individual’s Name.”
Step 10 – An Allowance For Additional Available Can Be Used
Some window repair jobs, or work requests will need additional content discussed. Cell A37 will call attention to the discussions listed in its content. You may provide attachment names, extra instructions, or any other relevant information as needed after the words “Comments Or Suggestions.”
Step 11 – Acquire The Window Repair Customer’s Authorizing Signature
The “Client Signature” area is marked by a blank line with this label in Cell A42. Temporarily relinquish this paperwork to the Window Repair Customer once it has been completed so that he or she can review it then authorize the next step by signing it.